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Anti-TNF (adalimumab) injection for the treatment of pain-predominant early-stage frozen shoulder: the Anti-Freaze-Feasibility randomised controlled trial

Por: Hopewell · S. · Srikesavan · C. · Evans · A. · Er · F. · Rangan · A. · Preece · J. · Francis · A. · Massa · M. S. · Feldmann · M. · Lamb · S. · Nanchahal · J.

The Anti-Freaze-F (AFF) trial assessed the feasibility of conducting a definitive trial to determine whether intra-articular injection of adalimumab can reduce pain and improve function in people with pain-predominant early-stage frozen shoulder.


Multicentre, randomised feasibility trial, with embedded qualitative study.


Four UK National Health Service (NHS) musculoskeletal and related physiotherapy services.


Adults ≥18 years with new episode of shoulder pain attributable to early-stage frozen shoulder.


Participants were randomised (centralised computer generated 1:1 allocation) to either ultrasound-guided intra-articular injection of: (1) adalimumab (160 mg) or (2) placebo (saline (0.9% sodium chloride)). Participants and outcome assessors were blinded to treatment allocation. Second injection of allocated treatment (adalimumab 80 mg) or equivalent placebo was administered 2–3 weeks later.

Primary feasibility objectives

(1) Ability to screen and identify participants; (2) willingness of eligible participants to consent and be randomised; (3) practicalities of delivering the intervention; (4) SD of the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) score and attrition rate at 3 months.


Between 31 May 2022 and 7 February 2023, 156 patients were screened of whom 39 (25%) were eligible. The main reasons for ineligibility were other shoulder disorder (38.5%; n=45/117) or no longer in pain-predominant frozen shoulder (33.3%; n=39/117). Of the 39 eligible patients, nine (23.1%) consented to be randomised (adalimumab n=4; placebo n=5). The main reason patients declined was because they preferred receiving steroid injection (n=13). All participants received treatment as allocated. The mean time from randomisation to first injection was 12.3 (adalimumab) and 7.2 days (placebo). Completion rates for patient-reported and clinician-assessed outcomes were 100%.


This study demonstrated that current NHS musculoskeletal physiotherapy settings yielded only small numbers of participants, too few to make a trial viable. This was because many patients had passed the early stage of frozen shoulder or had already formulated a preference for treatment.

Trial registration number

ISRCTN 27075727, EudraCT 2021-03509-23, NCT05299242 (REC 21/NE/0214).

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Experiencias de las enfermeras en primera línea contagiadas con COVID-19 que recibieron atención domiciliaria

Introducción: Las enfermeras han brindado cuidados a los pacientes con COVID-19, y muchas tuvieron que lidiar con este virus al ser infectadas. Objetivo: Describir las experiencias de las enfermeras en primera línea contagiadas con COVID-19 que recibieron atención domiciliaria. Método: Investigación cualitativa descriptiva, el tamaño de la muestra fue con 12 enfermeras infectadas con COVID-19 que recibieron tratamiento domiciliario en Chiclayo, Perú. El muestreo fue por la técnica de bola de nieve. Para recolectar los datos se utilizó la entrevista semiestructurada a través de los medios virtuales previo consentimiento informado. Resultados: Surgieron tres categorías: a) Incertidumbre ante modo de contagio, medios de diagnóstico, sintomatología y evolución por la COVID-19, b) Cuidados recuperativos en el hogar: tratamiento médico, uso de medicina tradicional y medidas de bioseguridad, y c) Impacto en la vida familiar, laboral, social, emocional y espiritual al sufrir de la COVID-19. Conclusiones: Las enfermeras presentaron síntomas leves de la COVID-19 y se recuperaron en su domicilio, cumplieron con el tratamiento médico, algunas usaron remedios caseros. Practicaron estrictamente las medidas de bioseguridad para evitar que su familia se contagie. Utilizaron la tecnología digital y reforzaron su fe para afrontar el impacto familiar, emocional y social.

Estado actual de la Enfermería en los Centros de Día Gerontológicos de Huelva

Introducción: El envejecimiento poblacional ha desplegado un nuevo y amplio campo de estudio para la ciencia sanitaria en el que la enfermería debe investigar para garantizar la autonomía en salud de las personas mayores. Objetivo: Visibilizar los Centros de Día Gerontológicos (CDG) y las actividades de los profesionales de enfermería en dichos centros en Huelva. Metodología: Se ha realizado una investigación cualitativa a partir de cuestionarios y entrevistas dirigidas al personal de dirección y enfermería de varios Centros de Día de Huelva y provincia. Resultados: Los CDG son un recurso intermedio con múltiples objetivos y funciones, que ofrecen calidad de vida tanto para los mayores como para sus familiares. Se componen de un equipo básico de profesionales que trabaja de forma no permanente. La figura de la enfermería es esencial, pero cuenta con una situación laboral muy deficiente. Conclusión: Estos centros proporcionan cuidados profesionales y permiten la permanencia en los domicilios habituales favoreciendo la calidad de vida y autonomía de esta población mayor. La bibliografía sobre este tema es escasa, por lo que se considera necesario profundizar en su investigación junto con la puesta en marcha de programas y propuestas de mejora que den a conocer estos centros sociosanitarios.

Pérdida significativa como factor del alcoholismo

La relación de la pérdida significativa de un ser querido y el alcoholismo ha minimizado las implicaciones sobre mecanismos de afrontamientos para generar conductas saludables. Este artículo se basa en entrevistas semiestructuradas a profundidad en hombres de entre 30 y 70 años, con más de 10 años en Alcohólicos Anónimos del Estado de Tamaulipas, México. El objetivo fue reflexionar sobre los significados de la pérdida significativa de un ser querido y el alcoholismo. En la búsqueda del significado, se explica que un factor que lleva al alcoholismo no es una sola pérdida significativa de personas queridas, sino un cúmulo también de pérdidas materiales y no materiales, se reflejaron recursos limitados para afrontar las pérdidas, la relación entre la pérdida significativa con el alcoholismo fue mediado por dos principales aspectos, las creencias sobre los efectos que produce el consumo de alcohol como formas de escapar de la realidad y las influencia de la familia al inicio del consumo de alcohol. Por otra parte, la presencia de lo espiritual, la conciencia y las emociones que experimentan durante su proceso de duelo y alcoholismo, los llevó a identificar el problema de la adicción, que permitió influir en el proceso de rehabilitación.

Adherence to PRISMA 2020 reporting guidelines and scope of systematic reviews published in nursing: A cross‐sectional analysis



Systematic reviews are considered the highest level of evidence that can help guide evidence-informed decisions in nursing practice, education, and even health policy. Systematic review publications have increased from a sporadic few in 1980s to more than 10,000 systematic reviews published every year and around 30,000 registered in prospective registries.


A cross-sectional design and a variety of data sources were triangulated to identify the journals from which systematic reviews would be evaluated for adherence to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2020 reporting guidelines and scope. Specifically, this study used the PRISMA 2020 reporting guidelines to assess the reporting of the introduction, methods, information sources and search strategy, study selection process, quality/bias assessments, and results and discussion aspects of the included systematic reviews.


Upon review of the 215 systematic reviews published in 10 top-tier journals in the field of nursing in 2019 and 2020, this study identified several opportunities to improve the reporting of systematic reviews in the context of the 2020 PRISMA statement. Areas of priority for reporting include the following key areas: (1) information sources, (2) search strategies, (3) study selection process, (4) bias reporting, (5) explicit discussion of the implications to policy, and lastly, the need for (6) prospective protocol registration.


The use of the PRISMA 2020 guidelines by authors, peer reviewers, and editors can help to ensure the transparent and detailed reporting of systematic reviews published in the nursing literature.

Clinical Relevance

Systematic reviews are considered strong research evidence that can guide evidence-based practice and even clinical decision-making. This paper addresses some common methodological and process issues among systematic reviews that can guide clinicians and practitioners to be more critical in appraising research evidence that can shape nursing practice.

National cross-sectional cluster survey of tuberculosis prevalence in Timor-Leste: a study protocol

Por: Lopes · C. · Joao · J. C. · Lowbridge · C. · Martins · N. · dos Santos · R. I. G. · da Silva · E. · Dias · J. · Ramalingam · S. · Amaral · S. · Oakley · T. · Ico · L. d. C. · Sarmento · N. · Yan · J. · Francis · J. R.

Timor-Leste has one of the world’s highest estimated tuberculosis (TB) incidences, yet the data which informs this estimate is limited and the true burden of TB disease is not known. TB prevalence surveys offer the best means of determining robust estimates of disease burden. This study aims to provide an estimate of the prevalence of bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary TB in Timor-Leste and provide additional insights into diagnostic coverage and health-seeking behaviour of persons with symptoms suggestive of TB.

Methods and analysis

A national population-based cross-sectional cluster survey will be conducted in which participants aged 15 years and older will be screened for pulmonary TB using an algorithm consisting of symptom screening and digital X-ray of the chest with computer-aided detection software for X-ray interpretation. Xpert Ultra and liquid culture methods will be used to confirm survey TB cases. Additional data will be collected from persons reporting symptoms suggestive of TB to assess health-seeking behaviour and access to TB diagnosis and care. The survey aims to screen a target sample population of 20 068 people, living within 50 clusters, representing every municipality of Timor-Leste. Bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary TB prevalence will be estimated using WHO-recommended methods.

Ethics and dissemination

Research ethics approval has been granted by the human research ethics committee of the Northern Territory, Australia, and the Instituto Nacional da Saúde, Timor-Leste. The results will be published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal and disseminated with relevant stakeholders.

Trial registration number


Implementation of an intervention to reduce urine dipstick testing in aged care homes: a qualitative study of enablers and barriers, and strategies to enhance delivery

Por: Lim · L.-l. · Williams · K. · Francis · J. J. · Wroth · M. · Breen · J.

The ‘To Dip or Not to Dip’ (TDONTD) intervention aims to reduce antibiotic prescribing for urinary tract infection (UTI) by reducing low-value dipstick testing. The aims of this study were to use a qualitative approach to (1) evaluate potential influences on the delivery of the TDONTD intervention in Australian residential aged care homes (RACHs) by identifying perceived barriers and enablers to delivery and acceptance; and (2) propose intervention strategies to address barriers and enhance enablers.


A qualitative before–after process evaluation of a multisite implementation study using interviews with nurse and pharmacist implementers.


This study was conducted in 12 Australian RACHs.


Participants included 17 on-site nurse champions and 4 pharmacists (existing contracted providers).


Resources from England’s TDONTD intervention were adapted for an Australian context. Key resources delivered were case-based education, staff training video, clinical pathway and an audit tool.


Key barriers to TDONTD were beliefs about nursing capabilities in diagnosing infection, beliefs about consequences (fear of missing infection) and social influences (pressure from family, doctors and hospitals). Key enablers were perceived increased nurse and carer knowledge (around UTI and asymptomatic bacteriuria), resources from a credible source, empowerment of nurse champions to apply knowledge and skills in delivering operational change initiatives, pharmacist-delivered education and organisational policy or process change. Of TDONTD’s key components, the clinical pathway substituted dipstick testing in diagnosing UTI, delivery of case-based education was enhanced by their attendance and support of the intervention and the antibiotic audit tool generated feedback that champions shared with staff.


Our study confirms the core components of TDONTD and strategies to enhance delivery and overcome barriers. To further reduce barriers to TDONTD, broader advocacy work is required to raise awareness of dipstick testing as a low-value test in older persons and by linking it to healthcare professionals and consumer education.

Design and content validation of a checklist about infection‐prevention performance of intensive care nurses in simulation‐based scenarios



To design, develop and validate a new tool, called NEUMOBACT, to evaluate critical care nurses' knowledge and skills in ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) and catheter-related bacteraemia (CRB) prevention through simulation scenarios involving central venous catheter (CVC), endotracheal suctioning (ETS) and mechanically ventilated patient care (PC) stations.


Simulation-based training is an excellent way for nurses to learn prevention measures in VAP and CRB.


Descriptive metric study to develop NEUMOBACT and analyse its content and face validity that followed the COSMIN Study Design checklist for patient-reported outcome measurement instruments.


The first version was developed with the content of training modules in use at the time (NEUMOBACT-1). Delphi rounds were used to assess item relevance with experts in VAP and CRB prevention measures, resulting in NEUMOBACT-2. Experts in simulation methods then assessed feasibility, resulting in NEUMOBACT-3. Finally, a pilot test was conducted among 30 intensive care unit (ICU) nurses to assess the applicability of the evaluation tool in clinical practice.


Seven national experts in VAP and CRB prevention and seven national simulation experts participated in the analysis to assess the relevance and feasibility of each item, respectively. After two Delphi rounds with infection experts, four Delphi rounds with simulation experts, and pilot testing with 30 ICU nurses, the NEUMOBACT-FINAL tool consisted of 17, 26 and 21 items, respectively, for CVC, ETS and PC.


NEUMOBACT-FINAL is useful and valid for assessing ICU nurses' knowledge and skills in VAP and CRB prevention, acquired through simulation.

Relevance for Clinical Practice

Our validated and clinically tested tool could facilitate the transfer of ICU nurses' knowledge and skills learning in VAP and CRB prevention to critically ill patients, decreasing infection rates and, therefore, improving patient safety.

Patient or Public Contribution

Experts participated in the Delphi rounds and nurses in the pilot test.

Mental health and risk of death and hospitalization in COVID–19 patients. Results from a large-scale population-based study in Spain

by Aida Moreno-Juste, Beatriz Poblador-Plou, Cristina Ortega-Larrodé, Clara Laguna-Berna, Francisca González-Rubio, Mercedes Aza-Pascual-Salcedo, Kevin Bliek-Bueno, María Padilla, Concepción de-la-Cámara, Alexandra Prados-Torres, Luis A. Gimeno-Feliú, Antonio Gimeno-Miguel

The COVID–19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for health care systems globally. This study aimed to explore the presence of mental illness in a Spanish cohort of COVID-19-infected population and to evaluate the association between the presence of specific mental health conditions and the risk of death and hospitalization. This is a retrospective cohort study including all individuals with confirmed infection by SARS-CoV-2 from the PRECOVID (Prediction in COVID–19) Study (Aragon, Spain). Mental health illness was defined as the presence of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, anxiety, cognitive disorders, depression and mood disorders, substance abuse, and personality and eating disorders. Multivariable logistic regression models were used to examine the likelihood of 30-day all-cause mortality and COVID–19 related hospitalization based on baseline demographic and clinical variables, including the presence of specific mental conditions, by gender. We included 144,957 individuals with confirmed COVID–19 from the PRECOVID Study (Aragon, Spain). The most frequent diagnosis in this cohort was anxiety. However, some differences were observed by sex: substance abuse, personality disorders and schizophrenia were more frequently diagnosed in men, while eating disorders, depression and mood, anxiety and cognitive disorders were more common among women. The presence of mental illness, specifically schizophrenia spectrum and cognitive disorders in men, and depression and mood disorders, substance abuse, anxiety and cognitive and personality disorders in women, increased the risk of mortality or hospitalization after COVID–19, in addition to other well-known risk factors such as age, morbidity and treatment burden. Identifying vulnerable patient profiles at risk of serious outcomes after COVID–19 based on their mental health status will be crucial to improve their access to the healthcare system and the establishment of public health prevention measures for future outbreaks.

Content analysis of the nursing diagnosis of ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion in patients with diabetic foot



To analyse the content of the nursing diagnosis ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion in patients with diabetic foot.


A methodological study with a quantitative approach was performed.


The analysis was performed between January and May 2021 by 34 nurses with clinical/theoretical/research experience with diabetes or nursing diagnoses. These nurses evaluated the relevance, clarity and precision of 12 diagnosis-specific etiological factors, 22 clinical indicators and their conceptual and operational definitions.


All 12 etiological factors analysed were considered relevant to diagnostic identification. However, five showed inconsistencies regarding the clarity or precision of the operational definitions, requiring adjustments. Regarding the 22 clinical indicators evaluated, all of them presented a Content Validity Index (CVI) that was statistically significant. However, in the indicators, the colour does not return to lowered limb after 1 min of leg elevation, and cold foot had Content Validity Index (CVI) <0.9 regarding relevance and accuracy of operational definitions.


Twelve etiological factors and 22 clinical indicators were validated. Thus, this study revealed new and relevant aspects characterising peripheral perfusion in patients with diabetic foot that have not yet been clinically validated.

Implications for Nursing Practice

This study contributes to support the professional practice of nurses through the early identification of etiological factors and clinical indicators in persons with diabetic foot. As a proposal, we suggest the inclusion of new defining characteristics and related factors for the nursing diagnosis ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion in the NANDA-I taxonomy.


The research highlights new and relevant aspects such as etiological factors and clinical indicators to characterise peripheral perfusion in patients with diabetic foot. Based on these findings, clinical validation is recommended to confirm the relevance of the proposed elements in the population studied for greater reliability and improved diagnostic assessment for the professional practice of nurses.

Reporting Method

EQUATOR guidelines were adhered to using the GRRAS checklist for reporting reliability and agreement studies.

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public contribution.

Social and clinical vulnerability in stroke and STEMI management during the COVID-19 pandemic: a registry-based study

Por: Lesaine · E. · Francis · F. · Domecq · S. · Miganeh-Hadi · S. · Sevin · F. · Sibon · I. · Rouanet · F. · Pradeau · C. · Coste · P. · Cetran · L. · Vandentorren · S. · Saillour · F. · AVICOVID group · Faucheux · Leca Radu · Seignolles · Chazalon · Dan · Lucas · Peron · Wong-So · Martinez

This study aims to evaluate whether the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a deterioration in the quality of care for socially and/or clinically vulnerable stroke and ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients.


Two cohorts of STEMI and stroke patients in the Aquitaine neurocardiovascular registry.


Six emergency medical services, 30 emergency units, 14 hospitalisation units and 11 catheterisation laboratories in the Aquitaine region in France.


This study involved 9218 patients (6436 stroke and 2782 STEMI patients) in the neurocardiovascular registry from January 2019 to August 2020.

Primary outcome measures

Care management times in both cohorts: first medical contact-to-procedure time for the STEMI cohort and emergency unit admission-to-imaging time for the stroke cohort. Associations between social (deprivation index) and clinical (age >65 years, neurocardiovascular history) vulnerabilities and care management times were analysed using multivariate linear mixed models, with an interaction on the time period (pre-wave, per-wave and post-first COVID-19 wave).


The first medical contact procedure time was longer for elderly (p


This study revealed pre-existing inequalities in care management times for vulnerable STEMI and stroke patients; however, these inequalities were neither accentuated nor reduced during the first COVID-19 wave. Measures implemented during the crisis did not alter the structured emergency pathway for these patients.

Trial registration number


A mapping review of methicillin-resistant <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i> proportions, genetic diversity, and antimicrobial resistance patterns in Cameroon

by Nene Kaah Keneh, Sebastien Kenmoe, Arnol Bowo-Ngandji, Jane-Francis Tatah Kihla Akoachere, Hortense Gonsu Kamga, Roland Ndip Ndip, Jean Thierry Ebogo-Belobo, Cyprien Kengne-Ndé, Donatien Serge Mbaga, Nicholas Tendongfor, Lucy Mande Ndip, Seraphine Nkie Esemu


The emergence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has increased and poses a significant threat to human and animal health in Cameroon and the world at large. MRSA strains have infiltrated various settings, including hospitals, communities, and livestock, contributing to increased morbidity, treatment costs, and mortality. This evidence synthesis aims to understand MRSA prevalence, resistance patterns, and genetic characterization in Cameroon.


The methodology was consistent with the PRISMA 2020 guidelines. Studies of any design containing scientific data on MRSA prevalence, genetic diversity, and antimicrobial resistance patterns in Cameroon were eligible for inclusion, with no restrictions on language or publication date. The search involved a comprehensive search strategy in several databases including Medline, Embase, Global Health, Web of Science, African Index Medicus, and African Journal Online. The risk of bias in the included studies was assessed using the Hoy et al tool, and the results were synthesized and presented in narrative synthesis and/or tables and graphs.


The systematic review analyzed 24 studies, mostly conducted after 2010, in various settings in Cameroon. The studies, characterized by moderate to low bias, revealed a wide prevalence of MRSA ranging from 1.9% to 46.8%, with considerable variation based on demographic and environmental factors. Animal (0.2%), food (3.2% to 15.4%), and environmental samples (0.0% to 34.6%) also showed a varied prevalence of MRSA. The genetic diversity of MRSA was heterogeneous, with different virulence gene profiles and clonal lineages identified in various populations and sample types. Antimicrobial resistance rates showed great variability in the different regions of Cameroon, with notable antibiotic resistance recorded for the beta-lactam, fluoroquinolone, glycopeptide, lincosamide, and macrolide families.


This study highlights the significant variability in MRSA prevalence, genetic diversity, and antimicrobial resistance patterns in Cameroon, and emphasizes the pressing need for comprehensive antimicrobial stewardship strategies in the country.

Cost-effectiveness of Spironolactone for Adult Female Acne (SAFA): economic evaluation alongside a randomised controlled trial

Por: Pyne · S. · Sach · T. H. · Lawrence · M. · Renz · S. · Eminton · Z. · Stuart · B. · Thomas · K. S. · Francis · N. · Soulsby · I. · Thomas · K. · Permyakova · N. V. · Ridd · M. J. · Little · P. · Muller · I. · Nuttall · J. · Griffiths · G. · Layton · A. M. · Santer · M.

This study aims to estimate the cost-effectiveness of oral spironolactone plus routine topical treatment compared with routine topical treatment alone for persistent acne in adult women from a British NHS perspective over 24 weeks.


Economic evaluation undertaken alongside a pragmatic, parallel, double-blind, randomised trial.


Primary and secondary healthcare, community and social media advertising.


Women ≥18 years with persistent facial acne judged to warrant oral antibiotic treatment.


Participants were randomised 1:1 to 50 mg/day spironolactone (increasing to 100 mg/day after 6 weeks) or matched placebo until week 24. Participants in both groups could continue topical treatment.

Main outcome measures

Cost-utility analysis assessed incremental cost per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) using the EQ-5D-5L. Cost-effectiveness analysis estimated incremental cost per unit change on the Acne-QoL symptom subscale. Adjusted analysis included randomisation stratification variables (centre, baseline severity (investigator’s global assessment, IGA


Spironolactone did not appear cost-effective in the complete case analysis (n=126 spironolactone, n=109 control), compared with no active systemic treatment (adjusted incremental cost per QALY £67 191; unadjusted £34 770). Incremental cost per QALY was £27 879 (adjusted), just below the upper National Institute for Health and Care Excellence’s threshold value of £30 000, where multiple imputation took account of missing data. Incremental cost per QALY for other sensitivity analyses varied around the base-case, highlighting the degree of uncertainty. The adjusted incremental cost per point change on the Acne-QoL symptom subscale for spironolactone compared with no active systemic treatment was £38.21 (complete case analysis).


The results demonstrate a high level of uncertainty, particularly with respect to estimates of incremental QALYs. Compared with no active systemic treatment, spironolactone was estimated to be marginally cost-effective where multiple imputation was performed but was not cost-effective in complete case analysis.

Trial registration number

ISRCTN registry (ISRCTN12892056).

Reportes de casos clínicos de pacientes tras revascularización miocárdica basado en la Teoría de Enfermería de Medio Rango para la Rehabilitación Cardiovascular

El objetivo es describir los planes de atención domiciliaria del paciente después de la revascularización miocárdica (RM) basados en la Teoría de Enfermería de Rango Medio para la Rehabilitación Cardiovascular (TMA Enf-RCV). Se trata de un estudio de caso múltiple en el que la recogida de datos se realizó en el domicilio de siete pacientes en el postoperatorio de RM, en Sobral-Ceará, entre junio y diciembre de 2019. La información recogida se organizó en informes individuales y luego, se realizó la síntesis analítica conjunta. La evaluación de la conducta rehabilitadora y el estímulo para la rehabilitación cardiovascular (RCV) involucró problemas fisiológicos adaptativos, autoconcepto, desempeño de roles e interdependencia, con un 50% de los diagnósticos de enfermería centrados en problemas y asociados con el modo fisiológico y un 57% de los diagnósticos de promoción de la salud se relacionaron con el modo de autoconcepto. La intervención de rehabilitación de enfermería incluyó la promoción de ejercicios físicos, el estímulo del paciente y la familia en el cuidado, educación sobre estrategias adaptativas, apoyo psicosocial, entre otros. Este estudio respalda la aplicabilidad de TMA Enf-RCV como una intervención eficaz para el RCV con un enfoque en la calidad de vida.

El modelo Precede-Procede: un marco contextual para la salud comunitaria en entornos educativos

Las comunidades educativas tienen el potencial de proyectarse como nichos transformadores de las condiciones de vida a partir de la integración de sus actores en torno a la identificación de las necesidades en salud y la búsqueda de alternativas para resolverlas. En el marco de la maestría en Salud Pública de la Universidad de La Sabana se ha avanzado en estrategias para generar este vínculo, a través del acompañamiento en la formulación de un programa de salud comunitaria en un entorno educativo, basados en la adaptación del modelo Precede-Procede, un método para planear, conducir y evaluar intervenciones de educación para la salud. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, el objetivo es reflexionar sobre los aportes del modelo para la formulación de programas de salud comunitaria en entornos educativos, a propósito de la Atención Primaria en Salud (APS) y las políticas de entornos educativos saludables, considerando que son referentes normativos en el territorio colombiano. En síntesis, el modelo Precede-Procede se considera una opción favorable para la formulación de programas de salud en el contexto educativo porque privilegia el enganche y la participación comunitaria; aborda problemáticas contextualizadas y da la posibilidad para que desde edades tempranas se integren estudiantes, además de sus docentes, padres de familia y autoridades administrativas, para consolidar comunidades educativas transformadas en gestoras sociales de su propia salud.

Chronic Pain and Pain Management in Older Adults: Protocol and Pilot Results

imageBackground Chronic pain occurs in 30% of older adults. This prevalence rate is expected to increase, given the growth in the older adult population and the associated growth of chronic conditions contributing to pain. No population-based studies have provided detailed, longitudinal information on the experience of chronic pain in older adults; the pharmacological and nonpharmacological strategies that older adults use to manage their chronic pain; and the effect of chronic pain on patient-reported outcomes. Objectives This article aims to describe the protocol for a population-based, longitudinal study focused on understanding the experience of chronic pain in older adults. The objectives are to determine the prevalence and characteristics of chronic pain; identify the pharmacological and nonpharmacological pain treatments used; evaluate for longitudinal differences in biopsychosocial factors; and examine how pain types and pain trajectories affect important patient-reported outcomes. Also included are the results of a pilot study. Methods A population-based sample of approximately 1,888 older adults will be recruited from the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago’s AmeriSpeak Panel to complete surveys at three waves: enrollment (Wave 1), 6 months (Wave 2), and 12 months (Wave 3). To determine the feasibility, a pilot test of the enrollment survey was conducted among 123 older adults. Results In the pilot study, older adults with chronic pain reported a range of pain conditions, with osteoarthritis being the most common. Participants reported an array of pharmacological and nonpharmacological pain strategies. Compared to participants without chronic pain, those with chronic pain reported lower physical and cognitive function and poorer quality of life. Data collection for the primary, longitudinal study is ongoing. Discussion This project will be the first longitudinal population-based study to examine the experience and overall effect of chronic pain in older adults. Pilot study results provide evidence of the feasibility of study methods. Ultimately, this work will inform the development of tailored interventions for older patients targeted to decrease pain and improve function and quality of life.

Deficiencies in reporting inclusion/exclusion criteria and characteristics of patients in randomized controlled trials of therapeutic interventions in pressure injuries: a systematic methodological review


Wound care is a complex procedure and the related research may include many variables. Deficiencies in the sample inclusion and exclusion criteria may limit the generalizability of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) for wound patients in the real world. This study aimed to evaluate deficiencies in reporting the inclusion and exclusion criteria and the characteristics of patients in RCTs of pressure injuries (PI) therapeutic interventions. We conducted a systematic methodological review in which 40 full text RCTs of PI treatment interventions published in English, from 2008 to 2020, were identified. Data on the general characteristics of the included RCTs and data about inclusion/exclusion criteria and characteristics of patients were collected. The inclusion/exclusion criteria were categorized into five domains (definition of disease, precision, safety, ethical/legal and administrative). Study duration (in weeks) was 8.0 (quartile 1: 2.0; quartile 3: 48.0); only 5.0% of the trials mentioned race, skin colour or ethnicity, and 37.5% reported the duration of the wound. Only 9 (22.5%) studies reported the drugs that the included patients were using and 10 (25.0%) RCTs reported adverse events. The presence of the five domains was observed only in 12.5% of RCTs and only 12 (30.0%) had the precision domain. Much more research is required in systematic assessments of the external validity of trials because there is substantial disparity between the information that is provided by RCTs and the information that is required by clinicians. We concluded that there are deficiencies in reporting of data related to inclusion/exclusion criteria and characteristics of patients of RCTs assessing PI therapeutic interventions.

Robust cardiac segmentation corrected with heuristics

by Alan Cervantes-Guzmán, Kyle McPherson, Jimena Olveres, Carlos Francisco Moreno-García, Fabián Torres Robles, Eyad Elyan, Boris Escalante-Ramírez

Cardiovascular diseases related to the right side of the heart, such as Pulmonary Hypertension, are some of the leading causes of death among the Mexican (and worldwide) population. To avoid invasive techniques such as catheterizing the heart, improving the segmenting performance of medical echocardiographic systems can be an option to early detect diseases related to the right-side of the heart. While current medical imaging systems perform well segmenting automatically the left side of the heart, they typically struggle segmenting the right-side cavities. This paper presents a robust cardiac segmentation algorithm based on the popular U-NET architecture capable of accurately segmenting the four cavities with a reduced training dataset. Moreover, we propose two additional steps to improve the quality of the results in our machine learning model, 1) a segmentation algorithm capable of accurately detecting cone shapes (as it has been trained and refined with multiple data sources) and 2) a post-processing step which refines the shape and contours of the segmentation based on heuristics provided by the clinicians. Our results demonstrate that the proposed techniques achieve segmentation accuracy comparable to state-of-the-art methods in datasets commonly used for this practice, as well as in datasets compiled by our medical team. Furthermore, we tested the validity of the post-processing correction step within the same sequence of images and demonstrated its consistency with manual segmentations performed by clinicians.

Influencia del contacto piel con piel y otros factores en el éxito de la lactancia materna exclusiva hasta los 6 meses de vida

Objetivo principal: Analizar la influencia del contacto piel con piel (CPP) en el éxito de la lactancia materna exclusiva (LME) hasta los 6 meses de vida. Metodología: Estudio analítico descriptivo y prospectivo, realizado mediante entrevista directa con 500 puérperas seleccionadas por muestreo de casos consecutivos. Resultados principales: Cuando se realizó el CPP de manera ininterrumpida la LME a los 6 meses de vida fue del 17,40% y la de lactancia artificial del 12,60%. En los casos en que no se realizó, eran mayores las tasas de lactancia artificial (10,80%) frente a las de LME (4,40%). Las variables con mayor influencia en el éxito de la lactancia materna exclusiva a los 6 meses de vida, el tipo de alimentación en hijos anteriores y el tipo de alimentación al alta hospitalaria. Conclusión principal: Se deben evitar rutinas hospitalarias que interrumpan el CPP así como procurar que al alta hospitalaria la LME esté correctamente establecida.
