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How does eligibility for GusNIP produce prescriptions relate to fruit and vegetable purchases and what factors shape the relationship? A protocol for a secondary analysis of nationally representative data in the USA

Por: Houghtaling · B. · Zhang · N. · Yaroch · A. · Milburn Atkinson · C. · Byker Shanks · C.

US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Programme (GusNIP) produce prescription programme (PPR) ‘prescriptions’ provide eligible participants with low income, risk for diet-related chronic disease and food insecurity a healthcare issued incentive to purchase lower to no cost fruits and vegetables (FVs). However, GusNIP requirements specify that PPR prescriptions can only be redeemed for fresh (not frozen, canned or dried) FVs. This requirement may prevent participants from fully engaging in or benefiting from GusNIP PPR, given communities with lower healthy food access may have reduced fresh FV accessibility.

Methods and analysis

We will use the nationally representative 2012–2013 National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey (FoodAPS) and complementary FoodAPS Geography Component data in a secondary data analysis to examine how household GusNIP PPR eligibility relates to the quantity and variety of fresh, frozen, canned and dried FV purchases and to what extent individual, household and food environment factors shape the relationship. FoodAPS data include household food purchasing and acquisition information across a 7 day period from 14 317 individuals among 4826 households and was collected between April 2012 and January 2013. The FoodAPS Geography Component provides information about the local community/environment relative to FoodAPS households. This study will examine the correlation or association of selected variables between different quantities and varieties of fresh, frozen, canned and dried FVs, as well as correlations among multilevel predictors.

Ethics and dissemination

We are following data integrity standards as outlined by agreements with the USDA Economic Research Service. All results of analyses will undergo a thorough disclosure review to ensure no identifiable data are shared. Results will be disseminated to research, practice and policy communities using an Open Access peer-reviewed manuscript(s), scientific and practice presentations, and a public facing report and infographic.

Optimising HIV drug resistance testing laboratory networks in Kenya: insights from systems engineering modelling

Por: Wang · Y. · Kingwara · L. · Wagner · A. D. · Yongo · N. · Hassan · S. A. · Liu · S. · Oyaro · P. · Patel · R. C.

HIV drug resistance (DR) is a growing threat to the durability of current and future HIV treatment success. DR testing (DRT) technologies are very expensive and specialised, relying on centralised laboratories in most low and middle-income countries. Modelling for laboratory network with point-of-care (POC) DRT assays to minimise turnaround time (TAT), is urgently needed to meet the growing demand.


We developed a model with user-friendly interface using integer programming and queueing theory to improve the DRT system in Kisumu County, Kenya. We estimated DRT demand based on both current and idealised scenarios and evaluated a centralised laboratory-only network and an optimised POC DRT network. A one-way sensitivity analysis of key user inputs was conducted.


In a centralised laboratory-only network, the mean TAT ranged from 8.52 to 8.55 working days, and the system could not handle a demand proportion exceeding 1.6%. In contrast, the mean TAT for POC DRT network ranged from 1.13 to 2.11 working days, with demand proportion up to 4.8%. Sensitivity analyses showed that expanding DRT hubs reduces mean TAT substantially while increasing the processing rate at national labs had minimal effect. For instance, doubling the current service rate at national labs reduced the mean TAT by only 0.0%–1.9% in various tested scenarios, whereas doubling the current service rate at DRT hubs reduced the mean TAT by 37.5%–49.8%. In addition, faster batching modes and transportation were important factors influencing the mean TAT.


Our model offers decision-makers an informed framework for improving the DRT system using POC in Kenya. POC DRT networks substantially reduce mean TAT and can handle a higher demand proportion than a centralised laboratory-only network, especially for children and pregnant women living with HIV, where there is an immediate push to use DRT results for patient case management.

Understanding and maximising the community impact of seasonal malaria chemoprevention in Burkina Faso (INDIE-SMC): study protocol for a cluster randomised evaluation trial

Por: Moreno · M. · Barry · A. · Gmeiner · M. · Yaro · J. B. · Serme · S. S. · Byrne · I. · Ramjith · J. · Ouedraogo · A. · Soulama · I. · Grignard · L. · Soremekun · S. · Koele · S. · ter Heine · R. · Ouedraogo · A. Z. · Sawadogo · J. · Sanogo · E. · Ouedraogo · I. N. · Hien · D. · Sirima · S. B

Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) involves repeated administrations of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine to children below the age of 5 years during the peak transmission season in areas of seasonal malaria transmission. While highly impactful in reducing Plasmodium falciparum malaria burden in controlled research settings, the impact of SMC on infection prevalence is moderate in real-life settings. It remains unclear what drives this efficacy decay. Recently, the WHO widened the scope for SMC to target all vulnerable populations. The Ministry of Health (MoH) in Burkina Faso is considering extending SMC to children below 10 years old. We aim to assess the impact of SMC on clinical incidence and parasite prevalence and quantify the human infectious reservoir for malaria in this population.

Methods and analysis

We will perform a cluster randomised trial in Saponé Health District, Burkina Faso, with three study arms comprising 62 clusters of three compounds: arm 1 (control): SMC in under 5-year-old children, implemented by the MoH without directly observed treatment (DOT) for the full course of SMC; arm 2 (intervention): SMC in under 5-year-old children, with DOT for the full course of SMC; arm 3 (intervention): SMC in under 10-year-old children, with DOT for the full course of SMC. The primary endpoint is parasite prevalence at the end of the malaria transmission season. Secondary endpoints include the impact of SMC on clinical incidence. Factors affecting SMC uptake, treatment adherence, drug concentrations, parasite resistance markers and transmission of parasites will be determined.

Ethics and dissemination

The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine’s Ethics Committee (29193) and the Burkina Faso National Medical Ethics Committee (Deliberation No 2023-05-104) approved this study. The findings will be presented to the community; disease occurrence data and study outcomes will also be shared with the Burkina Faso MoH. Findings will be published irrespective of their results.

Trial registration number


Bromelain‐based enzymatic burn debridement: A systematic review of clinical studies on patient safety, efficacy and long‐term outcomes


In 2012 the European Medicines Agency approved a pineapple stem-derived Bromelain-based debridement concentrate of proteolytic enzymes (NexoBrid®, MediWound Ltd, Yavne, Israel) for adult deep burns. Over 10 000 patients have been successfully treated with NexoBrid® globally, including in the US. The aim of our study is to perform a systematic review of the current literature on Nexobrid® outcomes. We conducted a literature search in PubMed, Google Scholar, Embase, and other search engines (2013–2023). The online screening process was performed by two independent reviewers with the Covidence tool. The protocol was reported using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses, and it was registered at the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews of the National Institute for Health Research. We identified 103 relevant studies of which 34 were found eligible. The included studies report the positive effects of Nexobrid® on burn debridement, functional and cosmetic outcomes, scarring, and quality of life. Also, they validate the high patient satisfaction thanks to enhanced protocols of analgosedation and/or locoregional anaesthesia during Bromelain-based debridement. Two studies investigate potential risks (coagulopathy, burn wound infection) which concluded there is no strong evidence of these adverse events. NexoBrid® is a safe, selective, non-surgical eschar removal treatment modality. The benefits of Bromelain-based debridement are faster debridement and healing times, reduced operations, length of stay, cases of sepsis, blood transfusions, and prevention of compartment syndrome. Existing evidence suggests that the indications and the role of Bromelain-based debridement are expanding to cover “off-label” cases with significant benefits to the global healthcare economy.
