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Impact of the COVID‐19‐pandemic and perception of self‐efficacy on the mental health of out‐of‐hospital emergency healthcare professionals by modality of care



To analyse the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the perception of self-efficacy on the health professionals of the Spanish out-of-hospital emergency services.


Observational, cross-sectional and descriptive with a survey methodology of 1710 participants from Spain (1 February–30 April, 2021).


The mental health of healthcare workers was assesed in terms of stress, anxiety and depression, as well as their self-efficacy. Linear and logistic regression models were fitted to predict these variables. A moderation analysis was conducted to determine the effect of self-efficacy on mental health.


The means of the sample for stress, anxiety, depression and self-efficacy were 20.60, 15.74, 13.07 and 70.87, respectively. In the regression models, being a woman was the most significant factor for severe mental health impairment. Female gender was also a relevant factor for self-efficacy. Self-efficacy had a direct effect on the mental health for working in patient care.


Healthcare workers showed moderate stress, severe anxiety, mild depression and good self-efficacy. Direct patient care was associated with more stress and severe anxiety. Age, female gender, job changes and job adjustment were associated with levels of stress, anxiety and depression. Self-efficacy is a determining factor of mental health in the direct care modality.


The mental health of healthcare workers has been of great importance in the aftermath of the pandemic, but out-of-hospital emergency workers have been neglected in research. The levels of stress, anxiety and depression during the pandemic justify the creation of prevention and early diagnosis programmes, as they are essential in a health disaster. Surprisingly, their high level of perceived self-efficacy directly impact on the mental health of patient helthcare workers, so improving it will reduce the psychological risk.

Reporting Method

We have followed the STROBE guidelines. It has been partially funded by the Asistencia Sanitanitaria Interprovincial de Seguros - ASISA Foundation (Spain).

Patient or Public Contribution

‘No patient or public involvement’.

Examining the impact of COVID-19 on Maori:non-Maori health inequities in Aotearoa, New Zealand: an observational study protocol

Por: Curtis · E. · Jaung · R. · Paine · S.-J. · McLeod · M. · Tamatea · J. · Atkinson · J. · Jiang · Y. · Robson · B. · Reid · P. · Harris · R. B.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had both direct and indirect impacts on the health of populations worldwide. While racial/ethnic health inequities in COVID-19 infection are now well known (and ongoing), knowledge about the impact of COVID-19 pandemic management on non-COVID-19-related outcomes for Indigenous peoples is less well understood. This article presents the study protocol for the Health Research Council of New Zealand funded project ‘Mā te Mōhio ka Mārama: Impact of COVID-19 on Māori:non-Māori inequities’. The study aims to explore changes in access to healthcare, quality of healthcare and health outcomes for Māori, the Indigenous peoples of Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ) and non-Māori during the COVID-19 outbreak period across NZ.

Methods and analysis

This observational study is framed within a Kaupapa Māori research positioning that includes Kaupapa Māori epidemiology. National datasets will be used to report on access to healthcare, quality of healthcare and health outcomes between Māori and non-Māori during the COVID-19 pandemic in NZ. Study periods are defined as (a) prepandemic period (2015–2019), (b) first pandemic year without COVID-19 vaccines (2020) and (c) pandemic period with COVID-19 vaccines (2021 onwards). Regional and national differences between Māori and non-Māori will be explored in two phases focused on identified health priority areas for NZ including (1) mortality, cancer, long-term conditions, first 1000 days, mental health and (2) rheumatic fever.

Ethics and dissemination

This study has ethical approval from the Auckland Health Research Ethics Committee (AHREC AH26253). An advisory group will work with the project team to disseminate the findings of this project via project-specific meetings, peer-reviewed publications and a project-specific website. The overall intention of the project is to highlight areas requiring health policy and practice interventions to address Indigenous inequities in health resulting from COVID-19 pandemic management (both historical and in the future).

Biomechanical comparison of two surgical methods for Hallux Valgus deformity: Exploring the use of artificial neural networks as a decision-making tool for orthopedists

by Katarzyna Kaczmarczyk, Maria Zakynthinaki, Gabor Barton, Mateusz Baran, Andrzej Wit

Hallux Valgus foot deformity affects gait performance. Common treatment options include distal oblique metatarsal osteotomy and chevron osteotomy. Nonetheless, the current process of selecting the appropriate osteotomy method poses potential biases and risks, due to its reliance on subjective human judgment and interpretation. The inherent variability among clinicians, the potential influence of individual clinical experiences, or inherent measurement limitations may contribute to inconsistent evaluations. To address this, incorporating objective tools like neural networks, renowned for effective classification and decision-making support, holds promise in identifying optimal surgical approaches. The objective of this cross-sectional study was twofold. Firstly, it aimed to investigate the feasibility of classifying patients based on the type of surgery. Secondly, it sought to explore the development of a decision-making tool to assist orthopedists in selecting the optimal surgical approach. To achieve this, gait parameters of twenty-three women with moderate to severe Hallux Valgus were analyzed. These patients underwent either distal oblique metatarsal osteotomy or chevron osteotomy. The parameters exhibiting differences in preoperative and postoperative values were identified through various statistical tests such as normalization, Shapiro-Wilk, non-parametric Wilcoxon, Student t, and paired difference tests. Two artificial neural networks were constructed for patient classification based on the type of surgery and to simulate an optimal surgery type considering postoperative walking speed. The results of the analysis demonstrated a strong correlation between surgery type and postoperative gait parameters, with the first neural network achieving a remarkable 100% accuracy in classification. Additionally, cases were identified where there was a mismatch with the surgeon’s decision. Our findings highlight the potential of artificial neural networks as a complementary tool for surgeons in making informed decisions. Addressing the study’s limitations, future research may investigate a wider range of orthopedic procedures, examine additional gait parameters and use more diverse and extensive datasets to enhance statistical robustness.

Community perspectives on the magnitude of Xeroderma pigmentosum and care-seeking practices in Micheweni district, Pemba: a mixed-methods cross-sectional study

Por: Matemba · L. E. · Shayo · E. H. · Masemo · A. · Nassor · N. K. · Ally · M. S. · Msovela · J.

To determine the community’s perception on the magnitude of Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) disease and healthcare-seeking practices in Micheweni, Pemba in response to the public widespread information on the increased burden of the disease.


Mixed-methods cross-sectional study.


Micheweni district, Pemba.


211 male and female adults in the household survey, three caretakers/parents of patients with XP in the case study, 20 key community leaders/influential people and health workers in in-depth interviews and 50 community members and other leaders in six focus groups.


This study has revealed that XP disease exists in few families of which some of them have more than one child affected. The record review showed that there were a total of 17 patients who were diagnosed with the disease for the past 3 years, however only 10 were alive during the time of the survey. Findings from the community members revealed that several patients were believed to have XP disease and perceived causes include inheritance, food types, beliefs and other sociocultural practices. Stigma and discrimination were reported by caretakers and religious leaders. However, some cases believed to be XP were identified as other skin conditions when clinical examination was performed by the team of our researchers. There is a great confusion about XP and other skin diseases.


The study has shown that XP affects only few families, hence termed as concentrated rather than a generalised disease. Due to the rareness of the disease, majority of people in the district are unaware of the disease, hence confusing it with other skin conditions. There is a need for the government in collaboration with other stakeholders to provide educational programme to community members about the disease to address the misconception about the magnitude of the disease.

Using community-based, participatory qualitative research to identify determinants of routine vaccination drop-out for children under 2 in Lilongwe and Mzimba North Districts, Malawi

Por: Powelson · J. · Kalepa · J. · Kachule · H. · Nkhonjera · K. · Matemba · C. · Chisema · M. · Chumachapera · T. · Lawrence · E.

In recent years, full childhood routine immunisation coverage has fallen by 5% to levels not seen since 2008; between 2019 and 2021, 67 million children were undervaccinated. We aimed to identify and describe the determinants of vaccination drop-out from the perspectives of caregivers and health workers in Malawi.


We used a community-based participatory research approach to collect data through photo elicitation, short message service exchanges, in-depth interviews and observations. We used a team-based approach for thematic analysis, guided by the Behavioural and Social Drivers of Vaccination framework.


The study was conducted in Lilongwe and Mzimba North Districts in Malawi, representing urban and rural settings, respectively.


Participants included caregivers of partially vaccinated (n=38) and fully vaccinated (n=12) children between 25 and 34 months and Community Health Workers (n=20) who deliver vaccines. Caregiver participants were identified through health facility vaccination registers and with the assistance of community health volunteers.


We identified five principal drivers of routine vaccination drop-out: (1) poor caregiver knowledge of the vaccine schedule and how many vaccines are needed for full vaccination; (2) caregivers’ fear of repercussions after not following vaccination guidelines; (3) rumours and concerns if vaccines are repeated or new ones are introduced; (4) high opportunity cost of health facility visits, exacerbated by wait times, stockouts and missed opportunities and (5) limited family support and vaccination burden placed largely on mothers. Key differences between rural and urban settings related to practices around health cards and vaccine wastage, wait times, migrant and tenant communities, and social support systems.


Immunisation interventions should be tailored to address drivers of drop-out in the community, the health facility and beyond. Service quality, timeliness and reliability need to be improved, and tailored messaging and education are needed, especially in response to COVID-19-related misinformation and introductions of new, routine vaccines.

Factors affecting young doctors’ choice of medical specialty—A qualitative study

by Beniamin Michalik, Mateusz Kulbat, Alicja Domagała


Young doctors’ choice of medical specialty is essential to maintaining a sufficient health workforce and developing a sustainable healthcare system. The choice of specialization is the result of numerous factors, including doctors’ preferences, population needs, and the number of available residency slots. The aim of this article is to explore the factors taken into consideration by young Polish physicians in choosing their future specialty.


We have conducted 30 structured interviews with randomly selected recent medical school graduates (17 female and 13 male). The study was conducted from December 2022 until February 2023 using online platforms. Data from in-depth interviews were coded using NVivo Release 1.6.1. Then thematic analysis was performed.


Respondents indicated remuneration and career-associated factors as the main determinants, emphasizing that work-life balance, personal motivations, and the flexibility to choose the type of workplace (hospital vs. outpatient clinic) were even more important. Young doctors expect flexibility in working hours and better working conditions in future work, and these factors are important when choosing a medical specialty. Significant difficulties during the selection of medical specialty include limited residency slots in preferred specializations and lack of knowledge concerning the everyday aspects of work in a particular specialty.


Factors and limitations influencing the choice of medical specialty should be taken into account by policymakers to address the shortages of doctors in deficit specialties. Knowledge about doctors’ preferences regarding their medical specialty could support the development of targeted policies to increase the attractiveness of deficit specialties and reduce the uneven distribution of medical staff.

Efectividad del cianocrilato en la reparación de heridas en cuero cabelludo, región ciliar y zona mentoniana en pediatría


Introducción. El uso en pediatría de adhesivos tisulares como el cianocrilato para el cierre de heridas ofrece ventajas significativas. Es un procedimiento sencillo rápido e indoloro, conformándose como una alternativa en la población pediátrica debido a las características específicas de estos pacientes. Objetivo. Evaluar la efectividad del adhesivo tisular con cianocrilato en el cierre de heridas en zonas pilosas y mentón. Metodología. Se diseñó un estudio observacional prospectivo conformado por pacientes pediátricos que acudieron a urgencias con heridas que requerían sutura en zona mentoniana, ceja y cuero cabelludo. Se valoraron variables demográficas y clínicas, así como la colaboración del menor y grado de satisfacción de padres y profesionales tras la aplicación de cianocrilato. A los 3 meses se valoró la cicatrización. Los datos se analizaron mediante el programa estadístico SSPS. Resultados. Las heridas en zonas pilosas presentaron una correcta epitelización con un índice ≤ 2 según escala de Vancouver. Se establecieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la localización de la herida y su cicatrización (p<0.05). Se objetivó un grado de concordancia moderado entre la satisfacción de los padres y los profesionales con un p-valor < 0.001. Discusión. Los adhesivos tisulares con base de cianocrilato parecen una alternativa válida y segura para la reparación de heridas en zonas con folículo piloso. Cuenta con la aprobación de pacientes, familiares y profesionales que realizaron el procedimiento. Los resultados respecto a la cicatrización evaluados a los 3 meses son más satisfactorios en áreas pilosas.


Introduction. The use of tissue adhesives like cyanoacrylate for wound closure in pediatrics offers significant advantages. It is a simple, fast, and painless procedure, making it an alternative in the pediatric population due to the specific characteristics of these patients. Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of tissue adhesive with cyanoacrylate in closing wounds on the scalp or hairy areas and the chin region. Methodology. A prospective observational study was designed, consisting of pediatric patients who presented to the emergency department with wounds requiring sutures in the chin, eyebrow, and scalp areas. Demographic and clinical variables were assessed, as well as the cooperation of the child and the satisfaction level of parents and healthcare professionals after the application of cyanoacrylate. Scar healing was assessed at 3 months. Data were analyzed using the statistical software SPSS. Results. Wounds in hairy areas showed proper epithelialization with an index ≤2 according to the Vancouver scale. Statistically significant differences were found in the relationship between wound location and its healing (p<0.05). Additionally, a moderate level of agreement was observed between parent and professional satisfaction, with a p-value <0.001. Discusión. Cyanoacrylate-based tissue adhesives appear to be a valid and safe alternative for wound repair in areas with hair follicles. They are well-received by patients, their families, and the professionals who performed the procedure. The results regarding scar healing evaluated at 3 months are more satisfactory on the scalp and eyebrow compared to the chin region.

Disabled life expectancy among older Colombian men and women

by Margarita Osuna, Mateo Farina, Jennifer Ailshire

Colombia’s population is rapidly aging and older adults are living longer, however, we have limited information on the level of disability and number of years older Colombians spend with disability. We estimated age-and-gender specific ADL, IADL and mobility disability prevalence and disabled life expectancy (DLE) and to examined gender differences. Life tables came from the Colombian vital statistics and disability prevalence data came from the cross-sectional 2015 Colombia National Survey of Health, Well-being, and Aging. Disabled life expectancy (DLE) was calculated using Sullivan’s method. About one-third to one-half of remaining years will be spent with IADL or mobility disability. The remaining years of life spent with ADL was relatively low at younger ages, but by age 85, about half of remaining life will be spent with disability. Compared to men, women had higher levels of disability and are estimated to spend more years with disability. Gender differences in ADL did not emerge until ages 70 and older. Older Colombians, in particularly women, are estimated to live a significant proportion of their life with disability, particularly IADL and mobility disability. High levels of disability are concerning because the country lacks adequate infrastructure and has limited options for long term care.

Heterogenous circulating miRNA changes in ME/CFS converge on a unified cluster of target genes: A computational analysis

by Mateusz Piotr Kaczmarek

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a debilitating, multisystem disease of unknown mechanism, with a currently ongoing search for its endocrine mediators. Circulating microRNAs (miRNA) are a promising candidate for such a mediator and have been reported as significantly different in the patient population versus healthy controls by multiple studies. None of these studies, however, agree with each other on which specific miRNA are under- or over-expressed. This discrepancy is the subject of the computational study presented here, in which a deep dive into the predicted gene targets and their functional interactions is conducted, revealing that the aberrant circulating miRNAs in ME/CFS, although different between patients, seem to mainly target the same specific set of genes (p ≈ 0.0018), which are very functionally related to each other (p ≲ 0.0001). Further analysis of these functional relations, based on directional pathway information, points to impairments in exercise hyperemia, angiogenic adaptations to hypoxia, antioxidant defenses, and TGF-β signaling, as well as a shift towards mitochondrial fission, corroborating and explaining previous direct observations in ME/CFS. Many transcription factors and epigenetic modulators are implicated as well, with currently uncertain downstream combinatory effects. As the results show significant similarity to previous research on latent herpesvirus involvement in ME/CFS, the possibility of a herpesvirus origin of these miRNA changes is also explored through further computational analysis and literature review, showing that 8 out of the 10 most central miRNAs analyzed are known to be upregulated by various herpesviruses. In total, the results establish an appreciable and possibly central role for circulating microRNAs in ME/CFS etiology that merits further experimental research.

Randomised controlled trial of the effects of kefir on behaviour, sleep and the microbiome in children with ADHD: a study protocol

Por: Lawrence · K. · Fibert · P. · Hobbs · J. · Myrissa · K. · Toribio-Mateas · M. A. · Quadt · F. · Cotter · P. D. · Gregory · A. M.

Current interventions for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are primarily medication, behavioural therapy and parent training. However, research suggests dietary manipulations may provide therapeutic benefit for some. There is accumulating evidence that the gut microbiome may be atypical in ADHD, and therefore, manipulating gut bacteria in such individuals may help alleviate some of the symptoms of this condition. The aim of this study is to explore the effects of supplementation with kefir (a fermented dairy drink) on ADHD symptomatology, sleep, attention and the gut microbiome in children diagnosed with ADHD.

Methods and analysis

A 6-week randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in 70 children aged 8–13 years diagnosed with ADHD. Participants will be recruited throughout the UK, through support groups, community groups, schools, social media and word of mouth. Children will be randomised to consume daily either dairy kefir or a placebo dairy drink for 6 weeks. The primary outcome, ADHD symptomatology, will be measured by The Strengths and Weakness of ADHD-symptoms and Normal-behaviour scale. Secondary outcomes will include gut microbiota composition (using shotgun metagenomic microbiome sequencing), gut symptomatology (The Gastrointestinal Severity Index questionnaire), sleep (using 7-day actigraphy recordings, The Child’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire and Sleep Self Report questionnaire), inattention and impulsivity (with a computerised Go/NoGo test). Assessments will be conducted prior to the intervention and at the end of the intervention. Interaction between time (preintervention/postintervention) and group (probiotic/placebo) is to be analysed using a Mixed Model Analysis of Variances.

Ethics and dissemination

Ethical approval for the study was granted by St Mary’s University Ethics Committee. Results will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications, presentations to the scientific community and support groups.

Trial registration number


Effect of synchronous remote-based interventions on suicidal behaviours: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

Por: Comendador · L. · Jimenez-Villamizar · M. P. · Losilla · J.-M. · Sanabria-Mazo · J. P. · Mateo-Canedo · C. · Cebria · A. I. · Sanz · A. · Palao · D. J.

Suicide is among the leading causes of preventable death worldwide. The impact of suicide affects the personal, social and economic levels. Therefore, its prevention is a priority for public health systems. Previous studies seem to support the efficacy of providing active contact to people who have made a suicide attempt. The current systematic review and meta-analysis aims to investigate the efficacy of distance suicide prevention strategies implemented through synchronous technology-based interventions.

Methods and analysis

This protocol is designed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols. The bibliographical searches were conducted in the databases PubMed, PsycINFO, Scopus and Web of Science in April 2022, with no restrictions on the time of publication and limited to publications in English or Spanish. The search strategy was performed using free-text terms and Medical Subject Headings terms: suicide, follow-up, synchronous, remote, telehealth, telephone, hotline, video-conference and text message. Two reviewers will independently conduct study screening, selection process, data extraction and risk of bias assessment. The analysis and synthesis of the results will be both qualitative and quantitative. A narrative synthesis, presented in a comprehensive table, will be performed and meta-analysis will be conducted, as appropriate, if sufficient data are provided.

Ethics and dissemination

The present review and meta-analysis will not require ethical approval, as it will use data collected from previously published primary studies. The findings of this review will be published in peer-reviewed journals and widely disseminated.

PROSPERO registration number


Transcultural adaptation and validation of the Serbian version of Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy—Treatment Satisfaction—Patient Satisfaction (FACIT-TS-PS) questionnaire

by Ivana Radovic, Igor Krdzic, Ana Jovanovic, Danka Vukasinovic, Ivan Soldatovic, Masa Petrovic, Ana Tomic, Tanja Jesic-Petrovic, Aleksandar Matejic, Bojana Salovic, Ilic-Zivojinovic Jelena


Transcultural adaptation and validation of FACIT-TS-PS questionnaire to Serbian language.


Standard forward and backward translation from English to Serbian language was performed. Pilot testing of FACIT-TS-PS was conducted on 12 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of malignant tumor. The study included 154 patients with malignant disease. The Questionnaire of Patient Satisfaction was used as a validated tool to evaluate concurrent validity of FACIT-TS-PS questionnaire. Reproducibility was tested on 30 subjects who answered the questionnaire for the second time two weeks later.


Three FACIT-TS-PS subscales (Physician Communication, Treatment Staff Communication and Nurse Communication) demonstrated satisfactory construct validity using Cronbach’s alpha, the remaining two subscales (Technical Competence and Confidence & Trust) showed high ceiling effect. Treatment Staff Communication subscale showed large floor effect. Concurrent validity was demonstrated by correlation with the two dimensions of the Questionnaire of Patient Satisfaction. Satisfactory reproducibility was demonstrated on 30 patients who filled the questionnaire for the second time two weeks after initial interview.


The Serbian version of FACIT-TS-PS with the omission of Treatment Staff Communication subscale could be used as a valid instrument to assess patient and treatment satisfaction in chronically ill patients in the Serbian population. Omission of Treatment Staff Communication subscale is necessary because it contains questions not relevant for patients in Serbian healthcare system.

Frailty in community‐dwelling older people and nursing home residents: An adaptation and validation study



The aim of this was to psychometrically adapt and evaluate the Tilburg Frailty Indicator to assess frailty among older people living in Slovenia's community and nursing home settings.


A cross-cultural adaptation and validation of instruments throughout the cross-sectional study.


Older people living in the community and nursing homes throughout Slovenia were recruited between March and August 2021. Among 831 participants were 330 people living in nursing homes and 501 people living in the community, and all were older than 65 years.


All items were translated into the Slovene language, and a slight cultural adjustment was made to improve the clarity of the meaning of all items. The average scale validity index of the scale was rated as good, which indicates satisfactory content validity. Cronbach's α was acceptable for the total items and subitems.


The Slovenian questionnaire version demonstrated adequate internal consistency, reliability, and construct and criterion validity. The questionnaire is suitable for investigating frailty in nursing homes, community dwelling and other settings where older people live.


The Slovenian questionnaire version can be used to measure and evaluate frailty among older adults. We have found that careful translation and adaptation processes have maintained the instrument's strong reliability and validity for use in a new cultural context. The instrument can foster international collaboration to identify and manage frailty among older people in nursing homes and community-dwelling homes.

Reporting Method

The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology checklist for reporting cross-sectional studies was used.

No Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public involvement in the design or conduct of the study. Head nurses from nursing homes and community nurses helped recruit older adults. Older adults only contributed to the data collection and were collected from nursing homes and community dwelling.

Análisis sobre el impacto de la COVID-19 en la afluencia a un servicio de urgencias de un hospital público de tercer nivel entre los años 2019 y 2020

Introducción. La pandemia del SARS-CoV-2 ha supuesto un fuerte impacto en la población, incluida la pediátrica, a pesar de que esta se ve menos afectada por la COVID-19. Para poder cubrir el aumento de la demanda sanitaria, fue necesaria la reorganización de todo el sistema sanitario, especialmente en los servicios de críticos y urgencias. Material y métodos. Estudio observacional descriptivo longitudinal trata de evaluar el impacto de la pandemia en el servicio de urgencias pediátricas de un hospital público de tercer nivel de Castilla y León, analizando las características de los pacientes menores de 14 años que fueron atendidos entre el 2019 y 2020 en dicho servicio. Se registraron datos demográficos y asistenciales de cada una de esas visitas en una base de datos. Resultados.

Los datos mostraron un fuerte descenso en el número de atenciones a pesar de lo cual se produjo un aumento en la proporción de ingresos. La afluencia según los diferentes motivos de consulta, niveles de triaje y grupos de edad mostró una tendencia similar entre los dos años, a pesar de la disminución en números absolutos. Se observó un repunte en la proporción de atenciones clasificadas con niveles de gravedad más urgente. Discusión. La bibliografía consultada constata la disminución en el número de urgencias y el aumento de gravedad de los niveles de triaje, que se refleja en un aumento del porcentaje de ingresos. Parece evidenciarse una disminución de las enfermedades infecciosas y traumatológicas y un repunte de problemas de salud mental y convulsiones.


Introduction. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has had a strong impact on the population, including the pediatric population, despite the fact that it is less affected by COVID-19. In order to cover the increase in health demand, it was necessary to reorganize the entire health system, especially in critical and emergency services. Material and methods. This longitudinal descriptive observational study tries to evaluate the impact of the pandemic on the pediatric emergency service of the HCUV by analyzing the characteristics of patients under 14 years of age who were treated between 2019 and 2020 in said service. Demographic and care data from each of these visits were recorded in a database. Results.

The data show a strong decrease in the number of visits, despite which there was an increase in the proportion of income. The influx according to the different reasons for consultation, triage levels and age groups shows a similar trend between the two years, despite the decrease in absolute numbers. A rebound is observed in the proportion of care classified as more urgent levels of severity. Discussion. The bibliography consulted confirms the decrease in the number of emergencies and the increase in severity of triage levels, which is reflected in an increase in the percentage of admissions. There seems to be a decrease in infectious and traumatic diseases and a rebound in mental health problems and seizures.

¿Requieren vigilancia neurológica adicional los pacientes que pierden accidentalmente el catéter epidural?

Objetivo. El hematoma epidural espinal es una complicación rara pero grave que se puede producir durante el uso concomitante de heparinas de bajo peso molecular y un catéter epidural, hecho frecuente en los pacientes en periodo posquirúrgico. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer si los pacientes que pierden el catéter epidural accidentalmente antes de 10-12 horas de haber recibido la última dosis de heparinas de bajo peso molecular, deben mantener reposo en cama y vigilancia neurológica en las siguientes 8 horas tras detectar la salida del catéter. Metodología. Se formuló la pregunta de investigación en formato PICO y se procedió a la búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos PubMed y CINAHL usando palabras clave y descriptores de MesH y DeCS. Se seleccionaron los artículos con antigüedad inferior a 10 años. Resultados. En la búsqueda bibliográfica se obtuvieron estudios de casos y revisiones sistemáticas, mayoritariamente en el idioma inglés. Se analizó como artículo principal la revisión realizada por Domenicucci et al. obteniendo buena calidad de evidencia científica.Discusión. Tras analizar la bibliografía obtenida, se concluyó que la vigilancia neurológica posterior a cualquier técnica neuroaxial es importante para prevenir las consecuencias de un hematoma epidural espinal, aunque no se encontró evidencia para el caso concreto de la pérdida accidental del catéter. Serían necesarios otros estudios que analicen la situación posterior a la salida accidental del catéter epidural para poder responder la pregunta de investigación.



Objective. Spinal epidural hematoma is a rare but severe complication that can be produced during the use of low weigh molecular heparins and an epidural catheter at the same time, frequently seen fact in patients in their postoperative period. The objective of this work is to know if patients with an accidentally pulled out catheter before 10-12 hours of the last low weigh molecular heparins administration, must keep bed resting and neurological vigilance in the next 8 hours after the detection of the accidental extraction. Methodology. Investigation question was formulated in the PICO model and searching was implemented in PubMed and CINAHL databases, using both free keywords and descriptors of MesH and DeCs. Articles in the last 10 years were selected. Results. Case reports and systematic reviews were obtained in the bibliographic search, mostly in English. The review done by Domenicucci et al. was analyzed as the main article getting a good quality of evidence. Discussion. After analyzing the obtained literature it was concluded that neurologic vigilance is important to prevent the consequences of a spinal epidural hematoma after any neuroaxial technique, but there was no evidence found about the particular case of an accidental extraction of the catheter. Further research analyzing the subsequent situation after the catheter pulling out, would be necessary to answer the investigation question.

¿Influye el tipo de anticoagulante en la incidencia de infección asociada al catéter venoso central en hemodiálisis?

La evidencia científica indica que el citrato sódico es un fármaco antimicrobiano y anticoagulante con cierta eficacia en la prevención de complicaciones de infección y hemorragia en comparación con la heparina, en su uso en la permeabilización de los catéteres venosos centrales (CVC), a pesar de que los estudios son poco concluyentes. La infección asociada al catéter (IA-CVC) presenta una gran morbimortalidad en el paciente en hemodiálisis [fragmento de texto].
