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A prospective observational study of pH testing to confirm ongoing nasogastric tube position


Aims and Objectives

To measure the reliability of pH testing to confirm ongoing nasogastric tube (NGT) position and to document associated complications.


Confirming NGT position is essential, as use of an incorrectly positioned tube can cause harm. Substantial evidence examines initial confirmation of NGT position, yet limited evidence exists considers NGT displacement which is identified via ongoing NGT position tests. In the NHS, pH testing is recommended to confirm ongoing NGT position; however, there may be an association with excess X-rays and missed enteral nutrition and/or medications.


Prospective observational study using STROBE checklist.


Data collected from medical records of 136 patients with NGTs in a London NHS Trust included pH tests, test results and complications related to ongoing pH tests which failed to confirm the tube was positioned in the stomach, that is, X-rays, and disruptions to enteral nutrition and medication. Cohen's Kappa determined pH test reliability.


Of 1381 pH tests conducted to confirm NGT position, five (0.3%) correctly identified an NGT displacement, and one (0.07%) failed to identify displacement before use. The reliability of ongoing pH tests using Cohen's Kappa was minimal (0.29). Ongoing pH tests that failed to confirm a correctly positioned NGT led to 31 (22.8%) patients having X-rays, 24 (17.6%) missing >10% of prescribed enteral nutrition and 25 (18.4%) missing a critical medication.


Ongoing NGT position testing using pH tests did not prevent the use of a displaced tube, and more than one-fifth of patients required X-rays to confirm a correctly position NGT, contributing to missed medications and enteral nutrition.

Relevance to Clinical Practice

Caution should be used when confirming ongoing NGT position with a pH test. Future guidelines should balance the risk of using a displaced tube with potential delays to nutrition and/or medication. More research is needed to explore alternative methods of ongoing NGT position testing.

Factors impacting nursing assistants to accept a delegation in the acute care settings: A mixed method study



To investigate the experience of nursing assistants being delegated nursing tasks by registered nurses.


Mixed method explanatory sequential design.


A total of 79 nursing assistants working in an acute hospital in Australia completed surveys that aimed to identify their experience of working with nurses and the activities they were delegated. The survey data were analysed using descriptive statistics. Interviews with 11 nursing assistants were conducted and analysed using Braun and Clarke's thematic analysis. Results were triangulated to provide a richer understanding of the phenomena.


Most nursing assistants felt supported completing delegated care activities. However, there was confusion around their scope of practice, some felt overworked and believed that they did not have the right to refuse a delegation. Factors impacting the nursing assistant's decision to accept a delegation included the attitude of the nurses, wanting to be part of the team and the culture of the ward. Nursing assistants who were studying to be nurses felt more supported than those who were not.


Delegation is a two-way relationship and both parties need to be cognisant of their roles and responsibilities to ensure safe and effective nursing care is provided. Incorrectly accepting or refusing delegated activities may impact patient safety.

Implications for the profession and/or patient care

Highlights the need for implementing strategies to support safe delegation practices between the registered and unregulated workforce to promote patient safety.


Describes the experiences of nursing assistants working in the acute care environment when accepting delegated care from nurses. Reports a range of factors that inhibit or facilitate effective delegation practices between nurses and nursing assistants. Provides evidence to support the need for stronger education and policy development regarding delegation practices between nurses and unregulated staff.

Reporting method

Complied with the APA Style JARS-MIXED reporting criteria for mixed method research.

Patient or public contribution

No patient or public contribution.

Topical oxygen therapy and singlet oxygen in wound healing: A scoping review


The aim of this scoping review was to provide an overview of current research into topical oxygen therapies including the under-researched singlet oxygen for wound healing. A scoping review was undertaken using five databases. After duplicates and ineligible studies were excluded, 49 studies were included for a narrative review. Out of the included 49 studies, 45 (91.8%) were published in the past 10 years (2013–2023) with 32 (65.3%) published in the past 5 years (2018–2023). Eight of the studies were systematic reviews and/or meta-analysis and 18 were RCTs. The search identified zero human RCTs on singlet oxygen, but one human cohort study and five studies in animals. There is evidence that topical oxygen therapy may be useful for the treatment of chronic wounds, mainly diabetic foot ulcers. Singlet oxygen has shown potential, but would need further confirmation in controlled human trials, including more research to understand the bio-properties.

Nurse and Physician Perceptions and Decision Making During Interdisciplinary Communication: Factors That Influence Communication Channel Selection

imageErrors in decision making and communication play a key role in poor patient outcomes. Safe patient care requires effective decision making during interdisciplinary communication through communication channels. Research on factors that influence nurse and physician decision making during interdisciplinary communication is limited. Understanding influences on nurse and physician decision making during communication channel selection is needed to support effective communication and improved patient outcomes. The purpose of the study was to explore nurse and physician perceptions of and decision-making processes for selecting interruptive or noninterruptive interdisciplinary communication channels in medical-surgical and intermediate acute care settings. Twenty-six participants (10 RNs, 10 resident physicians, and six attending physicians) participated in semistructured interviews in two acute care metropolitan hospitals for this qualitative descriptive study. The Practice Primed Decision Model guided interview question development and early data analysis. Findings include a core category, Development of Trust in the Communication Process, supported by three main themes: (1) Understanding of Patient Status Drives Communication Decision Making; (2) Previous Interdisciplinary Communication Experience Guides Channel Selection; and (3) Perceived Usefulness Influences Communication Channel Selection. Findings from this study provide support for future design and research of communication channels within the EHR and clinical decision support systems.

The significance of parental mentalizing for four-year-old children’s solitary pretend play

by Johanne Smith-Nielsen, Anne Christine Stuart, Katrine Isabella Wendelboe, Ida Egmose, Camilla Overbye Roos, Mette Skovgaard Væver


Pretend play is a signature behavior of early childhood and is considered to reflect the child’s emerging symbolic function, enabling the interpretation of social signals, language development, and emotion understanding. While theory links parental mentalizing with children’s pretend play, only a few studies have investigated this association. These studies are limited to infancy and early toddlerhood, and child pretend play is assessed during play with an adult (social play). Based on the assumption that child solitary pretend play reflects the child’s ‘baseline’ pretend play ability, in this study, we investigated children’s pretend play at its peak, i.e., during the preschool age, without the facilitation of another player. The overall objective was to investigate if parental mentalizing increases pretend play complexity in children.


The sample consisted 99 Danish mothers and their 4-year-old children. Employing a cross-sectional design, we hypothesized that parental mental state language, as an indicator of ‘online’ mentalizing during interaction with the child, is a mechanism through which ‘offline’ mentalizing, measured as parental reflective functioning, is associated with child solitary pretend play. Child pretend play complexity was observed and coded with an adapted version of the 12-Step Play Scale. Maternal offline mentalizing was assessed with the Parental Reflective Functioning Questionnaire, and maternal online mentalizing was assessed by coding the mothers’ mental state language during interaction with the child using a modified version of the mind-mindedness coding scheme.


While there was no direct effect of maternal offline reflective functioning on child pretend play, online mental state language mediated the link between offline maternal reflective functioning and child pretend play.


These results provide support for the theoretically assumed link between parental mentalizing and children’s capacity for pretend play. Furthermore, our study contributes to the literature on parental mentalization, suggesting that parental mentalizing facilitates child development only if the parent can translate this ability into ’mentalizing in action’.

Indian immigrants' constructions of mental health and mental illness in the perinatal period: A qualitative study



The aim of this study is to explore how immigrant women and men from India construct mental health and mental illness in the perinatal period.


Qualitative interpretive design.


Data were collected by conducting in-depth interviews with 19 participants. Photo elicitation, free listing and pile sorting were used during the interviews. Purposive sampling was used, and data were collected in 2018 and 2019. Data were analysed using thematic analysis.


One major theme and three subthemes were identified. ‘We do not talk about it’ was the major theme and the subthemes: (1) ‘living peacefully and feeling happy’ described the views on mental health; (2) ‘that's the elephant in the room still’ captures how participants felt when talking about mental illness; and (3) ‘why don't we talk about it’ offers reasons why the Indian community does not talk about mental health and illness.


The findings of this study have highlighted the importance of understanding the impact of immigration and being culturally sensitive when assessing mental health in the perinatal period.


The findings of this study identify some of the reasons for non-disclosure of mental health issues by immigrants. Incorporating these findings during psychosocial assessment by health professionals in the perinatal period will help translate the cultural aspects into more effective communication.

Patient or Public Contribution

Patient and public contribution to the study was provided by the Community Stakeholders Group; these were members of the immigrant community from India who had expertise in mental health. They contributed to the study design and the key terms and phrases for the free list used in interviews.

Surgical site infection outcomes of two different closed incision negative pressure therapy systems in cardiac surgery: Systematic review and meta‐analysis


Closed incision negative pressure therapy (ciNPT) system use compared with standard of care dressings (SOC) on surgical site infection (SSI) in cardiac surgery was assessed. A systematic literature review was conducted. Risk ratios (RR) and random effects models were used to assess ciNPT with foam dressing (ciNPT-F) or multilayer absorbent dressing (ciNPT-MLA) versus SOC. Health economic models were developed to assess potential per patient cost savings. Eight studies were included in the ciNPT-F analysis and four studies were included in the ciNPT-MLA analysis. For ciNPT-F, a significant reduction in SSI incidence was observed (RR: 0.507, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.362, 0.709; p < 0.001). High-risk study analysis reported significant SSI reduction with ciNPT-F use (RR: 0.390, 95% CI: 0.205, 0.741; p = 0.004). For ciNPT-MLA, no significant difference in SSI rates were reported (RR: 0.672, 95% CI: 0.276, 1.635; p = 0.381). Health economic modelling estimated a per patient cost savings of $554 for all patients and $3242 for the high-risk population with ciNPT-F use. Health economic modelling suggests ciNPT-F may provide a cost-effective solution for sternotomy incision management. However, limited high-quality literature exists. More high-quality evidence is needed to fully assess the impact of ciNPT use following cardiac surgery.

Treating necrotizing fasciitis patients at the topmost referral hospital in West Java, Indonesia: 6 years experience


Necrotizing fasciitis is a progressive and rare disease, with high potential to be life-threatening because of its potential for systemic toxicity. Characterized by fascial infection, it is often followed by systemic toxicity, such as septic shock and multi-organ failure. The aim of this study is to establish reliable data on the treatment of necrotizing fasciitis patients at the topmost referral hospital in West Java, Indonesia. We collected medical record data from January 2015 to December 2021 at Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Hasan Sadikin (RSHS), Bandung, Indonesia. We recorded the infection region, bacterial isolates, empirical antibiotics, waiting time for the first surgery, surgical management, length of stay and we analysed the pattern of bacterial isolates, antibiotic use, waiting time for the first surgery, length of stay and mortality. A total of 90 patients' medical records were analysed. We found that the infection was most found in the genitalia and inguinal region (37%). Eighty-five percent of all samples containing gram-negative bacteria. The most used empirical antibiotics were from Cephalosporin class (31%), most of them combined with nitroimidazole (metronidazole) and with quinolones (levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin). Overall mortality rate was 13.3%. Highest mortality rate came from gram-negative bacteria group (14.2%—11 out of 77 patients), patients receiving Ceftriaxone–Metronidazole as empirical antibiotics (28.57%—4 out of 14 patients), patients with no surgery group (37%—3 out of 8 patients), with no mortality came from patients, which were performed debridement followed by fasciotomy/skin graft/flap and amputation. We conclude that the most found bacterial aetiology was Acinetobacter baumanii though it has no significant relation to mortality. We highly recommend early aggressive surgical intervention in reducing mortality rate due to necrotizing fasciitis for source control accompanied by deliberate defect closure and early administration of empirical antibiotics with more susceptibility for gram-negative bacteria, such as Meropenem.

‘I'm still here, I'm alive and breathing’: The experience of Black Americans with long COVID


Aims and Objectives

In this study, we aimed to characterize the impact of long COVID on quality of life and approaches to symptom management among Black American adults.


As a novel condition, qualitative evidence concerning long COVID symptoms and their impact on quality of life can inform the refinement of diagnostic criteria and care plans. However, the underrepresentation of Black Americans in long COVID research is a barrier to achieving equitable care for all long COVID patients.


We employed an interpretive description study design.


We recruited a convenience sample of 15 Black American adults with long COVID. We analysed the anonymized transcripts from race-concordant, semi-structured interviews using an inductive, thematic analysis approach. We followed the SRQR reporting guidelines.


We identified four themes: (1) The impact of long COVID symptoms on personal identity and pre-existing conditions; (2) Self-management strategies for long COVID symptoms; (3) Social determinants of health and symptom management; and (4) Effects on interpersonal relationships.


Findings demonstrate the comprehensive ramifications of long COVID on the lives of Black American adults. Results also articulate how pre-existing conditions, social risk factors, distrust due to systemic racism, and the nature of interpersonal relationships can complicate symptom management.

Relevance to Clinical Practice

Care approaches that support access to and implementation of integrative therapies may be best suited to meet the needs of long COVID patients. Clinicians should also prioritize eliminating patient exposure to discrimination, implicit bias, and microaggressions. This is of particular concern for long COVID patients who have symptoms that are difficult to objectively quantify, such as pain and fatigue.

No Patient or Public Contribution

While patient perspectives and experiences were the focus of this study, patients were not involved with the design or conduct of the study, data analysis or interpretation, or writing the manuscript.

Chronic Pain and Pain Management in Older Adults: Protocol and Pilot Results

imageBackground Chronic pain occurs in 30% of older adults. This prevalence rate is expected to increase, given the growth in the older adult population and the associated growth of chronic conditions contributing to pain. No population-based studies have provided detailed, longitudinal information on the experience of chronic pain in older adults; the pharmacological and nonpharmacological strategies that older adults use to manage their chronic pain; and the effect of chronic pain on patient-reported outcomes. Objectives This article aims to describe the protocol for a population-based, longitudinal study focused on understanding the experience of chronic pain in older adults. The objectives are to determine the prevalence and characteristics of chronic pain; identify the pharmacological and nonpharmacological pain treatments used; evaluate for longitudinal differences in biopsychosocial factors; and examine how pain types and pain trajectories affect important patient-reported outcomes. Also included are the results of a pilot study. Methods A population-based sample of approximately 1,888 older adults will be recruited from the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago’s AmeriSpeak Panel to complete surveys at three waves: enrollment (Wave 1), 6 months (Wave 2), and 12 months (Wave 3). To determine the feasibility, a pilot test of the enrollment survey was conducted among 123 older adults. Results In the pilot study, older adults with chronic pain reported a range of pain conditions, with osteoarthritis being the most common. Participants reported an array of pharmacological and nonpharmacological pain strategies. Compared to participants without chronic pain, those with chronic pain reported lower physical and cognitive function and poorer quality of life. Data collection for the primary, longitudinal study is ongoing. Discussion This project will be the first longitudinal population-based study to examine the experience and overall effect of chronic pain in older adults. Pilot study results provide evidence of the feasibility of study methods. Ultimately, this work will inform the development of tailored interventions for older patients targeted to decrease pain and improve function and quality of life.

Validation of the Wound‐QoL‐17 and the Wound‐QoL‐14 in a European sample of 305 patients with chronic wounds


The Wound-QoL assesses the impact of chronic wounds on patients' health-related quality of life (HRQoL). A 17-item and a shortened 14-item version are available. The Wound-QoL-17 has been validated for multiple languages. For the Wound-QoL-14, psychometric properties beyond internal consistency were lacking. We aimed to validate both Wound-QoL versions for international samples representing a broad range of European countries, including countries for which validation data had yet been pending. Patients with chronic wounds of any aetiology or location were recruited in Austria, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland and Ukraine. Psychometric properties were determined for both Wound-QoL versions for the overall sample and, if feasible, country-wise. We included 305 patients (age 68.5 years; 52.8% males). Internal consistency was high in both Wound-QoL-17 (Cronbach's α: 0.820–0.933) and Wound-QoL-14 (0.779–0.925). Test–retest reliability was moderate to good (intraclass correlation coefficient: 0.618–0.808). For Wound-QoL-17 and Wound-QoL-14, convergent validity analyses showed highest correlations with global HRQoL rating (r = 0.765; r = 0.751) and DLQI total score (r = 0.684; r = 0.681). Regarding clinical data, correlations were largest with odour (r = −0.371; r = −0.388) and wound size (r = 0.381; r = 0.383). Country-wise results were similar. Both Wound-QoL versions are valid to assess HRQoL of patients with chronic wounds. Due to its psychometric properties and brevity, the Wound-QoL-14 might be preferrable in clinical practice where time is rare. The availability of various language versions allows for the use of this questionnaire in international studies and in clinical practice when foreign language patients are being treated.

Methods for sampling wound fluid from venous leg ulcers for molecular analyses: A scoping review


Determining the precise role of molecular factors present in venous leg ulcer exudate will expedite the identification of biomarkers that can optimally guide treatment. However, there is now no standardized approach for collecting, processing and storing wound fluid samples for molecular analyses. This scoping review was conducted to integrate and summarize the multiple types of methods being used currently in studies of venous leg ulcers for collecting, processing and storing wound fluid prior to analysis. PubMed, CINAHL, EMBASE and Scopus databases were searched for eligible studies between 2012 and 2022. Nineteen studies were selected for this scoping review. Five primary methodological categories for wound fluid sampling were identified. The most commonly used collection method involved extracting the fluid from various absorbent materials, and the majority of studies centrifuged wound fluid before storing it at ultra-low temperatures. This review found the wound fluid sampling methods among the included studies to be heterogeneous. Moreover, the data revealed no definitive patterns. There is a critical need to develop standardized wound fluid sampling methods in research to facilitate accurate comparisons of biomarker data across studies and a more rapid determination of biomarkers that can most effectively guide delivery of tailored venous leg ulcer treatments.

How does a chronic wound change a patient's social life? A European survey on social support and social participation


Chronic wounds can severely limit patient's social life. This cross-sectional study investigated quantitatively social support of patients with chronic wounds, its association with health-related quality of life as well as qualitatively changes in social participation of these patients. Overall, 263 patients from seven countries participated. The most frequent wound class was leg ulcer (49.2%). Results revealed generally high levels of social support (mean global score: 5.5) as measured with the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. However, individuals differed considerably (range 1.0–7.0). All dimensions of social support differed by patients' family and living situations (p < 0.001 to p = 0.040) and were positively correlated with generic health-related quality of life (r = 0.136–0.172). Having children, living with others and being in a relationship were significant predictors of having higher global social support. Patients reported great support from family members. Many participants reported no changes in relationships with friends. Wound care managers took an important role and provided additional emotional support. Patients reported a range of discontinued activities. Despite the high overall level of social support, inter-individual differences should be acknowledged. The importance of family carers should be acknowledged to be able to reduce caregiver burden and to ensure high-qualitative wound care.

Sleep deprivation and medication administration errors in registered nurses—A scoping review



To explore whether sleep deprivation contributes to medication errors in registered nurses (RNs).


Sleep deprivation is a potential issue for RNs, particularly those who work shifts. Sleep deprivation has been found to have a negative impact on numerous cognitive processes. Nurses administer several medications to patients a day, potentially while sleep deprived—anecdotal reports suggest that this could result in an increased risk of error occurring.


A scoping review was conducted using the Prisma-ScR extension framework to explore what is known about the effect of RNs' sleep deprivation on medication administration errors.


A search of databases generated 171 results. When inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, 18 empirical studies were analysed. Studies included retrospective analysis of errors, surveys of perceptions of causes and observational studies.


Data indicated that RNs consider fatigue, which may be caused by sleep deprivation, to be a contributing factor to medication errors. The search only identified three observer studies, which provided conflicting results as to whether lack of sleep contributes to the error rate. Of the numerous tools used to measure sleep, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index was the most frequently used.


Although RNs anecdotally consider a lack of sleep potentially contributes to medication errors, there is insufficient research to provide robust evidence to confirm this assumption.

No Patient or Public Contributions

Patient or public contributions were not required for this scoping review.

Relevance to Clinical Practice

Sleep deprivation is a potential issue for nurses, especially those who work shifts. Poor sleep impacts cognitive processes that potentially could increase errors. Nurses should be aware of the impact sleep may have on patient safety.

Grieving multiple losses: Experiences of intimacy and sexuality of people living with inflammatory bowel disease. A phenomenological study



To explore patient experiences of intimacy and sexuality in those living with inflammatory bowel disease.


An interpretative phenomenological study guided by van Manen's framework. Thematic analysis was conducted through interpretation and reflection on four existential domains: body, relationships, time and space.


Data were collected during 2019–2021 from 43 participants via face-to-face or telephone interviews, as well as anonymous collection of narratives submitted via Google Forms.


Four themes were identified: Sexuality as lived incompleteness was the overarching theme representing the essence of the experiences of intimacy and sexuality. This theme covered the four main themes: Otherness of the body, Interrupted connectedness, Missing out on life fullness and Fragmented openness and each corresponded to an existential domain. Intimacy and sexuality are negatively affected by inflammatory bowel disease, with impact on quality of life. Patients experienced grieving multiple losses, from body image and control, to choice of partners and future opportunities. The four domains were difficult to separate and a close inter-relationship between each domain was acknowledged.


A model was developed to draw new theoretical insights to understanding the relationship between sexual well-being and psycho-emotional distress similar to grief.


First qualitative study to explore intimacy and sexuality experiences of those living with inflammatory bowel disease. Illness impact on sexuality has negative psycho-emotional implications as a result of losing the old self and capacity to have the desired relationships/sex life. A theoretical model was developed in an attempt to illustrate the close relationship of intimacy, sexuality and psycho-emotional well-being.

Patient or Public Contribution

Patients were involved in the study design.

An Evaluation of the Multifactorial Model of Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment

imageBackground Up to 45% of patients report cancer-related cognitive impairment (CRCI). A variety of characteristics are associated with the occurrence and/or severity of CRCI. However, an important gap in knowledge of risk factors for CRCI is the relative contribution of each factor. The multifactorial model of cancer-related cognitive impairment (MMCRCI) is a conceptual model of CRCI that can be used to evaluate the strength of relationships between various factors and CRCI. Objectives The purpose of this study was to use structural regression methods to evaluate the MMCRCI using data from a large sample of outpatients receiving chemotherapy (n = 1,343). Specifically, the relationships between self-reported CRCI and four MMCRCI concepts (i.e., social determinants of health, patient-specific factors, treatment factors, and co-occurring symptoms) were examined. The goals were to determine how well the four concepts predicted CRCI and determine the relative contribution of each concept to deficits in perceived cognitive function. Methods This study is part of a larger, longitudinal study that evaluated the symptom experience of oncology outpatients receiving chemotherapy. Adult patients were diagnosed with breast, gastrointestinal, gynecological, or lung cancer; had received chemotherapy within the preceding 4 weeks; were scheduled to receive at least two additional cycles of chemotherapy; were able to read, write, and understand English; and gave written informed consent. Self-reported CRCI was assessed using the attentional function index. Available study data were used to define the latent variables. Results On average, patients were 57 years of age, college educated, and with a mean Karnofsky Performance Status score of 80. Of the four concepts evaluated, whereas co-occurring symptoms explained the largest amount of variance in CRCI, treatment factors explained the smallest amount of variance. A simultaneous structural regression model that estimated the joint effect of the four exogenous latent variables on the CRCI latent variable was not significant. Discussion These findings suggest that testing individual components of the MMCRCI may provide useful information on the relationships among various risk factors, as well as refinements of the model. In terms of risk factors for CRCI, co-occurring symptoms may be more significant than treatment factors, patient-specific factors, and/or social determinants of health in patients receiving chemotherapy.

Distinct Profiles of Morning and Evening Fatigue Co-Occurrence in Patients During Chemotherapy

imageBackground Morning and evening fatigue are distinct and distressing symptoms experienced during chemotherapy that demonstrate a large amount of interindividual variability. Objectives The objectives of this study were to identify subgroups of patients with distinct morning and evening fatigue co-occurrence profiles and evaluate for differences among these subgroups in demographic, clinical, and symptom characteristics and quality of life. Methods Oncology patients (n = 1,334) completed the Lee Fatigue Scale to self-report morning and evening fatigue, six times over two cycles of chemotherapy. Latent profile analysis was used to identify subgroups of patients with distinct morning and evening physical fatigue profiles. Results Four distinct morning and evening fatigue profiles were identified (i.e., Both Low, Low Morning + Moderate Evening, Both Moderate, and Both High). Compared to the Both Low profile, the Both High profile was significantly younger, less likely to be married or partnered, more likely to live alone, had a higher comorbidity burden, and lower functional status. The Both High profile had higher levels of anxiety, depressive symptoms, sleep disturbance, and pain and lower levels of quality of life. Discussion The variability in the morning and evening severity scores among the four profiles supports the hypothesis that morning and evening fatigue are distinct but related symptoms. Clinically meaningful levels of both morning and evening fatigue were reported by 50.4% of our sample, which suggests that the co-occurrence of these two symptoms is relatively common. Patients in Both Moderate and Both High profiles experienced an extremely high symptom burden that warrants ongoing assessments and aggressive symptom management interventions.

The development of Midwifery Unit Standards for Europe

The WHO Global Strategy for Women's, Children's and Adolescents’ Health 2016-2030 emphasises the importance of maternity services in preventing illness and promoting optimal clinical outcomes (Every Woman Every Child, 2015). Midwifery has been recognised as having huge potential for transformation; worldwide, over 50 health outcomes could be improved by expanding provision and access to quality midwifery care (Renfrew, et al., 2014). Midwifery care is also associated with efficient use of resources (Renfrew, et al., 2014).