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Evidence-informed and consensus-based statements about SAFEty of Physical Agent Modalities Practice in physiotherapy and rehabilitation medicine (SAFE PAMP): a national Delphi of healthcare scientific societies

Por: Gianola · S. · Bargeri · S. · Pellicciari · L. · Gambazza · S. · Rossettini · G. · Fulvio · A. · Genovese · V. · Benedini · M. · Proverbio · E. · Cecchetto · S. · Castellini · G. · Turolla · A. · SAFE PAMP Collaborators · Torresetti · Masturzo · Berliri · Roselli · Vercelli · Scorcu

A shared consensus on the safety about physical agent modalities (PAMs) practice in physiotherapy and rehabilitation is lacking. We aimed to develop evidence-informed and consensus-based statements about the safety of PAMs.

Study design and setting

A RAND-modified Delphi Rounds’ survey was used to reach a consensus. We established a steering committee of the Italian Association of Physiotherapy (Associazione Italiana di Fisioterapia) to identify areas and questions for developing statements about the safety of the most commonly used PAMs in physiotherapy and rehabilitation. We invited 28 National Scientific and Technical Societies, including forensics and lay members, as a multidisciplinary and multiprofessional panel of experts to evaluate the nine proposed statements and formulate additional inputs. The level of agreement was measured using a 9-point Likert scale, with consensus in the Delphi Rounds assessed using the rating proportion with a threshold of 75%.


Overall, 17 (61%) out of 28 scientific and technical societies participated, involving their most representative members. The panel of experts mainly consisted of clinicians (88%) with expertise in musculoskeletal (47%), pelvic floor (24%), neurological (18%) and lymphatic (6%) disorders with a median experience of 30 years (IQR=17–36). Two Delphi rounds were necessary to reach a consensus. The final approved criteria list comprised nine statements about the safety of nine PAMs (ie, electrical stimulation neuromodulation, extracorporeal shock wave therapy, laser therapy, electromagnetic therapy, diathermy, hot thermal agents, cryotherapy and therapeutic ultrasound) in adult patients with a general note about populations subgroups.


The resulting consensus-based statements inform patients, healthcare professionals and policy-makers regarding the safe application of PAMs in physiotherapy and rehabilitation practice. Future research is needed to extend this consensus on paediatric and frail populations, such as immunocompromised patients.

Geographical variation in perceptions, attitudes and barriers to mental health care-seeking across the UK: a cross-sectional study

Por: Wang · R. A. H. · Smittenaar · P. · Thomas · T. · Kamal · Z. · Kemp · H. · Sgaier · S. K.

To examine the relative importance of the drivers of mental health care-seeking intention and how these, along with intention itself, are geographically distributed across integrated care systems (ICS) and health boards (HBs) in the UK. Also, to examine the degree of acceptance of virtual modes of care.


Community-based cross-sectional survey.

Participants and setting

A national online survey of 17 309 adults between August and September 2021 recruited via a research technology company, Lucid. Sample size quotas were set to ensure coverage across the UK and match population distributions for gender, age and ethnicity. After exclusions, 16 835 participants remained (54% female, 89% white).

Main outcome measures

Care-seeking intention, using a continuous measure of likelihood and a categorical measure of estimated time to seek professional help for a future mental health difficulty.


20.5% (95% CI 19.8% to 21.2%) reported that they would significantly delay or never seek mental healthcare, ranging from 8.3% to 25.7% across ICS/HBs. Multilevel regression analysis showed mental health knowledge was the most predictive of care-seeking intention, followed by attitudes towards others with mental illness and a combination of stigma, negative attitudes to treatment and instrumental barriers to accessing care. The model explained 17% of the variance. There was substantial geographical variation in prevalence of preclinical symptoms of depression and anxiety, attitudes to mental health, and barriers to care, leading to complex ICS/HB profiles. Remote and self-guided therapies did not pose as a major barrier to care with more than half of respondents likely or very likely to use them.


Our locally relevant and actionable findings suggest possible interventions that may improve care-seeking intention and indicate which of these interventions need to be geographically tailored to have maximal effect.

Defining acceptable data collection and reuse standards for queer artificial intelligence research in mental health: protocol for the online PARQAIR-MH Delphi study

Por: Joyce · D. W. · Kormilitzin · A. · Hamer-Hunt · J. · McKee · K. R. · Tomasev · N.

For artificial intelligence (AI) to help improve mental healthcare, the design of data-driven technologies needs to be fair, safe, and inclusive. Participatory design can play a critical role in empowering marginalised communities to take an active role in constructing research agendas and outputs. Given the unmet needs of the LGBTQI+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex) community in mental healthcare, there is a pressing need for participatory research to include a range of diverse queer perspectives on issues of data collection and use (in routine clinical care as well as for research) as well as AI design. Here we propose a protocol for a Delphi consensus process for the development of PARticipatory Queer AI Research for Mental Health (PARQAIR-MH) practices, aimed at informing digital health practices and policy.

Methods and analysis

The development of PARQAIR-MH is comprised of four stages. In stage 1, a review of recent literature and fact-finding consultation with stakeholder organisations will be conducted to define a terms-of-reference for stage 2, the Delphi process. Our Delphi process consists of three rounds, where the first two rounds will iterate and identify items to be included in the final Delphi survey for consensus ratings. Stage 3 consists of consensus meetings to review and aggregate the Delphi survey responses, leading to stage 4 where we will produce a reusable toolkit to facilitate participatory development of future bespoke LGBTQI+–adapted data collection, harmonisation, and use for data-driven AI applications specifically in mental healthcare settings.

Ethics and dissemination

PARQAIR-MH aims to deliver a toolkit that will help to ensure that the specific needs of LGBTQI+ communities are accounted for in mental health applications of data-driven technologies. The study is expected to run from June 2024 through January 2025, with the final outputs delivered in mid-2025. Participants in the Delphi process will be recruited by snowball and opportunistic sampling via professional networks and social media (but not by direct approach to healthcare service users, patients, specific clinical services, or via clinicians’ caseloads). Participants will not be required to share personal narratives and experiences of healthcare or treatment for any condition. Before agreeing to participate, people will be given information about the issues considered to be in-scope for the Delphi (eg, developing best practices and methods for collecting and harmonising sensitive characteristics data; developing guidelines for data use/reuse) alongside specific risks of unintended harm from participating that can be reasonably anticipated. Outputs will be made available in open-access peer-reviewed publications, blogs, social media, and on a dedicated project website for future reuse.

A standardized wound infection model for antimicrobial testing of wound dressings in vitro


To investigate the effectiveness of antimicrobial agents against wound infections, experiments using either 2D cultures with planktonic microorganisms or animal infection models are frequently carried out. However, the transferability of the results to human skin is limited by the lack of complexity of the 2D models or by the poor translation of the results from animal models. Hence, there is a need for wound infection models capable of assessing antimicrobial agents. In this study, an easily standardized wound infection model was established. This model consists of a mechanically wounded human skin model on a collagen matrix infected with various clinically relevant bacteria. Infection of the model led to recognition of the pathogens and induction of an inflammatory response. The untreated infection spread over time, causing significant tissue damage. By applying an antimicrobial-releasing wound dressing, the bacterial load could be reduced and the success of the treatment could be further measured by a decrease in the inflammatory reaction. In conclusion, this wound infection model can be used to evaluate new antimicrobial therapeutics as well as to study host-pathogen interactions.

A retrospective cohort study of the impact of COVID‐19 infection control measures on surgical site infections in an academic hospital setting


Previous studies show that both the frequency of surgeries and incidence of surgical site infections (SSIs) have been lower during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This study's purpose is to analyse the possible association of the COVID-19 epidemic-related increased health measures, such as protective equipment and products, increased hand hygiene and restrictions imposed, on the incidence of SSIs in an academic medical centre. We designed a single-centre, retrospective cohort study and collected data on the frequency of surgeries and the incidence of SSIs, among patients who had surgeries pre- and post-COVID-19 pandemic. Besides the intervention and outcome variable, we sought information on patient gender, surgery type, body mass index (BMI), smoking, and type II diabetes mellitus. We used Wald 95% confidence interval (95% CI) and the p values of the odds ratio (OR) to report results. Of the N = 24 098 surgeries performed in this hospital, there were 269 patients who reported post-surgical SSIs in this hospital between March 2019 and March 2021. The OR of developing a post-surgical SSI was 0.40 (95% CI: 0.33–0.57, p < 0.05; adjusted for confounders 0.39 [95% CI: 0.30–0.52, p < 0.05]) among patients who had surgery under post-pandemic infection control measures, as compared to patients who had surgery under pre-pandemic usual care infection control measures. Our significant results conclude that an association may exist between the enhanced infection control measures used during the COVID-19 pandemic and lower incidence of SSIs we observed during this period.

Multicentre randomised trial of screening with sFlt1/PlGF and planned delivery to prevent pre-eclampsia at term: protocol of the PE37 study

Por: Llurba · E. · Crispi · F. · Crovetto · F. · Youssef · L. · Delgado · J. L. · Puig · I. · Mora · J. · Krofta · L. · Mackova · K. · Martinez-Varea · A. · Tubau · A. · Ruiz · A. · Paya · A. · Prat · M. · Chantraine · F. · Comas · C. · Kajdy · A. · Lopez-Tinajero · M. F. · Figueras · F. · Gratac

Pre-eclampsia affects ~5%–7% of pregnancies. Although improved obstetric care has significantly diminished its associated maternal mortality, it remains a leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality in the world. Term pre-eclampsia accounts for 70% of all cases and a large proportion of maternal–fetal morbidity related to this condition. Unlike in preterm pre-eclampsia, the prediction and prevention of term pre-eclampsia remain unsolved. Previously proposed approaches are based on combined third-trimester screening and/or prophylactic drugs, but these policies are unlikely to be widely implementable in many world settings. Recent evidence shows that the soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (s-Flt-1) to placental growth factor (PlGF) ratio measured at 35–37 weeks’ gestation predicts term pre-eclampsia with an 80% detection rate. Likewise, recent studies demonstrate that induction of labour beyond 37 weeks is safe and well accepted by women. We hypothesise that a single-step universal screening for term pre-eclampsia based on sFlt1/PlGF ratio at 35–37 weeks followed by planned delivery beyond 37 weeks reduces the prevalence of term pre-eclampsia without increasing the caesarean section rates or worsening the neonatal outcomes.

Methods and analysis

We propose an open-label randomised clinical trial to evaluate the impact of a screening of term pre-eclampsia with the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio followed by planned delivery in asymptomatic nulliparous women at 35–37 weeks. Women will be assigned 1:1 to revealed (sFlt-1/PlGF known to clinicians) versus concealed (unknown) arms. A cut-off of >90th centile is used to define the high risk of subsequent pre-eclampsia and offer planned delivery from 37 weeks. The efficacy variables will be analysed and compared between groups primarily following an intention-to-treat approach, by ORs and their 95% CI. This value will be computed using a Generalised Linear Mixed Model for binary response (study group as fixed effect and the centre as intercept random effect).

Ethics and dissemination

The study is conducted under the principles of Good Clinical Practice. This study was accepted by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of Hospital Clinic Barcelona on 20 November 2020. Subsequent approval by individual ethical committees and competent authorities was granted. The study results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and disseminated at international conferences.

Trial registration number


Scoping review of HIV-related intersectional stigma among sexual and gender minorities in sub-Saharan Africa

Por: Dada · D. · Abu-Baare · G. R. · Turner · D. · Mashoud · I. W. · Owusu-Dampare · F. · Apreku · A. · Ni · Z. · Djiadeu · P. · Aidoo-Frimpong · G. · Zigah · E. Y. · Nyhan · K. · Nyblade · L. · Nelson · L. E.

Sexual and gender minority (SGM) populations in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are disproportionately impacted by HIV and often face multiple HIV-related stigmas. Addressing these stigmas could reduce SGM HIV vulnerability but little is known about how the stigmas operate and intersect. Intersectional stigma offers a lens for understanding the experiences of stigmatised populations and refers to the synergistic negative health effects of various systems of oppression on individuals with multiple stigmatised identities, behaviours or conditions. This review aims to (1) assess how often and in what ways an intersectional lens is applied in HIV-related stigma research on SGM populations in SSA and (2) understand how intersectional stigma impacts HIV risk in these populations.


Scoping review following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis extension for Scoping Reviews.

Data sources

Public health and regional databases were searched in 2020 and 2022.

Eligibility criteria

Articles in French and English on HIV-related stigma and HIV outcomes among men who have sex with men, women who have sex with women and/or transgender individuals in SSA.

Data extraction and synthesis

Articles were screened and extracted twice and categorised by use of an intersectional approach. Study designs and stigma types were described quantitatively and findings on intersectional stigma were thematically analysed.


Of 173 articles on HIV-related stigma among SGM in SSA included in this review, 21 articles (12%) applied an intersectional lens. The most common intersectional stigmas investigated were HIV and same-sex attraction/behaviour stigma and HIV, same-sex attraction/behaviour and gender non-conformity stigma. Intersectional stigma drivers, facilitators and manifestations were identified across individual, interpersonal, institutional and societal socioecological levels. Intersectional stigma impacts HIV vulnerability by reducing HIV prevention and treatment service uptake, worsening mental health and increasing exposure to HIV risk factors.


Intersectional approaches are gaining traction in stigma research among SGM in SSA. Future research should prioritise quantitative and mixed methods investigations, diverse populations and intervention evaluation.

Mobile health biometrics to prescribe immediate remote physical activity for enhancing uptake to cardiac rehabilitation (MOTIVATE-CR+): protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility trial

Por: Crozier · A. · Cocks · M. · Hesketh · K. · Miller · G. · Mcgregor · G. · Thomas · L. · Jones · H.

Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) can reduce cardiovascular mortality and improve health-related quality of life. In the United Kingdom, patient uptake of CR remains low (52%), falling well short of the target in the 2019 National Health Service long-term plan (85%). Mobile health (mHealth) technologies, offering biometric data to patients and healthcare professionals, may bridge the gap between supervised exercise and physical activity advice, enabling patients to engage in regular long-term physically active lifestyles. This randomised controlled trial (RCT) will evaluate the feasibility of mHealth technology when incorporated into a structured home-based walking intervention, in people with recent myocardial infarction.

Methods and analysis

This is a feasibility, assessor blinded, parallel group RCT. Participants will be allocated to either CR standard care (control group) or CR standard care+mHealth supported exercise counselling (mHealth intervention group). Feasibility outcomes will include the number of patients approached, screened and eligible; the percentage of patients who decline CR (including reasons for declining), agree to CR and consent to being part of the study; the percentage of patients who enrol in standard CR and reasons for drop out; and the percentage of participants who complete clinical, physical and psychosocial outcomes to identify a suitable primary outcome for a future definitive trial.

Ethics and dissemination

The trial was approved in the UK by the Northwest—Greater Manchester East Research Ethics Committee (22/NW/0301) and is being conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and Good Clinical Practice. Results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at national and international scientific meetings.

Trial registration numbers


Community perspectives on the magnitude of Xeroderma pigmentosum and care-seeking practices in Micheweni district, Pemba: a mixed-methods cross-sectional study

Por: Matemba · L. E. · Shayo · E. H. · Masemo · A. · Nassor · N. K. · Ally · M. S. · Msovela · J.

To determine the community’s perception on the magnitude of Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) disease and healthcare-seeking practices in Micheweni, Pemba in response to the public widespread information on the increased burden of the disease.


Mixed-methods cross-sectional study.


Micheweni district, Pemba.


211 male and female adults in the household survey, three caretakers/parents of patients with XP in the case study, 20 key community leaders/influential people and health workers in in-depth interviews and 50 community members and other leaders in six focus groups.


This study has revealed that XP disease exists in few families of which some of them have more than one child affected. The record review showed that there were a total of 17 patients who were diagnosed with the disease for the past 3 years, however only 10 were alive during the time of the survey. Findings from the community members revealed that several patients were believed to have XP disease and perceived causes include inheritance, food types, beliefs and other sociocultural practices. Stigma and discrimination were reported by caretakers and religious leaders. However, some cases believed to be XP were identified as other skin conditions when clinical examination was performed by the team of our researchers. There is a great confusion about XP and other skin diseases.


The study has shown that XP affects only few families, hence termed as concentrated rather than a generalised disease. Due to the rareness of the disease, majority of people in the district are unaware of the disease, hence confusing it with other skin conditions. There is a need for the government in collaboration with other stakeholders to provide educational programme to community members about the disease to address the misconception about the magnitude of the disease.

Developing a PRogram to Educate and Sensitize Caregivers to Reduce the Inappropriate Prescription Burden in the Elderly with Alzheimer’s Disease (D-PRESCRIBE-AD): Trial protocol and rationale of an open-label pragmatic, prospective randomized controlled

by Sonal Singh, Noelle M. Cocoros, Xiaojuan Li, Kathleen M. Mazor, Mary T. Antonelli, Lauren Parlett, Mark Paullin, Thomas P. Harkins, Yunping Zhou, Paula A. Rochon, Richard Platt, Inna Dashevsky, Carly Massino, Cassandra Saphirak, Sybil L. Crawford, Jerry H. Gurwitz


Potentially inappropriate prescribing of medications in older adults, particular those with dementia, can lead to adverse drug events including falls and fractures, worsening cognitive impairment, emergency department visits, and hospitalizations. Educational mailings from health plans to patients and their providers to encourage deprescribing conversations may represent an effective, low-cost, “light touch”, approach to reducing the burden of potentially inappropriate prescription use in older adults with dementia.


The objective of the Developing a PRogram to Educate and Sensitize Caregivers to Reduce the Inappropriate Prescription Burden in Elderly with Alzheimer’s Disease (D-PRESCRIBE-AD) trial is to evaluate the effect of a health plan based multi-faceted educational outreach intervention to community dwelling patients with dementia who are currently prescribed sedative/hypnotics, antipsychotics, or strong anticholinergics.


The D-PRESCRIBE-AD is an open-label pragmatic, prospective randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing three arms: 1) educational mailing to both the health plan patient and their prescribing physician (patient plus physician arm, n = 4814); 2) educational mailing to prescribing physician only (physician only arm, n = 4814); and 3) usual care (n = 4814) among patients with dementia enrolled in two large United States based health plans. The primary outcome is the absence of any dispensing of the targeted potentially inappropriate prescription during the 6-month study observation period after a 3-month black out period following the mailing. Secondary outcomes include dose-reduction, polypharmacy, healthcare utilization, mortality and therapeutic switching within targeted drug classes.


This large pragmatic RCT will contribute to the evidence base on promoting deprescribing of potentially inappropriate medications among older adults with dementia. If successful, such light touch, inexpensive and highly scalable interventions have the potential to reduce the burden of potentially inappropriate prescribing for patients with Identifier: NCT05147428.

Enhancing care for transgender and gender diverse survivors of intimate partner violence: an Ontario-wide survey examining health and social service providers learning needs

Por: Du Mont · J. A. · Kelly · C. E. · Seo · H. · Brouillard-Coyle · S. · Mason · R. · Macdonald · S. · Kosa · S. D.

To better understand healthcare and social/community service providers’ learning needs associated with supporting transgender and gender diverse (trans) persons who have experienced intimate partner violence (IPV).


An online survey was distributed through the trans-LINK Network in Ontario, Canada.


163 of 225 healthcare and social/community service providers completed the survey (72.4% response rate) between November 2022 and February 2023.

Main outcome measures

Expertise, training, workplace practices and learning needs related to supporting trans survivors of IPV.


Quantitative survey results were analysed descriptively and open-ended responses were organised thematically. In March 2022, survey results were shared with 33 stakeholders who helped define goals and objectives for an e-learning curriculum using Jamboard, data from which were collated and organised into themes.


Most (66.3%) survey respondents described having provided professional support to trans survivors of IPV, but only one-third (38.0%) reported having received relevant training, and many of the trainings cited were in fact focused on other forms of violence or trans health generally. The majority reported a mid (44.9%) or low-mid (28.5%) level of expertise and almost unanimously agreed that they would benefit from (further) training (99.4%). The most commonly recommended goal/objective for a curriculum emerging from the stakeholder consultation was to facilitate collaboration, knowledge sharing and (safe) referrals among organisations.


The results of this study highlight the critical need for an IPV curriculum specific to trans survivors and responsive to the needs of providers. As no one profession can address this complex issue in isolation, it is important that the curriculum aims to facilitate collaboration across sectors. In the absence of appropriate training and referrals, practitioners may perpetuate harm when caring for trans survivors of IPV.

Association between home meal preparers and salt intake in haemodialysis patients: a cross-sectional study

Por: Uchida · H. · Hidaka · T. · Endo · S. · Kasuga · H. · Masuishi · Y. · Kakamu · T. · Fukushima · T.

This study aimed to examine the association between home meal preparer and salt intake among haemodialysis patients, including daily dietary status. We hypothesised that salt intake is higher among individuals who rely on meal preparation from others than those who prepare meals by themselves.


Cross-sectional study.


Two medical facilities in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.


237 haemodialysis outpatients who visited one of the medical facilities between February 2020 and August 2021 and were diagnosed with anuria, defined as urination of

Outcome measure

Salt intake amount was calculated from the results of predialysis and postdialysis blood draws, using Watson’s formula based on predialysis weight, predialysis serum sodium level, postdialysis weight and serum sodium level at the end of dialysis.


Salt intake was significantly higher in participants who relied on meal preparation from others (‘relying on others’) than those who prepared meals by themselves (‘self-prepared’) (B=1.359; 95% CI: 0.495 to 2.222). No statistical difference was found between individuals who ate out or ate takeout (‘outsourcing’) and those who prepared their own meals (‘self-prepared’). These results were robust after adjustment for confounding factors.


The present study revealed an association between self-preparation of meals at home and reduced salt intake among dialysis patients. Our findings suggest that whoever is the home meal preparer is possibly a social determinant of salt intake. To improve the prognosis of haemodialysis patients, actively reaching out to the family and assessing their social environment, such as identifying the home meal preparer and, if the patient relies on others for meal preparation, conducting nutritional/dietary guidance for that person, are effective in enhancing salt reduction.

Association between tuberculosis and pregnancy outcomes: a retrospective cohort study of women in Cape Town, South Africa

Por: Meehan · S.-A. · Hesseling · A. C. · von Delft · A. · Marx · F. M. · Hughes · J. A. · Bock · P. · Banke-Thomas · A. · Dunbar · R. · Phelanyane · F. · Smith · M. · Osman · M.

Tuberculosis (TB) remains a leading cause of mortality among women of childbearing age and a significant contributor to maternal mortality. Pregnant women with TB are at high risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. This study aimed to determine risk factors for an adverse pregnancy outcome among pregnant women diagnosed with TB.


Using TB programmatic data, this retrospective cohort analysis included all women who were routinely diagnosed with TB in the public sector between October 2018 and March 2020 in two health subdistricts of Cape Town, and who were documented to be pregnant during their TB episode. Adverse pregnancy outcome was defined as either a live birth of an infant weighing


Of 248 pregnant women, half (52%) were living with HIV; all were on antiretroviral therapy at the time of their TB diagnosis. Pregnancy outcomes were documented in 215 (87%) women, of whom 74 (34%) had an adverse pregnancy outcome. Being older (35–44 years vs 25–34 years (adjusted OR (aOR): 3.99; 95% CI: 1.37 to 11.57), living with HIV (aOR: 2.72; 95% CI: 0.99 to 4.63), having an unfavourable TB outcome (aOR: 2.29; 95% CI: 1.03 to 5.08) and having presented to antenatal services ≤1 month prior to delivery (aOR: 10.57; 95% CI: 4.01 to 27.89) were associated with higher odds of an adverse pregnancy outcome.


Pregnancy outcomes among women with TB were poor, irrespective of HIV status. Pregnant women with TB are a complex population who need additional support prior to, during and after TB treatment to improve TB treatment and pregnancy outcomes. Pregnancy status should be considered for inclusion in TB registries.

Ceragenin-coated endotracheal tubes for the reduction of ventilator-associated pneumonia: a prospective, longitudinal, cross-over, interrupted time, implementation study protocol (CEASE VAP study)

Por: Symonds · N. E. · Meng · E. X. M. · Boyd · J. G. · Boyd · T. · Day · A. · Hobbs · H. · Maslove · D. M. · Norman · P. A. · Semrau · J. S. · Sibley · S. · Muscedere · J.

Critically ill patients are at high risk of acquiring ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), which occurs in approximately 20% of mechanically ventilated patients. VAP results either from aspiration of pathogen-contaminated oropharyngeal secretions or contaminated biofilms that form on endotracheal tubes (ETTs) after intubation. VAP results in increased duration of mechanical ventilation, increased intensive care unit and hospital length of stay, increased risk of death and increased healthcare costs. Because of its impact on patient outcomes and the healthcare system, VAP is regarded as an important patient safety issue and there is an urgent need for better evidence on the efficacy of prevention strategies. Modified ETTs that reduce aspiration of oropharyngeal secretions with subglottic secretion drainage or reduce the occurrence of biofilm with a coating of ceragenins (CSAs) are available for clinical use in Canada. In this implementation study, we will evaluate the efficacy of these two types of Health Canada-licensed ETTs on the occurrence of VAP, and impact on patient-centred outcomes.


In this ongoing, pragmatic, prospective, longitudinal, interrupted time, cross-over implementation study, we will compare the efficacy of a CSA-coated ETT (CeraShield N8 Pharma) with an ETT with subglottic secretion drainage (Taper Guard, Covidien). The study periods consist of four alternating time periods of 11 or 12 weeks or a total of 23 weeks for each ETT. All patients intubated with the study ETT in each time period will be included in an intention-to-treat analysis. Outcomes will include VAP incidence, mortality and health services utilisation including antibiotic use and length of stay.

Ethics and dissemination

This study has been approved by the Health Sciences Research Ethics Board at Queen’s University. The results of this study will be actively disseminated through manuscript publication and conference presentations.

Trial registration number


Healthcare providers’ perception towards utilization of health information applications and its associated factors in healthcare delivery in health facilities in Cape Coast Metropolis, Ghana

by Richard Okyere Boadu, Godwin Adzakpah, Nathan Kumasenu Mensah, Kwame Adu Okyere Boadu, Jonathan Kissi, Christiana Dziyaba, Rosemary Bermaa Abrefa


Information and communication technology (ICT) has significantly advanced global healthcare, with electronic health (e-Health) applications improving health records and delivery. These innovations, including electronic health records, strengthen healthcare systems. The study investigates healthcare professionals’ perceptions of health information applications and their associated factors in the Cape Coast Metropolis of Ghana’s health facilities.


We used a descriptive cross-sectional study design to collect data from 632 healthcare professionals (HCPs), in the three purposively selected health facilities in the Cape Coast municipality of Ghana, in July 2022. Shapiro-Wilk test was used to check the normality of dependent variables. Descriptive statistics were used to report means with corresponding standard deviations for continuous variables. Proportions were also reported for categorical variables. Bivariate regression analysis was conducted to determine the factors influencing the Benefits of Information Technology (BoIT); Barriers to Information Technology Use (BITU); and Motives of Information Technology Use (MoITU) in healthcare delivery. Stata SE version 15 was used for the analysis. A p-value of less than 0.05 served as the basis for considering a statistically significant accepting hypothesis.


Healthcare professionals (HCPs) generally perceived moderate benefits (Mean score (M) = 5.67) from information technology (IT) in healthcare. However, they slightly agreed that barriers like insufficient computers (M = 5.11), frequent system downtime (M = 5.09), low system performance (M = 5.04), and inadequate staff training (M = 4.88) hindered IT utilization. Respondents slightly agreed that training (M = 5.56), technical support (M = 5.46), and changes in work procedures (M = 5.10) motivated their IT use. Bivariate regression analysis revealed significant influences of education, working experience, healthcare profession, and IT training on attitudes towards IT utilization in healthcare delivery (BoIT, BITU, and MoITU). Additionally, the age of healthcare providers, education, and working experience significantly influenced BITU. Ultimately, age, education, working experience, healthcare profession, and IT training significantly influenced MoITU in healthcare delivery.


Healthcare professionals acknowledge moderate benefits of IT in healthcare but encounter barriers like inadequate resources and training. Motives for IT use include staff training and support. Bivariate regression analysis shows education, working experience, profession, and IT training significantly influence attitudes towards IT adoption. Targeted interventions and policies can enhance IT utilization in the Cape Coast Metropolis, Ghana.

Ultrasound tomography enhancement by signal feature extraction with modular machine learning method

by Bartłomiej Baran, Dariusz Majerek, Piotr Szyszka, Dariusz Wójcik, Tomasz Rymarczyk

Robust and reliable diagnostic methods are desired in various types of industries. This article presents a novel approach to object detection in industrial or general ultrasound tomography. The key idea is to analyze the time-dependent ultrasonic signal recorded by three independent transducers of an experimental system. It focuses on finding common or related characteristics of these signals using custom-designed deep neural network models. In principle, models use convolution layers to extract common features of signals, which are passed to dense layers responsible for predicting the number of objects or their locations and sizes. Predicting the number and properties of objects are characterized by a high value of the coefficient of determination R2 = 99.8% and R2 = 98.4%, respectively. The proposed solution can result in a reliable and low-cost method of object detection for various industry sectors.

Relationship between rumination, self-compassion, and psychological health among Japanese university students: A cross-sectional study

by Kaho Yamasaki, Ayaka Sampei, Hiromitsu Miyata


Rumination is suggested to exacerbate psychological health, but there is room for investigating the potential protecting factors for individuals with high ruminative tendencies against psychological symptoms. The present cross-sectional study aimed to uncover the associations between rumination as a maladaptive dimension of self-focus, self-compassion, and psychological health, and whether and how components of self-compassion may moderate the associations between rumination and psychological health in Japanese undergraduate students.


A questionnaire survey was conducted by using both an online platform and a paper-based questionnaire. The survey included established Japanese versions of psychological scales on rumination, self-compassion, perceived stress, trait anxiety, and depression.


The results revealed statistically significant positive correlations between rumination and negative dimensions of self-compassion, and rumination and psychological symptoms. Positive dimensions of self-compassion were significantly negatively correlated with both rumination and psychological symptoms. Reflection as a positive dimension of self-focus did not show significant correlations with most psychological variables. Furthermore, hierarchical multiple regression analyses involving subscales of self-compassion and their interactions with rumination as predictors revealed that the interactions between rumination and components of self-compassion, i.e., over-identification and mindfulness, significantly predicted trait anxiety. Higher rumination predicted higher anxiety when over-identification was high, but not when over-identification was low. Also, lower rumination predicted lower anxiety when mindfulness was high, but not when mindfulness was low.


The results suggest significant associations between rumination, components of self-compassion, and psychological health in a population of Japanese undergraduate students. The data also suggest that components of self-compassion play moderating roles in the relationship between rumination and psychological health, potentially serving as aggravating/protective factors for psychological health. Longitudinal studies and comparisons between different cultures should be conducted in the future quest.

Presence of keel bone damage in laying hens, pullets and roosters of local chicken breeds

by Lisa Jung, Sonja Hillemacher, Inga Tiemann, Mascha Lepke, Dirk Hinrichs

In commercial laying hens, keel bone damage (KBD) is a severe health and welfare problem leading to pain, reduced mobility and decreased laying performance. Flocks of all production systems and hybrid lines can be affected. KBD is a multifactorial welfare issue and, among other factors, associated with a high laying performance which negatively affects the calcium deposit in the medullary bones. Therefore, mature hens of local breeds with much lower egg production than commercial hybrids may be expected to show less or even no keel bone damage. This study evaluates (i) the prevalence of KBD in local breeds, (ii) the difference in type and level of damages, and (iii) if roosters and pullets are also affected. In total, we palpated 343 mature hens, 40 pullets, and 18 roosters of 13 different local breeds and one commercial hybrid. The animals were kept on eight different farms in free-range or floor-housing systems. Our results showed that on average 44.2% of mature hens per local breed were affected by KBD (range: 11.1%-84.7%). We found deviation of less than 1 cm in 26.9%, deviations of more than 1 cm in 6.4% and palpable fractures in 23.8% of the mature hens of local breeds. The tip was damaged in 23.6% of the mature hens. Also, pullets and roosters were affected by KBD. Finally, we found that KBD also occurs in local breeds. Therefore, we conclude that even the low laying performance of local breeds does not prevent them from the occurrence of KBD.KBD in local breeds may rather be associated with genetics (breed) as well as management and housing. Thus, breeders of local breeds should include bone health as a selection trait. Owners of local breeds should also pay attention to the condition of the keel and ought to be trained about preventive measures.

Automatic classification of sleep stages using EEG signals and convolutional neural networks

by Ihssan S. Masad, Amin Alqudah, Shoroq Qazan

Sleep stages classification is one of the new topics in studying human life quality because it plays a crucial role in getting a healthy lifestyle. Abnormal changes or absence of normal sleep may lead to different diseases such as heart-related diseases, diabetes, and obesity. In general, sleep staging analysis can be performed using electroencephalography (EEG) signals. This study proposes a convolutional neural network (CNN) based methodology for sleep stage classification using EEG signals taken by six channels and transformed into time-frequency analysis images. The proposed methodology consists of three major steps: (i) segment the EEG signal into epochs with 30 seconds in length, (ii) convert epochs into 2D representation using time-frequency analysis, and (iii) feed the 2D time-frequency analysis to the 2D CNN. The results showed that the proposed methodology is robust and achieved a very high accuracy of 99.39% for channel C4-A1. All other channels have accuracy values above 98.5%, which indicates that any channel can be used for sleep stage classification with high accuracy. The proposed methodology outperformed the methods in the literature in terms of overall accuracy or single channel accuracy. It is expected to provide a great benefit for physicians, especially neurologists; by providing them with a new powerful tool to support the clinical diagnosis of sleep-related diseases.