
☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

Riesgo de Shock: Cuidado de Enfermería en mujeres con hemorragia obstétrica

Con el objetivo de desarrollar un plan de cuidados estandarizado, dirigido al tratamiento oportuno de mujeres con riesgo de shock por hemorragia obstétrica se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura que llevó a identificar los indicios claves en esta situación y los factores de riesgo para construir el diagnóstico de enfermería utilizando como guía la taxonomía NANDA y se complementó con los resultados NOC y las intervenciones NIC. A partir de la etiqueta diagnostica riesgo de shock asociada al factor de riesgo hipovolemia se construyó un plan de cuidados de enfermería basado en evidencia científica que oriente el cuidado integral y contribuya a la prevención de muerte materna. Conclusiones: Los planes estandarizados sintetizan evidencias científicas que el profesional de enfermería puede utilizar para establecer medidas preventivas que garanticen la identificación temprana y la limitación del daño de complicaciones de aparición frecuente como el shock asociado a hemorragia obstétrica.

☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

Intervenciones para el cuidado de personas con esclerosis múltiple: revisión sistemática

La esclerosis múltiple (EM) es la primera causa de discapacidad en adultos jóvenes. A pesar de su relevancia epidemiológica, no son claras las intervenciones de cuidado que realizan los profesionales de la salud para evitar la remisión de brotes de la enfermedad (independientemente del tratamiento farmacológico). Por lo tanto surge la siguiente pregunta ¿Qué intervenciones en los últimos cinco años realizan los profesionales de salud para la toma de decisiones sobre el cuidado humano en personas con EM? Metodología. Revisión sistemática, se consultaron las principales bases de datos con palabras clave en tres idiomas. Resultados principales: de 2093 artículos se excluyeron 1870 por título y se eliminaron 176 por resumen. Conclusión: Los artículos provienen principalmente de psicología, enfermería y medicina. Las principales intervenciones versaron en ejercicio, temáticas cognitivas, rehabilitación, cuidados paliativos, continuidad de cuidados y manejo de fatiga crónica. La información resulta importante para las disciplinas de salud, sobre todo para enfermería, al liderar un cuidado más cercano y de calidad en personas con EM.

☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

Efecto del ejercicio cardiovascular sobre las emociones de los adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad: ensayo clínico

Objetivo principal: describir el efecto de una dosis de ejercicio cardiovascular sobre los afectos del adolescente con sobrepeso y obesidad (SOB). Metodología: ensayo clínico controlado, paralelo y simple ciego. Población: Adolescentes de 15-19 años, Grupo Experimental (GE=10) y Grupo Control (GC= 8).  La intervención de ejercicio para el GE fue 5 veces por semana, 20-40 minutos, durante 8 semanas; mientras que para el GC fue menor dosis. Resultados principales: al comparar test vs. re-test, los afectos en general no tuvieron diferencia significativa (p>.05). Al analizar los afectos de manera específica, se observó diferencia significativa (p<.05) en motivado (test=3.10±.73 vs. re-test=3.90±1.44), activo (test=3.10±.56 vs. re-test=3.70±.82), entusiasmado (test=2.90±.87 vs. re-test=3.50±1.17) y estimulado (test=3±1.05 vs. re-test=3.80±1.03). Conclusión principal: la dosis propuesta de ejercicio en adolescentes con SOB, no representó cambios de manera general sobre los afectos, únicamente refleja significancia estadística en algunos de ellos por separado en el GE.

☐ ☆ ✇ Archivos de la Memoria

Hombres de blanco

Por: Erick Landeros-Olvera — Septiembre 26th 2023 at 00:00

Discurso mencionado en la presentación del libro “Hombres de blanco”, el pasado 28 de julio, donde fueron galardonados siete enfermeros mexicanos. En nosotros no nos distingue la cofia, a los pacientes les interesa saber si cuidamos de su salud con amor y ciencia. Pero ser varón, en esta disciplina, es luchar contra el estigma de que esta profesión solo es para mujeres, y se lucha contra la masculinidad casi hegemónica de nuestra sociedad. El pensamiento machista no respeta nuestras preferencias sexuales y se estigmatiza al que es heterosexual porque es heterosexual y al que simplemente, no lo es. En muchas ocasiones, no se nos permite estar en los servicios de ginecología o cuidar a los niños. Como hombres, en esta sociedad, no debemos llorar, expresar dolor; pero al igual que las mujeres, tenemos que proveer, tenemos que ser fuertes, cuidamos y educamos a nuestros hijos con firmeza, pero a la vez con mucho amor, nos preocupamos por nuestros hermanos, nuestras esposas o esposos y nuestros padres.

☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

Validación de contenido “Escala de autoeficacia para el amamantamiento, formato corto” en mujeres puérperas

Objetivo. Determinar la validez de contenido de la Escala de Autoeficacia para el Amamantamiento en mujeres puérperas. Metodología. Diseño metodológico de validación, con cinco etapas: 1. Adaptación sociocultural de la escala; 2. Validación de contenido; 3. Prueba piloto; 4. Factibilidad pragmática mediante Ensayo Clínico Aleatorio; 5. Análisis factorial exploratorio. Resultados. Etapa 1-2: Los jueces modificaron en los 14 ítems, la palabra “poder”, por la palabra "Tengo la confianza". Índice de Validez por Ítem (1.7); Criterio de Validez (12%) y el Índice de Validez de Contenido (8.78). Etapa 3-4: Prueba piloto, α=.85. Se encontraron diferencias entre el grupo control y experimental en el re-test (p< .05). Etapa 5: Las subescalas explican el 39.91% de la varianza. Conclusión principal. Instrumento válido y confiable para medir la autoeficacia para el amamantamiento en mujeres puérperas. La intervención educativa y persuasión verbal mejora significativamente el nivel de autoeficacia mediante el componente educativo.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Multicentre, national, investigator-initiated, randomised, parallel-group, register-based superiority trial to compare extended ECG monitoring versus standard ECG monitoring in elderly patients with ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack and the e

Por: Engdahl · J. · Straat · K. · Isaksson · E. · Rooth · E. · Svennberg · E. · Norrving · B. · Euler · M. v. · Hellqvist · K. · Gu · W. · Ström · J. O. · Själander · S. · Eriksson · M. · Asberg · S. · Wester · P. — Noviembre 23rd 2023 at 17:23

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a major risk factor for ischaemic stroke and transient ischaemic attack (TIA), and AF detection can be challenged by asymptomatic and paroxysmal presentation. Long-term ECG monitoring after ischaemic stroke or TIA is recommended by all major societies in cardiology and cerebrovascular medicine as a secondary prophylactic measure. However, data on stroke reduction are lacking, and the recommendations show significant diversity.

Methods and analysis

AF SPICE is a multicentre, national, investigator-initiated, randomised, parallel-group, register-based trial comparing extended ECG monitoring versus standard ECG monitoring in patients admitted with ischaemic stroke or TIA, with a composite endpoint of stroke, all-cause-mortality and intracerebral bleeding. Patients aged ≥70 years without previous AF will be randomised 1:1 to control (standard ECG monitoring) or intervention (extended ECG monitoring). In the control arm, patients will undergo 48±24 hours (ie, a range of 24–72 hours) of continuous ECG monitoring according to national recommendations. In the intervention arm, patients will undergo 14+14 days of continuous ECG monitoring 3 months apart using an ECG patch device, which will provide an easy-accessed, well-tolerated 14-day continuous ECG recording. All ECG patch recordings will be read in a core facility. In cases of AF detection, oral anticoagulation will be recommended if not contraindicated. A pilot phase has been concluded in 2022, which will transcend into the main trial during 2023–2026, including approximately 30 stroke units. The sample size was calculated to be 3262 patients. The primary outcome will be collected from register data during a 36-month follow-up.

Ethics and dissemination

Ethical approval has been provided by the Swedish Ethical Review Authority, reference 2021–02770. The trial will be conducted according to the ethical principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and national regulatory standards. Positive results from the study have the potential for rapid dissemination in clinical practice.

Trial registration number


☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

School health professionals understanding of culture: a scoping review protocol

Por: Wahlström · E. · Landerdahl Stridsberg · S. · Larsson · C. · Stier · J. — Noviembre 24th 2023 at 17:10

Culture is highlighted in previous research as important in encounters where health professionals and children do not share a language or culture. In these encounters, culture is described as mainly related to the child, whereas the health professionals’ understanding of their own culture as impacting the encounter tends to be left out. To clarify how culture is understood and conceptualised among professionals, it is of relevance to collate previous research on health professionals’ understanding of culture. In the scoping review that this protocol describes, we aim to focus on the context of the school health services, being a context accessible to many children in their everyday life. The aim of the review will be to identify, describe and analyse previous research concerning school health professionals’ (ie, school nurses, school social workers, school doctors and school psychologists) understanding of culture.

Methods and analysis

This scoping review will be guided by the methodology described by Peters et al and Khalil et al. Searches will be conducted in Scopus, PubMed, Cinahl Plus, SocIndex, Sociological Abstracts, Social Services Abstracts, APA PsycInfo, APA PsycArticles, Web of Science and Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA). Any published scientific papers focusing on school health professionals’ understanding of culture (conceptualised through a variety of related terms) and school health services conducted within the last 10 years (2013–2023) will be included. Two reviewers will independently screen all titles and abstracts for inclusion. Two reviewers will conduct the screening of full-text documents and the extraction of information. Qualitative content analysis as well as discourse analysis will be employed.

Ethics and dissemination

Ethical approval is not required for this study. The findings will be disseminated through peer review publication as well as presentation at conferences and to relevant stakeholders.

☐ ☆ ✇ PLOS ONE Medicine&Health

Validation of a web-based self-administered test for cognitive assessment in a Swedish geriatric setting

by Einar Rystedt, Jakob Morén, Johan Lindbäck, Vitor Tedim Cruz, Martin Ingelsson, Lena Kilander, Nuno Lunet, Joana Pais, Luis Ruano, Gabriel Westman

Computerized cognitive tests have the potential to cost-effectively detect and monitor cognitive impairments and thereby facilitate treatment for these conditions. However, relatively few of these tests have been validated in a variety of populations. Brain on Track, a self-administered web-based test, has previously been shown to have a good ability to differentiate between healthy individuals and patients with cognitive impairment in Portuguese populations. The objective of this study was to validate the differential ability and evaluate the usability of Brain on Track in a Swedish memory clinic setting. Brain on Track was administered to 30 patients with mild cognitive impairment/mild dementia and 30 healthy controls, all scheduled to perform the test from home after one week and after three months. To evaluate the usability, the patient group was interviewed after completion of the testing phase. Patients scored lower than healthy controls at both the first (median score 42.4 vs 54.1, p
☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Fibre-rich Foods to Treat Obesity and Prevent Colon Cancer trial study protocol: a randomised clinical trial of fibre-rich legumes targeting the gut microbiome, metabolome and gut transit time of overweight and obese patients with a history of noncancerou

Por: Hartman · T. J. · Christie · J. · Wilson · A. · Ziegler · T. R. · Methe · B. · Flanders · W. D. · Rolls · B. J. · Loye Eberhart · B. · Li · J. V. · Huneault · H. · Cousineau · B. · Perez · M. R. · O'Keefe · S. J. D. — Febrero 6th 2024 at 02:59

Recently published studies support the beneficial effects of consuming fibre-rich legumes, such as cooked dry beans, to improve metabolic health and reduce cancer risk. In participants with overweight/obesity and a history of colorectal polyps, the Fibre-rich Foods to Treat Obesity and Prevent Colon Cancer randomised clinical trial will test whether a high-fibre diet featuring legumes will simultaneously facilitate weight reduction and suppress colonic mucosal biomarkers of colorectal cancer (CRC).


This study is designed to characterise changes in (1) body weight; (2) biomarkers of insulin resistance and systemic inflammation; (3) compositional and functional profiles of the faecal microbiome and metabolome; (4) mucosal biomarkers of CRC risk and (5) gut transit. Approximately 60 overweight or obese adults with a history of noncancerous adenomatous polyps within the previous 3 years will be recruited and randomised to one of two weight-loss diets. Following a 1-week run-in, participants in the intervention arm will receive preportioned high-fibre legume-rich entrées for two meals/day in months 1–3 and one meal/day in months 4–6. In the control arm, entrées will replace legumes with lean protein sources (eg, chicken). Both groups will receive in-person and written guidance to include nutritionally balanced sides with energy intake to lose 1–2 pounds per week.

Ethics and dissemination

The National Institutes of Health fund this ongoing 5-year study through a National Cancer Institute grant (5R01CA245063) awarded to Emory University with a subaward to the University of Pittsburgh. The study protocol was approved by the Emory Institutional Review Board (IRB approval number: 00000563).

Trial registration number


☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Advanced Nursing

What alleviates the harmful effect of strain on recovery from work of 4478 health and social services workers? A cross‐sectional study

Por: Kirsikka Selander · Eveliina Korkiakangas · Jaana Laitinen — Mayo 7th 2024 at 10:29



To analyse whether the harmful effect of job demands on recovery can be alleviated by healthy lifestyle, psychological recovery experiences and job resources. We also describe their prevalence among employees in different types of eldercare service and in the health and social services sector in general.


Cross-sectional study.


The data were collected using a self-report survey in 2020 in the health and social services sector organizations (n = 4478). Employees were classified as the following service types: general health and social services (N = 3225), home care (N = 452), service housing (N = 550) and outpatient and ward care (N = 202). The data were analysed using percentages, cross-tabulations and logistic regression analysis.


Poor recovery, high job demands, low appreciation and low autonomy in terms of worktime and breaks were more prevalent in eldercare. Employers could alleviate the risk of high job demands by offering job resources—appreciation, autonomy in terms of worktimes and breaks—and motivating employees to maintain healthy lifestyle habits and use recovery experiences such as relaxation.


The study emphasizes the importance of appreciation in the health and social services sector context. Even with moderate levels of appreciation employers can protect employees from poor recovery from work in the demanding health and social services work environment.


Eldercare employees face continuous and accumulating work strain at the same time as the sector struggles against a labour shortage. One way to prevent the harmful consequences of strain is to enhance recovery from work.

Employers could alleviate the risk of high job demands and poor recovery by showing appreciation and giving employees more autonomy in terms of work time and breaks during the workday. This could also motivate employees to keep up healthy lifestyle habits and use their recovery experiences. Results are important especially in the daily management of HSS work.

What Does this Paper Contribute to the wider Global Clinical Community?

Managers in the health and social services sector and eldercare can use these findings to promote recovery from work.

Reporting Method

STROBE checklist.

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public contribution.
