
☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Espiritualidad, vocación y sentido. Recursos generales de resistencia para profesionales de enfermería según la figura de San Juan de Dios

Este artículo tiene como objetivo elaborar una reflexión hacia aquellos elementos que actuaron como recursos espirituales en el proceso de formación de San Juan de Dios como enfermero y elaborar una serie de aportaciones actuales para reforzar el sentido de coherencia de las enfermeras post pandemia. Se utilizó la metodología historiográfica aplicada a historia de la enfermería para la reconstrucción de la memoria profesional, tomando como referencia y ejemplo la figura de San Juan de Dios y se recogieron los elementos siguiendo la herramienta de valoración espiritual FICA. Los textos muestran a Juan de Dios con un sentido de coherencia interna que se hizo posible a través de los recursos psico-espirituales de la época. Éstos facilitaron encontrar y desarrollar la vocación propia y la motivación para desarrollarla y alcanzar la autorrealización. La propuesta es contemplar en la profesionalización enfermera un cuidado por paraklesis, que implica presencia personal, actitud dialogal y palabra sapiencial, luminosa y alentadora siguiendo el modelo de San Juan de Dios, y su relación con el modelo de valoración espiritual FICA.

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Cronicidad: significado construido por los cuidadores y las personas cuidadas

Introducción: Las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles van en aumento, ocasionando discapacidad y dependencia en quien la padece, así como la necesidad de un cuidador. La cronicidad es un concepto que se ha analizado desde la mirada de la persona que la padece, dejando un vacío en la comprensión del significado para el cuidador. Objetivo: Comprender el significado de la cronicidad para las personas con Enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles y sus cuidadores informales. Materiales y métodos: Investigación cualitativa fenomenológica-hermenéutica según la propuesta de Van Manen, muestreo casual orientado por criterio, participaron 10 personas enfermas y 9 cuidadores. Los criterios de rigor de credibilidad y confirmabilidad, confiabilidad y la transferibilidad, garantizaron la calidad del estudio. Resultados: emergieron los siguientes temas: brindar y recibir cuidado como un acto de amor; unión de la familia; enfrentarse a la dureza; recibir, brindar y buscar apoyo; estar pendiente; cambio de vida; proceso de aprendizaje; una compañía para toda la vida; imponer restricciones, limitaciones y pérdidas. Conclusiones: el significado de la cronicidad para los cuidadores y las personas enfermas es complejo, dinámico y multidimensional; por lo tanto, es necesario realizar intervenciones que ayuden a mitigar el impacto que esta produce en la vida de este binomio.

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Experiencias de las enfermeras en primera línea contagiadas con COVID-19 que recibieron atención domiciliaria

Introducción: Las enfermeras han brindado cuidados a los pacientes con COVID-19, y muchas tuvieron que lidiar con este virus al ser infectadas. Objetivo: Describir las experiencias de las enfermeras en primera línea contagiadas con COVID-19 que recibieron atención domiciliaria. Método: Investigación cualitativa descriptiva, el tamaño de la muestra fue con 12 enfermeras infectadas con COVID-19 que recibieron tratamiento domiciliario en Chiclayo, Perú. El muestreo fue por la técnica de bola de nieve. Para recolectar los datos se utilizó la entrevista semiestructurada a través de los medios virtuales previo consentimiento informado. Resultados: Surgieron tres categorías: a) Incertidumbre ante modo de contagio, medios de diagnóstico, sintomatología y evolución por la COVID-19, b) Cuidados recuperativos en el hogar: tratamiento médico, uso de medicina tradicional y medidas de bioseguridad, y c) Impacto en la vida familiar, laboral, social, emocional y espiritual al sufrir de la COVID-19. Conclusiones: Las enfermeras presentaron síntomas leves de la COVID-19 y se recuperaron en su domicilio, cumplieron con el tratamiento médico, algunas usaron remedios caseros. Practicaron estrictamente las medidas de bioseguridad para evitar que su familia se contagie. Utilizaron la tecnología digital y reforzaron su fe para afrontar el impacto familiar, emocional y social.

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Violencia en pareja en personas seropositivas: una revisión sistemática

El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo, caracterizar la violencia en pareja en personas con seropositividad (prevalencia, tipos de acciones violentas, variables de riesgo/ protectoras y consecuencias), para lo cual se realizó una revisión sistemática a través del protocolo PRISMA. La búsqueda de artículos se realizó en Scopus, Web of Science, Eric, Scielo y Pubmed publicados hasta 2021. Se encontraron 113 artículos, de los cuales 22 cumplieron con los criterios de elegibilidad. Los resultados indican que la violencia en pareja en personas seropositivas, además de manifestarse de manera física, psicológica, patrimonial, sexual y verbal, se puede presentar a través del uso del VIH para ejercer la violencia. La prevalencia varía en función del contexto geográfico en un intervalo del 19,6% al 43,1%; la cual es superior en población migrante y en hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH) mujeres seropositivas, parejas no heterosexuales y en parejas en la que ambos miembros son seropositivos. Las variables de riesgo/ protectoras identificadas se asociaron con las dimensiones: informativas, motivacionales, de habilidades conductuales, sociodemográficas, culturales, de salud, sociofamiliares y políticas. Asimismo, se evidenciaron consecuencias sociales, económicas y de salud.

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Estado actual de la Enfermería en los Centros de Día Gerontológicos de Huelva

Introducción: El envejecimiento poblacional ha desplegado un nuevo y amplio campo de estudio para la ciencia sanitaria en el que la enfermería debe investigar para garantizar la autonomía en salud de las personas mayores. Objetivo: Visibilizar los Centros de Día Gerontológicos (CDG) y las actividades de los profesionales de enfermería en dichos centros en Huelva. Metodología: Se ha realizado una investigación cualitativa a partir de cuestionarios y entrevistas dirigidas al personal de dirección y enfermería de varios Centros de Día de Huelva y provincia. Resultados: Los CDG son un recurso intermedio con múltiples objetivos y funciones, que ofrecen calidad de vida tanto para los mayores como para sus familiares. Se componen de un equipo básico de profesionales que trabaja de forma no permanente. La figura de la enfermería es esencial, pero cuenta con una situación laboral muy deficiente. Conclusión: Estos centros proporcionan cuidados profesionales y permiten la permanencia en los domicilios habituales favoreciendo la calidad de vida y autonomía de esta población mayor. La bibliografía sobre este tema es escasa, por lo que se considera necesario profundizar en su investigación junto con la puesta en marcha de programas y propuestas de mejora que den a conocer estos centros sociosanitarios.

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Francisco Herrera Rodríguez (†) escribe una reseña del libro de José Siles: Historia Cultural de los Cuidados

Por: Francisco Herrera-Rodríguez — Abril 10th 2024 at 00:00

Francisco Herrera Rodríguez escribe una reseña sobre el libro José Siles “Historia cultural de los cuidados”.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Success in vaccination programming through community health workers: a qualitative analysis of interviews and focus group discussions from Nepal, Senegal and Zambia

Por: Ogutu · E. A. · Ellis · A. S. · Hester · K. A. · Rodriguez · K. · Sakas · Z. · Jaishwal · C. · Yang · C. · Dixit · S. · Bose · A. S. · Sarr · M. · Kilembe · W. · Bednarczyk · R. · Freeman · M. C. — Abril 3rd 2024 at 18:19

Community health workers are essential to front-line health outreach throughout low-income and middle-income countries, including programming for early childhood immunisation. Understanding how community health workers are engaged for successful early childhood vaccination among countries who showed success in immunisation coverage would support evidence-based policy guidance across contexts.


We employed a multiple case study design using qualitative research methods.


We conducted research in Nepal, Senegal and Zambia.


We conducted 207 interviews and 71 focus group discussions with 678 participants at the national, regional, district, health facility and community levels of the health systems of Nepal, Senegal and Zambia, from October 2019 to April 2021. We used thematic analysis to investigate contributing factors of community health worker programming that supported early childhood immunisation within each country and across contexts.


Implementation of vaccination programming relied principally on the (1) organisation, (2) motivation and (3) trust of community health workers. Organisation was accomplished by expanding cadres of community health workers to carry out their roles and responsibilities related to vaccination. Motivation was supported by intrinsic and extrinsic incentives. Trust was expressed by communities due to community health worker respect and value placed on their work.


Improvements in immunisation coverage was facilitated by community health worker organisation, motivation and trust. With the continued projection of health worker shortages, especially in low-income countries, community health workers bridged the equity gap in access to vaccination services by enabling wider reach to underserved populations. Although improvements in vaccination programming were seen in all three countries—including government commitment to addressing human resource deficits, training and remuneration; workload, inconsistency in compensation, training duration and scope, and supervision remain major challenges to immunisation programming. Health decision-makers should consider organisation, motivation and trust of community health workers to improve the implementation of immunisation programming.

☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Clinical Nursing

Examining suicide risk in sexual and gender minority youth: A descriptive observational study on depressive symptoms, social support and self‐esteem



To understand the factors that contribute to the risk of suicide among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual (sexual minorities) youth.


The increase in the likelihood of suicide has made it an urgent issue in public health, particularly among young people, where it now ranks as the fourth leading cause of death. This issue becomes even more significant when focusing on sexual minorities.


A cross-sectional study was performed in targeted young individuals (15–29 years). Several variables were assessed, including suicide risk, self-esteem, presence and severity of depressive symptoms, perceived social support and self-reported levels of anxiety and depression.


Statistically significant disparities were observed in suicide risk, presence of depressive symptoms and self-reported levels of anxiety and depression, all of which were more pronounced in sexual minority youth compared to heterosexual cisgender individuals. Likewise, statistically significant differences were noted concerning self-esteem and family support, both of which were lower in sexual minority youth.


This study has identified risk factors, such as anxiety, depression and limited social support, as well as protective factors, like higher self-esteem and self-concept. Understanding and addressing all these factors are essential in reducing the elevated rates of suicide among sexual minority youth. Consequently, evidence-based interventions such as Gender and Sexuality Alliances, which empower and create safe spaces for sexual minority youth, possess substantial potential for effectively addressing this issue.

Implications for the Profession

Given sexual minorities vulnerability, healthcare pros, especially nurses, must grasp suicide risk factors. They can help by educating, offering care, assessing risk and fighting stigma. This guarantees safety and access to mental health services for at-risk individuals from sexual minorities.

Reporting Method

The reporting follows the STROBE checklist.

Patient Contribution

People who were invited to participate voluntarily completed a range of questionnaires.

☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Advanced Nursing

Mapping health promotion practices across key sectors and its intersectoral approach at the local level: Study protocol



This study outlines a protocol aimed at identifying and mapping health promotion practices in need of development from the perspectives of key sectors responsible for it at the local level and from an intersectoral perspective across four Spanish regions.


A complementary multi-method study combining survey methods and qualitative interviews will be adopted.


Purposive snowball sampling will be employed to select potentially rich informants from city councils, primary care centres, primary and secondary schools, and public health and civil society organizations in 12 municipalities sensitive to local health. Data on the degree of execution of health promotion activities, the level of intersectorality in their implementation, and their origins will be collected using PromoACTIVA questionnaires, an intersectoral typology model and an interview protocol. A parallel mixed analysis encompassing descriptive statistics and a ‘framework analysis’ will be performed.


This study is expected to yield thorough and reliable insights into health promotion practices and omissions at the local level by focusing on key stakeholders, both individually and collaboratively. This information can enhance health promotion planning and improve its effectiveness, efficiency and contextual relevance. The development and testing of a methodology for the integration and interpretation of these data will ensure sustainable capacity building.


Managers and practitioners interested in health promotion planning in the researched settings can benefit from a comprehensive map of the current state of their practices and insights into the starting points of collaboration. In addition, planners from other local settings will gain access to tools and methodologies to replicate and expand these maps to their own contexts.

Stakeholder Engagement

Engaging key stakeholders with experience working in or with primary care centres, public health organizations, primary and secondary schools, civil society organizations, and city councils was vital to ensure the study's relevance and feasibility.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Evaluating the decentralisation of the Spanish healthcare system: a data envelopment analysis approach

Por: Armenteros-Ruiz · T. · Ballesteros-Ron · A. · Rodriguez-Manero · M. · Reyes-Santias · F. — Marzo 13th 2024 at 05:20

The aim of the study was to answer whether the central government has been more efficient than the regional governments or vice versa. Likewise, through the analysis of the data, the aim was to shed light on whether decentralisation has had a positive impact on the efficiency of the hospital sector or not.


In this paper, we have used data envelopment analysis to analyse the evolution of efficiency in the last 10 Autonomous Regions to receive healthcare competences at the end of 2001.


For this study, we have taken into account the number of beds and full-time workers as inputs and the calculation of basic care units as outputs to measure the efficiency of the Spanish public sector, private sector and jointly in the years 2002, 2007, 2012 and 2017 for the last Autonomous Regions receiving healthcare competences.


Of the Autonomous Regions that received the transfers at the end of 2001, the following stand out for their higher efficiency growth: the Balearic Islands (81.44% improvement), the Madrid Autonomous Region, which practically reached absolute efficiency levels (having increased by 63.77%), and La Rioja which, together with the Balearic Islands which started from very low values, improved notably (46.13%).


In general, it can be observed that the transfer of responsibilities in the health sector has improved efficiency in the National Health Service.

JEL classification

C14; I18; H21.

☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Clinical Nursing

Enhancing blood pressure management protocol implementation in patients with acute intracerebral haemorrhage through a nursing‐led approach: A retrospective cohort study



To evaluate the impact of nurse care changes in implementing a blood pressure management protocol on achieving rapid, intensive and sustained blood pressure reduction in acute intracerebral haemorrhage patients.


Retrospective cohort study of prospectively collected data over 6 years.


Intracerebral haemorrhage patients within 6 h and systolic blood pressure ≥ 150 mmHg followed a rapid (starting treatment at computed tomography suite with a target achievement goal of ≤60 min), intensive (target systolic blood pressure < 140 mmHg) and sustained (maintaining target stability for 24 h) blood pressure management plan. We differentiated six periods: P1, stroke nurse at computed tomography suite (baseline period); P2, antihypertensive titration by stroke nurse; P3, retraining by neurologists; P4, integration of a stroke advanced practice nurse; P5, after COVID-19 impact; and P6, retraining by stroke advanced practice nurse. Outcomes included first-hour target achievement (primary outcome), tomography-to-treatment and treatment-to-target times, first-hour maximum dose of antihypertensive treatment and 6-h and 24-h systolic blood pressure variability.


Compared to P1, antihypertensive titration by stroke nurses (P2) reduced treatment-to-target time and increased the rate of first-hour target achievement, retraining of stroke nurses by neurologists (P3) maintained a higher rate of first-hour target achievement and the integration of a stroke advanced practice nurse (P4) reduced both 6-h and 24-h systolic blood pressure variability. However, 6-h systolic blood pressure variability increased from P4 to P5 following the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, compared to P1, retraining of stroke nurses by stroke advanced practice nurse (P6) reduced tomography-to-treatment time and increased the first-hour maximum dose of antihypertensive treatment.


Changes in nursing care and continuous education can significantly enhance the time metrics and blood pressure outcomes in acute intracerebral haemorrhage patients.

Reporting Method

STROBE guidelines.

Patient and Public Contribution

No Patient or Public Contribution.

☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Advanced Nursing

Predictors of mental health in healthcare workers during the COVID‐19 pandemic: The role of experiential avoidance, emotion regulation and resilience



This study explores the mediational role of resilience, experiential avoidance and emotion regulation in the levels of anxiety, depression and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, we explored the association of such levels with personal and professional variables.


Cross-sectional study.


Healthcare professionals working in Spain (N = 786) were recruited following a snowball approach in November and December 2021. Resilience, emotion regulation, experiential avoidance, depression, anxiety, PTSD and work-related variables were measured. Mean differences and correlations were computed, and a path analysis with latent variables (PALV) model was tested.


In total, 18.8% of the sample scored above the cut-off score for depression, 24.6% for anxiety and 36.4% for PTSD. Higher resilience and lower experiential avoidance and expression suppression were correlated with better mental health. The PALV model explained 42%–53% of mental health outcomes. Experiential avoidance showed the greatest explanatory power and mediated the impact that stressors had on mental health. Some work-related variables correlated with greater psychological impact. These factors encompassed being a nurse, feeling that their job remained stressful and had not yet returned to its pre-pandemic state and having interacted with individuals facing economic difficulties due to the pandemic, and those who had lost their lives to COVID-19.


Healthcare workers showed high levels of psychological impact during the COVID-19 pandemic. Such impact was predicted from some work-stress variables and the reliance on maladaptive strategies such as experiential avoidance and expressive suppression.


Training healthcare professionals to use coping strategies incompatible with experiential avoidance may improve their mental health. Additionally, better working conditions are fundamental for reducing the impact of critical situations on healthcare workers' mental health.

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public contribution.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Impact of the design of adult mental health inpatient facilities on healthcare staff: a mixed methods systematic review

Por: Rodriguez-Labajos · L. · Kinloch · J. · Nicol · L. · Grant · S. · O'Brien · G. — Marzo 6th 2024 at 05:12

Mental health inpatient facilities are increasingly focusing on creating therapeutic, person-centred care environments. However, research shows that this focus may have unintended consequences for healthcare staff. Designs that do not pay attention to staff needs may risk contributing to stress, burnout, job dissatisfaction and mental exhaustion in the work environment. This systematic review aims to identify and synthesise current research on the design factors of adult mental health inpatient facilities that impact healthcare staff.


A mixed method systematic review was conducted to search for empirical, peer-reviewed studies using the databases CINAHL, Embase, PsycINFO, PubMed and Web of Science from their inception up to 5 September 2023. The Joanna Briggs Institute’s critical appraisal checklists were used to assess the methodological quality of the eligible studies. Data were extracted and grouped based on the facility design factors.


In our review, we included 29 peer-reviewed empirical studies that identified crucial design factors impacting healthcare staff in adult mental health inpatient facilities. Key factors included layouts providing optimal visibility, designated work and respite areas, and centrally located nursing stations. Notably, mixed perceptions regarding the benefits and challenges of open and glass-enclosed nursing stations suggest areas requiring further research. Facilities in geographically remote locations also emerged as a factor influencing staff dynamics. Additionally, although only supported by a limited number of studies, the significance of artwork, sensory rooms for respite, appropriate furniture and equipment, and access to alarms was acknowledged as contributory factors.


Through the synthesis of existing research, this review identified that the design of mental health facilities significantly impacts staff well-being, satisfaction, performance and perception of safety. Concluding that, in order to create a well-designed therapeutic environment, it is essential to account for both service users and staff user needs.

PROSPERO registration number


☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Advanced Nursing

Exploring older people's experiences of the interpersonal care relationship between nurses and patients during hospitalization in the pandemic period: A qualitative study



This article presents the findings of a qualitative study focusing on the experiences of people aged over 70 years in the interpersonal nurse–patient care relationship in hospital settings during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim was to analyse different aspects of this relationship, including nurses' behaviour and caring attitudes, the person-centred model of care, patients' involvement in their own care and communication in the hospital context.


An exploratory qualitative study was conducted on the basis of an interpretative framework.


Six focus groups were conducted. A total of 34 participants were purposively recruited from three nursing homes in Spain, Italy and Portugal. Specific inclusion criteria were used to select participants.


Five main categories were identified. Analysis revealed the importance of empathy and sensitivity in caring relationships, as well as the need for personalized and patient-centred care. The importance of effective communication and recognition of ageist behaviour by professionals was highlighted. In addition, independent of the pandemic, situational factors in the hospital environment were identified that influence the interpersonal care relationship.


The study highlights the need to promote a person-centred model of care that takes into account the specific preferences and needs of older people. This is achieved by identifying elements of the interpersonal nurse–patient relationship. In addition to highlighting the disparity of opinion regarding an active or passive role in self-care and decision making, the importance of addressing ageism and improving communication is emphasized.

What problem did the study address?

The importance of the patient–nurse relationship in hospital care has been highlighted in previous studies. Critical elements of the patient care experience have been identified as empathy and effective communication. Ageism in healthcare has been recognized as a potential barrier to patient-centred care.

What were the key findings?

The main findings highlight the importance of empathy and personalized care, emphasize the importance of effective communication and address ageist behaviours in the nurse–patient relationship.

Where and who will the research impact?

By highlighting the need for person-centred care and improved communication strategies, particularly in the context of caring for older patients during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, this research will have an impact on healthcare professionals, policy makers and carers.

Reporting Method

The COREQ guideline was used.

Patient or public contribution

This study adopted a collaborative approach to ensure that patient perspectives were integrated into the research process. We organized regular focus groups. Patients were actively involved in shaping the research questions, refining the study design and interpreting the emerging findings. Their valuable input helped us to understand the nuances of their experience and to prioritize the aspects that were critical to their well-being. In addition, their insights guided the development of practical recommendations aimed at improving the interpersonal care relationship between nurses and patients in hospital settings, ensuring that their voices were heard and reflected in the proposed interventions. This patient-centred approach fostered a sense of empowerment among the participants. It reinforced the notion that their experiences and opinions are integral to shaping healthcare practice.

☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Clinical Nursing

Longitudinal study of changes observed in quality of life, psychological state cognition and pulmonary and functional capacity after COVID‐19 infection: A six‐ to seven‐month prospective cohort



To investigate the health-related quality of life (HRQoL), symptoms, psychological and cognitive state and pulmonary and physical function of nonhospitalised COVID-19 patients at long-term, and to identify factors to predict a poor HRQoL in this follow-up.


Studies have focused on persistent symptoms of hospitalised COVID-19 patients in the medium term. Thus, long-term studies of nonhospitalised patients are urgently required.


A longitudinal cohort study.


In 102 nonhospitalised COVID-19 patients, we collected symptoms at 3 months (baseline) and at 6–7 months (follow-up) from diagnosis (dyspnoea, fatigue/muscle weakness and chest/joint pain), HRQoL, psychological state, cognitive function, pulmonary and physical function. This study adhered to the STROBE statement.


HRQoL was impaired in almost 60% of the sample and remained impaired 6–7 months. At 3 months, more than 60% had impaired physical function (fatigue/muscle weakness and reduced leg and inspiratory muscle strength). About 40%–56% of the sample showed an altered psychological state (post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety/depression), cognitive function impairment and dyspnoea. At 6–7-months, only a slight improvement in dyspnoea and physical and cognitive function was observed, with a very high proportion of the sample (29%–55%) remained impaired. Impaired HRQoL at 6–7 months was predicted with 82.4% accuracy (86.7% sensitivity and 83.3% specificity) by the presence at 3 months of muscle fatigue/muscle weakness (OR = 5.7 (1.8–18.1)), PTSD (OR = 6.0 (1.7–20.7)) and impaired HRQoL (OR = 11.7 (3.7–36.8)).


A high proportion of nonhospitalised patients with COVID-19 experience an impaired HRQoL, cognitive and psychological function at long-term. HRQoL, PTSD and dyspnoea at 3 months can identify the majority of patients with COVID-19 who will have impaired quality of life at long-term.

Relevance to clinical practice

Treatments aimed at improving psychological state and reducing the fatigue/muscle weakness of post-COVID-19 patients could be necessary to prevent the patients’ HRQoL from being impaired at 6–7 months after their reported recovery.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Impact of COVID-19 on diabetes care: mixed methods study in an Indigenous area of Guatemala

Por: Guarchaj · M. · Tschida · S. · Milian Chew · J. P. · Aguilar · A. · Flood · D. · Fort · M. P. · Morales · L. C. · Mendoza Montano · C. · Rodriguez Serrano · S. N. · Rohloff · P. — Enero 2nd 2024 at 16:31

SARS-CoV-2 has impacted globally the care of chronic diseases. However, direct evidence from certain vulnerable communities, such as Indigenous communities in Latin America, is missing. We use observational data from a health district that primarily serves people of Maya K’iche’ ethnicity to examine the care of type 2 diabetes in Guatemala during the pandemic.


We used a parallel convergent mixed methods design. Quantitative data (n=142 individuals with diabetes) included glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), blood pressure, body mass index and questionnaires on diabetes knowledge, self-care and diabetes distress. Quantitative data was collected at two points, at baseline and after COVID restrictions were lifted. For quantitative outcomes, we constructed multilevel mixed effects models with multiple imputation for missing data. Qualitative data included interviews with providers, supervisors and individuals living with diabetes (n=20). We conducted thematic framework analysis using an inductive approach.


Quantitative data was collected between June 2019 and February 2021, with a median of 487 days between data collection points. HbA1c worsened +0.54% (95% CI, 0.14 to 0.94) and knowledge about diabetes decreased –3.54 points (95% CI, –4.56 to –2.51). Qualitatively, the most important impact of the pandemic was interruption of the regular timing of home visits and peer group meetings which were the standard of care.


The deterioration of diabetes care was primarily attributed to the loss of regular contact with healthcare workers. The results emphasize the vulnerability of rural and Indigenous populations in Latin America to the suspension of chronic disease care.

☐ ☆ ✇ PLOS ONE Medicine&Health

Proposal for a physiotherapy assessment form for the evaluation of women patients with uro-gynecological disorders: A Delphi study

by Ana González-Castro, Raquel Leirós-Rodríguez, Óscar Rodríguez-Nogueira, Mª José Álvarez-Álvarez, Arrate Pinto-Carral, Elena Andrade-Gómez


The correct selection of treatment techniques and methods in physiotherapy depends directly on a well-structured anamnesis, examination and assessment. Within urogynecological and obstetric physiotherapy there is no standardized and protocolized assessment that allows to follow established steps. For all this, the main objective of this study was to identify the assessment items that should be included in the a physiotherapeutic uro-gynecological assessment.


Delphi study through a group of experts. Prior to this, a systematic search was carried out, accompanied by a review of grey literature, to obtain the possible items to be included in the forms. Subsequently, a Delphi study with two consecutive rounds of questionnaires was developed. A total of 6 expert physiotherapists participated in the study.


The initial questionnaire had 97 items and after two rounds one item was eliminated to obtain a total of 96 items in the final questionnaire.


The experts agreed on most of the choices and finally obtained a standardized and protocolized assessment in uro-gynecological physiotherapy. Furthermore, this proposal should be considered by other professionals involved in the process of evaluation and treatment of pelvi-perineal alterations.

☐ ☆ ✇ International Wound Journal

Development of an explainable artificial intelligence model for Asian vascular wound images


Chronic wounds contribute to significant healthcare and economic burden worldwide. Wound assessment remains challenging given its complex and dynamic nature. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning methods in wound analysis is promising. Explainable modelling can help its integration and acceptance in healthcare systems. We aim to develop an explainable AI model for analysing vascular wound images among an Asian population. Two thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven wound images from a vascular wound image registry from a tertiary institution in Singapore were utilized. The dataset was split into training, validation and test sets. Wound images were classified into four types (neuroischaemic ulcer [NIU], surgical site infections [SSI], venous leg ulcers [VLU], pressure ulcer [PU]), measured with automatic estimation of width, length and depth and segmented into 18 wound and peri-wound features. Data pre-processing was performed using oversampling and augmentation techniques. Convolutional and deep learning models were utilized for model development. The model was evaluated with accuracy, F1 score and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Explainability methods were used to interpret AI decision reasoning. A web browser application was developed to demonstrate results of the wound AI model with explainability. After development, the model was tested on additional 15 476 unlabelled images to evaluate effectiveness. After the development on the training and validation dataset, the model performance on unseen labelled images in the test set achieved an AUROC of 0.99 for wound classification with mean accuracy of 95.9%. For wound measurements, the model achieved AUROC of 0.97 with mean accuracy of 85.0% for depth classification, and AUROC of 0.92 with mean accuracy of 87.1% for width and length determination. For wound segmentation, an AUROC of 0.95 and mean accuracy of 87.8% was achieved. Testing on unlabelled images, the model confidence score for wound classification was 82.8% with an explainability score of 60.6%. Confidence score was 87.6% for depth classification with 68.0% explainability score, while width and length measurement obtained 93.0% accuracy score with 76.6% explainability. Confidence score for wound segmentation was 83.9%, while explainability was 72.1%. Using explainable AI models, we have developed an algorithm and application for analysis of vascular wound images from an Asian population with accuracy and explainability. With further development, it can be utilized as a clinical decision support system and integrated into existing healthcare electronic systems.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Self-Management Analysis in Chronic Conditions (SMACC) checklist: an international consensus-based tool to develop, compare and evaluate self-management support programmes

Por: Moreels · T. · Cruyt · E. · De Baets · S. · Andries · L. · Arts-Tielemans · M. · Rodriguez-Bailon · M. · Bergström · A. · Boete · K. · Bormans · I. · Costa · U. · Declercq · H. · Dekelver · S. · Dekyvere · V. · Delooz · E. · Engels · C. · Helderweirt · S. · Jarrey · M. · Lenaerts · A. — Diciembre 21st 2023 at 06:07

The Self-Management Analysis in Chronic Conditions (SMACC) checklist was developed as a guidance tool to support the development, comparison and evaluation of self-management support programmes for persons with a chronic condition. The checklist was based on a previously performed concept analysis of self-management. The aim of this study was to validate its content using an international Delphi study and to deliver a final version.


A two-round Delphi study was conducted between October 2022 and January 2023. Using the researchers’ networks, professionals with research or clinical expertise in self-management support and chronic conditions were recruited via online purposive snowball sampling. Participants were asked to score each item of the checklist (16 items total) on 3 content validity indicators: (1) clarity and comprehensibility, (2) relevance and importance and (3) degree of alignment with the overall goal of the checklist to promote adequate and comprehensive self-management support programmes. A consensus threshold of 75% agreement was used. The participants were also asked general questions about the checklist as a whole and were asked to provide feedback considering its refinement.


Fifty-four professionals with an average 14.5 years of experience participated in round 1, 48 with an average 12.5 years of experience participated in round 2. The majority of professionals were from Western Europe. For the majority of items consensus was reached after round 1. In round 2, 3 of the 4 remaining items reached consensus, 1 last item was retained based on highly recurring feedback.


The SMACC checklist was considered a valid and comprehensive tool to aid the development, evaluation and comparison of self-management support programmes. It was acknowledged as a useful instrument to supplement existing frameworks and was seen as feasible to implement in both research and clinical settings. Further validation in the field, with input from patients and peer experts, will be valuable.

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Experiencia vivida durante el climaterio por mujeres de zonas rurales de Asientos, Aguascalientes

Objetivo: Conocer la experiencia que tienen las mujeres que cursan la etapa del climaterio y que viven en zona rural del municipio de Asientos, Aguascalientes. Introducción: El cuidado de enfermería busca la integridad de la persona en todas sus esferas de desarrollo y con ello mejora calidad de vida. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo con enfoque fenomenológico hermenéutico de Heiddeger. Participaron 7 mujeres. Para la recolección de la información se realizaron siete entrevistas fenomenológicas, para garantizar la calidad del estudio. Resultados: Las entrevistas tuvieron una duración aproximada de 40 minutos. Se obtuvo 9 unidades de significado, las cuales se dividieron en dos grupos: óntico y ontológico. En las unidades de significado óntico se incluyó: identificación deficiente del climaterio, angustia en el climaterio y el sorge y el climaterio. El otro grupo abarca las unidades de significado ontológico integrado por: el deseo sexual en tinieblas, ausencia de compañero, el mundo familiar y el climaterio, trascendencia en el climaterio, sufrimiento en el climaterio. Conclusión: Las mujeres climatéricas tienen una influencia sobre el entorno sociocultural, patrones repetitivos y conocimientos escasos del tema.
