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AnteayerCIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing

Improving Situation Awareness to Advance Patient Outcomes: A Systematic Literature Review

imageImproving nurses' situation awareness skills would likely improve patient status recognition and prevent adverse events. Technologies such as electronic health record dashboards can be a promising approach to support nurses' situation awareness. However, the effect of these dashboards on this skill is unknown. This systematic literature review explores the evidence around interventions to improve nurses' situation awareness at the point of care. Current research on this subject is limited. Studies that examined the use of electronic health record dashboards as an intervention had weak evidence to support their effectiveness. Other interventions, including communication interventions and structured nursing assessments, may also improve situation awareness, but more research is needed to confirm this. It is important to carefully consider the design and content of situation awareness interventions, as well as the specific outcomes being measured, when designing situation awareness interventions. Overall, there is a need for higher-quality research in this area to determine the most effective interventions for improving nurse situation awareness. Future studies should focus on developing dashboards that follow a theoretical situation awareness model information and represent all situation awareness levels.

Nurse and Physician Perceptions and Decision Making During Interdisciplinary Communication: Factors That Influence Communication Channel Selection

imageErrors in decision making and communication play a key role in poor patient outcomes. Safe patient care requires effective decision making during interdisciplinary communication through communication channels. Research on factors that influence nurse and physician decision making during interdisciplinary communication is limited. Understanding influences on nurse and physician decision making during communication channel selection is needed to support effective communication and improved patient outcomes. The purpose of the study was to explore nurse and physician perceptions of and decision-making processes for selecting interruptive or noninterruptive interdisciplinary communication channels in medical-surgical and intermediate acute care settings. Twenty-six participants (10 RNs, 10 resident physicians, and six attending physicians) participated in semistructured interviews in two acute care metropolitan hospitals for this qualitative descriptive study. The Practice Primed Decision Model guided interview question development and early data analysis. Findings include a core category, Development of Trust in the Communication Process, supported by three main themes: (1) Understanding of Patient Status Drives Communication Decision Making; (2) Previous Interdisciplinary Communication Experience Guides Channel Selection; and (3) Perceived Usefulness Influences Communication Channel Selection. Findings from this study provide support for future design and research of communication channels within the EHR and clinical decision support systems.

Feasibility of Lantern Using WhatsApp to Improve Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence

imageThis pilot study tested the feasibility of Lantern program, an adherence program to HIV medications using WhatsApp, a secure social media messaging application from Meta, for a smartphone-based platform to enhance medication-taking adherence of antiretroviral therapy among people living with HIV in Indonesia. Thirty participants were recruited for this 8-week study. We recruited persons if they had taken antiretroviral therapy for at least 3 months prior to the study, had a smartphone, Internet access, and could use Lantern with WhatsApp. Here, we report the results from the focus group discussions, with the participants evaluating the qualitative aspects of the experiences. The WhatsApp platform was found to be safe, practical, and relatively inexpensive and provided confidentiality for the participants. Three themes emerged from the focus groups: the study motivated participants to take their antiretroviral therapy medications on time, they still set medication reminder alarms, and being in the study made them feel supported. The Lantern program indicated good feasibility and acceptability for adherence to antiretroviral therapies among people living with HIV. Future research should examine on how community organizations and healthcare providers can take advantage of the WhatsApp program to improve adherence to antiretroviral therapies.