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Patient, caregiver and other knowledge user engagement in consensus-building healthcare initiatives: a scoping review protocol

Por: Munce · S. E. P. · Wong · E. · Luong · D. · Rao · J. · Cunningham · J. · Bailey · K. · John · T. · Barber · C. · Batthish · M. · Chambers · K. · Cleverley · K. · Crabtree · M. · Diaz · S. · Dimitropoulos · G. · Gorter · J. W. · Grahovac · D. · Grimes · R. · Guttman · B. · Hebert · M. L. · He

Patient engagement and integrated knowledge translation (iKT) processes improve health outcomes and care experiences through meaningful partnerships in consensus-building initiatives and research. Consensus-building is essential for engaging a diverse group of experienced knowledge users in co-developing and supporting a solution where none readily exists or is less optimal. Patients and caregivers provide invaluable insights for building consensus in decision-making around healthcare, policy and research. However, despite emerging evidence, patient engagement remains sparse within consensus-building initiatives. Specifically, our research has identified a lack of opportunity for youth living with chronic health conditions and their caregivers to participate in developing consensus on indicators/benchmarks for transition into adult care. To bridge this gap and inform our consensus-building approach with youth/caregivers, this scoping review will synthesise the extent of the literature on patient and other knowledge user engagement in consensus-building healthcare initiatives.

Methods and analysis

Following the scoping review methodology from Joanna Briggs Institute, published literature will be searched in MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL and PsycINFO databases from inception to July 2023. Grey literature will be hand-searched. Two independent reviewers will determine the eligibility of articles in a two-stage process, with disagreements resolved by a third reviewer. Included studies must be consensus-building studies within the healthcare context that involve patient engagement strategies. Data from eligible studies will be extracted and charted on a standardised form. Abstracted data will be analysed quantitatively and descriptively, according to specific consensus methodologies, and patient engagement models and/or strategies.

Ethics and dissemination

Ethics approval is not required for this scoping review protocol. The review process and findings will be shared with and informed by relevant knowledge users. Dissemination of findings will also include peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations. The results will offer new insights for supporting patient engagement in consensus-building healthcare initiatives.

Protocol registration

COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in the general population and under-resourced communities from high-income countries: realist review

Por: Gonzalez-Jaramillo · N. · Abbühl · D. · Roa-Diaz · Z. M. · Kobler-Betancourt · C. · Frahsa · A.

To compare vaccination willingness before rollout and 1 year post-rollout uptake among the general population and under-resourced communities in high-income countries.


A realist review.

Data sources

Embase, PubMed, Dimensions ai and Google Scholar.


High-income countries.


We defined vaccination willingness as the proportion of participants willing or intending to receive vaccines prior to availability. We defined vaccine uptake as the real proportion of the population with complete vaccination as reported by each country until November 2021.


We included data from 62 studies and 18 high-income countries. For studies conducted among general populations, the proportion of vaccination willingness was 67% (95% CI 62% to 72%). In real-world settings, the overall proportion of vaccine uptake among those countries was 73% (95% CI 69% to 76%). 17 studies reported pre-rollout willingness for under-resourced communities. The summary proportion of vaccination willingness from studies reporting results among people from under-resourced communities was 52% (95% CI 0.46% to 0.57%). Real-world evidence about vaccine uptake after rollout among under-resourced communities was limited.


Our review emphasises the importance of realist reviews for assessing vaccine acceptance. Limited real-world evidence about vaccine uptake among under-resourced communities in high-income countries is a call to context-specific actions and reporting.

Espiritualidad, vocación y sentido. Recursos generales de resistencia para profesionales de enfermería según la figura de San Juan de Dios

Este artículo tiene como objetivo elaborar una reflexión hacia aquellos elementos que actuaron como recursos espirituales en el proceso de formación de San Juan de Dios como enfermero y elaborar una serie de aportaciones actuales para reforzar el sentido de coherencia de las enfermeras post pandemia. Se utilizó la metodología historiográfica aplicada a historia de la enfermería para la reconstrucción de la memoria profesional, tomando como referencia y ejemplo la figura de San Juan de Dios y se recogieron los elementos siguiendo la herramienta de valoración espiritual FICA. Los textos muestran a Juan de Dios con un sentido de coherencia interna que se hizo posible a través de los recursos psico-espirituales de la época. Éstos facilitaron encontrar y desarrollar la vocación propia y la motivación para desarrollarla y alcanzar la autorrealización. La propuesta es contemplar en la profesionalización enfermera un cuidado por paraklesis, que implica presencia personal, actitud dialogal y palabra sapiencial, luminosa y alentadora siguiendo el modelo de San Juan de Dios, y su relación con el modelo de valoración espiritual FICA.

Comunidad compasiva para la inclusión social y calidad de vida de las personas con esclerosis múltiple y sus cuidadores familiares

Objetivo: Evaluar cualitativamente la experiencia de pacientes con esclerosis múltiple (PEM) y cuidadores familiares (CFPEM) vinculados al programa de esclerosis múltiple del Hospital Universitario Nacional de Colombia (PrEM-HUNC), durante la formación y consolidación de una comunidad compasiva (CC), para la inclusión social y promoción de calidad de vida. Materiales y Método: estudio cualitativo interpretativo, con entrevistas a profundidad a nueve colaboradores. Con el método de análisis de espiral de Creswell y Poth, emergieron cuatro categorías y un tema. Resultados: el tema “Un nido comunitario de crecimiento y transformación” señala el proceso de conformación de la CC como una experiencia que posibilitó cambios de significados en torno a la enfermedad, la situación personal y familiar; revela un proceso de descubrimiento y aprendizaje de conformación de diferentes relaciones y roles. Conclusiones: La CC es una opción para construcción de redes de apoyo, fortalecimiento de las capacidades personales y familiares, una forma para hacer frente a los diferentes impactos y retos que implica vivir con esclerosis múltiple, se constituye en una alternativa para la promoción de la calidad de vida y la inclusión social.

Experiencias de las enfermeras en primera línea contagiadas con COVID-19 que recibieron atención domiciliaria

Introducción: Las enfermeras han brindado cuidados a los pacientes con COVID-19, y muchas tuvieron que lidiar con este virus al ser infectadas. Objetivo: Describir las experiencias de las enfermeras en primera línea contagiadas con COVID-19 que recibieron atención domiciliaria. Método: Investigación cualitativa descriptiva, el tamaño de la muestra fue con 12 enfermeras infectadas con COVID-19 que recibieron tratamiento domiciliario en Chiclayo, Perú. El muestreo fue por la técnica de bola de nieve. Para recolectar los datos se utilizó la entrevista semiestructurada a través de los medios virtuales previo consentimiento informado. Resultados: Surgieron tres categorías: a) Incertidumbre ante modo de contagio, medios de diagnóstico, sintomatología y evolución por la COVID-19, b) Cuidados recuperativos en el hogar: tratamiento médico, uso de medicina tradicional y medidas de bioseguridad, y c) Impacto en la vida familiar, laboral, social, emocional y espiritual al sufrir de la COVID-19. Conclusiones: Las enfermeras presentaron síntomas leves de la COVID-19 y se recuperaron en su domicilio, cumplieron con el tratamiento médico, algunas usaron remedios caseros. Practicaron estrictamente las medidas de bioseguridad para evitar que su familia se contagie. Utilizaron la tecnología digital y reforzaron su fe para afrontar el impacto familiar, emocional y social.

Necesidades de cuidado en la persona consumidora de alcohol en un contexto hospitalario

Introducción: El consumo de alcohol es considerado uno de los transcendentales factores de riesgo de discapacidad y muerte prematura. Develar el sentido de la experiencia de la persona consumidora de alcohol en cuanto a las necesidades de cuidado en el contexto hospitalario e incentiva que enfermería brinde un cuidado humano. Objetivo: Comprender las necesidades de cuidado de una persona consumidora de alcohol durante la estancia hospitalaria. Método: Investigación cualitativa fenomenológica. Muestreo por conveniencia, participaron 07 hombres y 02 mujeres que consumen alcohol e ingresaron al hospital. Para recolectar los datos se utilizó una entrevista fenomenológica, previo consentimiento informado. El análisis se realizó mediante el círculo hermenéutico de Martin Heidegger. Resultados: Fueron develadas cinco categorías: 1) Necesidades físicas ante deterioro corporal, 2) Necesidades emocionales y de apoyo con traspaso de energía para vivir, 3) Necesidades de confort humano dentro de la hospitalización, 4) Agradecimiento verbalizado y escrito ante acompañamiento y preocupación, 5) Anhelos de ser cuidado como persona. Conclusiones: Enfermería se encuentra con un ser vulnerable que muestra necesidades físicas debilitadas, necesidades emocionales que requieren apoyo y confort humano, un ser que anhela y agradece al ser enfermera.

Protocol for a construct and clinical validation study of MyCog Mobile: a remote smartphone-based cognitive screener for older adults

Por: Young · S. R. · McManus Dworak · E. · Byrne · G. J. · Jones · C. M. · Yoshino Benavente · J. · Yao · L. · Curtis · L. M. · Varela Diaz · M. · Gershon · R. · Wolf · M. · Nowinski · C.

Annual cognitive screening in older adults is essential for early detection of cognitive impairment, yet primary care settings face time constraints that present barriers to routine screening. A remote cognitive screener completed on a patient’s personal smartphone before a visit has the potential to save primary care clinics time, encourage broader screening practices and increase early detection of cognitive decline. MyCog Mobile is a promising new remote smartphone-based cognitive screening app for primary care settings. We propose a combined construct and clinical validation study of MyCog Mobile.

Methods and analysis

We will recruit a total sample of 300 adult participants aged 65 years and older. A subsample of 200 healthy adult participants and a subsample of 100 adults with a cognitive impairment diagnosis (ie, dementia, mild cognitive impairment, cognitive deficits or other memory loss) will be recruited from the general population and specialty memory care centres, respectively. To evaluate the construct validity of MyCog Mobile, the healthy control sample will self-administer MyCog Mobile on study-provided smartphones and be administered a battery of gold-standard neuropsychological assessments. We will compare correlations between performance on MyCog Mobile and measures of similar and dissimilar constructs to evaluate convergent and discriminant validity. To assess clinical validity, participants in the clinical sample will self-administer MyCog Mobile on a smartphone and be administered a Mini-Cog screener and these data will be combined with the healthy control sample. We will then apply several supervised model types to determine the best predictors of cognitive impairment within the sample. Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, accuracy, sensitivity and specificity will be the primary performance metrics for clinical validity.

Ethics and dissemination

The Institutional Review Board at Northwestern University (STU00214921) approved this study protocol. Results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and summaries provided to the study’s funders.

Adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral en pacientes adultos con VIH-SIDA: un artículo de revisión

Introducción. El objetivo de la siguiente revisión fue caracterizar la adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral en pacientes adultos con VIH-SIDA en las dimensiones de grado de adherencia y factores de riesgo. Metodología. La presente revisión de la evidencia se llevó a cabo utilizando varios estudios que se hubieran publicado en los últimos 10 años en cualquier país a nivel mundial; la búsqueda de información se hizo en las bases de datos SciELO, PubMed, LILACS y Dialnet. Resultados. Se identificaron un total de 227 artículos; de los cuales, se excluyeron 211 publicaciones por no cumplir con los criterios de elegibilidad y finalmente los estudios que se incluyeron en esta investigación, fueron 14. Discusión. La falta de adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral es un problema latente que se puso de manifiesto en la evidencia científica analizada y a partir de los diferentes estudios que fueron recabados, se encontró que más de la mitad de los pacientes si fueron adherentes; mientras que en otros, ocurrió totalmente lo contrario y en relación a los factores de riesgo asociados a la falta de adherencia, se identificaron los siguientes: factores relacionados con el régimen terapéutico (aparición de reacciones adversas; presencia de comorbilidades; mayor tiempo bajo tratamiento), relacionados con el individuo (estrés, depresión, estigma, olvido, consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y alcohol, grado académico, sexo masculino y menor edad) y relacionados con la situación social (falta de apoyo social familiar).


Introduction. The objective of the following review was to characterize adherence to antiretroviral treatment in adult patients with HIV-AIDS, in the dimensions of degree of adherence and risk factors. Methodology. This evidence review was carried out using several studies that have been published in the last 10 years in any country worldwide; the information search was carried out in the SciELO, PubMed, LILACS and Dialnet databases. Results. A total of 227 articles were identified; of which, 211 publications were excluded for not meeting the eligibility criteria and finally the studies that were included in this research were 14. Discussion. Lack of adherence to antiretroviral treatment is a latent problem that was highlighted in the scientific evidence analysed and from the different studies that were collected, it was found that more than half of the patients were adherent; while in others, the complete opposite occurred and in relation to the risk factors associated with non-adherence, the following were identified: factors related to the therapeutic regimen (occurrence of adverse reactions; presence of comorbidities; longer time under treatment), factors related to the individual (stress, depression, stigma, forgetfulness, consumption of psychoactive substances and alcohol, academic grade, male sex and younger age) and factors related to the social situation (lack of family social support).

Longitudinal study of changes observed in quality of life, psychological state cognition and pulmonary and functional capacity after COVID‐19 infection: A six‐ to seven‐month prospective cohort



To investigate the health-related quality of life (HRQoL), symptoms, psychological and cognitive state and pulmonary and physical function of nonhospitalised COVID-19 patients at long-term, and to identify factors to predict a poor HRQoL in this follow-up.


Studies have focused on persistent symptoms of hospitalised COVID-19 patients in the medium term. Thus, long-term studies of nonhospitalised patients are urgently required.


A longitudinal cohort study.


In 102 nonhospitalised COVID-19 patients, we collected symptoms at 3 months (baseline) and at 6–7 months (follow-up) from diagnosis (dyspnoea, fatigue/muscle weakness and chest/joint pain), HRQoL, psychological state, cognitive function, pulmonary and physical function. This study adhered to the STROBE statement.


HRQoL was impaired in almost 60% of the sample and remained impaired 6–7 months. At 3 months, more than 60% had impaired physical function (fatigue/muscle weakness and reduced leg and inspiratory muscle strength). About 40%–56% of the sample showed an altered psychological state (post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety/depression), cognitive function impairment and dyspnoea. At 6–7-months, only a slight improvement in dyspnoea and physical and cognitive function was observed, with a very high proportion of the sample (29%–55%) remained impaired. Impaired HRQoL at 6–7 months was predicted with 82.4% accuracy (86.7% sensitivity and 83.3% specificity) by the presence at 3 months of muscle fatigue/muscle weakness (OR = 5.7 (1.8–18.1)), PTSD (OR = 6.0 (1.7–20.7)) and impaired HRQoL (OR = 11.7 (3.7–36.8)).


A high proportion of nonhospitalised patients with COVID-19 experience an impaired HRQoL, cognitive and psychological function at long-term. HRQoL, PTSD and dyspnoea at 3 months can identify the majority of patients with COVID-19 who will have impaired quality of life at long-term.

Relevance to clinical practice

Treatments aimed at improving psychological state and reducing the fatigue/muscle weakness of post-COVID-19 patients could be necessary to prevent the patients’ HRQoL from being impaired at 6–7 months after their reported recovery.

Latent class analyses of multimorbidity and all-cause mortality: A prospective study in Chilean adults

by Gabriela Nazar, Felipe Díaz-Toro, Yeny Concha-Cisternas, Ana María Leiva-Ordoñez, Claudia Troncoso-Pantoja, Carlos Celis-Morales, Fanny Petermann-Rocha

Multimorbidity patterns can lead to differential risks for all-cause mortality. Within the Chilean context, research on morbidity and mortality predominantly emphasizes individual diseases or combinations thereof, rather than specific disease clusters. This study aimed to identify multimorbidity patterns, along with their associations with mortality, within a representative sample of the Chilean population. 3,701 participants aged ≥18 from the Chilean National Health Survey 2009–2010 were included in this prospective study. Multimorbidity patterns were identified from 16 chronic conditions and then classified using latent class analyses. All-cause mortality data were extracted from the Chilean Civil Registry. The association of classes with all-cause mortality was carried out using Cox proportional regression models, adjusting by sociodemographic and lifestyle variables. Three classes were identified: a) Class 1, the healthiest (72.1%); b) Class 2, the depression/cardiovascular disease/cancer class (17.5%); and c) Class 3, hypertension/chronic kidney disease class (10.4%). Classes 2 and 3 showed higher mortality risk than the healthiest class. After adjusting, Class 2 showed 45% higher mortality risk, and Class 3 98% higher mortality risk, compared with the healthiest class. Hypertension appeared to be a critical underlying factor of all-cause morbidity. Particular combinations of chronic diseases have a higher excess risk of mortality than others.

Defining conditions for effective interdisciplinary care team communication in an open surgical intensive care unit: a qualitative study

Por: Diaz · C. M. · Egide · A. · Berry · A. · Rafferty · M. · Amro · A. · Tesorero · K. · Shapiro · M. · Ko · B. · Jones · W. · Slocum · J. D. · Johnson · J. · Stey · A. M.

Poor interdisciplinary care team communication has been associated with increased mortality. The study aimed to define conditions for effective interdisciplinary care team communication.


An observational cross-sectional qualitative study.


A surgical intensive care unit in a large, urban, academic referral medical centre.


A total 6 interviews and 10 focus groups from February to June 2021 (N=33) were performed. Interdisciplinary clinicians who cared for critically ill patients were interviewed. Participants included intensivist, transplant, colorectal, vascular, surgical oncology, trauma faculty surgeons (n=10); emergency medicine, surgery, gynaecology, radiology physicians-in-training (n=6), advanced practice providers (n=5), nurses (n=7), fellows (n=1) and subspecialist clinicians such as respiratory therapists, pharmacists and dieticians (n=4). Audiorecorded content of interviews and focus groups were deidentified and transcribed verbatim. The study team iteratively generated the codebook. All transcripts were independently coded by two team members.

Primary outcome

Conditions for effective interdisciplinary care team communication.


We identified five themes relating to conditions for effective interdisciplinary care team communication in our surgical intensive care unit setting: role definition, formal processes, informal communication pathways, hierarchical influences and psychological safety. Participants reported that clear role definition and standardised formal communication processes empowered clinicians to engage in discussions that mitigated hierarchy and facilitated psychological safety.


Standardising communication and creating defined roles in formal processes can promote effective interdisciplinary care team communication by fostering psychological safety.

INvestigational Study Into Transplantation of the Uterus (INSITU): a cross-sectional survey among women with uterine factor infertility in the UK assessing background, motivations and suitability

Por: Jones · B. P. · Vali · S. · Kasaven · L. S. · Mantrali · I. · Saso · S. · Bracewell-Milnes · T. · Nicopoullos · J. · Thum · M.-Y. · Diaz-Garcia · C. · Quiroga · I. · Yazbek · J. · Smith · J. R.

The study summarises the selection prescreen criteria currently used in the UK for a uterus transplant and highlights the number of women who are suitable to proceed.


To assess the demographics, motivations, reasons and suitability among women with absolute uterine factor infertility (AUFI) to undergo uterine transplantation (UTx).


A cross-sectional survey.


An electronic questionnaire was sent via email to women with AUFI who had previously been referred to the UTx research team or approached the Womb Transplant UK Charity. The questions assessed suitability to undergo UTx based on demographic information, perceptions to adoption and surrogacy and reasons why UTx was preferable. Responses were assessed against the study selection criteria.


Women with AUFI.


210 women completed the questionnaire. The most common aetiology of AUFI in our cohort was Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (68%; n=143) whereas 29% (n=62) had previously undergone hysterectomy. 63% (n=132) of the cohort had previously considered adoption, 5% (n=11) had attempted it and 2 (1%) had successfully adopted. The most common reason cited to undergo UTx over adoption was to experience gestation (n=63; 53%), while 37% (n=44) wanted a biologically related child. 76% (n=160) of participants had previously considered surrogacy, 22 (10%) had attempted it and 2 (1%) had successfully become mothers using a surrogate. The most common reason to undergo UTx over surrogacy was to experience gestation (n=77; 54%). 15% (n=21) were concerned about the legal implications, 14% (n=20) identified the financial cost as a barrier and 8% (n=12) could not consider it due to religious reasons. On adhering to the selection criteria, 65 (31%) women were suitable to proceed with the trial.


The study demonstrates that implementing commonly used selection criteria for a UTx led to an attrition rate of more than two-thirds of women who requested to initially undergo the process. As more studies present outcomes following UTx, critical assessment of the selection criteria currently used is warranted to ensure potential recipients are not being unnecessarily excluded.

Trial registration number


Latin American Cerebral Palsy Register (LATAM-CPR): study protocol to develop a collaborative register with surveillance of children with cerebral palsy in Latin American countries

Por: Ruiz Brunner · M. d. l. M. · Jahan · I. · Cuestas · E. · Cieri · M. E. · Escobar Zuluaga · J. · Condinanzi · A. L. · Sanchez · F. · McIntyre · S. · Smithers-Sheedy · H. · Muhit · M. · Badawi · N. · Diaz · R. · Diaz · A. · Carranza · J. · Duran · C. · Quintero Valencia · C. A. · Melarag

Cerebral palsy (CP) is one of the leading causes of childhood disability globally with a high burden in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). Preliminary findings from the global LMIC CP Register (GLM CPR) suggest that the majority of CP in LMICs are due to potentially preventable causes. Such data are lacking in the Latin American region. Generating comparable epidemiological data on CP from this region could enable translational research and services towards early diagnosis and early intervention. We aim to establish a Latin American multicountry network and online data repository of CP called Latin American Cerebral Palsy Register (LATAM-CPR).

Methods and analysis

The LATAM-CPR will be modelled after the GLM CPR and will support new and emerging Latin American CP registers following a harmonised protocol adapted from the GLM CPR and piloted in Argentina (ie, Argentine Register of Cerebral Palsy). Both population-based and institution-based surveillance mechanisms will be adopted for registration of children with CP aged less than 18 years to the participating CP registers. The data collection form of the LATAM-CPR will include risk factors, clinical profile, rehabilitation, socioeconomical status of children with CP. Descriptive data on the epidemiology of CP from each participating country will be reported, country-specific and regional data will be compared.

Ethics and dissemination

Individual CP registers have applied ethics approval from respective national human research ethics committees (HREC) and/or institutional review boards prior to the establishment and inclusion into the LATAM-CPR. Ethical approval for LATAM-CPR has already been obtained from the HREC in the two countries that started (Argentina and Mexico). Findings will be disseminated and will be made publicly available through peer-reviewed publications, conference presentations and social media communications.

The effect of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors in patients with chronic kidney disease with or without type 2 diabetes mellitus on cardiovascular and renal outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis

by Carlos Ignacio Reyes-Farias, Marcelo Reategui-Diaz, Franco Romani-Romani, Larry Prokop


Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors have shown a favorable effect on cardiovascular and renal outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). However, their efficacy in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) with or without T2DM has not yet been analyzed.


To assess the cardiovascular and renal effects of SGLT-2 inhibitors in patients with CKD with and without T2DM, including all CKD patients in the current literature.


We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CENTRAL and Scopus for randomized controlled trials of SGLT-2 inhibitors that evaluated cardiovascular and kidney outcomes in patients with CKD, or trials in which these patients were a subgroup. We defined 2 primary outcomes: a composite of cardiovascular death or hospitalization for heart failure, and a composite renal outcome. For each outcome, we obtained overall hazard ratios with 95% confidence intervals by using a random effects model.


We included 14 randomized controlled trials. SGLT-2 inhibitors decreased the hazard for the primary cardiovascular outcome (HR 0.76; [95% CI 0.72–0.79]) and the primary renal outcome (HR 0.69; [95% CI 0.61–0.79]) in patients with CKD with or without T2DM. We did not find significant differences in the subgroup analyses according to diabetes status, baseline eGFR values or the type of SGLT-2 inhibitor used.


In patients with CKD, treatment with SGLT-2 inhibitors in addition to standard therapy conferred protection against cardiovascular and renal outcomes. Further research on patients with non-diabetic CKD should be done to confirm the utility of these medications in this population. (PROSPERO ID: CRD42021275012).

Effects of a laboratory-based aerobic exercise intervention on brain volume and cardiovascular health markers: protocol for a randomised clinical trial

Por: Molina Hidalgo · C. · Collins · A. M. · Crisafio · M. E. · Grove · G. · Kamarck · T. W. · Kang · C. · Leckie · R. L. · MacDonald · M. · Manuck · S. B. · Marsland · A. L. · Muldoon · M. F. · Rasero · J. · Scudder · M. R. · Velazquez-Diaz · D. · Verstynen · T. · Wan · L. · Gianaros · P. J

Physical activity (PA) has beneficial effects on brain health and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. Yet, we know little about whether PA-induced changes to physiological mediators of CVD risk influence brain health and whether benefits to brain health may also explain PA-induced improvements to CVD risk. This study combines neurobiological and peripheral physiological methods in the context of a randomised clinical trial to better understand the links between exercise, brain health and CVD risk.

Methods and analysis

In this 12-month trial, 130 healthy individuals between the ages of 26 and 58 will be randomly assigned to either: (1) moderate-intensity aerobic PA for 150 min/week or (2) a health information control group. Cardiovascular, neuroimaging and PA measurements will occur for both groups before and after the intervention. Primary outcomes include changes in (1) brain structural areas (ie, hippocampal volume); (2) systolic blood pressure (SBP) responses to functional MRI cognitive stressor tasks and (3) heart rate variability. The main secondary outcomes include changes in (1) brain activity, resting state connectivity, cortical thickness and cortical volume; (2) daily life SBP stress reactivity; (3) negative and positive affect; (4) baroreflex sensitivity; (5) pulse wave velocity; (6) endothelial function and (7) daily life positive and negative affect. Our results are expected to have both mechanistic and public health implications regarding brain–body interactions in the context of cardiovascular health.

Ethics and dissemination

Ethical approval has been obtained from the University of Pittsburgh Institutional Review Board (IRB ID: 19020218). This study will comply with the NIH Data Sharing Policy and Policy on the Dissemination of NIH-Funded Clinical Trial Information and the Clinical Trials Registration and Results Information Submission rule.

Trial registration number


Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre el autoexamen de mamas en mujeres de una zona rural

Objetivo principal: Describir los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre el autoexamen de mamas en mujeres de una zona rural. Metodología: Estudio cuantitativo de diseño no experimental, descriptivo, transversal. La muestra fue de 139 mujeres que viven en una zona rural en Lambayeque-Perú. Para la recolección de datos se empleó un cuestionario adaptado, validado por juicio de expertos y con α de Cronbach 0,88. Los datos fueron procesados y analizados mediante el uso del programa SPSS versión 25. Resultados principales: Se encontró que el 94,96% desconocen sobre el autoexamen de mamas, 93,6% de las participantes tienen actitud positiva para realizarlo, sin embargo, el 64,7% nunca se lo ha realizado. Conclusión principal: Las mujeres del estudio presentan conocimientos incorrectos sobre el autoexamen de mamas, una actitud positiva hacia esta técnica, pero una práctica inadecuada. Es necesario ampliar las coberturas y estrategias educativas en salud para que esta población conozca y practique el autoexamen de mama.

Attitudes and experiences related to the deaths of COVID‐19 patients among nursing staff: A qualitative evidence synthesis



To identify and synthesize the experiences and attitudes of nursing staff regarding the deaths of COVID-19 patients.

Review Methods

A qualitative evidence synthesis was carried out, using Noblit and Hare's meta-ethnographic approach. The review protocol was listed in PROSPERO (CRD42022330928). Studies published from January 2020 to January 2022 that met the criteria were searched in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, CINAHL, CUIDEN and PsycInfo. A total of 12 articles were included.


Thirty-three metaphors emerged, which were grouped into three main themes: Determining factors of care, Feelings about death and Strategies for coping with death. Nurses reported the high emotional toll, the absence of family and the lack of staff, protocol and training as determining factors. Furthermore, staff had doubts about the quality of care that COVID-19 patients received. As coping strategies, nurses developed avoidance behaviours towards COVID-19 patients, selective memories, resilience, and/or leaving the profession.


The difficulty in providing adequate nursing care and the high number of deaths has increased anxiety and stress among nurses. These factors, alongside their lived experiences of seeing patients suffering, many dying alone without family members, have had psychological repercussions on nursing staff.

Implications for the Profession and/or Patient Care

The results demonstrate a high emotional toll and doubts surrounding their caregiving role caused by the lack of professional training needed to face a pandemic. This research shows what has been learned for future pandemics and highlights basic components that could provide a foundation for coping interventions for healthcare professionals.


What Problem did the Study Address?

The challenges posed by COVID-19 patient deaths for nursing staff around the world and also by the pandemic circumstances in which those deaths occurred.

What were the Main Findings?

The high number of deceased patients who were isolated from family members, communication with family members and doubts surrounding care given during the pandemic have created feelings of fear, stress and anxiety, as well as obsessive thoughts that have changed nursing staff's perception of death due to COVID-19.

Where and on whom will the Research have an Impact?

Results will be useful for preparing for future pandemics, and for policymakers and health staff in supporting healthcare professionals by creating programmes to help them cope with the emotional toll they have felt after dealing with death in such unprecedented circumstances.

Reporting Method

The authors have adhered to the PRISMA guidelines and the eMERGe Reporting Guidance.

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public contribution.

La trascendencia de los cuidados invisibles

Los cuidados invisibles se engloban en la práctica de los cuidados y se relacionan con la parte emocional, la humanización y la trascendencia. Es la parte no técnica, pero que acompaña a los diferentes procedimientos y técnicas de unos cuidados profesionalizados. Objetivo. Analizar los cuidados que realizan los profesionales de enfermería sobre las dimensiones de los cuidados invisibles para un mayor conocimiento y reconocimiento de estos, por los profesionales y la institución. Metodología. Se trata de una investigación mixta. Una parte, con un diseño cualitativo fenomenológico, y otra, con un diseño observacional descriptivo y transversal. Los participantes implicados serán los pacientes y los profesionales de enfermería de las diferentes unidades y servicios del Hospital Universitario Son Espases. Para la recogida de los datos cualitativos se utilizará la entrevista grupal para explorar la percepción de los cuidados invisibles. Para la recogida de los datos cuantitativos se utilizará la herramienta Microsoft Forms 365® para la recogida de las respuestas del cuestionario de percepción del cuidado invisible de enfermería (PCIE, dirigido a los pacientes), y el cuestionario Care-Q que evalúa las dimensiones de los cuidados invisibles y el cuestionario ad hoc para identificar acciones de cuidados invisibles (dirigidos a los profesionales). Posteriormente, se implantará en el programa Millennium® para el registro de los cuidados invisibles en los planes de cuidados y visibilizar el valor que representan en el cuidado global y el tiempo dedicado en la jornada laboral.


Invisible care is included in the practice of care and is related to the emotional part, humanization and transcendence. It is the non-technical part, but it accompanies the different procedures and techniques of professionalized care. Objective. Analyze the care provided by nursing professionals on the dimensions of invisible care for greater knowledge and recognition of these, by professionals and the institution. Methodology. It is a mixed investigation. One part, with a qualitative phenomenological design, and another, with a descriptive and cross-sectional observational design. The participants involved will be the patients and nurses from the different units and services of the Son Espases University Hospital (HUSE). For the collection of qualitative data, the group interview will be used to explore the perception of invisible care. For the collection of quantitative data, the Microsoft Forms 365® tool will be used to collect the responses to the perception questionnaire of invisible nursing care (PCIE, aimed at patients), and the Care-Q questionnaire that evaluates the dimensions of invisible care and the ad hoc questionnaire to identify invisible care actions (aimed at nurses). Later, it will be implemented in the Millennium® program to record invisible care in care plans and make visible the value they represent in global care and the time spent during the workday.


El propósito de esta editorial es reflexionar, en forma de micro-relato, sobre los espacios donde buscamos la felicidad en nuestra cultura sumergida en la era digital.

Beneficios del Zhineng Qigong en la salud holística de practicantes durante la COVID-19: aportes para enfermería

Introducción: Existen algunos estudios sobre los beneficios de ZhiNeng QiGong, pero aún muy pocos en el contexto de la pandemia por la COVID-19 y relacionados con el cuidado holístico. Objetivo: Describir los beneficios de Zhineng Qigong en la salud integral de adultos practicantes durante la COVID-19. Método: Investigación cualitativa descriptiva exploratoria. La muestra fue no probabilística por conveniencia, lograda por técnica de la saturación y redundancia de datos, participaron 13 practicantes de disciplina incorporados en la tercera Certificación Internacional de Zhineng Qigong, previo consentimiento informado. La información fue recolectada por entrevista online y procesada según el análisis de contenido. Resultados: Se encontraron cinco categorías: salud física, mental, social, espiritual y ecológica, donde en todas se encontró cambios positivos de fortalecimiento y sanación individual con irradiación hacia su entorno familiar y social. Conclusiones: Todos los practicantes de Zhineng Qigong experimentaron sanación física y emocional, mejoras en sus relaciones familiares y laborales. Asimismo, sienten vitalidad, paz interior, conexión con el universo y la naturaleza. La mayoría indicaron que no contrajeron la COVID-19 porque con la práctica mejoraron su sistema inmunológico y la respiración.
