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AnteayerCIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing

Improving Situation Awareness to Advance Patient Outcomes: A Systematic Literature Review

imageImproving nurses' situation awareness skills would likely improve patient status recognition and prevent adverse events. Technologies such as electronic health record dashboards can be a promising approach to support nurses' situation awareness. However, the effect of these dashboards on this skill is unknown. This systematic literature review explores the evidence around interventions to improve nurses' situation awareness at the point of care. Current research on this subject is limited. Studies that examined the use of electronic health record dashboards as an intervention had weak evidence to support their effectiveness. Other interventions, including communication interventions and structured nursing assessments, may also improve situation awareness, but more research is needed to confirm this. It is important to carefully consider the design and content of situation awareness interventions, as well as the specific outcomes being measured, when designing situation awareness interventions. Overall, there is a need for higher-quality research in this area to determine the most effective interventions for improving nurse situation awareness. Future studies should focus on developing dashboards that follow a theoretical situation awareness model information and represent all situation awareness levels.

Nurse and Physician Perceptions and Decision Making During Interdisciplinary Communication: Factors That Influence Communication Channel Selection

imageErrors in decision making and communication play a key role in poor patient outcomes. Safe patient care requires effective decision making during interdisciplinary communication through communication channels. Research on factors that influence nurse and physician decision making during interdisciplinary communication is limited. Understanding influences on nurse and physician decision making during communication channel selection is needed to support effective communication and improved patient outcomes. The purpose of the study was to explore nurse and physician perceptions of and decision-making processes for selecting interruptive or noninterruptive interdisciplinary communication channels in medical-surgical and intermediate acute care settings. Twenty-six participants (10 RNs, 10 resident physicians, and six attending physicians) participated in semistructured interviews in two acute care metropolitan hospitals for this qualitative descriptive study. The Practice Primed Decision Model guided interview question development and early data analysis. Findings include a core category, Development of Trust in the Communication Process, supported by three main themes: (1) Understanding of Patient Status Drives Communication Decision Making; (2) Previous Interdisciplinary Communication Experience Guides Channel Selection; and (3) Perceived Usefulness Influences Communication Channel Selection. Findings from this study provide support for future design and research of communication channels within the EHR and clinical decision support systems.

Clinical Knowledge Model for the Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Venous Thromboembolism

imageKnowledge models inform organizational behavior through the logical association of documentation processes, definitions, data elements, and value sets. The development of a well-designed knowledge model allows for the reuse of electronic health record data to promote efficiency in practice, data interoperability, and the extensibility of data to new capabilities or functionality such as clinical decision support, quality improvement, and research. The purpose of this article is to describe the development and validation of a knowledge model for healthcare-associated venous thromboembolism prevention. The team used FloMap, an Internet-based survey resource, to compare metadata from six healthcare organizations to an initial draft model. The team used consensus decision-making over time to compare survey results. The resulting model included seven panels, 41 questions, and 231 values. A second validation step included completion of an Internet-based survey with 26 staff nurse respondents representing 15 healthcare organizations, two electronic health record vendors, and one academic institution. The final knowledge model contained nine Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes panels, 32 concepts, and 195 values representing an additional six panels (groupings), 15 concepts (questions), and the specification of 195 values (answers). The final model is useful for consistent documentation to demonstrate the contribution of nursing practice to the prevention of venous thromboembolism.

Taking Action Against Clinician Burnout Through Reducing the Documentation Burden With an Operating Room Supply Scanning Approach

imageDocumenting surgical supply items in the operating room can be a burdensome task for circulating nurses because of manual input within the electronic medical record. This can lead to documentation fatigue and contribute to nursing burnout. The aim of this quality improvement project was to design and implement a supply item scanning process and evaluate the effect on intraoperative documentation completion time, room turnover time, picklist documentation accuracy, nurse satisfaction, and burnout. The sample included nine acute care hospitals throughout the United States, with 189 total circulating nurses and 31 718 procedures occurring during the study timeframe of 8 months. Results indicated that nurses were able to complete documentation on average 37.33 minutes sooner, and the operating room turnover time decreased by 1.88 minutes. Although nurses reported that their perceived picklist documentation accuracy did not improve, and the presence of new scanning technology did not influence their hospital employment decision, subjective feedback was mostly positive, with most responses citing the helpfulness of scanning for documentation. This study shows that an interdisciplinary team can effectively work to optimize documentation efficiency and performance improvement using a scanning intervention. Lessons learned through this process can translate into optimizations elsewhere in the electronic medical record.

Nursing Diagnosis Accuracy in Nursing Education: Clinical Decision Support System Compared With Paper-Based Documentation—A Before and After Study

imageComputer-based technologies have been widely used in nursing education, although the best educational modality to improve documentation and nursing diagnostic accuracy using electronic health records is still under investigation. It is important to address this gap and seek an effective way to address increased accuracy around nursing diagnoses identification. Nursing diagnoses are judgments that represent a synthesis of data collected by the nurse and used to guide interventions and to achieve desirable patients' outcomes. This current investigation is aimed at comparing the nursing diagnostic accuracy, satisfaction, and usability of a computerized system versus a traditional paper-based approach. A total of 66 nursing students solved three validated clinical scenarios using the NANDA-International terminologies traditional paper-based approach and then the computer-based Clinical Decision Support System. Study findings indicated a significantly higher nursing diagnostic accuracy (P

Ambulatory Care Coordination Data Gathering and Use

imageCare coordination is a crucial component of healthcare systems. However, little is known about data needs and uses in ambulatory care coordination practice. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify information gathered and used to support care coordination in ambulatory settings. Survey respondents (33) provided their demographics and practice patterns, including use of electronic health records, as well as data gathered and used. Most of the respondents were nurses, and they described varying practice settings and patterns. Although most described at least partial use of electronic health records, two respondents described paper documentation systems. More than 25% of respondents gathered and used most of the 72 data elements, with collection and use often occurring in multiple locations and contexts. This early study demonstrates significant heterogeneity in ambulatory care coordination data usage. Additional research is necessary to identify common data elements to support knowledge development in the context of a learning health system.

Prototyping Process and Usability Testing of a Serious Game for Brazilian Children With Type 1 Diabetes

imageThis study aims to describe the prototype development and testing of a serious game designed for Brazilian children with diabetes. Following an approach of user-centered design, the researchers assessed game's preferences and diabetes learning needs to develop a Paper Prototype. The gameplay strategies included diabetes pathophysiology, self-care tasks, glycemic management, and food group learning. Diabetes and technology experts (n = 12) tested the prototype during audio-recorded sessions. Next, they answered a survey to evaluate the content, organization, presentation, and educational game aspects. The prototype showed a high content validity ratio (0.80), with three items not achieving the critical values (0.66). Experts recommended improving the game content and food illustrations. This evaluation contributed to the medium-fidelity prototype version, which after testing with diabetes experts (n = 12) achieved high content validity values (0.88). One item did not meet the critical values. Experts suggested increasing the options of outdoor activities and meals. Researchers also observed and video-recorded children with diabetes (n = 5) playing the game with satisfactory interaction. They considered the game enjoyable. The interdisciplinary team plays an important role guiding the designers in the use of theories and real needs of children. Prototypes are a low-cost usability and a successful method for evaluating games.

Associations Between Psychosocial Needs, Carbohydrate-Counting Behavior, and App Satisfaction: A Randomized Crossover App Trial on 92 Adults With Diabetes

imageTo examine whether psychosocial needs in diabetes care are associated with carbohydrate counting and if carbohydrate counting is associated with satisfaction with diabetes applications' usability, a randomized crossover trial of 92 adults with type 1 or 2 diabetes requiring insulin therapy tested two top-rated diabetes applications, mySugr and OnTrack Diabetes. Survey responses on demographics, psychosocial needs (perceived competence, autonomy, and connectivity), carbohydrate-counting frequency, and application satisfaction were modeled using mixed-effect linear regressions to test associations. Participants ranged between 19 and 74 years old (mean, 54 years) and predominantly had type 2 diabetes (70%). Among the three tested domains of psychosocial needs, only competence—not autonomy or connectivity—was found to be associated with carbohydrate-counting frequency. No association between carbohydrate-counting behavior and application satisfaction was found. In conclusion, perceived competence in diabetes care is an important factor in carbohydrate counting; clinicians may improve adherence to carbohydrate counting with strategies designed to improve perceived competence. Carbohydrate-counting behavior is complex; its impact on patient satisfaction of diabetes application usability is multifactorial and warrants consideration of patient demographics such as sex as well as application features for automated carbohydrate counting.