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Effectiveness of interventions to enhance shared decision‐making in wound care: A systematic review



To explore the effectiveness of interventions to enhance patient participation in shared decision-making in wound care and tissue viability.


Caring for people living with a wound is complex due to interaction between wound healing, symptoms, psychological wellbeing and treatment effectiveness. To respond to this complexity, there has been recent emphasis on the importance of delivering patient centred wound care and shared decision-making to personalise health care. However, little is known about the effectiveness of existing interventions to support shared decision-making in wound care.


Systematic review of interventional studies to enhance shared decision-making in wound care or tissue viability. This was reported following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines 2020.


Interventional primary research studies published in English up to January 2023 were included. Screening, data extraction and quality appraisal were undertaken independently by two authors.

Data Sources

Medline, EMBASE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trails (trials database), CINAHL, British Nursing Index (BNI), WorldCat (thesis database), Scopus and registries of ongoing studies (ISRCTN registry and


1063 abstracts were screened, and eight full-text studies included. Findings indicate, interventions to support shared decision-making are positively received. Goal or need setting components may assist knowledge transfer between patient and clinician, and could lower short term decisional conflict. However, generally findings within this study had very low certainty due to the inconsistencies in outcomes reported, and the variation and complexity of single and multiple interventions used.


Future research on shared decision-making interventions in wound care should include the involvement of stakeholders and programme theory to underpin the interventions developed to consider the complexity of interventions.

Implications for the profession and patient care

Patients setting out their needs or goals and exploring patient questions are important and should be considered in clinical care.


The review protocol was prospectively registered (PROSPERO database: CRD42023389820).

No Patient or Public Contribution

Not applicable as this is a systematic review.

Factors affecting environmental sustainability attitudes among nurses – Focusing on climate change cognition and behaviours: A cross‐sectional study



To investigate the relationship between climate change cognition and behaviours (awareness, concern, motivation, behaviours at home and behaviours at work), positive and negative future cognition, and environmental sustainability attitudes in nurses and to identify the factors affecting environmental sustainability attitudes.


A cross-sectional study.


In total, 358 nurses currently working in tertiary hospitals in Korea were recruited. Data were collected using an online questionnaire link from 1 August to 7 August 2022. Climate change cognition and behaviours were measured using the Korean version of the Climate, Health, and Nursing Tool. Positive and negative future cognition were measured using the Korean version of the Future Event Questionnaire. Environmental sustainability attitude was measured using the Korean version of the Sustainability Attitudes in Nursing Survey-2. Multiple regression analysis was used to identify the factors affecting environmental sustainability attitudes.


Motivation, concern and behaviours at work were factors affecting environmental sustainability attitudes. Motivation was a pivotal influencing factor. Better scores for environmental sustainability attitudes were specifically correlated with higher scores for motivation, concern and behaviours at work.


Nurses' motivation, climate change concern and pro-environmental workplace practices should all be considered to improve their attitudes towards environmental sustainability.

Implications for the Profession and/or Patient Care

To enhance nurses' environmental sustainability attitudes and behaviours, nurse educators must educate them to increase their motivation for climate action.


Nurses are increasingly expected to contribute to environmental sustainability. Hence, awareness of climate change and environmental sustainability among nurses must be improved, and nursing engagement and action encouraged. Nurse educators and managers should explore barriers to pro-environmental behaviour engagement among nurses, examine workplace cultures that encourage pro-environmental behaviours and develop policies/regulations to develop more environmentally sustainable workplaces.

Reporting Method

We adhered to the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) guidelines.

Patient or Public Contribution

Neither patients nor the public were involved in our research's design, conduct, reporting or dissemination plans. The nurses partook in this study exclusively as research participants and were not involved in any research process.

Racial/ethnic disparities in sleep health among adolescents in South Korea: The role of substance use behaviours



To examine the relationship between racial/ethnic disparities and substance use behaviours (alcohol and tobacco use) and their impact on the sleep health of South Korean adolescents.


Secondary analysis of cross-sectional study data from the 2021 Korea Youth Risk Behaviour Web-based Survey dataset.


Given that Korean society has historically linked its racial/ethnic identity to a shared bloodline, we categorized 2644 adolescents from the Korea Youth Risk Behaviour Web-based Survey based on their racial/ethnic status, determined by their parents' birthplaces. Using multiple linear regression, we investigated whether the impact of racial/ethnic disparities on sleep health (sleep duration, debt, and timing) varies depending on substance use behaviours (alcohol and tobacco use) after controlling for age, sex, household economic status, depressed mood, suicidal ideation, perceived excessive stress, and anxiety level.


Despite no statistical differences in sleep health and the prevalence of substance use between racial/ethnic groups, racial/ethnic minority adolescents experienced greater sleep debt than racial/ethnic majority adolescents when consuming alcohol. Moreover, racial/ethnic minority adolescents were more likely to report psychosocial distress and had lower parental education level.


Racial/ethnic minority adolescents were more vulnerable to the detrimental effects of alcohol use on sleep health compared to racial/ethnic majority adolescents. This heightened vulnerability may be attributed to the more pronounced psychosocial challenges and the lower socioeconomic status of parents in the racial/ethnic minority group.


Racial/ethnic disparities are concerning in South Korea, particularly since the negative effects of substance use on sleep health are intensified among racial/ethnic minority adolescents. Nurses and other healthcare providers should recognize the importance of addressing the social disadvantages linked to racial/ethnic disparities. Beyond just advocating for the cessation of substance use, it is crucial to address these underlying issues to reduce sleep disparities among South Korean adolescents.

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public contribution.

‘I'm still here, I'm alive and breathing’: The experience of Black Americans with long COVID


Aims and Objectives

In this study, we aimed to characterize the impact of long COVID on quality of life and approaches to symptom management among Black American adults.


As a novel condition, qualitative evidence concerning long COVID symptoms and their impact on quality of life can inform the refinement of diagnostic criteria and care plans. However, the underrepresentation of Black Americans in long COVID research is a barrier to achieving equitable care for all long COVID patients.


We employed an interpretive description study design.


We recruited a convenience sample of 15 Black American adults with long COVID. We analysed the anonymized transcripts from race-concordant, semi-structured interviews using an inductive, thematic analysis approach. We followed the SRQR reporting guidelines.


We identified four themes: (1) The impact of long COVID symptoms on personal identity and pre-existing conditions; (2) Self-management strategies for long COVID symptoms; (3) Social determinants of health and symptom management; and (4) Effects on interpersonal relationships.


Findings demonstrate the comprehensive ramifications of long COVID on the lives of Black American adults. Results also articulate how pre-existing conditions, social risk factors, distrust due to systemic racism, and the nature of interpersonal relationships can complicate symptom management.

Relevance to Clinical Practice

Care approaches that support access to and implementation of integrative therapies may be best suited to meet the needs of long COVID patients. Clinicians should also prioritize eliminating patient exposure to discrimination, implicit bias, and microaggressions. This is of particular concern for long COVID patients who have symptoms that are difficult to objectively quantify, such as pain and fatigue.

No Patient or Public Contribution

While patient perspectives and experiences were the focus of this study, patients were not involved with the design or conduct of the study, data analysis or interpretation, or writing the manuscript.

Roles, mutual expectations and needs for improvement in the care of residents with (a risk of) dehydration: A qualitative study



Examining the perspectives of formal and informal caregivers and residents on roles, mutual expectations and needs for improvement in the care for residents with (a risk of) dehydration.


Qualitative study.


Semi-structured interviews with 16 care professionals, three residents and three informal caregivers were conducted between October and November 2021. A thematic analysis was performed on the interviews.


Three topic summaries contributed to a comprehensive view on the care for residents with (a risk of) dehydration: role content, mutual expectations and needs for improvement. Many overlapping activities were found among care professionals, informal caregivers and allied care staff. While nursing staff and informal caregivers are essential in observing changes in the health status of residents, and medical staff in diagnosing and treating dehydration, the role of residents remains limited. Conflicting expectations emerged regarding, for example, the level of involvement of the resident and communication. Barriers to multidisciplinary collaboration were highlighted, including little structural involvement of allied care staff, limited insight into each other's expertise and poor communication between formal and informal caregivers. Seven areas for improvement emerged: awareness, resident profile, knowledge and expertise, treatment, monitoring and tools, working conditions and multidisciplinary working.


In general, many formal and informal caregivers are involved in the care of residents with (a risk of) dehydration. They depend on each other's observations, information and expertise which requires an interprofessional approach with specific attention to adequate prevention. For this, educational interventions focused on hydration care should be a core element in professional development programs of nursing homes and vocational training of future care professionals.


The care for residents with (a risk of) dehydration has multiple points for improvement. To be able to adequately address dehydration, it is essential for formal and informal caregivers and residents to address these barriers in clinical practice.

Reporting Method

In writing this manuscript, the EQUATOR guidelines (reporting method SRQR) have been adhered to.

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public contribution.

Relationship between work‐related psychosocial factors and self‐leadership in advanced nurse practitioners: A cross‐sectional study



The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between advanced nurse practitioners' self-leadership and commitment to the workplace, work engagement and influence at work.


The concept of self-leadership is particularly suited to ANPs, who are required to take responsibility for their work roles. An optimum balance between the ANPs' psychosocial work environment and self-leadership may positively impact work ability in this group and can be compromised by interactions between and among these variables.


A cross-sectional correlational study was conducted from July 2020 to August 2020 on 153 ANPs across a national health service.


The survey was distributed to respondents online. The revised self-leadership questionnaire was used to measure self-leadership, and three scales from the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire were used to measure commitment to the workplace, work engagement and influence at work. Multiple linear regression was used to examine the association between self-leadership and the psychosocial variables.


ANPs with high levels of self-leadership reported high levels of work engagement and commitment to the workplace. No relationship was found between self-leadership and influence at work.


Improving self-leadership among ANPs by involving them in strategic leadership activities at an organizational level could be an effective strategy for optimizing the role and facilitating ANPs to contribute at an organizational level beyond the clinical interface. However, organizational support is required to ensure that ANPs practise to the full potential of their training and capability.

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public contribution.


This study provided new evidence of a relationship between ANPs' self-leadership and psychosocial factors. This study found that ANPs with high levels of self-leadership reported high levels of work engagement and commitment to the workplace. Policymakers and organizational leaders can optimize the ANP role and facilitate ANPs to contribute strategically to improve care systems. This study identifies a relationship between ANPs' self-leadership and specific psychosocial variables.

Chinese family care partners of older adults in Canada have grit: A qualitative study



To explain the process taken by Chinese family care partners of older adults in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada, to access health and social services in their communities. The research question was: What mechanisms and structures impact the agency of Chinese family care partners of older adults, in the process of assisting them to access health and social services?


This qualitative study was informed by critical realism.


Chinese family care partners of older adults in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada, were interviewed from August 2020 to June 2021. Transcripts underwent thematic analysis.


Twenty-eight Chinese family care partners expressed a firm commitment to maintain caregiving conditions and to judiciously access health and social services. Their commitment was made up of three parts: (a) legislative and cultural norms of family, work, and society; (b) their perseverance to fill gaps with limited social and financial resources; (c) the quality of their relationship to, and illness trajectory of the older adults. The social structures created tension in how Chinese family care partners made decisions, negotiated resources, and ultimately monitored and coordinated timely access with older adults.


Participants' commitment and perseverance were conceptualized as “grit,” central to their agency to conform to legislative and cultural norms. Moreover, findings support grit's power to motivate and sustain family caregiving, in order for older adults to age in place as long as possible with finite resources.

Implications for the profession

This study highlights the importance of cultural awareness education for nurses, enabling continuity of care at a systems level and for a more resilient healthcare system.


Family care partners' grit may be crucial for nurses to harness when together, they face limited access to culturally appropriate health and social services in a system grounded in values of equity and inclusion, as in Canada.

Reporting method

When writing this manuscript, we adhered to relevant EQUATOR guidelines of the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ).

Patient or public involvement and engagement

No patient or public involvement.

An audit of mental health questions on U.S. nursing licensure applications: Evidence to guide urgent action for change



Nurses often forgo needed mental healthcare due to stigma and fear of losing their license. The decision to access care or disclose mental health struggles is intensified when registered nurses (RNs) or advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) discover that licensure applications ask invasive mental health questions that could impact their ability to work.


This study highlights findings from an audit of mental health and substance use questions included in RN and APRN licensure applications across the United States.


A sequential 4-step approach was used to retrieve RN and APRN licensure applications: (1) review of Board of Nursing (BON) websites, (2) communication with BON staff, (3) communication with Deans of Nursing to ask for retrieval assistance, and (4) creation of mock applicants. An embedded checklist within the Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes Foundation's Remove Intrusive Mental Health Questions from Licensure and Credentialing Applications Toolkit guided the audit. Two study team members reviewed the applications independently for intrusive mental health questions, which were designated as non-compliant with the Toolkit's recommendations and arbitrated for consensus. States were designated as non-compliant if ≥1 item on the checklist was violated.


At least one RN and APRN application was obtained from 42 states. Only RN applications were obtained from five states, while only APRN applications were obtained from three states. Only 13 states (26%) fully adhered to the Took-Kit checklist.

Linking Evidence to Action

The majority of BONs did not fully adhere to the Took-Kit checklist. Guidance from national organizations and legislation from state governments concerning the removal or revision of probing mental health and substance use questions is urgently needed to cultivate a stigma-reducing environment where nurses are supported in seeking needed mental health treatment.
