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Cut‐off scores of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale‐8: Implications for improving the management of chronic pain



Mental distress, non-specific symptoms of depression and anxiety, is common in chronic pelvic pain (CPP). It contributes to poor recovery. Women's health nurses operate in multidisciplinary teams to facilitate the assessment and treatment of CPP. However, valid cut-off points for identifying highly distressed patients are lacking, entailing a gap in CPP management.


This instrumental cross-sectional study identified a statistically derived cut-off score for the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-8 (DASS-8) among 214 Australian women with CPP (mean age = 33.3, SD = 12.4, range = 13–71 years).


Receiver operator characteristic curve, decision trees and K-means clustering techniques were used to examine the predictive capacity of the DASS-8 for psychiatric comorbidity, pain severity, any medication intake, analgesic intake and sexual abuse. The study is prepared according to the STROBE checklist.


Cut-off points resulting from the analysis were ordered ascendingly. The median (13.0) was chosen as an optimal cut-off score for predicting key outcomes. Women with DASS-8 scores below 15.5 had higher analgesic intake.


CPP women with a DASS-8 score above 13.0 express greater pain severity, psychiatric comorbidity and polypharmacy. Thus, they may be a specific target for nursing interventions dedicated to alleviating pain through the management of associated co-morbidities.

Implications for patient care

At a cut-off point of 13.0, the DASS-8 may be a practical instrument for recommending a thorough clinician-based examination for psychiatric comorbidity to facilitate adequate CPP management. It may be useful for evaluating patients' response to nursing pain management efforts. Replications of the study in different populations/countries are warranted.

Nurses' perceptions of point‐of‐care ultrasound for haemodialysis access assessment and guided cannulation: A qualitative study



To explore nurses' perceptions of using point-of-care ultrasound for assessment and guided cannulation in the haemodialysis setting.


Cannulation of arteriovenous fistulae is necessary to perform haemodialysis. Damage to the arteriovenous fistula is a frequent complication, resulting in poor patient outcomes and increased healthcare costs. Point-of-care ultrasound-guided cannulation can reduce the risk of such damage and mitigate further vessel deterioration. Understanding nurses' perceptions of using this adjunct tool will inform its future implementation into haemodialysis practice.


Descriptive qualitative study.


Registered nurses were recruited from one 16-chair regional Australian haemodialysis clinic. Eligible nurses were drawn from a larger study investigating the feasibility of implementing point-of-care ultrasound in haemodialysis. Participants attended a semistructured one-on-one interview where they were asked about their experiences with, and perceptions of, point-of-care ultrasound use in haemodialysis cannulation. Audio-recorded data were transcribed and inductively analysed.


Seven of nine nurses who completed the larger study participated in a semistructured interview. All participants were female with a median age of 54 years (and had postgraduate renal qualifications. Themes identified were as follows: (1) barriers to use of ultrasound; (2) deficit and benefit recognition; (3) cognitive and psychomotor development; and (4) practice makes perfect. Information identified within these themes were that nurses perceived that their experience with point-of-care ultrasound was beneficial but recommended against its use for every cannulation. The more practice nurses had with point-of-care ultrasound, the more their confidence, dexterity and time management improved.


Nurses perceived that using point-of-care ultrasound was a positive adjunct to their cannulation practice and provided beneficial outcomes for patients.

Implications for the Profession and/or Patient Care

Haemodialysis clinics seeking to implement point-of-care ultrasound to help improve cannulation outcomes may draw on these findings when embarking on this practice change.

Reporting Method

This study is reported according to the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ).

Patient or Public Contribution

Patients were not directly involved in this part of the study; however, they were involved in the implementation study.

Trial and Protocol Registration

The larger study was registered with Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry: ACTRN12617001569392 (21/11/2017)

Family engagement in paediatric acute care settings: A realist review



To create a programme theory of family engagement in paediatric acute care to explicate the relationships between contexts and mechanisms of family engagement that align with family, direct care providers and healthcare organization outcomes.


Realist review and synthesis.

Data Sources

PubMed, CINAHL, PsycINFO and Web of Science searches for the 2.5-year period (July 2019–December 2021) following our 2021 scoping review.

Review Methods

Following methods described by Pawson and Rycroft-Malone, we defined the scope of the review, searched for and appraised the evidence, extracted and synthesized study findings and developed a supporting narrative of our results.


Of 316 initial citations, 101 were included in our synthesis of the final programme theory. Contexts included family and direct care provider individualism, and the organizational care philosophy and environment. Mechanisms were family presence, family enactment of a role in the child's care, direct care providers facilitating a family role in the child's care, unit/organizational promotion of a family role, relationship building and mutually beneficial partnerships. Outcomes were largely family-focussed, with a paucity of organizational outcomes studied. We identified four context–mechanism–outcome configurations.


This realist review uncovered underlying contexts and mechanisms between patients, direct care providers and organizations in the family engagement process and key components of a mutually beneficial partnership. Given that successful family engagement requires direct care provider and organizational support, future research should expand beyond family outcomes to include direct care providers, particularly nurses and healthcare organization outcomes.


The final programme theory of family engagement in paediatric acute care provides a roadmap for clinicians to develop complex interventions to engage families and evaluate their impact. The components of our final programme theory reflect family engagement concepts that have been evolving for decades.

Patient or Public Contribution

The team conducting this review included members from the practice setting (JT & KG). In the future, as we and others use this model in practice, we will seek input for refinement from clinicians, patients and caregivers.

Estilo de vida en mujeres con cáncer de mama: un estudio de revisión narrativa

Objetivo: El presente estudio de revisión tuvo como objetivo evaluar el estilo de vida de
mujeres con cáncer de mama. Métodos: en este estudio, la información sobre el estilo de vida en
mujeres con cáncer de mama se obtuvo de bases de datos en persa e inglés utilizando palabras clave
en persa y su equivalente en inglés para "Estilo de vida, cáncer de mama" basado en MeSH (encabezamientos de temas médicos) de 2000 a 2020. Entre todos los artículos buscados, 48 estudios se
incluyeron en la investigación de revisión. Para recopilar información de los estudios, se revisaron
cuidadosamente los artículos y se extrajeron los resultados. Resultados: De acuerdo con la evidencia
científica disponible, el estilo de vida tiene un efecto sobre la salud y algunos factores relacionados
como la actividad física inadecuada, el estrés, los patrones de alimentación, las malas conductas
como el tabaquismo y el consumo de alcohol se asocian con el cáncer de mama. Conclusión: Por lo
tanto, las intervenciones y capacitaciones deben planificarse para proporcionar un terreno adecuado
y suficiente para orientar a las mujeres hacia estilos de vida y hábitos de comportamiento saludables.

Biografía de la enfermera brasileña Edith de Magalhães Fraenkel y su iconografía fotográfica (1942-1955)

Introducción: El artículo presenta la biografía profesional de un gran líder de la enfermería brasileña, narrada a partir de fotografías y documentos de la época. Objetivo: describir la biografía de la enfermera Edith de Magalhães Fraenkel y analizar el contenido de su iconografía fotográfica, de 1942 a 1955. Metodología: Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, histórico-social y biográfica, guiada por la metodología de análisis e interpretación de fuentes fotográficas de Boris Kossoy.
Resultados: Edith de Magalhães Fraenkel fue una figura destacada de la enfermería brasileña y paulista. Tuvo un desempeño notable en la atención, docencia y gestión de escuela de enfermería y
luchó incansablemente por promover el desarrollo de la profesión en Sudamérica. Son notables las
innovaciones curriculares implementadas en el curso de enfermería durante su mandato como primera directora de la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad de São Paulo. Ella promovió la matrícula de hombres y mujeres, blancos y negros, de diferentes clases sociales y de nacionalidad brasileña y extranjera. Conclusión: A través de la dirección de Edith, la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad de São Paulo se convirtió en pionera en promover una cultura de igualdad de género y
valorar la diversidad sociocultural entre los estudiantes.

Impacto de las lesiones por presión en un paciente post Covid-19

Objetivo principal: Explorar el impacto de las lesiones por presión (LPP) en las personas después de un ingreso en la UCI por Covid-19. Metodología: Estudio de caso bajo enfoque cualitativo. Se realizó una entrevista semiestructurada para explorar el fenómeno “padecer LPP en el contexto de la enfermedad por Covid-19” y un análisis temático mediante la teoría fundamentada. Resultados principales: El análisis resultó en las siguientes categorías: signos y síntomas, funcionamiento físico, bienestar psicológico, funcionamiento social, vivencia del proceso, ámbito de los cuidados, espiritualidad, tratamientos, elementos de cura experta, comunicación de la información, satisfacción de cuidados, proceso de alta, integración y déficits de conocimientos. Conclusión principal: El estudio destaca el gran impacto que las lesiones por presión causan en todas las dimensiones calidad de vida, además de en las esferas espiritual, económica y la necesidad de información.

Supporting Parkinson's disease medication safety for nurses in the acute care setting through an educational intervention study



Patient medication safety in the acute care setting is a foundational action provided by nurses and healthcare providers for safe patient care. Hospitalization of patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) can be dangerous due to the unique and variable medication regimen required. Patients with PD often have their medication administered inappropriately in the acute care setting (e.g., holding a PD medication in preparation for surgery, not administering the medication on the patient's home schedule, and delaying administration). The research question posed in this study was the following: does a PD medication educational intervention in the clinical setting enhance knowledge, comfort, and competence of practicing nurses in the care of patients with PD regarding their medication safety?


A mixed methods study design was used for this 5-month, two-part study with a sample of practicing RNs at three different hospitals. Part one of the study assessed nurses' initial knowledge of PD and PD medication safety and included an educational intervention. Part two of the study occurred 3 months later and evaluated if knowledge from the educational intervention was retained.


The study was conducted in two parts and included a pre-test, educational intervention, post-test, and follow-up test 3 months later. The educational intervention consisted of a 15-minute video of two PD advanced practice nurses being interviewed regarding the general care of a patient with PD. The pre-test, post-test, and follow-up test were identical and consisted of six questions regarding knowledge, comfort, and self-perceived competency. Participants were additionally asked three open-ended questions at follow-up to gain insight on the effectiveness of the educational intervention.


A total sample of 252 RNs participated in this study. Statistically significant improvements in knowledge, comfort, and self-perceived competency were observed in the post-test scores compared to pre-test scores. These statistically significant improvements were retained after 3 months, despite a 42.9% decrease in the number of responders (n = 252 vs. n = 144). Additionally, compared to the post-test, there were no statistically significant declines in knowledge, comfort, or competency in the follow-up test. Qualitative findings indicated that the training regarding PD medications was retained and found to be valuable, even if it was seldom applied in practice.


A review of the literature and this study both support the need for increased education for practicing nurses as it relates to PD and PD medication safety. Healthcare systems, organizations, and associations that support continuing education for nurses create a stronger workforce. Education has been found to keep nurses up to date on the latest advances in care and treatment while also providing exposure to other areas of nursing beyond their clinical settings.

Clinical Relevance

Promoting better patient outcomes through safe medication administration is a hallmark of nursing care excellence. This study found that supporting the use of an educational intervention of PD medication safety for nurses improved RN levels of knowledge, comfort, and competency up to 3 months later. As the population of those with PD increases, healthcare systems, and nurses must now, more than ever, be poised to care for these individuals. This is a critical point in PD patient care since persons with PD are hospitalized 1.5 times more than their peers without PD.

Tailored Nurse Support Program Promoting Positive Parenting and Family Preservation

imageBackground Public health nurse home visiting is a promising approach for addressing the complex needs of families at risk of child maltreatment. The Colorado Nurse Support Program advances service provision by using evidence-based practices to provide tailored assessment and intervention to low-income, primiparous, and multiparous families with children under 18 years of age identified as high risk by county human service systems. Objectives This study aimed to test the effects of the Nurse Support Program on child protective services case characteristics between Nurse Support Program families and a demographically comparable reference group of families and evaluate changes in parenting outcomes from pre- to postprogram involvement for Nurse Support Program families. Methods We used a matched comparison group quasi-experimental design in which families in the Nurse Support Program (n = 48) were compared to families (n = 150) who were identified using administrative data from Colorado’s Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System. Outcomes were child protective case characteristics (child protection referrals, open assessments, founded assessments, open cases, and children’s placement in out-of-home care) and parenting outcomes. Results Nurse Support Program families were less likely to have a child protection case opened or have their child placed in out-of-home care. There were no significant between-group differences in child protection referrals, open assessments, or founded assessments. Families in the Nurse Support Program showed improvements in parenting outcomes over time. Discussion Findings suggest that the Nurse Support Program is a successful public health nurse home-visiting approach to promote positive parenting and family preservation among families with complex needs. Implementing tailored public health nurse home-visiting programs, such as the Nurse Support Program, should continue to be evaluated and supported to mitigate the public health risk of child maltreatment.

Preparación preoperatoria: la percepción de la persona que se somete a una cirugía programada

Objetivo principal: Conocer la percepción de la persona sometida a una cirugía general programada sobre su preparación preoperatoria. Método: Estudio cualitativo y exploratorio. Se realizaron diez entrevistas semiestructuradas con personas que se habían sometido a una cirugía general programada en los últimos seis meses en un hospital universitario de la región central de Portugal. Para analizar los datos se utilizó la técnica del análisis de contenido. Resultados principales: Surgieron cinco unidades temáticas, percepción de la experiencia quirúrgica, sentimientos/emociones percibidas, necesidades de información, expectativas sobre los cuidados de enfermería preoperatorios y perspectivas sobre la existencia de una consulta de enfermería, que se subdividieron en varias categorías y subcategorías. Conclusión principal: Algunas personas siguen viendo la experiencia quirúrgica como algo traumático y consideran el entorno quirúrgico como un generador de estrés. Este estudio refuerza la relevancia del personal de enfermería en la preparación de las personas en situaciones perioperatorias y puede proporcionar importantes contribuciones a la estructuración de una consulta de enfermería.

Effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on psychological flexibility, fatigue, sleep disturbance, and quality of life of patients with cancer: A meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials



Current studies have revealed that acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) can alleviate the adverse effects of cancer; however, its effectiveness on the psychological flexibility, fatigue, sleep disturbance, and quality of life of patients with cancer remains unclear.


The aims of this study were to identify the effectiveness of ACT on psychological flexibility, fatigue, sleep disturbance, and quality of life of patients with cancer, and to explore moderators.


PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, CENTRAL, PsycINFO, CINAHL, CNKI, VIP, and Wanfang electronic databases were searched from inception to September 29, 2022. The Cochrane Collaboration's risk-of-bias assessment tool II and the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation approach were used to evaluate evidence certainty. The data were analyzed using R Studio. The study protocol was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42022361185).


The study included 19 relevant studies (1643 patients) published between 2012 and 2022. The pooled results showed that ACT significantly improved psychological flexibility (mean difference [MD] = −4.22, 95% CI [−7.86, −0.58], p = .02) and quality of life (Hedges' g = 0.94, 95% CI [0.59, 1.29], Z = 5.31, p < .01) but did not significantly improve fatigue (Hedges' g = −0.03, 95% CI [−0.24, 0.18], p = .75) or sleep disturbance (Hedges' g = −0.26, 95% CI [−0.82, 0.30], p = .37) in patients with cancer. Additional analyses revealed a 3-month sustainable effect on psychological flexibility (MD = −4.36, 95% CI [−8.67, −0.05], p < .05), and moderation analysis showed that intervention duration (β = −1.39, p < .01) and age (β = 0.15, p = .04) moderated the effects of ACT on psychological flexibility and sleep disturbance, respectively.

Linking Evidence to Action

Acceptance and commitment therapy demonstrates effectiveness for psychological flexibility and quality of life of patients with cancer, but there is a lack of evidence regarding its effects on fatigue and sleep disturbance. In clinical practice, ACT should be designed in more detail and rounded to achieve better results.

Significado de no abandono en el adulto mayor de entornos comunitarios

Objetivo: comprender el significado del no abandono en el adulto mayor de la comunidad.  Metodología: estudio cualitativo descriptivo realizado en un municipio de Guanajuato, México de febrero-diciembre 2022. Se eligieron personas mayores de 60 años sin distinción de género; tipo de muestreo por conveniencia con saturación de información con 8 participantes; los datos fueron recolectados mediante entrevistas presenciales semi-estructuradas que fueron audio grabadas. Todos los participantes firmaron un consentimiento informado. Resultados: emergieron cuatro temas: 1. Necesidad de apoyo familiar, 2. Necesidad de sentirse integrado, 3. Necesidad de sentirse funcional y activo y 4. El abandono es soledad. Conclusión: el no abandono está construido a partir de la dinámica familiar y la funcionalidad, cada persona mayor le otorga un significado basado en la comunicación con sus familias, incluso a distancia, siendo reconfortante. Algunos viven solos y eso representa un espacio de satisfacción personal. La integración familiar es imperante, así mismo el mantenerse activos.

Provider cultural competence and humility in healthcare interactions with transgender and nonbinary young adults



Transgender and nonbinary (TGNB) patients experience many barriers when seeking quality healthcare services, including ineffective communication and negative relationships with their providers as well as a lack of provider competence (including knowledge, training, and experience) and humility (engagement in the process of self-reflection and self-critique) in treating TGNB individuals. The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify factors associated with cultural competence and humility that facilitate and impede effective relationships between TGNB young adults and their healthcare providers.


Data came from individual interviews with 60 young adults aged 18 to 24 from Florida who self-identified as transgender or nonbinary. We analyzed the data using inductive thematic approaches, and a feminist perspective, to identify themes associated with patient-provider relationships.


We identified 4 themes related to patient-provider relationships: (1) Participants indicated effective patient-provider communication and relationships are facilitated by providers requesting and utilizing TGNB patients' correct names and personal pronouns. (2) Participant narratives conveyed their preferences that providers “follow their lead” in terms of how they described their own anatomy, reinforcing the utility of cultural humility as an approach for interactions with TGNB patients (3) Participants discussed the detrimental effects of TGNB patients having to educate their own providers about their identities and needs, suggesting clinicians' competence regarding gender diversity is paramount to fostering and maintaining patient comfort. (4) Finally, participants' responses indicated concerns regarding the confidentiality and privacy of the information they provided to their providers, suggesting a lack of trust detrimental to the process of building rapport between patients and their providers.

Clinical Relevance

Our findings indicate balancing the use of cultural humility and cultural competence during clinical encounters with TGNB young adults can enhance patients' experiences seeking healthcare. Nursing education is often devoid of focus on caring for transgender and nonbinary persons. Additional provider training and education on approaching clinical encounters with TGNB patients with cultural humility and competence should improve patient-provider communication and relationships, leading to a higher quality of patient care.

Relación entre la exposición a animales y/o humo de tabaco en el domicilio en población pediátrica asmática

Introducción: El asma, enfermedad crónica infantil más frecuente, está aumentando probablemente en relación a la exposición a factores ambientales. Estos están asociados a la aparición de asma y como desencadenante de síntomas. La literatura al respecto es controvertida. El objetivo de este trabajo es comprobar la posible influencia de la exposición a animales y/o humo de tabaco en el domicilio sobre el grado de control de la enfermedad y el número de exacerbaciones en población pediátrica asmática. Metodología: Estudio observacional realizado en población pediátrica que acudía a consulta de Neumología Pediátrica del hospital de referencia diagnosticados de asma y que tuviera pautado tratamiento inhalado. Como variable dependiente se consideró el número de exacerbaciones y como variables independientes se incluyeron sociodemográficas, variables asociadas a factores ambientales, así como a la técnica de inhalación. Resultados: Participaron 204 familias (66,7% niños). El 70,6% no tenían animales y el 78% no eran fumadores. La media de las exacerbaciones durante el periodo a estudio fue de 1,62. Un 84,8% de los/las pacientes presentan un buen control de la enfermedad. Discusión: Se encuentra relación entre el tener o no animales en casa y/o estar expuestos al tabaco y el grado de control de la enfermedad y número de exacerbaciones, confirmando lo descrito por varios autores. Es importante realizar una intervención individual donde se evalúen los factores que afectan a niños asmáticos y tratar los que sean modificables: manejo guiado de síntomas y tratamiento de exacerbaciones, consejo antitabaco, fomento actividad física… para mejorar su calidad de vida.



Introduction: Asthma, the most common chronic disease in childhood, is probably increasing in relation to exposure to environmental factors. These are associated with the onset of asthma and as a trigger for symptoms. The evidence on this is controversial. The objective of this study is to verify the possible influence of exposure to animals and/or tobacco smoke at home on the degree of control of the disease and the number of exacerbations in the paediatric asthmatic population. Methodology: Observational study carried out in a paediatric population that were attended at the paediatric pulmonology consultation of the reference hospital diagnosed with asthma and who had scheduled inhaled treatment. The number of exacerbations was considered as a dependent variable, and sociodemographic variables, variables associated with environmental factors, as well as the inhalation technique were included as independent variables. Results: 204 families participated (66,7% boys). 70,6% did no have animals and 78% were not smokers. The mean number of exacerbations during the study period was 1,62. 84,4% of the patients have good control of the disease. Discussion: A relationship was found between having or not having animals at home and/or being exposed to tobacco smoke and the degree of control of the disease and the number of exacerbations, confirming what has been described by several authors. It is important to carry out an individual intervention where the factors that affect asthmatic children are evaluated and treat those that are modifiable: guided management of symptoms and treatment of exacerbations, anti-smoking advice, physical activity promotion … to improve their quality of life.

La musicoterapia y el dolor pacientes adultos durante el postoperatorio: revisión integrativa de la literatura

Objetivo principal: Identificar la evidencia disponible en la literatura sobre el efecto de la musicoterapia en el dolor de pacientes adultos durante el postoperatorio. Metodología: Revisión integradora de literatura realizada en las bases de datos CUIDEN, CINAHL, PubMed, LILACS, SCIELO, EBSCO, SCOPUS, Web of Science y Google Scholar considerando artículos desde 2019, al 2022, utilizando los descriptores “musicoterapia”, “dolor postoperatorio” y “adulto”. Los datos se presentan de forma descriptiva. Resultados principales: Se encontraron 314 artículos, una vez filtrados se analizaron 18. Todos los pacientes presentaron algún nivel de dolor durante su periodo postoperatorio, algunos además, experimentaron depresión, temor y ansiedad y la musicoterapia demostró disminuir todos estos síntomas, ningún estudio reportó la presencia de alguna complicación durante su implementación. Conclusión principal: La música bien utilizada produce efectos positivos en los pacientes con cáncer, dolor, depresión, estrés, temor durante el periodo postoperatorio y en pacientes sometidos a procesos invasivos, es una intervención económica, inocua. Se puede utilizar por los enfermeros como parte del cuidado holístico y como tratamiento complementario de la farmacología analgésica.

Factores relacionados con conducta suicida en personas hospitalizadas en una unidad psiquiátrica

Objetivo. Analizar factores relacionados con la conducta suicida en pacientes con enfermedad mental para orientar la prevención y cuidados de salud mental especializados. Material y métodos. Estudio descriptivo transversal de una muestra de 44 pacientes hospitalizados por conducta suicida en psiquiatría. Durante 12 meses se registraron variables sociodemográficas y clínicas, se aplicaron la escala Columbia de cribado del riesgo suicida, la de Desesperanza de Beck, la de Impulsividad de Plutchik y el Inventario de Razones para Vivir. Se usó estadística descriptiva e inferencial para una significación estadística de p<0,05. Resultados. El 84% (n=37) presentó ideación suicida, el 63,3% (n=28) tentativa y el 2,3% (n=1) suicidio consumado. Realizaron más intentos previos las mujeres (60%/n=15) que los hombres (38%/n=7). La intoxicación medicamentosa fue el método más utilizado por ambos sexos seguido de autolesiones por mujeres (p<0,05) y precipitación por hombres (p<0,05). La depresión, trastorno más prevalente, se asoció a la edad y al medio rural (p<0,05). El trastorno de ansiedad fue el más predictivo para la intención/plan y tentativas suicidas (p<0,05). El 80% (n=16) de los intentos padecía enfermedad médica (p<0,05). Se evidenció la relación inversa entre las creencias de supervivencia/afrontamiento y la conducta suicida. Discusión. La conducta suicida supone más del 20% de los ingresos de una unidad psiquiátrica. No es posible determinar un perfil único de riesgo, se han evidenciado diferencias según el espectro suicida. Todos los factores relacionados deben ser valorados.



Objective. To analyze factors related to suicidal behavior in patients with mental illness to guide prevention and specialized mental health care. Methodology. A descriptive cross-sectional study carried out in a sample of 44 inpatients at a psychiatric unit who attempted suicide. Sociodemographic and clinical variables were registered during 12 months. The scales applied were the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS), Beck Hopelessness Scale, Plutchik’s Impulsivity Scale and the Reasons for Living Inventory. A descriptive and inferential statistic has been applied for a statistical significance of p<0,05. Results. 84% (n=37) had suicidal thinking, 63,3% (n=28) attempted suicide and 2,3% (n=1) committed suicide. More women (60%; n=15) than men (38%; n=7) attempted suicide. Medication overdose was the main suicidal approach by both sexes followed by self-harm by women (p<0,05) and deliberate fall by men (p<0,05). Depression, the most prevalent disorder, was associated with age and rural environment (p<0,05). Anxiety had the highest predictive value of suicidal attempt (p<0,05). 80% (n=16) of those who attempted suicide suffered from a medical illness (p<0,05). There is evidence of inverse relationship between the survival and coping beliefs and the suicidal behaviour. Discussion. Suicidal behaviour surpasses 20% of the admissions at a psychiatric unit. It is not possible to determine a specific risk profile as differences according to the suicidal spectrum have been acknowledged. Every possible cause must be evaluated.

Vocación para el cuidado humano en estudiantes de enfermería en una universidad de México

Objetivo: Comparar el nivel de vocación en estudiantes de segundo, cuarto, sexto y octavo semestre de la licenciatura en enfermería de una universidad privada en México. Metodología: Diseño comparativo, transversal; la muestra fueron 127 estudiantes de pregrado en enfermería de diferentes semestres. Se utilizó el instrumento “Vocación de servicio para el cuidado humano”, una cédula de datos; se usó el consentimiento informado. El procesamiento de datos se realizó en SPSS, se utilizó estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Resultados: 86% fueron mujeres, el promedio de edad fue 21.1±4, el promedio de felicidad fue 8.7±1.4, 60,6% tiene una buena vocación; existen diferencias entre el nivel de vocación de octavo semestre respecto a los demás (p<.05), existe relación entre la felicidad y vocación (r=.385; p<.01). Conclusión: El nivel de vocación en los estudiantes de Enfermería es bueno, existen diferencias significativas entre el nivel de vocación a medida que aumentan los semestres. La felicidad y la vocación se relacionan y condicionan potencialmente el desempeño profesional.

Efeitos da pandemia da covid 19 no trabalho e na saúde dos profissionais atuantes no serviço pré-hospitalar: revisão integrati-va

Objetivo: Identificar os efeitos da pandemia da COVID 19 nos profissionais atuantes no atendimento pré-hospitalar. Método: revisão integrativa, conduzida de acordo com o protocolo prisma, por meio das bases de dados: Medline/PubMed, Lilacs, SciElo, BDENF, CUIDEN, CINAHAL. Adotaram-se os Descritores em Ciências da Saúde (DeCS): “Saúde do trabalhador” “Pandemia” “COVID 19” “Atendimento pré-hospitalar” “Segurança” “Profissionais de saúde” “Trabalho”. Após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão, foram selecionados treze artigos que compuseram a amostra do estudo. Resultados: dezoito artigos foram analisados e duas categorias foram construídas: risco de contaminação e exposição ocupacional dos profissionais da saúde que cuidam de pacientes acometidos pela COVID-19 e risco de adoecimento psicoemocional dos profissionais da saúde que cuidam pacientes acometidos pela COVID-19. Conclusão: A revisão mostrou os potenciais efeitos sobre a saúde dos profissionais durante o atendimento de pacientes acometidos pela COVID-19. E a importância da implementação de estratégias de intervenção focadas nos riscos ocupacionais.

Plan de cuidados a un paciente Covid-19: un reto para la enfermería intensiva

El paciente con Covid-19 en UCI presenta una alta carga de trabajo de enfermería, sumado al aumento de personal no formado, surge la necesidad de estandarizar un PAE. El objetivo es la presentación de un PAE de un paciente con Covid-19 en la UCI para aportar el conocimiento necesario para ofrecer una atención óptima y holística. En estos pacientes hay que valorar el requerimiento de sedoanalgesia y relajación, la tolerancia a la nutrición enteral, las hiperglucemias por estrés y corticoterapia, así como la vigilancia de la monitorización y ventilación mecánica. Debido a la posición prona, estos pacientes tienen riesgo de úlceras por presión. Los principales diagnósticos de enfermería están relacionados con el sistema respiratorio: limpieza ineficaz de las vías aéreas y deterioro del intercambio de gases. Por la sedoanalgesia existe un alto riesgo de síndrome de desuso, de lesión corneal, de úlceras por presión...en lo que se debe prestar aten-ción.

Detección precoz de lesiones oculares en una unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátricos: Elaboración y validación de un cuestionario

Objetivo principal: Elaboración y validación de un cuestionario sobre detección precoz de lesiones oculares en el paciente crítico pediátrico. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo de validación de contenido de un cuestionario. Se seleccionó bibliografía científica, se redactaron los ítems y se validó el contenido mediante un panel de 8 expertos con experiencia en unidades de cuidados intensivos pediátricos. Resultados principales: 53 artículos relacionados con la aparición de daño ocular en unidades de cuidados intensivos fueron seleccionados. Se agruparon los factores de riesgo y se incluyeron aquellos que superaron la valoración de un panel de expertos. Conclusión principal: el contenido de este cuestionario para detectar lesiones oculares en unidades de cuidados intensivos pediátricos es un instrumento repre-sentativo, por lo que puede usarse en estudios posteriores para establecer su fiabilidad, validez, viabilidad y sensibilidad al cambio.

Muerte fetal anteparto en bolsa en reloj de arena: a propósito de un caso

El nacimiento de un hijo es uno de los momentos clave en la vida de una pareja. Cuando sucede una muerte fetal, el impacto emocional que este hecho tiene sobre la familia es de suma importancia pudiendo repercutir en la vida social, familiar y de pareja. Presentamos el caso de una gestante de 23+4 semanas con diagnóstico de bolsa en reloj de arena con desenlace de muerte fetal anteparto. La atención que recibe una pareja que ha sufrido una pérdida perinatal debe ser de calidad ya que esto influye tanto en la salud mental de los progenitores como en la actitud ante una futura paternidad. Es por ello, que la elaboración de protocolos estandarizados, así como la forma-ción del equipo multidisciplinar ante estas situaciones ayudaría a brindar una atención óptima de salud biopsicosocial a estas familias.
