
☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Strategies for optimising early detection and obstetric first response management of postpartum haemorrhage at caesarean birth: a modified Delphi-based international expert consensus

Por: Pingray · V. · Williams · C. R. · Al-beity · F. M. A. · Abalos · E. · Arulkumaran · S. · Blumenfeld · A. · Carvalho · B. · Deneux-Tharaux · C. · Downe · S. · Dumont · A. · Escobar · M. F. · Evans · C. · Fawcus · S. · Galadanci · H. S. · Hoang · D.-T. T. · Hofmeyr · G. J. · Homer · C. · L — Mayo 8th 2024 at 17:36

There are no globally agreed on strategies on early detection and first response management of postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) during and after caesarean birth. Our study aimed to develop an international expert’s consensus on evidence-based approaches for early detection and obstetric first response management of PPH intraoperatively and postoperatively in caesarean birth.


Systematic review and three-stage modified Delphi expert consensus.




Panel of 22 global experts in PPH with diverse backgrounds, and gender, professional and geographic balance.

Outcome measures

Agreement or disagreement on strategies for early detection and first response management of PPH at caesarean birth.


Experts agreed that the same PPH definition should apply to both vaginal and caesarean birth. For the intraoperative phase, the experts agreed that early detection should be accomplished via quantitative blood loss measurement, complemented by monitoring the woman’s haemodynamic status; and that first response should be triggered once the woman loses at least 500 mL of blood with continued bleeding or when she exhibits clinical signs of haemodynamic instability, whichever occurs first. For the first response, experts agreed on immediate administration of uterotonics and tranexamic acid, examination to determine aetiology and rapid initiation of cause-specific responses. In the postoperative phase, the experts agreed that caesarean birth-related PPH should be detected primarily via frequently monitoring the woman’s haemodynamic status and clinical signs and symptoms of internal bleeding, supplemented by cumulative blood loss assessment performed quantitatively or by visual estimation. Postoperative first response was determined to require an individualised approach.


These agreed on proposed approaches could help improve the detection of PPH in the intraoperative and postoperative phases of caesarean birth and the first response management of intraoperative PPH. Determining how best to implement these strategies is a critical next step.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Impact of a teaching hospital-based multidisciplinary telemedicine programme in Southwestern Colombia: a cross-sectional resource analysis

Por: Prada · S. I. · Toro · J. J. · Pena-Zarate · E. E. · Libreros-Pena · L. · Alarcon · J. · Escobar · M. F. — Mayo 1st 2024 at 16:46

Telemedicine, a method of healthcare service delivery bridging geographic distances between patients and providers, has gained prominence. This modality is particularly advantageous for outpatient consultations, addressing inherent barriers of travel time and cost.


We aim to describe economical outcomes towards the implementation of a multidisciplinary telemedicine service in a high-complexity hospital in Latin America, from the perspective of patients.


A cross-sectional study was conducted, analysing the institutional data obtained over a period of 9 months, between April 2020 and December 2020.


A high-complexity teaching hospital located in Cali, Colombia.


Individuals who received care via telemedicine. The population was categorised into three groups based on their place of residence: Cali, Valle del Cauca excluding Cali and Outside of Valle del Cauca.

Outcome measures

Travel distance, time, fuel and public round-trip cost savings, and potential loss of productivity were estimated from the patient’s perspective.


A total of 62 258 teleconsultations were analysed. Telemedicine led to a total distance savings of 4 514 903 km, and 132 886 hours. The estimated cost savings were US$680 822 for private transportation and US$1 087 821 for public transportation. Patients in the Outside of Valle del Cauca group experienced an estimated average time savings of 21.2 hours, translating to an average fuel savings of US$149.02 or an average savings of US$156.62 in public transportation costs. Areas with exclusive air access achieved a mean cost savings of US$362.9 per teleconsultation, specifically related to transportation costs.


Telemedicine emerges as a powerful tool for achieving substantial travel savings for patients, especially in regions confronting geographical and socioeconomic obstacles. These findings underscore the potential of telemedicine to bridge healthcare accessibility gaps in low-income and middle-income countries, calling for further investment and expansion of telemedicine services in such areas.

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Cronicidad: significado construido por los cuidadores y las personas cuidadas

Introducción: Las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles van en aumento, ocasionando discapacidad y dependencia en quien la padece, así como la necesidad de un cuidador. La cronicidad es un concepto que se ha analizado desde la mirada de la persona que la padece, dejando un vacío en la comprensión del significado para el cuidador. Objetivo: Comprender el significado de la cronicidad para las personas con Enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles y sus cuidadores informales. Materiales y métodos: Investigación cualitativa fenomenológica-hermenéutica según la propuesta de Van Manen, muestreo casual orientado por criterio, participaron 10 personas enfermas y 9 cuidadores. Los criterios de rigor de credibilidad y confirmabilidad, confiabilidad y la transferibilidad, garantizaron la calidad del estudio. Resultados: emergieron los siguientes temas: brindar y recibir cuidado como un acto de amor; unión de la familia; enfrentarse a la dureza; recibir, brindar y buscar apoyo; estar pendiente; cambio de vida; proceso de aprendizaje; una compañía para toda la vida; imponer restricciones, limitaciones y pérdidas. Conclusiones: el significado de la cronicidad para los cuidadores y las personas enfermas es complejo, dinámico y multidimensional; por lo tanto, es necesario realizar intervenciones que ayuden a mitigar el impacto que esta produce en la vida de este binomio.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Evaluation of an outreach programme for patients with COVID-19 in an integrated healthcare delivery system: a retrospective cohort study

Por: Myers · L. C. · Lawson · B. L. · Escobar · G. J. · Daly · K. A. · Chen · Y.-f. I. · Dlott · R. · Lee · C. · Liu · V. — Enero 8th 2024 at 17:52

In the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, health systems implemented programmes to manage outpatients with COVID-19. The goal was to expedite patients’ referral to acute care and prevent overcrowding of medical centres. We sought to evaluate the impact of such a programme, the COVID-19 Home Care Team (CHCT) programme.


Retrospective cohort.


Kaiser Permanente Northern California.


Adult members before COVID-19 vaccine availability (1 February 2020–31 January 2021) with positive SARS-CoV-2 tests.


Virtual programme to track and treat patients with ‘CHCT programme’.


The outcomes were (1) COVID-19-related emergency department visit, (2) COVID-19-related hospitalisation and (3) inpatient mortality or 30-day hospice referral.


We estimated the average effect comparing patients who were and were not treated by CHCT. We estimated propensity scores using an ensemble super learner (random forest, XGBoost, generalised additive model and multivariate adaptive regression splines) and augmented inverse probability weighting.


There were 98 585 patients with COVID-19. The majority were followed by CHCT (n=80 067, 81.2%). Patients followed by CHCT were older (mean age 43.9 vs 41.6 years, p


Despite CHCT following older patients with higher comorbidity burden, there appeared to be a protective effect. Patients followed by CHCT were more likely to present to acute care and less likely to die inpatient.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Investigating inequalities in HIV testing in sub-Saharan Africa: spatial analysis of cross-sectional population-based surveys in 25 countries

Por: Ante-Testard · P. A. · Carrasco-Escobar · G. · Benmarhnia · T. · Temime · L. · Jean · K. — Diciembre 11th 2023 at 17:27

We aim to explore spatial variations in socioeconomic inequalities in HIV testing uptake in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) at different geographical scales to identify potential geographical hotspots of inequalities. Additionally, to evaluate the potential benefits of HIV testing programmes, we assess whether local levels of HIV testing match the local levels of HIV prevalence.


A multi-country analysis of population-based cross-sectional surveys in SSA.


We analysed data from 25 SSA countries with Demographic and Health Surveys between 2011 and 2019.


Country-level analysis included 473 775 participants (312 104 women and 161 671 men) and cluster-level analysis included 328 283 individuals (241 084 women and 87 199 men). Women aged 15–49 years and men aged 15–54/59 years in selected households who were tested for HIV in the last 12 months were eligible. We quantified inequalities in self-reported recent HIV testing with the Slope Index of Inequality (SII) and the Relative Index of Inequality (RII) across geographical scales to capture sex-specific within-country spatial variations. We also conducted local Getis-Ord Gi* statistics to consider the autocorrelation in fine-scale SII and RII across countries. To assess the efficiency of HIV testing programmes, we measured the correlation between recent HIV testing and HIV prevalence through Spearman correlation across geographical scales.


We observed varying inequalities in recent HIV testing in magnitude and spatial distribution on both absolute and relative scales in many countries for both sexes at national and subnational levels. Hotspots of absolute and relative inequalities were mostly observed in Western and Central Africa with a few regions in Eastern and Southern Africa. Despite significant sex-specific correlations between testing and prevalence in all countries when assessed at the national level, we report an absence of such a correlation at fine scale in 17 of 50 sex-country combinations.


We highlight the importance of investigating the spatial variability of various HIV indicators and related inequalities across different geographical levels. Results may help inform an equitable distribution of HIV testing services.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Latin American Cerebral Palsy Register (LATAM-CPR): study protocol to develop a collaborative register with surveillance of children with cerebral palsy in Latin American countries

Por: Ruiz Brunner · M. d. l. M. · Jahan · I. · Cuestas · E. · Cieri · M. E. · Escobar Zuluaga · J. · Condinanzi · A. L. · Sanchez · F. · McIntyre · S. · Smithers-Sheedy · H. · Muhit · M. · Badawi · N. · Diaz · R. · Diaz · A. · Carranza · J. · Duran · C. · Quintero Valencia · C. A. · Melarag — Diciembre 9th 2023 at 17:51

Cerebral palsy (CP) is one of the leading causes of childhood disability globally with a high burden in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). Preliminary findings from the global LMIC CP Register (GLM CPR) suggest that the majority of CP in LMICs are due to potentially preventable causes. Such data are lacking in the Latin American region. Generating comparable epidemiological data on CP from this region could enable translational research and services towards early diagnosis and early intervention. We aim to establish a Latin American multicountry network and online data repository of CP called Latin American Cerebral Palsy Register (LATAM-CPR).

Methods and analysis

The LATAM-CPR will be modelled after the GLM CPR and will support new and emerging Latin American CP registers following a harmonised protocol adapted from the GLM CPR and piloted in Argentina (ie, Argentine Register of Cerebral Palsy). Both population-based and institution-based surveillance mechanisms will be adopted for registration of children with CP aged less than 18 years to the participating CP registers. The data collection form of the LATAM-CPR will include risk factors, clinical profile, rehabilitation, socioeconomical status of children with CP. Descriptive data on the epidemiology of CP from each participating country will be reported, country-specific and regional data will be compared.

Ethics and dissemination

Individual CP registers have applied ethics approval from respective national human research ethics committees (HREC) and/or institutional review boards prior to the establishment and inclusion into the LATAM-CPR. Ethical approval for LATAM-CPR has already been obtained from the HREC in the two countries that started (Argentina and Mexico). Findings will be disseminated and will be made publicly available through peer-reviewed publications, conference presentations and social media communications.

☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

¿El uso del apósito con clorhexidina comparado con apósito estándar al cubrir el sitio de inserción del catéter venoso central en pacientes adultos disminuye las infecciones locales o sistémicas?

Objetivo principal: Evaluar la calidad de un artículo experimental y efectividad de una técnica de enfermería para cubrir el catéter venoso central en pacientes adultos. Metodología: Revisión crítica de un ensayo clínico aleatorizado, basado en la mejor evidencia científica para la Práctica de Enfermería Basada en la Evidencia que diera respuesta a ¿El uso del apósito con clorhexidina comparado con apósito estándar al cubrir el sitio de inserción del catéter venoso central en pacientes adultos disminuye las infecciones locales o sistémicas? Para la lectura crítica se empleó la Escala de Jadad, el Programa de Habilidades de Evaluación Crítica en español, se calcularon medidas de efecto del tratamiento y medidas de riesgo.  Resultados principales: El artículo mostró buena calidad con 4 puntos, tuvo validez en sus resultados al obtener respuestas afirmativas en preguntas de eliminación. La técnica de enfermería en métodos comparados fue efectiva y segura en beneficio del paciente, existió baja incidencia de infección primaria a nivel sanguíneo y buena fijación en ambos grupos, pero elevada tasa de reacción local. Conclusión principal: Ambos métodos fueron efectivos y seguros de utilizar en beneficio del paciente crítico, demostraron baja incidencia de infección primaria de la corriente sanguínea en los grupos. El apósito con clorhexidina no fue efectivo para disminuir la infección primaria de la corriente sanguínea.

☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

Evaluación del ruido ambiental en una UCI. Propuestas y mejoras técnicas

Objetivo principal: cuantificar el ruido ambiental en una unidad de cuidados intensivos y detectar las fuentes que generan los picos más altos de ruido. Metodología: se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional descriptivo en una unidad de cuidados intensivos de adultos. Se realizaron veinticinco mediciones del ruido ambiental, no consecutivas, aleatorias, durante las 24 horas del día. El nivel de ruido fue medido en decibelios. Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados descriptivamente. Resultados principales: la media de los picos máximos de ruido registrados fue de 80.8 ± 4.05 decibelios y la media de los picos mínimos fue de 37.8 ± 1.3 decibelios. El nivel de significación considerado para todos los contrastes fue p< 0.05. Los picos máximos de ruido coincidieron con las alarmas de los monitores, las llamadas telefónicas, con algunas conversaciones y con el paso del carro de las comidas. Conclusión principal: los niveles de ruido ambiental registrados fueron elevados y estuvieron muy por encima de las recomendaciones dictadas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Existe la necesidad de establecer estrategias educativas y estructurales para la reducción del ruido. Se proponen una serie de medidas para disminuir el ruido en nuestra unidad.
