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Portuguese observational cross-sectional clinical imaging study protocol to investigate central dopaminergic mechanisms of successful weight loss through bariatric surgery

Por: Pais · M. L. · Crisostomo · J. · Abrunhosa · A. · Castelo-Branco · M.

Bariatric surgery (BS) is the treatment of choice for refractory obesity. Although weight loss (WL) reduces the prevalence of obesity-related comorbidities, not all patients maintain it. It has been suggested that central mechanisms involving dopamine receptors may play a role in successful WL. This protocol describes an observational cross-sectional study to test if the binding of central dopamine receptors is similar in individuals who responded successfully to BS and age- and gender-matched normal-weight healthy individuals (controls). As secondary goals, the protocol will investigate if this binding correlates with key parameters such as age, hormonal status, anthropometric metrics and neurobehavioural scores. Finally, as exploratory goals, we will include a cohort of individuals with obesity before and after BS to explore whether obesity and type of BS (sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass) yield distinct binding values and track central dopaminergic changes resulting from BS.

Methods and analysis

To address the major research question of this observational study, positron emission tomography (PET) with [11C]raclopride will be used to map brain dopamine type 2 and 3 receptors (D2/3R) non-displaceable binding potential (BPND) of individuals who have successfully responded to BS. Mean regional D2/3R BPND values will be compared with control individuals by two one-sided test approaches. The sample size (23 per group) was estimated to demonstrate the equivalence between two independent group means. In addition, these binding values will be correlated with key parameters to address secondary goals. Finally, for exploratory analysis, these values will be compared within the same individuals (before and after BS) and between individuals with obesity and controls and types of BS.

Ethics and dissemination

The project and informed consent received ethical approval from the Faculty of Medicine and the Coimbra University Hospital ethics committees. Results will be disseminated in international peer-reviewed journals and conferences.

Supportive environment is key to self-determination for people with severe or profound intellectual disabilities

Por: Desroches · M. L.

Commentary on: Kuld PB, Frielink N, Zijlmans M, et al. . Promoting self-determination of persons with severe or profound intellectual disabilities: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2023 Jul;67(7):589–629. doi: 10.1111/jir.13036. Epub 2023 May 11.

Implications for practice and research

  • Nurses can promote self-determination of people with severe and profound intellectual disabilities through relationship building and learning to read a person’s communication cues to determine their preferences.

  • Future research should use an ecological approach to optimise environments for self-determination and consistent measures to strengthen the evidence base.

  • Context

    Self-determination is a key dimension of quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities, that is, acting freely and willfully to make things happen in one’s own life.1 The United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities recognises self-determination as a human right, in contrast to historic paternalisation in...

    Association between deep learning measured retinal vessel calibre and incident myocardial infarction in a retrospective cohort from the UK Biobank

    Por: Wong · Y. L. · Yu · M. · Chong · C. · Yang · D. · Xu · D. · Lee · M. L. · Hsu · W. · Wong · T. Y. · Cheng · C. · Cheung · C. Y.

    Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of global death. Prospective population-based studies have found that changes in retinal microvasculature are associated with the development of coronary artery disease. Recently, artificial intelligence deep learning (DL) algorithms have been developed for the fully automated assessment of retinal vessel calibres.


    In this study, we validate the association between retinal vessel calibres measured by a DL system (Singapore I Vessel Assessment) and incident myocardial infarction (MI) and assess its incremental performance in discriminating patients with and without MI when added to risk prediction models, using a large UK Biobank cohort.


    Retinal arteriolar narrowing was significantly associated with incident MI in both the age, gender and fellow calibre-adjusted (HR=1.67 (95% CI: 1.19 to 2.36)) and multivariable models (HR=1.64 (95% CI: 1.16 to 2.32)) adjusted for age, gender and other cardiovascular risk factors such as blood pressure, diabetes mellitus (DM) and cholesterol status. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve increased from 0.738 to 0.745 (p=0.018) in the age–gender-adjusted model and from 0.782 to 0.787 (p=0.010) in the multivariable model. The continuous net reclassification improvements (NRIs) were significant in the age and gender-adjusted (NRI=21.56 (95% CI: 3.33 to 33.42)) and the multivariable models (NRI=18.35 (95% CI: 6.27 to 32.61)). In the subgroup analysis, similar associations between retinal arteriolar narrowing and incident MI were observed, particularly for men (HR=1.62 (95% CI: 1.07 to 2.46)), non-smokers (HR=1.65 (95% CI: 1.13 to 2.42)), patients without DM (HR=1.73 (95% CI: 1.19 to 2.51)) and hypertensive patients (HR=1.95 (95% CI: 1.30 to 2.93)) in the multivariable models.


    Our results support DL-based retinal vessel measurements as markers of incident MI in a predominantly Caucasian population.

    Comprehensive quality assessment for aphasia rehabilitation after stroke: protocol for a multicentre, mixed-methods study

    Por: Harvey · S. · Stone · M. · Zingelman · S. · Copland · D. A. · Kilkenny · M. F. · Godecke · E. · Cadilhac · D. A. · Kim · J. · Olaiya · M. T. · Rose · M. L. · Breitenstein · C. · Shrubsole · K. · OHalloran · R. · Hill · A. J. · Hersh · D. · Mainstone · K. · Mainstone · P. · Unsworth · C. A

    People with aphasia following stroke experience disproportionally poor outcomes, yet there is no comprehensive approach to measuring the quality of aphasia services. The Meaningful Evaluation of Aphasia SeRvicES (MEASuRES) minimum dataset was developed in partnership with people with lived experience of aphasia, clinicians and researchers to address this gap. It comprises sociodemographic characteristics, quality indicators, treatment descriptors and outcome measurement instruments. We present a protocol to pilot the MEASuRES minimum dataset in clinical practice, describe the factors that hinder or support implementation and determine meaningful thresholds of clinical change for core outcome measurement instruments.

    Methods and analysis

    This research aims to deliver a comprehensive quality assessment toolkit for poststroke aphasia services in four studies. A multicentre pilot study (study 1) will test the administration of the MEASuRES minimum dataset within five Australian health services. An embedded mixed-methods process evaluation (study 2) will evaluate the performance of the minimum dataset and explore its clinical applicability. A consensus study (study 3) will establish consumer-informed thresholds of meaningful change on core aphasia outcome constructs, which will then be used to establish minimal important change values for corresponding core outcome measurement instruments (study 4).

    Ethics and dissemination

    Studies 1 and 2 have been registered with the Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry (ACTRN12623001313628). Ethics approval has been obtained from the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (HREC/2023/MNHB/95293) and The University of Queensland (2022/HE001946 and 2023/HE001175). Study findings will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications, conference presentations and engagement with relevant stakeholders including healthcare providers, policy-makers, stroke and rehabilitation audit and clinical quality registry custodians, consumer support organisations, and individuals with aphasia and their families.

    Exploring the pharmacists role in optimising antithrombotic therapy in primary care: a qualitative study

    Por: van Paassen · J. G. · Tan · J. P. · Deneer · V. H. M. · Bouvy · M. L.

    In antithrombotic therapy, the balance between efficacy and safety is delicate, which makes it challenging for healthcare professionals, including pharmacists, to optimise therapy. Pharmacists may play an important role in optimising antithrombotic therapy, but especially in primary care, this role has not been elucidated. Here, we study how community pharmacists (pharmacists in primary care) perceive their current and future role in antithrombotic therapy.


    We conducted a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews. The interview protocol and subsequent analysis were based on the Theoretical Domains Framework, and the findings were interpreted with the Capability Opportunity Motivation – Behaviour System.

    Setting and participants

    The interview participants were community pharmacists, located across the Netherlands, from the Utrecht Pharmacy Practice network for Education and Research.


    We interviewed 16 community pharmacists between February and August 2021 and identified several major themes which were important for the pharmacist’s role in antithrombotic therapy. Pharmacists felt responsible for the outcome of antithrombotic treatment and intended to invest in their role in antithrombotic therapy. Pharmacists did, however, experience barriers to their role in antithrombotic therapy, like a lack of access to clinical information such as the indication of antithrombotic treatment and a lack of specific knowledge on this treatment.


    Community pharmacists perceive a role for themselves in antithrombotic therapy. To fulfil this role, several preconditions must be met.

    Diabetes care in the pandemic era in the Midwestern USA: a semi-structured interview study of the patient perspective

    Por: Gonzalez Bravo · C. · Sabree · S. A. · Dukes · K. · Adeagbo · M. J. · Edwards · S. · Wainwright · K. · Schaeffer · S. E. · Villa · A. · Wilks · A. D. · Carvour · M. L.

    To understand patients’ experiences with diabetes care during the COVID-19 pandemic, with an emphasis on rural, medically underserved, and/or minoritised racial and ethnic groups in the Midwestern USA.


    Community-engaged, semi-structured interviews were conducted by medical student researchers trained in qualitative interviewing. Transcripts were prepared and coded in the language in which the interview was conducted (English or Spanish). Thematic analysis was conducted, and data saturation was achieved.


    The study was conducted in communities in Eastern and Western Iowa.


    Adults with diabetes (n=20) who were fluent in conversational English or Spanish were interviewed. One-third of participants were residents of areas designated as federal primary healthcare professional shortage areas and/or medically underserved areas, and more than half were recruited from medical clinics that offer care at no cost.


    Themes across both English and Spanish transcripts included: (1) perspectives of diabetes, care providers and care management; (2) challenges and barriers affecting diabetes care; and (3) participant feedback and recommendations. Participants reported major constraints related to provider availability, costs of care, access to nutrition counselling and mental health concerns associated with diabetes care during the pandemic. Participants also reported a lack of shared decision-making regarding some aspects of care, including amputation. Finally, participants recognised systems-level challenges that affected both patients and providers and expressed a preference for proactive collaboration with healthcare teams.


    These findings support enhanced engagement of rural, medically underserved and minoritised groups as stakeholders in diabetes care, diabetes research and diabetes provider education.

    Development of radiographic knee osteoarthritis and the associations to radiographic changes and baseline variables in individuals with knee pain: a 2-year longitudinal study

    Por: Törnblom · M. · Bremander · A. · Aili · K. · Andersson · M. L. E. · Nilsdotter · A. · Haglund · E.

    The aim was to study the development of radiographic knee osteoarthritis (RKOA) in individuals with knee pain over 2 years, and the associations between radiographic changes and baseline variables.


    Longitudinal cohort study.

    Participants and setting

    This study is part of the Halland Osteoarthritis cohort. The included 178 individuals, aged 30–67, had knee pain, without cruciate ligament injury or radiographic findings and 67% were women. The presence of RKOA was defined as Ahlbäck score of ≥1 in ≥1 knee. (Ahlbäck grade 1: joint space narrowing in the tibiofemoral joint


    In all, 13.8% (n=24) developed RKOA in 2 years whereof all had clinical KOA at baseline, as defined by NICE. Deterioration to RKOA was significantly associated with higher BMI, OR 1.119 (95% CI 1.024 to 1.223; p=0.013), and VFA, 1.008 (95% CI 1.000 to 1.016; p=0.049), worse knee pain intensity, 1.238 (95% CI 1.028 to 1.490; p=0.024), worse scores for KOOS Pain, 0.964 (95% CI 0.937 to 0.992; p=0.013) and KOOS Symptoms, 0.967 (95% CI 0.939 to 0.996; p=0.027), KOOS Activities of daily living 0.965 (95% CI 0.935 to 0.996; p=0.026) and KOOS Quality of Life 0.973 (95% CI 0.947 to 0.999; p=0.044), at baseline.


    One out of seven individuals with clinical KOA developed RKOA in only 2 years. Baseline variables associated with RKOA after 2 years may possibly be detected early by using the NICE guideline, assessment of obesity and self-reported data of symptoms to support first-line treatment: education, exercise and weight control.

    Trial registration number (NCT04928170)

    Perioperative treatment with tranexamic acid in melanoma (PRIME): protocol for a Danish multicentre randomised controlled trial investigating the prognostic and treatment-related impact of the plasminogen-plasmin pathway

    Por: Kristjansen · K. A. · Engel Krag · A. · Schmidt · H. · Hölmich · L. R. · Bonnelykke-Behrndtz · M. L.

    Inflammation is a hallmark of cancer and is involved in tumour growth and dissemination. However, the hallmarks of cancer are also the hallmarks of wound healing, and modulating the wound inflammatory response and immune contexture in relation to cancer surgery may represent effective targets of therapies.

    Repurposing anti-inflammatory drugs in a cancer setting has gained increasing interest in recent years. Interestingly, the known and thoroughly tested antifibrinolytic drug tranexamic acid reduces the risk of bleeding, but it is also suggested to play important roles in anti-inflammatory pathways, improving wound healing and affecting anti-carcinogenic mechanisms.

    As a novel approach, we will conduct a randomised controlled trial using perioperative treatment with tranexamic acid, aiming to prevent early relapses by >10% for patients with melanoma.

    Methods and analysis

    Design: investigator-initiated parallel, two-arm, randomised, blinded, Danish multicentre superiority trial.

    Patients: ≥T2 b melanoma and eligible for sentinel lymph node biopsy (n=1204).

    Project drug: tranexamic acid or placebo.

    Treatment: before surgery (intravenous 15 mg/kg) and daily (peroral 1000 mg x 3) through postoperative day 4.

    Primary outcome: relapse within 2 years after surgery.

    Primary analysis: risk difference between the treatment arms (2 test).

    Secondary outcomes: postoperative complications, adverse events and survival.

    Inclusion period: summer 2023 to summer 2026.

    Ethics and dissemination

    The trial will be initiated during the summer of 2023 and is approved by the National Committee on Health Research Ethics, the Danish Medicine Agency, and registered under the Data Protection Act. The study will be conducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and Good Clinical Practice. Patients included in the study will adhere to normal Danish treatment protocols and standards of care, and we expect only mild and temporary side effects. Positive and negative results will be published in peer-reviewed journals, with authorships adhering to the Vancouver rules.

    Trial registration number

    NCT05899465; Identifier.

    Protocol of a 12-week eHealth programme designed to reduce concerns about falling in community-living older people: Own Your Balance randomised controlled trial

    Por: Lim · M. L. · Perram · A. · Radford · K. · Close · J. · Draper · B. · Lord · S. R. · Anstey · K. J. · O'Dea · B. · Ambrens · M. · Hill · T.-Y. · Brown · A. · Miles · L. · Ngo · M. · Letton · M. · van Schooten · K. S. · Delbaere · K.

    Concerns about falling (CaF) are common in older people and have been associated with avoidance of activities of daily life. Exercise designed to prevent falls can reduce CaF, but the effects are usually short-lived. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can reduce CaF for longer but is not readily available in the community and unlikely to prevent falls. A multidomain intervention that combines CBT, motivational interviewing and exercise could be the long-term solution to treat CaF and reduce falls in older people with CaF. This paper describes the design of a randomised controlled trial to test the effectiveness of two different 12 week self-managed eHealth programmes to reduce CaF compared with an active control.


    A total of 246 participants (82 per group) aged 65 and over, with substantial concerns about falls or balance will be recruited from the community. They will be randomised into: (1) myCompass-Own Your Balance (OYB) (online CBT programme) intervention or (2) myCompass-OYB plus StandingTall intervention (an eHealth balance exercise programme), both including motivational interviewing and online health education or (3) an active control group (online health education alone). The primary outcome is change in CaF over 12 months from baseline of both intervention groups compared with control. The secondary outcomes at 2, 6 and 12 months include balance confidence, physical activity, habitual daily activity, enjoyment of physical activity, social activity, exercise self-efficacy, rate of falls, falls health literacy, mood, psychological well-being, quality of life, exercise self-efficacy, programme adherence, healthcare use, user experience and attitudes towards the programme. An intention-to-treat analysis will be applied. The healthcare funder’s perspective will be adopted for the economic evaluation if appropriate.

    Ethics and dissemination

    Ethical approval was obtained from the South Eastern Sydney Local Health District Human Research Ethics Committee (2019/ETH12840). Results will be disseminated via peer-reviewed journals, local and international conferences, community events and media releases.

    Trial registration number


    Sepsis epidemiology in Australian and New Zealand children (SENTINEL): protocol for a multicountry prospective observational study

    Por: Long · E. · Paediatric Research In Emergency Departments International Collaborative (PREDICT) · Borland · M. L. · George · S. · Jani · S. · Tan · E. · Neutze · J. · Phillips · N. · Kochar · A. · Craig · S. · Lithgow · A. · Rao · A. · Dalziel · S. · Oakley · E. · Hearps · S. · Singh

    Sepsis affects 25.2 million children per year globally and causes 3.4 million deaths, with an annual cost of hospitalisation in the USA of US$7.3 billion. Despite being common, severe and expensive, therapies and outcomes from sepsis have not substantially changed in decades. Variable case definitions, lack of a reference standard for diagnosis and broad spectrum of disease hamper efforts to evaluate therapies that may improve sepsis outcomes. This landscape analysis of community-acquired childhood sepsis in Australia and New Zealand will characterise the burden of disease, including incidence, severity, outcomes and cost. Sepsis diagnostic criteria and risk stratification tools will be prospectively evaluated. Sepsis therapies, quality of care, parental awareness and understanding of sepsis and parent-reported outcome measures will be described. Understanding these aspects of sepsis care is fundamental for the design and conduct of interventional trials to improve childhood sepsis outcomes.

    Methods and analysis

    This prospective observational study will include children up to 18 years of age presenting to 12 emergency departments with suspected sepsis within the Paediatric Research in Emergency Departments International Collaborative network in Australia and New Zealand. Presenting characteristics, management and outcomes will be collected. These will include vital signs, serum biomarkers, clinician assessment of severity of disease, intravenous fluid administration for the first 24 hours of hospitalisation, organ support therapies delivered, antimicrobial use, microbiological diagnoses, hospital and intensive care unit length-of-stay, mortality censored at hospital discharge or 30 days from enrolment (whichever comes first) and parent-reported outcomes 90 days from enrolment. We will use these data to determine sepsis epidemiology based on existing and novel diagnostic criteria. We will also validate existing and novel sepsis risk stratification criteria, characterise antimicrobial stewardship, guideline adherence, cost and report parental awareness and understanding of sepsis and parent-reported outcome measures.

    Ethics and dissemination

    Ethics approval was received from the Royal Children’s Hospital of Melbourne, Australia Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC/69948/RCHM-2021). This included incorporated informed consent for follow-up. The findings will be disseminated in a peer-reviewed journal and at academic conferences.

    Trial registration number

    ACTRN12621000920897; Pre-results.

    Staying Active with Multimorbidity In Acute hospital settings (StAMInA) trial: protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial of allied health assistant mobility rehabilitation for patients with multimorbidity

    Por: Snowdon · D. A. · Wang · Y. T. · Callisaya · M. L. · Collyer · T. A. · Jolliffe · L. · Johns · N. · Vincent · P. · Pragash · N. · Taylor · N. F.

    Key to improving outcomes for patients with multimorbidity is increasing mobility through prescription of a physical activity programme, but this can be difficult to achieve in acute hospital settings. One approach that would assist physiotherapists to increase levels of physical activity is delegation of rehabilitation to allied health assistants. We aim to conduct a randomised controlled trial to determine the feasibility of an allied health assistant providing daily inpatient mobility rehabilitation for patients with multimorbidity.

    Methods and analysis

    Using a parallel group randomised controlled design, participants will be allocated to allied health assistant mobility rehabilitation or physiotherapist mobility rehabilitation. Adult inpatients (n=60) in an acute hospital with a diagnosis of multimorbidity who walked independently preadmission will be included. The experimental group will receive routine mobility rehabilitation, including daily mobilisation, from an allied health assistant under the supervision of a physiotherapist. The comparison group will receive routine rehabilitation from a physiotherapist. Feasibility will be determined using the following areas of focus in Bowen’s feasibility framework: Acceptability (patient satisfaction); demand (proportion of patients who participate); implementation (time allied health assistant/physiotherapist spends with participant, occasions of service); and practicality (cost, adverse events). Staff involved in the implementation of allied health assistant rehabilitation will be interviewed to explore their perspectives on feasibility. Secondary outcomes include: Physical activity (daily time spent walking); daily mobilisation (Y/N); discharge destination; hospital readmission; falls; functional activity (Modified Iowa Level of Assistance Scale); and length of stay. Descriptive statistics will be used to describe feasibility. Secondary outcomes will be compared between groups using Poisson or negative binomial regression, Cox proportional hazards regression, survival analysis, linear regression or logistic regression.

    Ethics and dissemination

    Ethics approval was obtained from Peninsula Health (HREC/97 431/PH-2023). Findings will be disseminated in peer-reviewed journals and conference presentations.

    Trial registration number

    Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry ACTRN12623000584639p.

    Amantadine and/or transcranial magnetic stimulation for fatigue associated with multiple sclerosis (FETEM): study protocol for a phase 3 randomised, double-blind, cross-over, controlled clinical trial

    Por: Matias-Guiu · J. A. · Gonzalez-Rosa · J. · Hernandez · M. A. · Martinez-Gines · M. L. · Portoles · A. · Perez-Macias · N. · Benito-Leon · J. · Padron · I. · Prieto · J. · Matias-Guiu · J.

    Fatigue is one of the most disabling symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS), and effective treatments are lacking. Amantadine is one of the most used treatments, although its efficacy is under debate. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a promising intervention that has shown positive effects in some preliminary investigations. We aim to investigate the effect of 6 weeks of amantadine and/or TMS in fatigue due to MS.

    Methods and analysis

    The study is a national, multicentre, phase 3, randomised, double-blind, cross-over, placebo-controlled and sham-controlled clinical trial. Adult patients with relapsing-remitting MS, Expanded Disability Status Scale score of 1.5–4.5 and Fatigue Severity Score>4 are eligible for the trial. Participants will be randomised to one of the sequences of the study. Each sequence consists of four periods of 6 weeks of treatment and three washout periods of 12–18 weeks. All patients will receive all the combinations of therapies. The primary outcome is the Modified Fatigue Impact Scale. The secondary outcomes are the Symbol Digit Modalities Test (cognition), Beck Depression Inventory-II (depressive symptoms) and Short-Survey 12 (quality of life). Safety and cost-effectiveness will also be evaluated. An exploratory substudy including MRI and blood biomarkers will be conducted.

    Ethics and dissemination

    The study is approved by the Ethics Committee of the Hospital Clinico San Carlos and the Spanish Agency of Medications and Medical Devices. All study findings will be published in scientific peer-reviewed journals and presented at relevant scientific conferences.

    Trial registration number

    EudraCT 2021-004868-95; NCT05809414.

    Meeting high-risk patient pain care needs through intensive primary care: a secondary analysis

    Por: Giannitrapani · K. F. · Holliday · J. R. · McCaa · M. D. · Stockdale · S. · Bergman · A. A. · Katz · M. L. · Zulman · D. M. · Rubenstein · L. V. · Chang · E. T.

    Chronic pain disproportionately affects medically and psychosocially complex patients, many of whom are at high risk of hospitalisation. Pain prevalence among high-risk patients, however, is unknown, and pain is seldom a focus for improving high-risk patient outcomes. Our objective is to (1) evaluate pain frequency in a high-risk patient population and (2) identify intensive management (IM) programme features that patients and providers perceive as important for promoting patient-centred pain care within primary care (PC)-based IM.


    Secondary observational analysis of quantitative and qualitative evaluation data from a multisite randomised PC-based IM programme for high-risk patients.


    Five integrated local Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare systems within distinct VA administrative regions.


    Staff and high-risk PC patients in the VA.


    A multisite randomised PC-based IM programme for high-risk patients.

    Outcome measures

    (a) Pain prevalence based on VA electronic administrative data and (b) transcripts of interviews with IM staff and patients that mentioned pain.


    Most (70%, 2593/3723) high-risk patients had at least moderate pain. Over one-third (38%, 40/104) of the interviewees mentioned pain or pain care. There were 89 pain-related comments addressing IM impacts on pain care within the 40 interview transcripts. Patient-identified themes were that IM improved communication and responsiveness to pain. PC provider-identified themes were that IM improved workload and access to expertise. IM team member-identified themes were that IM improved pain care coordination, facilitated non-opioid pain management options and mitigated provider compassion fatigue. No negative IM impacts on pain care were mentioned.


    Pain is common among high-risk patients. Future IM evaluations should consider including a focus on pain and pain care, with attention to impacts on patients, PC providers and IM teams.

    Short birth interval prevalence, determinants and effects on maternal and child health outcomes in Asia-Pacific region: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol

    Por: Shifti · D. M. · Chojenta · C. · Hassen · T. A. · Harris · M. L.

    Short birth interval (SBI) has been linked to an increased risk of adverse maternal, perinatal, infant and child health outcomes. However, the prevalence and maternal and child health impacts of SBI in the Asia-Pacific region have not been well understood. This study aims to identify and summarise the existing evidence on SBI including its definition, measurement prevalence, determinants and association with adverse maternal and child health outcomes in the Asia-Pacific region.


    Five databases (MEDLINE, Scopus, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Maternity and Infant Care, and Web of Science (WoS)) will be systematically searched from September 2000 up to May 2023. Data will be extracted, charted, synthesised and summarised based on the outcomes measured, and where appropriate, meta-analysis will be performed. The risk of bias will be assessed using Joanna Briggs Institute quality appraisal. Grading of Recommendation Assessment, Development and Evaluation framework will be used to evaluate the quality of cumulative evidence from the included studies.

    Ethics and dissemination

    This review does not require ethics approval. Findings will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications, policy briefs and conference presentations.

    PROSPERO registration number

    A protocol will be registered on PROSPERO for each separate outcome before performing the review.

    Cite Now

    Evaluation of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy and minimal intervention associated with deproteinisation in permanent teeth with molar incisor hypomineralisation: study protocol for a clinical, controlled, blinded trial

    Por: Mandetta · A. R. H. · Bortoletto · C. C. · Sobral · A. P. T. · Goncalves · M. L. L. · Motta · L. J. · Horliana · A. C. R. T. · Ferrari · R. A. M. · Prates · R. A. · Deana · A. M. · Cordeiro · R. d. C. L. · Pinto · L. A. M. d. S. · Fernandes · K. P. S. · Bussadori · S. K.

    Molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) is a qualitative defect of enamel development that occurs in the mineralisation phase. MIH affects one or more permanent molars and, occasionally, permanent incisors. The aim of the proposed study is to evaluate the clinical effect of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) on permanent teeth with MIH through decontamination and sensitivity control.

    Methods and analysis

    Patients from 8 to 12 years of age with permanent molars will be randomly allocated to three groups. Group 1: selective chemical–mechanical removal of carious dentinal tissue around the walls of the cavity with Papacárie Duo and a curette followed by the application of aPDT and deproteinisation with Papacárie Duo; group 2: selective removal of carious dentinal tissue around the walls of the cavity with a curette, followed by the application of aPDT and deproteinisation with a 5% sodium hypochlorite solution; group 3: selective removal of carious dentinal tissue using a curette. The selected teeth must have a carious lesion in the dentin and posteruptive enamel breakdown on one or more surfaces with an indication for clinical restorative treatment. The teeth will subsequently be restored using a mixed technique with resin-modified glass ionomer cement and bulk-fill composite resin. The data will be submitted to descriptive statistical analysis. Associations with age and sex will be tested using either the 2 test or Fisher’s exact test. Pearson’s correlation coefficients will be calculated to determine the strength of correlations between variables. Comparisons of the microbiological results (colony-forming units) will be performed using analysis of variance and the Kruskal-Wallis test. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis will be performed to assess the performance of the restorations.

    Ethics and dissemination

    This protocol has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of Nove de Julho University (certificate number: 61027522.0.0000.5511/approval date: 23 August 2022). The findings will be published in a peer-reviewed journal.

    Trial registration number


    Hospital-based caregiver intervention for people following hip fracture surgery (HIP HELPER): multicentre randomised controlled feasibility trial with embedded qualitative study in England

    Por: Smith · T. O. · Khoury · R. · Hanson · S. · Welsh · A. · Grant · K. · Clark · A. B. · Ashford · P.-A. · Hopewell · S. · Pfeiffer · K. · Logan · P. · Crotty · M. · Costa · M. L. · Lamb · S. · The HIP HELPER Study Collaborators · Clifford · Freeman · Gray · Cunningham · Langford · Baxter

    To assess the feasibility of conducting a pragmatic, multicentre randomised controlled trial (RCT) to test the clinical and cost-effectiveness of an informal caregiver training programme to support the recovery of people following hip fracture surgery.


    Two-arm, multicentre, pragmatic, open, feasibility RCT with embedded qualitative study.


    National Health Service (NHS) providers in five English hospitals.


    Community-dwelling adults, aged 60 years and over, who undergo hip fracture surgery and their informal caregivers.


    Usual care: usual NHS care. Experimental: usual NHS care plus a caregiver–patient dyad training programme (HIP HELPER). This programme comprised three, 1 hour, one-to-one training sessions for a patient and caregiver, delivered by a nurse, physiotherapist or occupational therapist in the hospital setting predischarge. After discharge, patients and caregivers were supported through three telephone coaching sessions.

    Randomisation and blinding

    Central randomisation was computer generated (1:1), stratified by hospital and level of patient cognitive impairment. There was no blinding.

    Main outcome measures

    Data collected at baseline and 4 months post randomisation included: screening logs, intervention logs, fidelity checklists, acceptability data and clinical outcomes. Interviews were conducted with a subset of participants and health professionals.


    102 participants were enrolled (51 patients; 51 caregivers). Thirty-nine per cent (515/1311) of patients screened were eligible. Eleven per cent (56/515) of eligible patients consented to be randomised. Forty-eight per cent (12/25) of the intervention group reached compliance to their allocated intervention. There was no evidence of treatment contamination. Qualitative data demonstrated the trial and HIP HELPER programme was acceptable.


    The HIP HELPER programme was acceptable to patient–caregiver dyads and health professionals. The COVID-19 pandemic impacting on site’s ability to deliver the research. Modifications are necessary to the design for a viable definitive RCT.

    Trial registration number


    Patients perspectives on tapering programmes for prescription opioid use disorder: a qualitative study

    Por: Davies · L. E. M. · Koster · E. S. · Damen · K. F. · Beurmanjer · H. · van Dam · V. W. · Bouvy · M. L. · Schellekens · A. F.

    Approximately 10% of chronic pain patients who receive opioids develop an opioid use disorder (OUD). Tapering programmes for these patients show high drop-out rates. Insight into chronic pain patients’ experiences with tapering programmes for prescription OUD could help improve such programmes. Therefore, we investigated the perspectives of chronic pain patients with prescription OUD to identify facilitators and barriers to initiate and complete a specialised OUD tapering programme.


    A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews on experiences with initiation and completion of opioid tapering was audio recorded, transcribed and subject to directed content analysis.


    This study was conducted in two facilities with specialised opioid tapering programmes in the Netherlands.


    Twenty-five adults with chronic pain undergoing treatment for prescription OUD participated.


    Participants indicated that tapering is a personal process, where willingness and motivation to taper, perceived (medical) support and pain coping strategies have an impact on the tapering outcome. The opportunity to join a medical-assisted tapering programme, shared decision-making regarding tapering pace, tapering location, and receiving medical and psychological support facilitated completion of an opioid tapering programme.


    According to patients, a successful treatment of prescription OUD requires a patient-centred approach that combines personal treatment goals with shared decision-making on opioid tapering. Referral to a specialised tapering programme that incorporates opioid rotation, non-judgmental attitudes, and psychological support can create a safe and supportive environment, fostering successful tapering and recovery.

    Mortality and healthcare assessment among patients with chronic disease over 2 years of COVID-19: a population-based study in a large hard-hit Italian region

    Por: Fortuna · D. · Caselli · L. · Berti · E. · Moro · M. L.

    We aimed to provide a region-wide comprehensive account of the indirect effects of COVID-19 on patients with chronic disease, in terms of non-COVID-19 mortality, and access to both inpatient and outpatient health services over a 2-year pandemic period.


    Population-based retrospective study.


    Adult patients, affected by at least 1 of 32 prevalent chronic conditions, residing in the Emilia-Romagna Region in Italy, during the years 2020 (N=1 791 189, 47.7% of the overall adult regional population) and 2021 (N=1 801 071, 47.8%).


    Overall, non-COVID-19 mortality among patients with chronic disease during the pandemic (2.7%) did not differ substantially from the expected mortality (2.5%), based on a 3 years prepandemic period (2017–2019) and adjusting for the demographic and clinical characteristics of the population under study. Indeed, while the first pandemic wave was characterised by a significant non-COVID-19 excess mortality (March: +35%), the subsequent phases did not show such disruptive variations in non-COVID-19 deaths, which remained around or even below the excess mortality threshold. End-of-life care of patients with chronic disease, especially for non-COVID-19 cases, significantly shifted from hospitalisations (–19%), to homecare (ADI: +7%; w/o ADI: +9%). Overall, healthcare of patients without COVID-19 chronic disease decreased, with similar negative trends in hospitalisations (–15.5%), major procedures (–19.6%) and ER accesses (–23.7%). Homecare was the least affected by the pandemic, with an overall reduction of –9.8%. COVID-19 outbreak also impacted on different types of outpatient care. Rehabilitation therapies, specialist visits, diagnostic and lab tests were considerably reduced during the first pandemic wave and consequent lockdown, with access rates of patients without COVID-19 chronic disease below –60%.


    This work thoroughly describes how a large and well-defined population of patients without COVID-19 chronic disease has been affected by the changes and reorganisation in the healthcare system during 2 years of the pandemic, highlighting health priorities and challenges in chronic disease management under conditions of limited resources.

    Laser and radiofrequency for treating genitourinary syndrome of menopause in breast cancer survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol

    Por: Serquiz · N. · Sarmento · A. C. A. · Almeida · N. R. · Nobre · M. L. · Medeiros · K. S. · Oliveira · R. d. · Costa · A. P. F. · Goncalves · A. K.

    Breast cancer survivors (BCSs) experience more severe symptoms of genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) than healthy postmenopausal women. As hormonal therapy with oestrogen should be avoided in BCSs, finding an effective and safe therapy to address vaginal symptoms and sexual dysfunction is urgently needed. Physical methods may be promising alternatives for the specificities of this group of women. This review aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of physical methods (laser and radiofrequency) for treating GSM in BCSs.

    Methods and analysis

    The PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, SciELO, LILACS, Scopus, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and databases will be searched. A search strategy was developed to retrieve clinical trials that evaluate the efficacy and safety of any physical method (laser or radiofrequency) used for GSM in BCSs. No date or language restrictions will be imposed. Two authors will independently select studies by title, abstract and full text to meet the inclusion criteria. Data will be extracted, and the risk of bias will be evaluated using the Cochrane risk-of-bias tool (RoB 2). Review Manager 5.4.1 will be used for data synthesis. The Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation will be used to assess the strength of the evidence.

    Ethics and dissemination

    This study reviews the published data; thus, obtaining ethical approval is unnecessary. The findings of this systematic review will be published in a peer-reviewed journal.

    PROSPERO registration number


    Study protocol for a longitudinal observational study of disparities in sleep and cognition in older adults: the DISCO study

    Por: Knutson · K. L. · Pershing · M. L. · Abbott · S. · Alexandria · S. J. · Chiluka · S. · Chirinos · D. · Giachello · A. · Gupta · N. · Harrington · K. · Rittner · S. S. · Sorond · F. · Wong · M. · Vu · T.-H. T. · Zee · P. C. · Carnethon · M. R.

    Cognitive dysfunction, a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the USA and globally, has been shown to disproportionately affect the socioeconomically disadvantaged and those who identify as black or Hispanic/Latinx. Poor sleep is strongly associated with the development of vascular and metabolic diseases, which correlate with cognitive dysfunction. Therefore, sleep may contribute to observed disparities in cognitive disorders. The Epidemiologic Study of Disparities in Sleep and Cognition in Older Adults (DISCO) is a longitudinal, observational cohort study that focuses on gathering data to better understand racial/ethnic sleep disparities and illuminate the relationship among sleep, race and ethnicity and changes in cognitive function. This investigation may help inform targeted interventions to minimise disparities in cognitive health among ageing adults.

    Methods and analysis

    The DISCO study will examine up to 495 individuals aged 55 and older at two time points over 24 months. An equal number of black, white and Hispanic/Latinx individuals will be recruited using methods aimed for adults traditionally under-represented in research. Study procedures at each time point will include cognitive tests, gait speed measurement, wrist actigraphy, a type 2 home polysomnography and a clinical examination. Participants will also complete self-identified assessments and questionnaires on cognitive ability, sleep, medication use, quality of life, sociodemographic characteristics, diet, substance use, and psychological and social health.

    Ethics and dissemination

    This study was approved by the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Institutional Review Board. Deidentified datasets will be shared via the BioLINCC repository following the completion of the project. Biospecimen samples from the study that are not being analysed can be made available to qualified investigators on review and approval by study investigators. Requests that do not lead to participant burden or that conflict with the primary aims of the study will be reviewed by the study investigators.
