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Cultural beliefs and Health-Seeking Practices: Rural Zambians' Views on Maternal-Newborn Care

In Zambia, the newborn mortality rate is 34 per 1,000 live births (UNICEF, 2017) and the infant mortality rate is 44 per 1,000 live births (UNICEF, 2018). To promote improved newborn health outcomes in rural Zambia, new knowledge is needed to enhance our understanding of newborn care and cultural factors influencing the ways mothers seek newborn care. Several studies from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) show cultural beliefs strongly influence behavior during pregnancy, childbirth, and care-seeking (Lang-Baldé & Amerson, 2018; Lori & Boyle, 2011; Maimbolwa, Yamba, Diwan, & Ransjö-Arvidson, 2003; Raman, Nicholls, Ritchie, Razee, & Shafiee, 2016).

The development of Midwifery Unit Standards for Europe

The WHO Global Strategy for Women's, Children's and Adolescents’ Health 2016-2030 emphasises the importance of maternity services in preventing illness and promoting optimal clinical outcomes (Every Woman Every Child, 2015). Midwifery has been recognised as having huge potential for transformation; worldwide, over 50 health outcomes could be improved by expanding provision and access to quality midwifery care (Renfrew, et al., 2014). Midwifery care is also associated with efficient use of resources (Renfrew, et al., 2014).

A qualitative study of a sample of women participating in an Australian randomised controlled trial of intrapartum fetal surveillance

The STan Australian Randomised controlled Trial (START), the first of its kind in Australia, compares two techniques of intrapartum fetal surveillance (cardiotocographic electronic fetal monitoring (CTG) plus analysis of the ST segment of the fetal electrocardiogram (STan+CTG) with CTG alone) with the aim of reducing unnecessary obstetric intervention. It is also the first comprehensive intrapartum fetal surveillance (IFS) trial worldwide, including qualitative examination of psychosocial outcomes and cost-effectiveness.

How are decisions made to access a planned epidural in labour? Midwife-woman interactions in antenatal consultations

The purpose of this study was to examine the ways in the decision to access a planned epidural in labour was topicalised and negotiated between pregnant women and midwives.

Recently graduated midwives in Uganda: Self-perceived achievement, wellbeing and work prospects

to investigate how recent graduates from a combined work/study midwifery degree programme in Uganda viewed its effects on their wellbeing and work prospects.

The characteristics and prevalence of phobias in pregnancy

The primary objective was to estimate the population prevalence of specific phobias (including pregnancy related specific phobias) and associated mental disorders. The secondary objective was to investigate the effectiveness of routinely collected screening tools (depression and anxiety screens, Whooley and GAD-2 respectively) in identifying specific phobias. Specific phobias are the most common anxiety disorder to occur during pregnancy, but studies on prevalence and clinical correlates of specific phobias, including pregnancy related specific phobias are lacking.

Barriers and facilitators in antenatal settings to screening and referral of pregnant women who use alcohol or other drugs: A qualitative study of midwives’ experience

Screening pregnant women for substance use is highly recommended in antenatal care settings. Although midwives provide routine screening for substance use and referral for treatment in pregnancy, little is known about the barriers and facilitators they experience.