
☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Trends and determinants of clinical staff retention in the English NHS: a double retrospective cohort study

Por: Moscelli · G. · Nicodemo · C. · Sayli · M. · Mello · M. — Abril 17th 2024 at 00:31

To investigate how demographic, contractual and organisational factors are related to the retention of hospital workers in the English NHS. The study will specifically examine the trends in age-retention profiles.


A double retrospective cross-cohort study using administrative data on senior and specialty doctors, nurses and midwives who were included in the 2009 and 2014 payrolls of all English NHS hospital Trusts. These individuals were tracked over time until 2019 to examine the associations between sociodemographic characteristics and the retention of hospital workers in each cohort. Logistic regressions were estimated at the individual worker level to analyse the data. Additionally, a multilevel panel regression was performed using linked payroll-survey data to investigate the association between hospital organisation characteristics and the retention of clinical staff.


Secondary acute and mental healthcare NHS hospital Trusts in England.


70 777 senior doctors (specialty and specialist doctors and hospital consultants) aged 30–70, and a total of 448 568 between nurses and midwives of any grade aged 20–70, employed by English NHS Trusts.

Primary outcome measures

Employee retention, measured through binary indicators for stayers and NHS leavers, at 1-year and 5-year horizons.


Minority doctors had lower 1-year retention rates in acute care than white doctors, while minority nurses and midwives saw higher retention. Part-time roles decreased retention for doctors but improved it for nurses. Fixed-term contracts negatively impacted both groups’ retention. Trends diverged for nurses and doctors from 2009 to 2014—nurses’ retention declined while doctors’ 5-year retention slightly rose. Engagement boosted retention among clinical staff under 51 years of age in acute care. For nurses over 50, addressing their feedback was positively associated with retention.


Demographic and contractual factors appear to be stronger predictors of hospital staff retention than organisational characteristics.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Subphenotypes of self-reported symptoms and outcomes in long COVID: a prospective cohort study with latent class analysis

Por: Kitsios · G. D. · Blacka · S. · Jacobs · J. J. · Mirza · T. · Naqvi · A. · Gentry · H. · Murray · C. · Wang · X. · Golubykh · K. · Qurashi · H. · Dodia · A. · Risbano · M. · Benigno · M. · Emir · B. · Weinstein · E. · Bramson · C. · Jiang · L. · Dai · F. · Szigethy · E. · Mellors · J. W. · Met — Marzo 15th 2024 at 02:35

To characterise subphenotypes of self-reported symptoms and outcomes (SRSOs) in postacute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC).


Prospective, observational cohort study of subjects with PASC.


Academic tertiary centre from five clinical referral sources.


Adults with COVID-19 ≥20 days before enrolment and presence of any new self-reported symptoms following COVID-19.


We collected data on clinical variables and SRSOs via structured telephone interviews and performed standardised assessments with validated clinical numerical scales to capture psychological symptoms, neurocognitive functioning and cardiopulmonary function. We collected saliva and stool samples for quantification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA via quantitative PCR.

Outcomes measures

Description of PASC SRSOs burden and duration, derivation of distinct PASC subphenotypes via latent class analysis (LCA) and relationship with viral load.


We analysed baseline data for 214 individuals with a study visit at a median of 197.5 days after COVID-19 diagnosis. Participants reported ever having a median of 9/16 symptoms (IQR 6–11) after acute COVID-19, with muscle-aches, dyspnoea and headache being the most common. Fatigue, cognitive impairment and dyspnoea were experienced for a longer time. Participants had a lower burden of active symptoms (median 3 (1–6)) than those ever experienced (p


We identified three distinct PASC subphenotypes. We highlight that although most symptoms progressively resolve, specific PASC subpopulations are impacted by either high burden of constitutional symptoms or persistent olfactory/gustatory dysfunction, requiring prospective identification and targeted preventive or therapeutic interventions.

☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

Evidencias bibliográficas sobre riesgos laborales en los pescadores artesanales: revisión integrativa de la literatura

Objetivo: Identificar en la producción científica los tipos de riesgos para enfermidades y agravos para acidentes em trabajadores de la pesca artesanal. Metodología: Revisión integrativa, realizada entre enero y marzo de 2018, por medio de la combinación de los descriptores "Occupational Health" y "Fisheries", en las bases de datos, Medline, LILACS, Scopus, SciELO e internet. Se encontraron 123 artículos. Después de la lectura y evaluación de los mismos, se obtuvo un resultado final para el análisis de 16 artículos. Resultados principales: La mayoría de los estudios se indexaron en la base de datos Medline (56,3%), en el idioma inglés (43,8), con un nivel de evidencia VI (100%). Se constató que los trabajadores de la pesca artesanal están expuestos a riesgos ergonómicos, químicos, físicos y de accidentes. Conclusión: Se constató carencia de publicaciones en el área de la pesca artesanal, inexistencia de publicaciones científicas realizadas por la enfermería y brechas en el conocimiento.

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Enfermería y seguridad en la programación de la prescripción de medicamentos

Objetivos: Analizar los aplazamientos y la gravedad de las potenciales interacciones medicamentosas en las enfermerías de clínica; correlacionar con los riesgos para la seguridad del paciente. Metodología: Se caracteriza como investigación documental, descriptiva, com abordaje cuantitativo, a partir del análisis documental. Los datos fueron analizados por el programa Micromedex®, a fin de verificar las posibles interacciones medicamentosas ocurridas de acuerdo com el aplazamiento. Resultados: Se analizaron 52 prescripciones, generando 664 dosis de medicamentos. Se identificaron 37 potenciales interacciones que fueron clasificadas de acuerdo com la gravedad y riesgos a la seguridad del paciente. Conclusión: Las interacciones medicamentosas encontradas fueron significativas y necesitan ser evaluadas como factores de riesgo para la seguridad del paciente.
