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AnteayerWorldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing

A systematic review of the facilitators and barriers to rapid response team activation



Outcomes associated with rapid response teams (RRTs) are inconsistent. This may be due to underlying facilitators and barriers to RRT activation that are affected by team leaders and health systems.


The aim of this study was to synthesize the published research about facilitators and barriers to nurse-led RRT activation in the United States (U.S.).


A systematic review was conducted. Four databases were searched from January 2000 to June 2023 for peer-reviewed quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods studies reporting facilitators and barriers to RRT activation. Studies conducted outside the U.S. or with physician-led teams were excluded.


Twenty-five studies met criteria representing 240,140 participants that included clinicians and hospitalized adults. Three domains of facilitators and barriers to RRT activation were identified: (1) hospital infrastructure, (2) clinician culture, and (3) nurses' beliefs, attributes, and knowledge. Categories were identified within each domain. The categories of perceived benefits and positive beliefs about RRTs, knowing when to activate the RRT, and hospital-wide policies and practices most facilitated activation, whereas the categories of negative perceptions and concerns about RRTs and uncertainties surrounding RRT activation were the dominant barriers.

Linking Evidence to Action

Facilitators and barriers to RRT activation were interrelated. Some facilitators like hospital leader and physician support of RRTs became barriers when absent. Intradisciplinary communication and collaboration between nurses can positively and negatively impact RRT activation. The expertise of RRT nurses should be further studied.

Acute care nurse managers' definitions of and barriers to well‐being: A thematic analysis of open‐ended survey questions



During the COVID-19 pandemic, acute care nurse managers functioned in a critical role by helping to advance the mission and goals of their organization while navigating a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape. This resulted in high levels of ongoing job-related stress which is linked to negative physical, psychological, and job-related outcomes. Little is known about the perceptions regarding their own professional well-being during this time.


The aim of this study was to qualitatively describe acute care nurse managers' perceptions of and barriers to their professional well-being.


Using a qualitative descriptive approach, nurse managers from a hospital system in the southwestern United States responded to two short-answer, survey-based questions in 2022: (1) “Describe the definition of nurse-manager well-being in your own words” and (2) “What do you feel is your biggest barrier to professional well-being?” Reflexive thematic analysis was utilized to analyze participant responses (N = 80).


Professional well-being is a complex concept influenced by the nurse manager's ability to navigate work–life balance; care for their own physical, emotional, and spiritual selves; give and receive support from stakeholders; and manage feelings of thriving vs. struggling in the role. Barriers most cited as influencing well-being included having too little time to get things done coupled with increasing workloads, feeling stuck in the middle among stakeholders, and coping with ongoing staffing challenges.

Linking Evidence to Action

The definition of and barriers to well-being are influenced by the specific needs and experiences of the nurse manager. While not all barriers can be immediately removed, the identification of individual and organization-specific barriers needs to be taken seriously, reviewed by those who can promote change, and evidence-based solutions for improvement piloted or implemented when feasible.

An audit of mental health questions on U.S. nursing licensure applications: Evidence to guide urgent action for change



Nurses often forgo needed mental healthcare due to stigma and fear of losing their license. The decision to access care or disclose mental health struggles is intensified when registered nurses (RNs) or advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) discover that licensure applications ask invasive mental health questions that could impact their ability to work.


This study highlights findings from an audit of mental health and substance use questions included in RN and APRN licensure applications across the United States.


A sequential 4-step approach was used to retrieve RN and APRN licensure applications: (1) review of Board of Nursing (BON) websites, (2) communication with BON staff, (3) communication with Deans of Nursing to ask for retrieval assistance, and (4) creation of mock applicants. An embedded checklist within the Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes Foundation's Remove Intrusive Mental Health Questions from Licensure and Credentialing Applications Toolkit guided the audit. Two study team members reviewed the applications independently for intrusive mental health questions, which were designated as non-compliant with the Toolkit's recommendations and arbitrated for consensus. States were designated as non-compliant if ≥1 item on the checklist was violated.


At least one RN and APRN application was obtained from 42 states. Only RN applications were obtained from five states, while only APRN applications were obtained from three states. Only 13 states (26%) fully adhered to the Took-Kit checklist.

Linking Evidence to Action

The majority of BONs did not fully adhere to the Took-Kit checklist. Guidance from national organizations and legislation from state governments concerning the removal or revision of probing mental health and substance use questions is urgently needed to cultivate a stigma-reducing environment where nurses are supported in seeking needed mental health treatment.

Elopement: Evidence‐based mitigation and management



Elopement jeopardizes patient safety, affects the hospital's reputation, and results in financial ramifications. In an academic community hospital, executive leadership approached a team of nurse leaders for expertise following the elopement of a vulnerable patient.

Aim of the Initiative

The team's goal was to identify evidence-based strategies to mitigate future elopement events. Following an extensive literature review and gap analysis, the organization recognized opportunities pertaining to elopement management, including patient assessment, prevention strategies, and facility-wide response when events occur. The nurse leader team thoroughly searched current literature to answer the Population, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcome (i.e., PICO) questions of interest. Following a critical appraisal of 55 articles, 26 were utilized to make practice change recommendations. The body of evidence included a variety of age groups and diagnoses.

Implementation Plan

After the synthesis of the literature, the team provided recommendations to the organization. These recommendations included the assessment of patient-specific risks and the implementation of elopement prevention measures as fundamental elements for incidence reduction. The team partnered with multidisciplinary stakeholders for the revision of policies, processes, and electronic medical record documentation.


The organization monitored elopement events and the duration of each event throughout the phases of implementation. Pre-implementation data, collected from January to June 2021, demonstrated 34 individual elopement cases lasting an average of 118 min each. In comparison, post-implementation data collected during the same time frame in 2022 found only 12 events lasting an average of 24 min each.

Implications for Practice

The organization implemented evidence-based recommendations to standardize the facility's approach to elopement. With structured assessment, precautions, and response, the organization demonstrated a notable decline in the number and duration of elopement events. Hardwiring processes, analyzing data, and adjusting expectations within an evidence-based framework should assist the organization's drive to further enhance patient safety surrounding elopement events.

Career optimism and job‐related well‐being of Australian nurses during COVID‐19: A cross‐sectional study



Australia has been confronted with a severe nursing deficit, making it difficult to maintain a strong healthcare workforce capable of meeting the mounting demands of healthcare organizations.


This study aimed to understand how personal and organizational resources influence career optimism and job-related affective well-being of Australian nurses during a pandemic using the Conservation of Resource Theory.


A cross-sectional online survey was emailed to 123 Australian nurses from January to February 2021. The survey consisted of self-reported measures, including mindfulness, career optimism, job-related affective well-being, personal and job resources measures, and the Dirty Dozen scale. Correlations, independent sample t-test, and a series of hierarchical regressions were conducted on the cross-sectional data with SPSS Version 27. The STROBE checklist was used to report the results.


Findings suggested that mindfulness, perceived supervisor support, and job autonomy were significant predictors of job-related well-being, whereas mindfulness, perceived supervisor support, and opportunities for professional growth contributed more to career optimism of nurses during a health crisis. Male nurses in this study reported significantly higher mindfulness, career optimism, and job-related well-being levels than female nurses.

Linking Evidence to Action

Developing mindfulness among nurses, allocating organizational resources to facilitate more supervisor support, and providing job autonomy may enhance career optimism and job-related well-being of nursing staff who work in disruptive and high-demand work environments such as those experienced during the COVID-19 health crisis. Supervisors should also facilitate and encourage nurses to reflect and be mindful of their behaviors with their peers and patients which can help to reduce exploitative or arrogant behaviors in the workplace.
