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Economic impact of informal caring for a person with arthritis in Australia from 2015 to 2030: a microsimulation approach using national survey data

Por: Schofield · D. J. · Lim · K. · Tanton · R. · Veerman · L. · Kelly · S. J. · Passey · M. · Shrestha · R.

To estimate the economic burden of informal caregivers not in the labour force (NILF) due to caring for a person with arthritis in Australia, with projections of these costs from 2015 to 2030.


Static microsimulation modelling using national survey data.


Australia nationwide survey.


Participants include respondents to the Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers who are informal carers of a person who has arthritis as their main chronic condition and non-carers.

Outcome measures

Estimating the economic impact and national aggregated costs of informal carers NILF to care for a person with arthritis and projecting these costs from 2015 to 2030 in 5-year intervals.


On a per-person basis, when adjusted for age, sex and highest education attained, the difference in average weekly total income between informal carers and non-carers employed in the labour force is $A1051 (95% CI: $A927 to $A1204) in 2015 and projected to increase by up to 22% by 2030. When aggregated, the total national annual loss of income to informal carers NILF is estimated at $A388.2 million (95% CI: $A324.3 to $A461.9 million) in 2015, increasing to $A576.9 million (95% CI: $A489.2 to $A681.8 million) by 2030. The national annual tax revenue lost to the government of the informal carers NILF is estimated at $A99 million (95% CI: $A77.9 to $A126.4 million) in 2015 and is projected to increase 49% by 2030.


Informal carers NILF are economically worse off than employed non-carers, and the aggregated national annual costs are substantial. The future economic impact of informal carers NILF to care for a person with arthritis in Australia is projected to increase, with the estimated differences in income between informal carers and employed non-carers increasing by 22% from 2015 to 2030.

Multiparameter immunoprofiling for the diagnosis and differentiation of progressive versus nonprogressive nontuberculous mycobacterial lung disease–A pilot study

by Paige K. Marty, Balaji Pathakumari, Thomas M. Cox, Virginia P. Van Keulen, Courtney L. Erskine, Maleeha Shah, Mounika Vadiyala, Pedro Arias-Sanchez, Snigdha Karnakoti, Kelly M. Pennington, Elitza S. Theel, Cecilia S. Lindestam Arlehamn, Tobias Peikert, Patricio Escalante

Clinical prediction of nontuberculous mycobacteria lung disease (NTM-LD) progression remains challenging. We aimed to evaluate antigen-specific immunoprofiling utilizing flow cytometry (FC) of activation-induced markers (AIM) and IFN-γ enzyme-linked immune absorbent spot assay (ELISpot) accurately identifies patients with NTM-LD, and differentiate those with progressive from nonprogressive NTM-LD. A Prospective, single-center, and laboratory technician-blinded pilot study was conducted to evaluate the FC and ELISpot based immunoprofiling in patients with NTM-LD (n = 18) and controls (n = 22). Among 18 NTM-LD patients, 10 NTM-LD patients were classified into nonprogressive, and 8 as progressive NTM-LD based on clinical and radiological features. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were collected from patients with NTM-LD and control subjects with negative QuantiFERON results. After stimulation with purified protein derivative (PPD), mycobacteria-specific peptide pools (MTB300, RD1-peptides), and control antigens, we performed IFN-γ ELISpot and FC AIM assays to access their diagnostic accuracies by receiver operating curve (ROC) analysis across study groups. Patients with NTM-LD had significantly higher percentage of CD4+/CD8+ T-cells co-expressing CD25+CD134+ in response to PPD stimulation, differentiating between NTM-LD and controls. Among patients with NTM-LD, there was a significant difference in CD25+CD134+ co-expression in MTB300-stimulated CD8+ T-cells (p

The use of mHealth apps to improve hospital nurses' mental health and well‐being: A systematic review



Nursing well-being has become a heightened focus since the COVID-19 pandemic. Nurses are leaving the profession early in their careers or retiring sooner than expected. Those who remain in the workforce report higher levels of burnout, anxiety, depression, and exhaustion. There is concern that there may be a shortage of at least half a million nurses by 2030.


This systematic review aimed to investigate the evidence of using a mental health promotion mHealth app to improve the mental health of hospital nurses.


A systematic search was conducted in CINAHL Plus with Full Text, MEDLINE with Full Text, Professional Development Collection, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, Sociological Collection, PsycInfo, Embase, and PubMed with search dates of January 2012–November 15, 2022. The mHealth intervention needed to be asynchronously delivered through a smartphone with hospital nurse participants to be included in this review.


Of the 157 articles screened for this review, six were included. Primary outcome variables were anxiety, burnout, coping, depression, self-efficacy, stress, well-being, and work engagement. Intervention types included mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), stress inoculation therapy (SIT), psychoeducation, and stress management. Anxiety, depression, well-being, and burnout improved with MBIs; depression improved with CBT; and anxiety and active coping improved with SIT.

Linking evidence to action

This review demonstrated promising findings in using mHealth apps to improve the mental health of hospital nurses. However, more randomized controlled trials with larger sample sizes may reveal which type of mHealth app and how much exposure to the intervention is more effective in improving specific mental health symptoms. Longitudinal follow-up is also recommended to study sustainability of the mental health improvements.

Oncology nursing under pressure

Journal of Advanced Nursing, EarlyView.

Infiltration of CD3+ and CD8+ lymphocytes in association with inflammation and survival in pancreatic cancer

by Gerik W. Tushoski-Alemán, Kelly M. Herremans, Patrick W. Underwood, Ashwin Akki, Andrea N. Riner, Jose G. Trevino, Song Han, Steven J. Hughes


Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas (PDAC) have heterogeneous tumor microenvironments relatively devoid of infiltrating immune cells. We aimed to quantitatively assess infiltrating CD3+ and CD8+ lymphocytes in a treatment-naïve patient cohort and assess associations with overall survival and microenvironment inflammatory proteins.


Tissue microarrays were immunohistochemically stained for CD3+ and CD8+ lymphocytes and quantitatively assessed using QuPath. Levels of inflammation-associated proteins were quantified by multiplexed, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay panels on matching tumor and tissue samples.


Our findings revealed a significant increase in both CD3+ and CD8+ lymphocytes populations in PDAC compared with non-PDAC tissue, except when comparing CD8+ percentages in PDAC versus intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMN) (p = 0.5012). Patients with quantitatively assessed CD3+ low tumors (lower 50%) had shorter survival (median 273 days) compared to CD3+ high tumors (upper 50%) with a median overall survival of 642.5 days (p = 0.2184). Patients with quantitatively assessed CD8+ low tumors had significantly shorter survival (median 240 days) compared to CD8+ high tumors with a median overall survival of 1059 days (p = 0.0003). Of 41 proteins assessed in the inflammation assay, higher levels of IL-1B and IL-2 were significantly associated with decreased CD3+ infiltration (r = -0.3704, p = 0.0187, and r = -0.4275, p = 0.0074, respectively). Higher levels of IL-1B were also significantly associated with decreased CD8+ infiltration (r = -0.4299, p = 0.0045), but not IL-2 (r = -0.0078, p = 0.9616). Principal component analysis of the inflammatory analytes showed diverse inflammatory responses in PDAC.


In this work, we found a marked heterogeneity in infiltrating CD3+ and CD8+ lymphocytes and individual inflammatory responses in PDAC. Future mechanistic studies should explore personalized therapeutic strategies to target the immune and inflammatory components of the tumor microenvironment.

Enhancing care for transgender and gender diverse survivors of intimate partner violence: an Ontario-wide survey examining health and social service providers learning needs

Por: Du Mont · J. A. · Kelly · C. E. · Seo · H. · Brouillard-Coyle · S. · Mason · R. · Macdonald · S. · Kosa · S. D.

To better understand healthcare and social/community service providers’ learning needs associated with supporting transgender and gender diverse (trans) persons who have experienced intimate partner violence (IPV).


An online survey was distributed through the trans-LINK Network in Ontario, Canada.


163 of 225 healthcare and social/community service providers completed the survey (72.4% response rate) between November 2022 and February 2023.

Main outcome measures

Expertise, training, workplace practices and learning needs related to supporting trans survivors of IPV.


Quantitative survey results were analysed descriptively and open-ended responses were organised thematically. In March 2022, survey results were shared with 33 stakeholders who helped define goals and objectives for an e-learning curriculum using Jamboard, data from which were collated and organised into themes.


Most (66.3%) survey respondents described having provided professional support to trans survivors of IPV, but only one-third (38.0%) reported having received relevant training, and many of the trainings cited were in fact focused on other forms of violence or trans health generally. The majority reported a mid (44.9%) or low-mid (28.5%) level of expertise and almost unanimously agreed that they would benefit from (further) training (99.4%). The most commonly recommended goal/objective for a curriculum emerging from the stakeholder consultation was to facilitate collaboration, knowledge sharing and (safe) referrals among organisations.


The results of this study highlight the critical need for an IPV curriculum specific to trans survivors and responsive to the needs of providers. As no one profession can address this complex issue in isolation, it is important that the curriculum aims to facilitate collaboration across sectors. In the absence of appropriate training and referrals, practitioners may perpetuate harm when caring for trans survivors of IPV.

'Snapshot in time: a cross-sectional study exploring stakeholder experiences with environmental scans in health services delivery research

Por: Charlton · P. · Nagel · D. A. · Azar · R. · Kean · T. · Campbell · A. · Lamontagne · M.-E. · Dery · J. · Kelly · K. J. · Fahim · C.

To describe stakeholder characteristics and perspectives about experiences, challenges and information needs related to the use of environmental scans (ESs).


Cross-sectional study.

Setting and participants

A web-based survey platform was used to disseminate an online survey to stakeholders who had experience with conducting ESs in a health services delivery context (eg, researchers, policy makers, practitioners). Participants were recruited through purposive and snowball sampling. The survey was disseminated internationally, was available in English and French, and remained open for 6 weeks (15 October to 30 November 2022).


Descriptive statistics were used to describe the characteristics and experiences of stakeholders. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the open-text questions.


Of 47 participants who responded to the survey, 94% were from Canada, 4% from the USA and 2% from Australia. Respondents represented academic institutions (57%), health agency/government (32%) and non-government organisations or agencies (11%). Three themes were identified: (a) having a sense of value and utility; (b) experiencing uncertainty and confusion; and (c) seeking guidance. The data suggest stakeholders found value and utility in ESs and conducted them for varied purposes including to: (a) enhance knowledge, understanding and learning about the current landscape or state of various features of health services delivery (eg, programmes, practices, policies, services, best practices); (b) expose needs, service barriers, challenges, gaps, threats, opportunities; (c) help guide action for planning, policy and programme development; and (d) inform recommendations and decision-making. Stakeholders also experienced conceptual, methodological and practical barriers when conducting ESs, and expressed a need for methodological guidance delivered through published guidelines, checklists and other means.


ESs have value and utility for addressing health services delivery concerns, but conceptual and methodological challenges exist. Further research is needed to help advance the ES as a distinct design that provides a systematic approach to planning and conducting ESs.

Adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral en pacientes adultos con VIH-SIDA: un artículo de revisión

Introducción. El objetivo de la siguiente revisión fue caracterizar la adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral en pacientes adultos con VIH-SIDA en las dimensiones de grado de adherencia y factores de riesgo. Metodología. La presente revisión de la evidencia se llevó a cabo utilizando varios estudios que se hubieran publicado en los últimos 10 años en cualquier país a nivel mundial; la búsqueda de información se hizo en las bases de datos SciELO, PubMed, LILACS y Dialnet. Resultados. Se identificaron un total de 227 artículos; de los cuales, se excluyeron 211 publicaciones por no cumplir con los criterios de elegibilidad y finalmente los estudios que se incluyeron en esta investigación, fueron 14. Discusión. La falta de adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral es un problema latente que se puso de manifiesto en la evidencia científica analizada y a partir de los diferentes estudios que fueron recabados, se encontró que más de la mitad de los pacientes si fueron adherentes; mientras que en otros, ocurrió totalmente lo contrario y en relación a los factores de riesgo asociados a la falta de adherencia, se identificaron los siguientes: factores relacionados con el régimen terapéutico (aparición de reacciones adversas; presencia de comorbilidades; mayor tiempo bajo tratamiento), relacionados con el individuo (estrés, depresión, estigma, olvido, consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y alcohol, grado académico, sexo masculino y menor edad) y relacionados con la situación social (falta de apoyo social familiar).


Introduction. The objective of the following review was to characterize adherence to antiretroviral treatment in adult patients with HIV-AIDS, in the dimensions of degree of adherence and risk factors. Methodology. This evidence review was carried out using several studies that have been published in the last 10 years in any country worldwide; the information search was carried out in the SciELO, PubMed, LILACS and Dialnet databases. Results. A total of 227 articles were identified; of which, 211 publications were excluded for not meeting the eligibility criteria and finally the studies that were included in this research were 14. Discussion. Lack of adherence to antiretroviral treatment is a latent problem that was highlighted in the scientific evidence analysed and from the different studies that were collected, it was found that more than half of the patients were adherent; while in others, the complete opposite occurred and in relation to the risk factors associated with non-adherence, the following were identified: factors related to the therapeutic regimen (occurrence of adverse reactions; presence of comorbidities; longer time under treatment), factors related to the individual (stress, depression, stigma, forgetfulness, consumption of psychoactive substances and alcohol, academic grade, male sex and younger age) and factors related to the social situation (lack of family social support).

Clinical evaluation of a fully electronic microfluidic white blood cell analyzer

by Jianye Sui, Zhongtian Lin, Shahriar Azizpour, Fei Chen, Sunanda Gaur, Kelly Keene, Farzad Soleimani, Tanaya Bhowmick, Zubaid Rafique, Mehdi Javanmard

The White Blood Cell (WBC) count is one of the key parameters signaling the health of the immune system. Abnormal WBC counts often signal a systemic insult to the body such as an underlying infection or an adverse side effect to medication. Typically, the blood collected is sent to a central lab for testing, and results come back within hours, which is often inconvenient and may delay time-sensitive diagnosis or treatment. Here, we present the CytoTracker, a fully electronic, microfluidic based instant WBC analyzer with the potential to be used at point-of-care. The CytoTracker is a lightweight, portable, affordable platform capable of quantifying WBCs within minutes using only 50 μl of blood (approximately one drop of blood). In this study, we clinically evaluated the accuracy and performance of CytoTracker in measuring WBC and granulocyte counts. A total of 210 adult patients were recruited in the study. We validated the CytoTracker against a standard benchtop analyzer (Horiba Point of Care Hematology Analyzer, ABX Micros 60). Linear dynamic ranges of 2.5 k/μl– 35 k/μl and 0.6 k/μl– 26 k/μl were achieved for total WBC count and granulocyte count with correlation coefficients of 0.97 and 0.98. In addition, we verified CytoTracker’s capability of identifying abnormal blood counts with above 90% sensitivity and specificity. The promising results of this clinical validation study demonstrate the potential for the use of the CytoTracker as a reliable and accurate point-of-care WBC analyzer.

Enhancing emotion regulation with an in situ socially assistive robot among LGBTQ+ youth with self-harm ideation: protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Por: Williams · A. J. · Cleare · S. · Borschmann · R. · Tench · C. R. · Gross · J. · Hollis · C. · Chapman-Nisar · A. · Naeche · N. · Townsend · E. · Slovak · P. · On behalf of Digital Youth · Creswell · Fonagy · Arseneault · Lloyd · Mendes · Holter · Jirotka · Lazar · Patalay · Kelly · Ka

Purrble, a socially assistive robot, was codesigned with children to support in situ emotion regulation. Preliminary evidence has found that LGBTQ+ youth are receptive to Purrble and find it to be an acceptable intervention to assist with emotion dysregulation and their experiences of self-harm. The present study is designed to evaluate the impact of access to Purrble among LGBTQ+ youth who have self-harmful thoughts, when compared with waitlist controls.

Methods and analysis

The study is a single-blind, randomised control trial comparing access to the Purrble robot with waitlist control. A total of 168 LGBTQ+ youth aged 16–25 years with current self-harmful ideation will be recruited, all based within the UK. The primary outcome is emotion dysregulation (Difficulties with Emotion Regulation Scale-8) measured weekly across a 13-week period, including three pre-deployment timepoints. Secondary outcomes include self-harm (Self-Harm Questionnaire), anxiety (Generalised Anxiety Disorder-7) and depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9). We will conduct analyses using linear mixed models to assess primary and secondary hypotheses. Intervention participants will have unlimited access to Purrble over the deployment period, which can be used as much or as little as they like. After all assessments, control participants will receive their Purrble, with all participants keeping the robot after the end of the study. After the study has ended, a subset of participants will be invited to participate in semistructured interviews to explore engagement and appropriation of Purrble, considering the young people’s own views of Purrble as an intervention device.

Ethics and dissemination

Ethical approval was received from King’s College London (RESCM-22/23-34570). Findings will be disseminated in peer review open access journals and at academic conferences.

Trial registration number


Factors influencing fatigue in UK nurses working in respiratory clinical areas during the second wave of the Covid‐19 pandemic: An online survey


Aims and objectives

This study explores UK nurses' experiences of working in a respiratory clinical area during the COVID-19 pandemic over winter 2020.


During the first wave of the pandemic, nurses working in respiratory clinical areas experienced significant levels of anxiety and depression. As the pandemic has progressed, levels of fatigue in nurses have not been assessed.


A cross-sectional e-survey was distributed via professional respiratory societies and social media. The survey included Generalised Anxiety Disorder Assessment (GAD7), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ9, depression), a resilience scale (RS-14) and Chalder mental and physical fatigue tools. The STROBE checklist was followed as guidance to write the manuscript.


Despite reporting anxiety and depression, few nurses reported having time off work with stress, most were maintaining training and felt prepared for COVID challenges in their current role. Nurses reported concerns over safety and patient feedback was both positive and negative. A quarter of respondents reported wanting to leave nursing. Nurses experiencing greater physical fatigue reported higher levels of anxiety and depression.


Nurses working in respiratory clinical areas were closely involved in caring for COVID-19 patients. Nurses continued to experience similar levels of anxiety and depression to those found in the first wave and reported symptoms of fatigue (physical and mental). A significant proportion of respondents reported considering leaving nursing. Retention of nurses is vital to ensure the safe functioning of already overstretched health services. Nurses would benefit from regular mental health check-ups to ensure they are fit to practice and receive the support they need to work effectively.

Relevance to clinical practice

A high proportion of nurses working in respiratory clinical areas have been identified as experiencing fatigue in addition to continued levels of anxiety, depression over winter 2020. Interventions need to be implemented to help provide mental health support and improve workplace conditions to minimise PTSD and burnout.

Barriers and enablers to and strategies for promoting domestic plasma donation throughout the world: Overarching protocol for three systematic reviews

by Cole Etherington, Amelia Palumbo, Kelly Holloway, Samantha Meyer, Maximillian Labrecque, Kyle Rubini, Risa Shorr, Vivian Welch, Emily Gibson, Terrie Foster, Jennie Haw, Elisabeth Vesnaver, Manavi T. Maharshi, Sheila F. O’Brien, Paul MacPherson, Joyce Dogba, Tony Steed, Mindy Goldman, Justin Presseau


The growing demand for plasma protein products has caused concern in many countries who largely rely on importing plasma products produced from plasma collected in the United States and Europe. Optimizing recruitment and retention of a diversity of plasma donors is therefore important for supporting national donation systems that can reliably meet the most critical needs of health services. This series of three systematic reviews aims to synthesize the known barriers and enablers to source plasma donation from the qualitative and survey-based literature and identify which strategies that have shown to be effective in promoting increased intention to, and actual donation of, source plasma.

Methods and analysis

Primary studies involving source or convalescent plasma donation via plasmapheresis will be included. The search strategy will capture all potentially relevant studies to each of the three reviews, creating a database of plasma donation literature. Study designs will be subsequently identified in the screening process to facilitate analysis according to the unique inclusion criteria of each review (i.e., qualitative, survey, and experimental designs). The search will be conducted in the electronic databases SCOPUS, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, and CINAHL without date or language restrictions. Studies will be screened, and data will be extracted, in duplicate by two independent reviewers with disagreements resolved through consensus. Reviews 1 and 2 will draw on the Theoretical Domains Framework and Intersectionality, while Review 3 will be informed by Behaviour Change Intervention Ontologies. Directed content analysis and framework analysis (Review 1), and descriptive and inferential syntheses (Reviews 2 and 3), will be used, including meta-analyses if appropriate.


This series of related reviews will serve to provide a foundation of what is known from the published literature about barriers and enablers to, and strategies for promoting, plasma donation worldwide.

Coming of age in recovery: The prevalence and correlates of substance use recovery status among adolescents and emerging adults

by Douglas C. Smith, Crystal A. Reinhart, Shahana Begum, Janaka Kosgolla, John F. Kelly, Brandon B. Bergman, Marni Basic

Background and aims

To date, no epidemiological survey has estimated the prevalence of adolescents identifying as being in recovery. This is necessary for planning and identifying the needs of youth with current and remitted substance use disorders. This study estimated the prevalence of recovery status in a large statewide epidemiological survey administered between January and March 2020.


Participants were high school students in 9th through 12th grades throughout Illinois.


Youth were asked if they were in recovery and if they had resolved problems with substances. Youth who reported recovery and problem resolving dual status (DS), recovery only (RO), and problem resolution only (PRO) were compared to propensity score matched control groups who reported neither status (neither/nor; NN). Outcomes included alcohol use, binge alcohol use, cannabis use, and prescription drug use in the past 30 days.


Prevalence estimates were 884 (1.4%) for DS, 1546 (2.5%) for PRO, and 1,811 (2.9%) for RO. Relative to propensity matched control samples, all three groups had significantly lower odds of prescription drug use. The PRO group had lower odds of past month cannabis use. There were no significant differences for either alcohol outcome.


Prevalence estimates of youth in recovery are slightly lower than those of adults in recovery, and estimates should be replicated. Youth in recovery and those resolving problems have numerous behavioral health needs, and relative to matched controls, have even odds for past 30-day alcohol use. These findings compel us to further define recovery for adolescents and emerging adults to allow for improving treatments and epidemiological research.

Protocol for the Tallaght University Hospital Institute for Memory and Cognition-Biobank for Research in Ageing and Neurodegeneration

Por: Dyer · A. H. · Dolphin · H. · OConnor · A. · Morrison · L. · Sedgwick · G. · McFeely · A. · Killeen · E. · Gallagher · C. · Davey · N. · Connolly · E. · Lyons · S. · Young · C. · Gaffney · C. · Ennis · R. · McHale · C. · Joseph · J. · Knight · G. · Kelly · E. · OFarrelly · C. · Bourke · N. M.

Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias affect >50 million individuals globally and are characterised by broad clinical and biological heterogeneity. Cohort and biobank studies have played a critical role in advancing the understanding of disease pathophysiology and in identifying novel diagnostic and treatment approaches. However, further discovery and validation cohorts are required to clarify the real-world utility of new biomarkers, facilitate research into the development of novel therapies and advance our understanding of the clinical heterogeneity and pathobiology of neurodegenerative diseases.

Methods and analysis

The Tallaght University Hospital Institute for Memory and Cognition Biobank for Research in Ageing and Neurodegeneration (TIMC-BRAiN) will recruit 1000 individuals over 5 years. Participants, who are undergoing diagnostic workup in the TIMC Memory Assessment and Support Service (TIMC-MASS), will opt to donate clinical data and biological samples to a biobank. All participants will complete a detailed clinical, neuropsychological and dementia severity assessment (including Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Assessment, Repeatable Battery for Assessment of Neuropsychological Status, Clinical Dementia Rating Scale). Participants undergoing venepuncture/lumbar puncture as part of the clinical workup will be offered the opportunity to donate additional blood (serum/plasma/whole blood) and cerebrospinal fluid samples for longitudinal storage in the TIMC-BRAiN biobank. Participants are followed at 18-month intervals for repeat clinical and cognitive assessments. Anonymised clinical data and biological samples will be stored securely in a central repository and used to facilitate future studies concerned with advancing the diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.

Ethics and dissemination

Ethical approval has been granted by the St. James’s Hospital/Tallaght University Hospital Joint Research Ethics Committee (Project ID: 2159), which operates in compliance with the European Communities (Clinical Trials on Medicinal Products for Human Use) Regulations 2004 and ICH Good Clinical Practice Guidelines. Findings using TIMC-BRAiN will be published in a timely and open-access fashion.

Physiotherapists clinical reasoning to prescribe exercise for patients with chronic pain: A qualitative study research protocol

by Michael C. Kelly, Jenni Naisby, David J. Bell


Physiotherapists’ play a key role in the management of chronic pain, and as part of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines, prescribe exercise to support patients with chronic pain. However, there is very limited evidence supporting physiotherapists on what type of exercise or dose of exercise should be prescribed. Physiotherapists’ therefore have more onus on their ability to clinically reason how to prescribe exercise. At present, there is no research investigating how physiotherapists’ working with patients that have chronic pain, clinically reason when prescribing exercise. This study proposes to investigate how physiotherapists experienced in pain management prescribe exercise, to understand what the key influences are on their reasoning, and how these impact on clinical practice.


This will be a qualitative study, utilising semi-structured individual interviews. Participants will be Health and Care Professions Council registered physiotherapists, working predominantly with patients that have chronic pain. Recruitment will focus on physiotherapists working within the United Kingdom (UK). Up to twenty participants will be recruited. The study, including the interview guide, will be supported by a steering group consisting of academics and physiotherapists experienced in chronic pain. The data will be analysed using framework analysis.


The study will be reported using the COnsolidated criteria for REporting Qualitative research (COREQ) guidelines. The findings of the study will be disseminated through publication in a peer reviewed journal.


This study will provide novel insight into how physiotherapists experienced working with and managing chronic pain patients, prescribe exercise, and will gain new insight into clinical practice to help inform future research and education.

The long-term impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on financial insecurity in vulnerable families: Findings from the Born in Bradford Covid-19 longitudinal study

by Sian Reece, Josie Dickerson, Brian Kelly, Rosemary R. C. McEachan, Kate E. Pickett

There is growing recognition that the public health measures employed to control the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic had unintended consequences on socioeconomic security and health inequalities, having the greatest impact on the most vulnerable groups. This longitudinal study aims to explore the medium to long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent public health measures on financial security for families living in the deprived and ethnically diverse city of Bradford. We collected data at four time points before and during the pandemic from mothers who participated in one of two prospective birth cohort studies in Bradford. The findings demonstrate that the risk of experiencing financial insecurity rose sharply during the pandemic and has not returned to pre-COVID-19 baseline levels. Several individual characteristics were found to be possible predictors of financial insecurity, including homeowner status, free school meal eligibility and not working. Protective factors against financial insecurity include: living in more affluent areas; greater levels of educational attainment; and families with two or more adults in the household. Notably, families of Pakistani Heritage were found to have the greatest risk of experiencing financial insecurity throughout the pandemic. Furthermore, this study demonstrated that there were strong associations between financial insecurity and maternal health and wellbeing outcomes, with mothers experiencing financial insecurity being more likely to report unsatisfactory general health and clinically important symptoms of depression and anxiety. The findings of this study highlight that the impact of financial insecurity experienced by mothers and their families throughout the pandemic was severe, wide ranging and affected the most vulnerable. In the wake of the pandemic, the emerging cost of living and energy crisis emphasises the urgent need for policy makers to act to support vulnerable families to prevent further widening of existing health and social inequalities.

Epidemiological transition: a historical analysis of immigration patterns by country of origin (1861-1986) related to circulatory system diseases and all-cause mortality in twentieth-century Australia

Por: Kelleher · C. C. · Kelly · G. E. · Segurado · R. · Briody · J. · Sellers · A. M. · McCalman · J.
Background and objectives

Circulatory system disease (CSD) patterns vary over time and between countries, related to lifestyle risk factors, associated in turn with socioeconomic circumstances. Current global CSD epidemics in developing economies are similar in scale to those observed previously in the USA and Australasia. Australia exhibits an important macroeconomic phenomenon as a rapidly transitioning economy with high immigration throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. We wished to examine how that historical immigration related to CSD patterns subsequently.

Methods and setting

We provide a novel empirical analysis employing census-derived place of birth by age bracket and sex from 1891 to 1986, in order to map patterns of immigration against CSD mortality rates from 1907 onwards. Age-specific generalised additive models for both CSD mortality in the general population, and all-cause mortality for the foreign-born (FB) only, from 1910 to 1980 were also devised for both males and females.


The percentage of FB fell from 32% in 1891 to 9.8% in 1947. Rates of CSD rose consistently, particularly from the 1940s onwards, peaked in the 1960s, then declined sharply in the 1980s and showed a strong period effect across age groups and genders. The main effects of age and census year and their interaction were highly statistically significant for CSD mortality for males (p


We argue our empirical calculations, supported by historical and socioepidemiological evidence, employing immigration patterns as a proxy for epidemiological transition, affirm the life course hypothesis that both early life circumstances and later life lifestyle drive CSD patterns.

Clinical Observation, Management and Function Of low back pain Relief Therapies (COMFORT): A cluster randomised controlled trial protocol

Por: Abdel Shaheed · C. · Ivers · R. · Vizza · L. · McLachlan · A. · Kelly · P. J. · Blyth · F. · Stanaway · F. · Clare · P. J. · Thompson · R. · Lung · T. · Degenhardt · L. · Reid · S. · Martin · B. · Wright · M. · Osman · R. · French · S. · McCaffery · K. · Campbell · G. · Jenkins · H. · Mathie

Low back pain (LBP) is commonly treated with opioid analgesics despite evidence that these medicines provide minimal or no benefit for LBP and have an established profile of harms. International guidelines discourage or urge caution with the use of opioids for back pain; however, doctors and patients lack practical strategies to help them implement the guidelines. This trial will evaluate a multifaceted intervention to support general practitioners (GPs) and their patients with LBP implement the recommendations in the latest opioid prescribing guidelines.

Methods and analysis

This is a cluster randomised controlled trial that will evaluate the effect of educational outreach visits to GPs promoting opioid stewardship alongside non-pharmacological interventions including heat wrap and patient education about the possible harms and benefits of opioids, on GP prescribing of opioids medicines dispensed. At least 40 general practices will be randomised in a 1:1 ratio to either the intervention or control (no outreach visits; GP provides usual care). A total of 410 patient–participants (205 in each arm) who have been prescribed an opioid for LBP will be enrolled via participating general practices. Follow-up of patient–participants will occur over a 1-year period. The primary outcome will be the cumulative dose of opioid dispensed that was prescribed by study GPs over 1 year from the enrolment visit (in morphine milligram equivalent dose). Secondary outcomes include prescription of opioid medicines, benzodiazepines, gabapentinoids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs by study GPs or any GP, health services utilisation and patient-reported outcomes such as pain, quality of life and adverse events. Analysis will be by intention to treat, with a health economics analysis also planned.

Ethics and dissemination

The trial received ethics approval from The University of Sydney Human Research Ethics Committee (2022/511). The results will be disseminated via publications in journals, media and conference presentations.

Trial registration number

