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Paciente con Síndrome Dolor Regional Complejo Tipo I

Paciente varón, de 32 años de edad, que consulta por dolor en muñeca derecha. Tras meses en rehabilitación, se diagnostica “epicondilitis” y se indica tratamiento quirúrgico, se retira yeso a las 6 semanas, se observa color azulado de toda la piel del antebrazo y mano, con hiperhidrosis y mucho vello. Ante la sospecha, se solicita gammagrafía con Tc99 que confirma el diagnóstico de “Síndrome de Dolor Regional Complejo tipo I simpático dependiente en grado II-III”. Derivado a la Unidad del Dolor donde es sometido a múltiples tratamientos, se implantan electrodos corticales a nivel de duramadre en la Cisura de Rolando. Tras no obtener resultados y observarse fibrosis a nivel del cuello, se retiran los electrodos. Posteriormente, recibe tratamiento fisioterapeutico-osteópatico mejorando ostensiblemente. Al cabo de 3 meses, vuelve a hacer vida normal, reincorporándose a su puesto de trabajo habitual perdido hace 9 años.

Tratamiento inmediato del neumotórax abierto: sellos torácicos ventilados vs. no ventilados. Una revisión sistemática

Objetivo principal: valorar la efectividad de los diferentes sellos torácicos existentes e identificar el tratamiento inmediato óptimo del neumotórax abierto. Metodología: revisión sistemática en bases de datos bibliográficas de gran repercusión en la comunidad científica, identificando estu- dios que analizaran la eficacia de los diferentes sellos torácicos. Resultados principales: los sellos torácicos comercializados no ventilados propician el desarrollo de un neumotórax a tensión, mientras que los ventilados evitan esta complicación. Esto es posible gracias a su función ventiladora y adhesiva, siendo el sello Russel® el que obtuvo mejores resultados. Conclusión principal: los sellos torácicos comercializados con canales ventilados laminados son los recomendados para el tratamiento del neumotórax abierto por evitar el desarrollo de un neumotórax a tensión, quedando en último lugar el uso de un sello completamente oclusivo.

Experiencias de madres con accidentes domésticos infantiles: consideraciones a la luz del Modelo de Adaptación de Roy

Objetivo principal: Describir las experiencias de las madres que vivieron accidentes domésticos que involucraron a sus hijos, a la luz del Modelo de Adaptación de Roy.  Método: Estudio cualitativo. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas y sometidos a la técnica de análisis de contenido. Se utilizó como marco teórico el Modelo de Adaptación de Roy. Resultados principales: Participaron 17 madres, cuyos discursos fueron agrupados en tres categorías: enfrentar el desafío de salvar la vida de su hijo; reconocer el momento de (falta de) cuidado de su hijo; y aprender de sus errores. Conclusión principal: Se identificaron madres con dificultades para reconocer sus errores y posibles negligencias, que les atribuyeron la responsabilidad del accidente al hijo. Los enfermeros, cuando basan su práctica clínica en el Modelo de Adaptación de Roy, deben prestarles atención a las necesidades emocionales de los sistemas adaptativos de los involucrados.

Comparing nurses attending a specialised mental health programme with and without substance use disorder: a retrospective, observational study in Spain

Por: Braquehais · M. D. · Mozo · X. · Llavayol · E. · Gausachs · E. · Santiago · R. · Nieva · G. · Valero · S. · Grau-Lopez · L. · Ramos-Quiroga · J. A. · Bruguera · E.

To analyse the differences between nurses with and without substance use disorders (SUDs) admitted to a specialised mental health programme.


Retrospective, observational study.


Specialised mental health treatment programme for nurses in Catalonia, Spain.


1091 nurses admitted to the programme from 2000 to 2021.



Primary and secondary outcomes

Sociodemographic, occupational and clinical variables were analysed. Diagnoses followed Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, Text Revision criteria.


Most nurses admitted to the programme were women (88%, n=960) and came voluntarily (92.1%, n=1005). The mean age at admission was 45 (SD=10.4) years. The most common diagnoses were adjustment disorders (36.6%, n=399), unipolar mood disorders (25.8%, n=282), anxiety disorders (16.4%, n=179) and SUDs (13.8%, n=151). Only 19.2% (n=209) of the sample were hospitalised during their first treatment episode. After multivariate analysis, suffering from a SUD was significantly associated with being a man (OR=4.12; 95% CI 2.49 to 6.82), coming after a directed referral (OR=4.55; 95% CI 2.5 to 7.69), being on sick leave at admission (OR=2.21; 95% CI 1.42 to 3.45) and needing hospitalisation at the beginning of their treatment (OR=12.5; 95% CI 8.3 to 20).


Nurses with SUDs have greater resistance to voluntarily asking for help from specialised mental health treatment programmes and have greater clinical severity compared with those without addictions. SUDs are also more frequent among men. More actions are needed to help prevent and promote earlier help-seeking behaviours among nurses with this type of mental disorder.

Adherence to pharmacological therapy in patients with hypertension: protocol of a qualitative study by focus groups

Por: Rosendo-Silva · B. · Prazeres · F. · Santiago · L. M. · Rosendo · I.

Non-adherence to antihypertensive medication significantly contributes to inadequate blood pressure control. Regarding non-pharmacological interventions to improve medication adherence, the question remains of which interventions yield the highest efficacy.

Understanding the complementary perspectives of patients and healthcare professionals can be valuable for designing strategies to enhance medication adherence. Few studies explored the perspectives of patients and healthcare professionals regarding medication adherence. None of them focused specifically on adherence to pharmacological therapy for hypertension in Portugal.

Considering the high prevalence of non-adherence and its location-specific aspects, the priority should be identifying its barriers and developing tactics to address them.

This study aims to gather the perspectives of patients with hypertension and healthcare professionals such as family doctors, nurses and community pharmacists from Portugal, regarding the most effective strategies to enhance antihypertensive medication adherence and to understand the factors contributing to non-adherence.

Methods and analyses

We will conduct qualitative research through synchronous online focus groups of 6–10 participants. Some groups will involve patients with hypertension, while others will include family doctors, nurses and community pharmacists. The number of focus groups will depend on the achievement of theoretical saturation. A purposive sample will be used. Healthcare participants will be recruited via email, while patients will be recruited through their family doctors.

The moderator will maintain neutrality while ensuring interactive contributions from every participant. Participants will be encouraged to express their opinions on the meeting summary. Meetings will be recorded and transcribed.

Two researchers will perform content analyses using MAXQDA V.12 through comparative analyses and subsequent consensus. A third researcher will review the analyses. The results will be presented narratively.

Ethics and dissemination

The Ethics Committee of the University of Coimbra has approved this study with the number: CE-026/2021. The results will be disseminated via peer-reviewed publications and national and international conferences.
