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The impact of psychosocial factors on breastfeeding duration in the BaBi-Study. Analysis of a birth cohort study in Germany

Breastfeeding is beneficial for both mother and child. A breastfed child can benefit from improved mental developments, protection against infectious diseases and infectious disease mortality, and a decreased risk of overweight and obesity(Whalen and Cramton 2010) (Regional Office for Europe (World Health Organisation) 2019). Furthermore, there is evidence on protection against type 1 and 2 diabetes, allergic rhinitis, asthma or wheezing, atopic dermatitis, childhood leukemia, hypercholesterolemia later in life, sudden infant death syndrome (Whalen and Cramton 2010) and malocclusion (Victora et al.

Cultural beliefs and Health-Seeking Practices: Rural Zambians' Views on Maternal-Newborn Care

In Zambia, the newborn mortality rate is 34 per 1,000 live births (UNICEF, 2017) and the infant mortality rate is 44 per 1,000 live births (UNICEF, 2018). To promote improved newborn health outcomes in rural Zambia, new knowledge is needed to enhance our understanding of newborn care and cultural factors influencing the ways mothers seek newborn care. Several studies from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) show cultural beliefs strongly influence behavior during pregnancy, childbirth, and care-seeking (Lang-Baldé & Amerson, 2018; Lori & Boyle, 2011; Maimbolwa, Yamba, Diwan, & Ransjö-Arvidson, 2003; Raman, Nicholls, Ritchie, Razee, & Shafiee, 2016).

The development of Midwifery Unit Standards for Europe

The WHO Global Strategy for Women's, Children's and Adolescents’ Health 2016-2030 emphasises the importance of maternity services in preventing illness and promoting optimal clinical outcomes (Every Woman Every Child, 2015). Midwifery has been recognised as having huge potential for transformation; worldwide, over 50 health outcomes could be improved by expanding provision and access to quality midwifery care (Renfrew, et al., 2014). Midwifery care is also associated with efficient use of resources (Renfrew, et al., 2014).

Women's information needs, decision-making and experiences of membrane sweeping to promote spontaneous labour

UK policy currently recommends membrane sweeping to avoid prolonged pregnancy and reduce the need for formal induction. Guidance from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE, 2008) on induction of labour recommends that at 40- and 41-week antenatal visits, nulliparous women should be offered membrane sweeping prior to formal induction and additional membrane sweeping may be offered if labour does not start spontaneously. Updates to the guideline are expected in July 2020. NICE Quality Standard [QS22] (NICE, 2016) for antenatal care additionally recommends that women having their second or later baby are offered membrane sweeping.

Exploring the validity of allostatic load in pregnant women

The theory of allostatic load has gained momentum in perinatal research to understand the biological pathways of the impact of maternal chronic stress on adverse perinatal outcomes. However, due to physiological changes of pregnancy, including large variations across gestation, the extent to which allostatic load measured in pregnancy is valid has not been queried in depth.

Conceptualising women's perinatal well-being: A systematic review of theoretical discussions

Over the last two decades there has been an increasing interest in well-being as a focus of policy, practice and research. There is general agreement that well-being takes a more holistic approach and focuses not simply on the absence of illness. In its constitution, the World Health Organisation defines health as ‘a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’. However, the concept of well-being still remains poorly defined and frequently appears to be used at a superficial level as ‘health and well-being’ to cover a wide range of concepts.

Barriers and facilitators in antenatal settings to screening and referral of pregnant women who use alcohol or other drugs: A qualitative study of midwives’ experience

Screening pregnant women for substance use is highly recommended in antenatal care settings. Although midwives provide routine screening for substance use and referral for treatment in pregnancy, little is known about the barriers and facilitators they experience.

Shared decision aids in pregnancy care: A scoping review

Decision aids (DAs), also known as client-centred decision tools (Vlemmix et al., 2013; Joseph-Williams et al., 2017; Stacey et al., 2017), clinical decision-making tools (Trevana et al., 2014), patient decision aids (Sepucha et al., 2018), shared decision-making tools (Elwyn et al., 2010), and decision support technologies (Elwyn et al., 2009), are interventions that support health consumers by making their decisions explicit, providing information about options and associated benefits/harms, and helping to clarify congruence between decisions and personal values (Stacey et al., 2017).

WITHDRAWN: Post-traumatic stress disorder-related perinatal factors after the first postpartum year

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