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Valoración y cuidados en un caso de insuficiencia cardíaca a tratamiento con Levosimendán®

Objetivo principal: desarrollar el proceso de atención de Enfermería aplicado a una persona con IC descompensada a tratamiento con Levosimendán®. Metodología: estudio descriptivo basado en el modelo de Virginia Henderson siguiendo la taxonomía NANDA. Se determinó el principal diagnóstico enfermero y criterios de resultados tras la valoración inicial realizada al paciente, y se aplicaron las correspondientes actividades en el marco de una evaluación continua de la situación a través de sus indicadores específicos. El seguimiento del estilo de vida del paciente se realiza a través del cuestionario de Nola Pender. Resultados principales: tras su estancia, el paciente mejoró en un 32,94% en los objetivos marcados. Además, obtuvo un incremento de 26 puntos en el cuestionario sobre el estilo de vida al alta respecto al ingreso. Conclusión principal: el paciente abandona el hospital con una mejora considerable de sus problemas de salud iniciales, así como con una serie de recomendaciones al alta con el objetivo de prevenir futuras complicaciones.

Evidencias bibliográficas sobre riesgos laborales en los pescadores artesanales: revisión integrativa de la literatura

Objetivo: Identificar en la producción científica los tipos de riesgos para enfermidades y agravos para acidentes em trabajadores de la pesca artesanal. Metodología: Revisión integrativa, realizada entre enero y marzo de 2018, por medio de la combinación de los descriptores "Occupational Health" y "Fisheries", en las bases de datos, Medline, LILACS, Scopus, SciELO e internet. Se encontraron 123 artículos. Después de la lectura y evaluación de los mismos, se obtuvo un resultado final para el análisis de 16 artículos. Resultados principales: La mayoría de los estudios se indexaron en la base de datos Medline (56,3%), en el idioma inglés (43,8), con un nivel de evidencia VI (100%). Se constató que los trabajadores de la pesca artesanal están expuestos a riesgos ergonómicos, químicos, físicos y de accidentes. Conclusión: Se constató carencia de publicaciones en el área de la pesca artesanal, inexistencia de publicaciones científicas realizadas por la enfermería y brechas en el conocimiento.

Agravios por causas externas en Servicio de Atención Móvel de Urgencia

Objetivo principal: Identificar la prevalencia de los agravios por causas externas en Servicio de Atención Móvil de Urgencia y factores asociados. Metodología: Estudio de datos secundarios, desarrollado a partir de recolección de datos en 2845 boletines de atención. Se utilizó un análisis de modelo de regresión de Poisson. Resultados principales: Los individuos con edad entre 21 y 40 años presentan aumento de 75% en la probabili-dad de sufrieren agravios por causas externas, 54% mayor probabilidad de presentaren una respiración alterada en el examen clínico, 105% mayor riesgo de rechazo de atención y 233% mayor riesgo de no estar en el local. Conclusión principal: Accidentes de transporte y caídas fueron los agravios por causas externas más prevalentes. Los factores asociados fueron: edad entre 21 y 40 años y presentar respiración alterada. Otros factores, también, se mantuvieron asociados por el rechazo en la atención y no estar presente para recibir la atención.

Satisfacción de los pacientes de la vía rápida de cáncer de pulmón

Objetivo principal: Conocer la satisfacción de los usuarios del circuito de diagnóstico rápido de cáncer de pulmón. Metodología: Estudio prospectivo de cohortes que incluye todos los pacientes estudiados en consulta de cáncer de pulmón entre 1 de noviembre del 2016 hasta 31 de octubre del 2017, diagnosticados de neoplasia. Para conocer la satisfacción, la recogida de datos se realizó mediante cues-tionario en la última visita a la consulta de cáncer de pulmón. Resultados principales: Se estudiaron 566 pacientes con sospecha de malignidad, con diagnóstico final de neoplasia en 127 (84,7%) y con enfermedad metastásica en 29 (15,3%). Participaron 158 pacientes. La satisfacción fue alta (“excelente” y “muy bien”) en 85,4% pacientes. Conclusiones: Los resultados obtenidos muestran alto índice de satisfacción de los pacientes con la atención recibida y esto es un indicador de calidad del proceso.

Desde la adolescencia con artritis psoriásica

Objetivo principal: Conocer cómo afecta la artritis psoriásica a una persona joven y cómo ha ido influyendo a lo largo de su vida. Metodo-logía: Estudio cualitativo de tipo biográfico, obtenido a través de una entrevista semiestructurada. Resultados principales: En el relato se encontraron hallazgos importantes para nuestra informante CFM, como son el diagnóstico de la enfermedad unido a la incapacidad y a los efectos secundarios de la medicación. También destacan los miedos e incertidumbre. Sin embargo, se observa un afrontamiento eficaz respecto a las limitaciones encontradas en el transcurso de la enfermedad. Conclusión principal: La artritis psoriásica es una en-fermedad crónica que presenta recaídas, las cuales tienen un alto impacto en la calidad de vida de la persona afectada, que dependerá del nivel de gravedad de dicha enfermedad.

Percepción del proceso de trabajo de los técnicos de enfermería titulados

Objetive: analizar las percepciones, motivaciones y dificultades de los técnicos de enfermería titulados en enfermería. Metodología: Me-todología: Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, exploratoria descriptiva, la recolección de datos se realizó en un Hospital Municipal del Noroeste de Paraná, durante el primer semestre de 2020, mediante la aplicación de un guión semiestructurado con preguntas orien-tadoras y un cuestionario sociodemográfico. Resultados: El conocimiento adquirido en la graduación de enfermería fue uno de los facto-res facilitadores que contribuyó a una mejor ejecución de la atención brindada, y la mayor dificultad está relacionada con la aceptación de los colegas y supervisores, en relación a las opiniones y sugerencias sobre los procedimientos u organización de la Servicio. Las razones que llevaron a los técnicos de enfermería a cursar una carrera en el área en la que trabajan se deben a la necesidad de cono-cimientos y la búsqueda de un mejor futuro financiero. Conclusión: cuando el profesional tiene un título, se desarrolla con mayor destreza y eficacia en la asistencia proporcionada.

¿Es efectiva la actividad física para prevenir la degeneración después de un accidente cerebrovascular?

Con el fin de contrastar y verificar la calidad metodoló-gica del estudio se ha utilizado la guía de lectura crítica para ensayos clínicos CASPe. Se define abiertamente la intervención realizada, así como los datos considerados. Sin embargo, la población de estudio no queda claramente definida, existiendo discrepancias en cuanto a la edad incluida en los criterios de inclusión y la aleatorización realizada, ya que incluyen pacientes mayores de 18 años y mayores o igual a 80 años, respectivamente [Fragmento de texto]

Intervenciones de enfermería en niñas y niños con trastorno del espectro autista que precisan atención sanitaria: una revisión de la literatura

Objetivo: Identificar las intervenciones de enfermería en niñas y niños con trastorno del espectro autista, y sus familias, que precisan atención sanitaria. Metodología: Revisión de literatura mediante una búsqueda bibliográfica en Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science y CINAHL. Resultados: Se obtuvieron un total de 189 resultados, tras aplicar los criterios de exclusión se consideraron que 12 tenían relevancia para la revisión. Conclusión: La falta de estrategias de comunicación con el niño, los factores ambientales y la falta de conocimiento de intervenciones dificultan la atención sanitaria. Conocer los factores estresantes de los pacientes, las estrategias centradas en la familia y las técnicas de comunicación, además de la colaboración con los padres y la atención integral a la familia son esenciales para mejorar la calidad de los cuidados.

Stigma, social and structural vulnerability, and mental health among transgender women: A partial least square path modeling analysis



Existing literature suggests that transgender women (TW) may be at high risk for adverse mental health due to stress attributed to combined experiences of stigma and complex social and structural vulnerabilities. Little research has examined how these co-occurring experiences relate to mental health. We aimed to test a theoretically driven conceptual model of relationships between stigma, social and structural vulnerabilities, and mental health to inform future intervention tailoring.


Partial least square path modeling followed by response-based unit segmentation was used to identify homogenous clusters in a diverse community sample of United States (US)-based TW (N = 1418; 46.2% White non-Hispanic). This approach examined associations between latent constructs of stigma (polyvictimization and discrimination), social and structural vulnerabilities (housing and food insecurity, unemployment, sex work, social support, and substance use), and mental health (post-traumatic stress and psychological distress).


The final conceptual model defined the structural relationship between the variables of interest within stigma, vulnerability, and mental health. Six clusters were identified within this structural framework which suggests that racism, ethnicism, and geography may be related to mental health inequities among TW.


Our findings around the impact of racism, ethnicism, and geography reflect the existing literature, which unfortunately shows us that little change has occurred in the last decade for TW of color in the Southern US; however, the strength of our evidence (related to sampling structure and sample size) and type of analyses (accounting for co-occurring predictors of health, i.e., stigma and complex vulnerabilities, reflecting that of real-world patients) is a novel and necessary addition to the literature. Findings suggest that health interventions designed to offset the negative effects of stigma must include anti-racist approaches with components to reduce or eliminate barriers to resources that contribute to social and structural vulnerabilities among TW. Herein we provide detailed recommendations to guide primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention efforts.

Clinical Relevance

This study demonstrated the importance of considering stigma and complex social and structural vulnerabilities during clinical care and design of mental health interventions for transgender women who are experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder and psychological distress. Specifically, interventions should take an anti-racist approach and would benefit from incorporating social support-building activities.

The struggle is real—A mixed qualitative methods synthesis of challenges in nursing care in activities of daily living



Supporting care receivers in Activities of Daily Living (ADL), irrespective of diagnosis, setting, or cultural background, lies at the heart of fundamental nursing care. The pursuit of quality ADL care becomes increasingly challenging with the changing complexity of care needs. ADL care delivery is often undervalued and is considered a low-status task despite its crucial importance to care receivers. This study aims to synthesize challenges in ADL care irrespective of the care setting.


In the mixed qualitative methods study, we used expert panel consultations, world café sessions, and a rapid literature review. For data analysis, we simultaneously analyzed the three data sets using inductive and deductive inquiry.


We identified four challenges and their corresponding subthemes. They are (1) Undervalued common-sense work versus complex, high-skilled care provision; (2) Limitations in professional reflective clinical decision-making; (3) Missed opportunities for shared ADL decisions; and (4) Meeting ADL care needs in a high-throughput system.


These challenges reveal the complexity of ADL care and how its paradoxical narrative relates to the conditions in which nursing professionals struggle to create opportunities, for reflective clinical reasoning and shared ADL decisions, by facing organizational and environmental barriers.

Clinical Relevance

This study is relevant to nursing professionals, care organizations, policymakers, and researchers aiming to improve ADL care and provide insights into challenges in ADL care. This study forms the starting point for a changing narrative on ADL nursing care and subsequent quality improvements in the form of, for example, guidelines for nursing professionals.

Educación en salud destinada a personas mayores: valoración de las estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje


Objetivo principal: Interpretar el significado que se le asigna a las estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el área de salud destinada a personas mayores. Método: Estudio cualitativo de carácter exploratorio. Participaron personas mayores de 60 años y profesionales del área gerontológica con experiencia en la planificación y ejecución de educación en salud. La información fue recolectada a través de entrevista semiestructurada, y los datos fueron analizados a través de análisis de contenido. Resultados principales: Las personas mayores reconocen el realizar talleres y la educación individual como las mejores estrategias para recibir educación. Al triangular la información, los profesionales gerontológicos coinciden con la apreciación positiva de los talleres, pero acompañados de un adecuado diagnóstico participativo y desde la experiencia del participante. Conclusión principal: Los talleres se reconocen como la mejor estrategia de enseñanza-aprendizaje para personas mayores. Esta debe aplicarse considerando un diagnóstico participativo, con la experiencia de la persona mayor y ser mantenido en el tiempo.

El concepto del estrés de aculturación desde la mirada del inmigrante hispano en los Estados Unidos

Objetivo principal: Clarificar el significado de estrés de aculturación del inmigrante hispano, además de conocer cada una de las dimensiones y características propias del concepto, con la finalidad de comprender mejor las necesidades de la persona inmigrante que vive en los Estados Unidos. Metodología: El análisis de concepto se hizo a través de los ocho pasos propuestos por Walker y Avant. Resultados principales: Se identificaron tres dimensiones del concepto estrés de aculturación: (1) estresores personales, (2) estresores del entorno y (3) estresores sociales. Como antecedentes del concepto se identificó el arrepentimiento, la culpa y negación. En general, las consecuencias se reflejan en la salud mental del inmigrante hispano. Además, se reconoció los instrumentos de medi-ción que evalúan el estrés de aculturación. Conclusión principal: Se obtuvo una definición clara del concepto estrés de aculturación desde la perspectiva del inmigrante hispano, que ayudará a estimar la validez de constructo de las mediciones de este concepto. Las dimensiones reportadas con mayor frecuencia son consideradas en el inventario de estrés en hispanos, sin embargo, se recomienda analizar la validez de constructo del concepto. Sería importante considerar las consecuencias derivadas del estrés de aculturación en la prevención y tratamiento de la salud mental.

Interindividual Variability in Self-Monitoring of Blood Pressure Using Consumer-Purchased Wireless Devices

imageBackground Engagement with self-monitoring of blood pressure (BP) declines, on average, over time but may vary substantially by individual. Objectives We aimed to describe different 1-year patterns (groups) of self-monitoring of BP behaviors, identify predictors of those groups, and examine the association of self-monitoring of BP groups with BP levels over time. Methods We analyzed device-recorded BP measurements collected by the Health eHeart Study—an ongoing prospective eCohort study—from participants with a wireless consumer-purchased device that transmitted date- and time-stamped BP data to the study through a full 12 months of observation starting from the first day they used the device. Participants received no instruction on device use. We applied clustering analysis to identify 1-year self-monitoring, of BP patterns. Results Participants had a mean age of 52 years and were male and White. Using clustering algorithms, we found that a model with three groups fit the data well: persistent daily use (9.1% of participants), persistent weekly use (21.2%), and sporadic use only (69.7%). Persistent daily use was more common among older participants who had higher Week 1 self-monitoring of BP frequency and was associated with lower BP levels than the persistent weekly use or sporadic use groups throughout the year. Conclusion We identified three distinct self-monitoring of BP groups, with nearly 10% sustaining a daily use pattern associated with lower BP levels.

Reliability and validity of the revised Rushton Moral Resilience Scale for healthcare workers



To refine the Rushton Moral Resilience Scale (RMRS) by creating a more concise scale, improving the reliability, particularly of the personal integrity subscale and providing further evidence of validity.


Healthcare workers are exposed to moral adversity in practice. When unable to preserve/restore their integrity, moral suffering ensues. Moral resilience is a resource that may mitigate negative consequences. To better understand mechanisms for doing so, a valid and reliable measurement tool is necessary.


Cross-sectional survey.


Participants (N = 1297) had completed ≥1 items on the RMRS as part of the baseline survey of a larger longitudinal study. Item analysis, confirmatory factor analyses, reliability analyses (Cronbach's alpha), and correlations were used to establish reliability and validity of the revised RMRS.


Item and confirmatory factor analysis were used to refine the RMRS from 21 to 16 items. The four-factor structure (responses to moral adversity, personal integrity, relational integrity and moral efficacy) demonstrated adequate fit in follow-up confirmatory analyses in the initial and hold-out sub-samples. All subscales and the total scale had adequate reliabilities (α ≥ 0.70). A higher-order factor analysis supports the computation of either subscale scores or a total scale score. Correlations of scores with stress, anxiety, depression and moral distress provide evidence of the scale's validity. Reliability of the personal integrity subscale improved.

Conclusion and Implications

The RMRS-16 demonstrates adequate reliability and validity, particularly the personal integrity subscale. Moral resilience is an important lever for reducing consequences when confronted with ethical challenges in practice. Improved reliability of the four subscales and having a shorter overall scale allow for targeted application and will facilitate further research and intervention development.

Patient/Public Contribution

Data came from a larger study of Canadian healthcare workers from multiple healthcare organizations who completed a survey about their experiences during COVID-19.

Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Simulation Among BSN Students: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

imageThis study aimed to evaluate the effect of virtual reality simulation in nursing education in five domains: knowledge, skill performance, self-confidence, self-efficacy, and satisfaction. Randomized controlled trials were obtained from the databases SCOPUS, Web of Science, PubMed, and EBSCO from inception until September 2021. The standardized mean differences with 95% confidence intervals were determined for the main variables, and heterogeneity was analyzed using the I2 test. The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) Checklist was used. Meta-analysis was performed using the Stata 15.0 software. Among the 2074 records identified, 18 trials were included. The meta-analysis of these trials indicated that virtual reality simulation caused a significant improvement in knowledge with a moderate effect, skill performance with a moderate effect, and satisfaction with a moderate effect compared with the control group. However, virtual reality simulation did not significantly influence self-confidence and self-efficiency. The findings of this study suggested that virtual reality simulation might significantly benefit knowledge, skill performance, and satisfaction but not self-confidence and self-efficiency. Further well-designed randomized controlled trials with a larger sample size are recommended to confirm these findings.

Acute care nurse managers' definitions of and barriers to well‐being: A thematic analysis of open‐ended survey questions



During the COVID-19 pandemic, acute care nurse managers functioned in a critical role by helping to advance the mission and goals of their organization while navigating a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape. This resulted in high levels of ongoing job-related stress which is linked to negative physical, psychological, and job-related outcomes. Little is known about the perceptions regarding their own professional well-being during this time.


The aim of this study was to qualitatively describe acute care nurse managers' perceptions of and barriers to their professional well-being.


Using a qualitative descriptive approach, nurse managers from a hospital system in the southwestern United States responded to two short-answer, survey-based questions in 2022: (1) “Describe the definition of nurse-manager well-being in your own words” and (2) “What do you feel is your biggest barrier to professional well-being?” Reflexive thematic analysis was utilized to analyze participant responses (N = 80).


Professional well-being is a complex concept influenced by the nurse manager's ability to navigate work–life balance; care for their own physical, emotional, and spiritual selves; give and receive support from stakeholders; and manage feelings of thriving vs. struggling in the role. Barriers most cited as influencing well-being included having too little time to get things done coupled with increasing workloads, feeling stuck in the middle among stakeholders, and coping with ongoing staffing challenges.

Linking Evidence to Action

The definition of and barriers to well-being are influenced by the specific needs and experiences of the nurse manager. While not all barriers can be immediately removed, the identification of individual and organization-specific barriers needs to be taken seriously, reviewed by those who can promote change, and evidence-based solutions for improvement piloted or implemented when feasible.

Clinical deterioration as a nurse sensitive indicator in the out‐of‐hospital context: A scoping review



To explore and summarise the literature on the concept of ‘clinical deterioration’ as a nurse-sensitive indicator of quality of care in the out-of-hospital context.


The scoping review adhered to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Review and the JBI best practice guidelines for scoping reviews.


Studies focusing on clinical deterioration, errors of omission, nurse sensitive indicators and the quality of nursing and midwifery care for all categories of registered, enrolled, or licensed practice nurses and midwives in the out-of-hospital context were included regardless of methodology. Text and opinion papers were also considered. Study protocols were excluded.

Data Sources

Data bases were searched from inception to June 2022 and included CINAHL, PsychINFO, MEDLINE, The Allied and Complementary Medicine Database, EmCare, Maternity and Infant Care Database, Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet, Informit Health and Society Database, JSTOR, Nursing and Allied Health Database, RURAL, Cochrane Library and Joanna Briggs Institute.


Thirty-four studies were included. Workloads, education and training opportunities, access to technology, home visits, clinical assessments and use of screening tools or guidelines impacted the ability to recognise, relay information and respond to clinical deterioration in the out-of-hospital setting.


Little is known about the work of nurses or midwives in out-of-hospital settings and their recognition, reaction to and relay of information about patient deterioration. The complex and subtle nature of non-acute deterioration creates challenges in defining and subsequently evaluating the role and impact of nurses in these settings.

Implications for the profession and/or patient care

Further research is needed to clarify outcome measures and nurse contribution to the care of the deteriorating patient in the out-of-hospital setting to reduce the rate of avoidable hospitalisation and articulate the contribution of nurses and midwives to patient care.


What Problem Did the Study Address?

Factors that impact a nurse's ability to recognise, relay information and respond to clinical deterioration in the out-of-hospital setting are not examined to date.

What Were the Main Findings?

A range of factors were identified that impacted a nurse's ability to recognise, relay information and respond to clinical deterioration in the out-of-hospital setting including workloads, education and training opportunities, access to technology, home visits, clinical assessments, use of screening tools or guidelines, and avoidable hospitalisation.

Where and on whom will the research have an impact?

Nurses and nursing management will benefit from understanding the factors that act as barriers and facilitators for effective recognition of, and responding to, a deteriorating patient in the out-of-hospital setting. This in turn will impact patient survival and satisfaction.

Reporting Method

The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Review guidelines guided this review. The PRISMA-Scr Checklist (Tricco et al., 2018) is included as (supplementary file 1).Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were created or analysed in this study.”

No Patient or Public Contribution

Not required as the Scoping Review used publicly available information.

Decision‐making experiences related to mastectomy: A descriptive qualitative study



To obtain an in-depth understanding of women's decision-making experiences related to mastectomy.


A descriptive qualitative interview study.


Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted face-to-face with 27 Chinese women with breast cancer who underwent mastectomy at two tertiary hospitals in mainland China between September 2020 and December 2021 after obtaining the appropriate ethical approvals. Interviews were conducted in Mandarin. Data were analysed using inductive content analysis.


Mean age of participants was 48 years (range 31–70). Most participants had low education, low monthly family income, had a partner and health insurance, had been diagnosed with early breast cancer, and had not undergone reconstructive surgery. Six categories related to decision-making experiences emerged: (1) Emotions affecting decision-making, (2) Information seeking for decision-making, (3) Beliefs about mastectomy and the breast, (4) Participation in decision-making, (5) People who influence decision-making, and (6) Post-decision reflection. Participants did not mention the role of nurses in their decision-making process for mastectomy.


This study adds valuable insights into the limited evidence on women's experience with decision-making about mastectomy from a Chinese perspective, which is important given the continuing high prevalence of mastectomy in many regions. Future studies from other countries and ethnic groups are recommended to gain diverse knowledge.


The findings of this study are useful for nurses and other healthcare professionals in the multidisciplinary team to better support women with breast cancer in their decision-making process regarding mastectomy. The findings could inform future interventions to support treatment decision-making and may be relevant to women living in similar socio-medical contexts to those in mainland China.

Reporting Method

The study was reported following the Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research checklist.

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public contribution.

Two mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease accumulate amyloid at different rates and have distinct Aβ oligomer profiles unaltered by ablation of cellular prion protein

by Silvia A. Purro, Michael Farmer, Elizabeth Noble, Claire J. Sarell, Megan Powell, Daniel Yip, Lauren Giggins, Leila Zakka, David X. Thomas, Mark Farrow, Andrew J. Nicoll, Dominic Walsh, John Collinge

Oligomers formed from monomers of the amyloid β-protein (Aβ) are thought to be central to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Unsurprisingly for a complex disease, current mouse models of AD fail to fully mimic the clinical disease in humans. Moreover, results obtained in a given mouse model are not always reproduced in a different model. Cellular prion protein (PrPC) is now an established receptor for Aβ oligomers. However, studies of the Aβ-PrPC interaction in different mouse models have yielded contradictory results. Here we performed a longitudinal study assessing a range of biochemical and histological features in the commonly used J20 and APP-PS1 mouse models. Our analysis demonstrated that PrPC ablation had no effect on amyloid accumulation or oligomer production. However, we found that APP-PS1 mice had higher levels of oligomers, that these could bind to recombinant PrPC, and were recognised by the OC antibody which distinguishes parallel, in register fibrils. On the other hand, J20 mice had a lower level of Aβ oligomers, which did not interact with PrPC when tested in vitro and were OC-negative. These results suggest the two mouse models produce diverse Aβ assemblies that could interact with different targets, highlighting the necessity to characterise the conformation of the Aβ oligomers concomitantly with the toxic cascade elicited by them. Our results provide an explanation for the apparent contradictory results found in APP-PS1 mice and the J20 mouse line in regards to Aβ toxicity mediated by PrPC.