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Experiences and lessons learned from community-engaged recruitment for the South Asian breast cancer study in New Jersey during the COVID-19 pandemic

by Jaya M. Satagopan, Tina Dharamdasani, Shailja Mathur, Racquel E. Kohler, Elisa V. Bandera, Anita Y. Kinney


South Asians are a rapidly growing population in the United States. Breast cancer is a major concern among South Asian American women, who are an understudied population. We established the South Asian Breast Cancer (SABCa) study in New Jersey during early 2020 to gain insights into their breast cancer-related health attitudes. Shortly after we started planning for the study, the COVID-19 disease spread throughout the world. In this paper, we describe our experiences and lessons learned from recruiting study participants by partnering with New Jersey’s community organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic.


We used a cross-sectional design. We contacted 12 community organizations and 7 (58%) disseminated our study information. However, these organizations became considerably busy with pandemic-related needs. Therefore, we had to pivot to alternative recruitment strategies through community radio, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey’s Community Outreach and Engagement Program, and Rutgers Cooperative Extension’s community health programs. We recruited participants through these alternative strategies, obtained written informed consent, and collected demographic information using a structured survey.


Twenty five women expressed interest in the study, of which 22 (88%) participated. Nine (41%) participants learned about the study through the radio, 5 (23%) through these participants, 1 (4.5%) through a non-radio community organization, and 7 (32%) through community health programs. Two (9%) participants heard about the study from their spouse. All participants were born outside the US, their average age was 52.4 years (range: 39–72 years), and they have lived in the US for an average of 26 years (range: 5–51 years).


Pivoting to alternative strategies were crucial for successful recruitment. Findings suggest the significant potential of broadcast media for community-based recruitment. Family dynamics and the community’s trust in our partners also encouraged participation. Such strategies must be considered when working with understudied populations.

Effect of isokinetic eccentric training on the human shoulder strength, flexibility, and muscle architecture in physically active men: A preliminary study

by Sebastian Vetter, Pierre Hepp, Axel Schleichardt, Stefan Schleifenbaum, Maren Witt, Christian Roth, Hans-Peter Köhler

Strengthening the rotator cuff muscles is important for injury prevention and rehabilitation. Since muscle fascicle length improves motor performance and is suggested to reduce the risk of injury for the hamstring, it may be an important variable to promote multidirectional changes in the function and macroscopic structure for the shoulder. Recent literature reviews overwhelmingly suggest that eccentric exercises improve fascicle length and functional measures for the lower limb. However, there is a research gap for the shoulder. Since ultrasound imaging is the most commonly used imaging technique to quantify muscle structure, but has yielded heterogeneous results in different studies, there is another issue and a research gap for the imaging method. Based on the research gaps, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of standardized eccentric strength training on the function and structure of the external rotator cuff muscles using an isokinetic dynamometer and MRI. Therefore, a preliminary pre-post intervention study was conducted and 16 physically active men were recruited in October 2021. For the right shoulder, an eccentric isokinetic training was performed twice a week for almost six weeks. The primary outcome measures (external rotators) were active and passive range of motion, eccentric and concentric torque at 30, 60, and 180°/s isokinetic speed, and fascicle length and fascicle volume for the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles. The findings show a training effect for the absolute mean values of eccentric strength (+24%, p = .008). The torque-angle relationship increased, especially in the final phase of range of motion, although a 4% (p = .002) decrease in passive range of motion was found in the stretch test. Positive changes in muscle structure were shown for the supraspinatus muscle fascicle length (+16%, p = .003) and fascicle volume (+19%, p = .002). Based on the study results, we can conclude that eccentric isokinetic training has a significant positive effect on the shoulder. To our knowledge, this is the first eccentric training study using both isokinetic dynamometer and muscle diffusion tensor imaging to access functional and structural changes in the human shoulder rotator cuff muscles. The methods were shown to be applicable for interventional studies. Based on these results, populations such as high-performance handball players with highly trained shoulders should be included in future studies.

Evaluating patient factors, operative management and postoperative outcomes in trauma laparotomy patients worldwide: a protocol for a global observational multicentre trauma study

Por: Bath · M. F. · Kohler · K. · Hobbs · L. · Smith · B. G. · Clark · D. J. · Kwizera · A. · Perkins · Z. · Marsden · M. · Davenport · R. · Davies · J. · Amoako · J. · Moonesinghe · R. · Weiser · T. · Leather · A. J. M. · Hardcastle · T. · Naidoo · R. · Nördin · Y. · Conway Morris · A. · Lak

Trauma contributes to the greatest loss of disability-adjusted life-years for adolescents and young adults worldwide. In the context of global abdominal trauma, the trauma laparotomy is the most commonly performed operation. Variation likely exists in how these patients are managed and their subsequent outcomes, yet very little global data on the topic currently exists. The objective of the GOAL-Trauma study is to evaluate both patient and injury factors for those undergoing trauma laparotomy, their clinical management and postoperative outcomes.


We describe a planned prospective multicentre observational cohort study of patients undergoing trauma laparotomy. We will include patients of all ages who present to hospital with a blunt or penetrating injury and undergo a trauma laparotomy within 5 days of presentation to the treating centre. The study will collect system, patient, process and outcome data, following patients up until 30 days postoperatively (or until discharge or death, whichever is first). Our sample size calculation suggests we will need to recruit 552 patients from approximately 150 recruiting centres.


The GOAL-Trauma study will provide a global snapshot of the current management and outcomes for patients undergoing a trauma laparotomy. It will also provide insight into the variation seen in the time delays for receiving care, the disease and patient factors present, and patient outcomes. For current standards of trauma care to be improved worldwide, a greater understanding of the current state of trauma laparotomy care is paramount if appropriate interventions and targets are to be identified and implemented.

Cohort profile: the Adverse Childhood Experiences cohort of the Malawi Longitudinal Study of Families and Health

Por: Kidman · R. · Mwera · J. · Rui · Y. · Breton · E. · Zulu · A. · Behrman · J. · Kohler · H.-P.

The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) cohort of the Malawi Longitudinal Study of Families and Health (MLSFH-ACE) is a study of adolescents surveyed during 2017–2021. It provides an important opportunity to examine the longitudinal impact of ACEs on health and development across the early life course. The MLSFH-ACE cohort provides rich data on adolescents, their children and adult caregivers in a low-income, high-HIV-prevalence context in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).


The MLSFH-ACE cohort is a population-based study of adolescents living in three districts in rural Malawi. Wave 1 enrolment took place in 2017–2018 and included 2061 adolescents aged 10–16 years and 1438 caregivers. Wave 2 took place in 2021 and included data on 1878 adolescents and 208 offspring. Survey instruments captured ACEs during childhood and adolescence, HIV-related behavioural risk, mental and physical health, cognitive development and education, intimate partner violence (IPV), marriage and aspirations, early transitions to adulthood and protective factors. Biological indicators included HIV, herpes simplex virus and anthropometric measurements.

Findings to date

Key findings include a high prevalence of ACEs among adolescents in Malawi, a low incidence of HIV and positive associations between ACE scores and composite HIV risk scores. There were also strong associations between ACEs and both IPV victimisation and perpetration.

Future plans

MLSFH-ACE data will be publicly released and will provide a wealth of information on ACEs and adolescent outcomes in low-income, HIV-endemic SSA contexts. Future expansions of the cohort are planned to capture data during early adulthood.
