
☐ ☆ ✇ PLOS ONE Medicine&Health

Particle analysis of surgical lung biopsies from deployed and non-deployed US service members during the Global War on Terrorism

by Leslie Hayden, James M. Lightner, Stacy Strausborger, Teri J. Franks, Nora L. Watson, Michael R. Lewin-Smith

The role that inhaled particulate matter plays in the development of post-deployment lung disease among US service members deployed to Southwest Asia during the Global War on Terrorism has been difficult to define. There is a persistent gap in data addressing the relationship between relatively short-term (months to a few years) exposures to high levels of particulate matter during deployment and the subsequent development of adverse pulmonary outcomes. Surgical lung biopsies from deployed service members and veterans (DSMs) and non-deployed service members and veterans (NDSMs) who develop lung diseases can be analyzed to potentially identify residual deployment-specific particles and develop associations with pulmonary pathological diagnoses. We examined 52 surgical lung biopsies from 25 DSMs and 27 NDSMs using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) to identify any between-group differences in the number and composition of retained inorganic particles, then compared the particle analysis results with the original histopathologic diagnoses. We recorded a higher number of total particles in biopsies from DSMs than from NDSMs, and this difference was mainly accounted for by geologic clays (illite, kaolinite), feldspars, quartz/silica, and titanium-rich silicate mixtures. Biopsies from DSMs deployed to other Southwest Asia regions (SWA-Other) had higher particle counts than those from DSMs primarily deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, due mainly to illite. Distinct deployment-specific particles were not identified. Particles did not qualitatively associate with country of deployment. The individual diagnoses of the DSMs and NDSMs were not associated with elevated levels of total particles, metals, cerium oxide, or titanium dioxide particles. These results support the examination of particle-related lung disease in DSMs in the context of comparison groups, such as NDSMs, to assist in determining the strength of associations between specific pulmonary pathology diagnoses and deployment-specific inorganic particulate matter exposure.
☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Advanced Nursing

Integrating genomics into Canadian oncology nursing policy: Insights from a comparative policy analysis



To learn from two jurisdictions with mature genomics-informed nursing policy infrastructure—the United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK)—to inform policy development for genomics-informed oncology nursing practice and education in Canada.


Comparative document and policy analysis drawing on the 3i + E framework.


We drew on the principles of a rapid review and identified academic literature, grey literature and nursing policy documents through a systematic search of two databases, a website search of national genomics nursing and oncology nursing organizations in the US and UK, and recommendations from subject matter experts on an international advisory committee. A total of 94 documents informed our analysis.


We found several types of policy documents guiding genomics-informed nursing practice and education in the US and UK. These included position statements, policy advocacy briefs, competencies, scope and standards of practice and education and curriculum frameworks. Examples of drivers that influenced policy development included nurses' values in aligning with evidence and meeting public expectations, strong nurse leaders, policy networks and shifting healthcare and policy landscapes.


Our analysis of nursing policy infrastructure in the US and UK provides a framework to guide policy recommendations to accelerate the integration of genomics into Canadian oncology nursing practice and education.

Implications for the profession

Findings can assist Canadian oncology nurses in developing nursing policy infrastructure that supports full participation in safe and equitable genomics-informed oncology nursing practice and education within an interprofessional context.


This study informs Canadian policy development for genomics-informed oncology nursing education and practice. The experiences of other countries demonstrate that change is incremental, and investment from strong advocates and collaborators can accelerate the integration of genomics into nursing. Though this research focuses on oncology nursing, it may also inform other nursing practice contexts influenced by genomics.

☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Nursing Scholarship

An examination of retracted articles in nursing literature



The output of scholarly publications in scientific literature has increased exponentially in recent years. This increase in literature has been accompanied by an increase in retractions. Although some of these may be attributed to publishing errors, many are the result of unsavory research practices. The purposes of this study were to identify the number of retracted articles in nursing and reasons for the retractions, analyze the retraction notices, and determine the length of time for an article in nursing to be retracted.


This was an exploratory study.


A search of PubMed/MEDLINE, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and Retraction Watch databases was conducted to identify retracted articles in nursing and their retraction notices.


Between 1997 and 2022, 123 articles published in the nursing literature were retracted. Ten different reasons for retraction were used to categorize these articles with one-third of the retractions (n = 37, 30.1%) not specifying a reason. Sixty-eight percent (n = 77) were retracted because of an actual or a potential ethical concern: duplicate publication, data issues, plagiarism, authorship issues, and copyright.


Nurses rely on nursing-specific scholarly literature as evidence for clinical decisions. The findings demonstrated that retractions are increasing within published nursing literature. In addition, it was evident that retraction notices do not prevent previously published work from being cited. This study addressed a gap in knowledge about article retractions specific to nursing.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Understanding and addressing changing administrative workload in primary care in Canada: protocol for a mixed-method study

Por: Lavergne · M. R. · Moravac · C. · Bergin · F. · Buote · R. · Easley · J. · Grudniewicz · A. · Hedden · L. · Leslie · M. · McKay · M. · Marshall · E. G. · Martin-Misener · R. · Mooney · M. · Palmer · E. · Tracey · J. — Diciembre 12th 2023 at 17:17

Many Canadians struggle to access the primary care they need while at the same time primary care providers report record levels of stress and overwork. There is an urgent need to understand factors contributing to the gap between a growing per-capita supply of primary care providers and declines in the availability of primary care services. The assumption of responsibility by primary care teams for services previously delivered on an in-patient basis, along with a rise in administrative responsibilities may be factors influencing reduced access to care.

Methods and analysis

In this mixed-methods study, our first objective is to determine how the volume of services requiring primary care coordination has changed over time in the Canadian provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. We will collect quantitative administrative data to investigate how services have shifted in ways that may impact administrative workload in primary care. Our second objective is to use qualitative interviews with family physicians, nurse practitioners and administrative team members providing primary care to understand how administrative workload has changed over time. We will then identify priority issues and practical response strategies using two deliberative dialogue events convened with primary care providers, clinical and system leaders, and policy-makers.

We will analyse changes in service use data between 2001/2002 and 2021/2022 using annual total counts, rates per capita, rates per primary care provider and per primary care service. We will conduct reflexive thematic analysis to develop themes and to compare and contrast participant responses reflecting differences across disciplines, payment and practice models, and practice settings. Areas of concern and potential solutions raised during interviews will inform deliberative dialogue events.

Ethics and dissemination

We received research ethics approval from Nova Scotia Health (#1028815). Knowledge translation will occur through dialogue events, academic papers and presentations at national and international conferences.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Design and evaluation of a digital health intervention with proactive follow-up by nurses to improve healthcare and outcomes for patients with breast cancer in Mexico: protocol for a randomised clinical trial

Por: Contreras Sanchez · S. E. · Doubova · S. V. · Grajales Alvarez · R. · Dip Borunda · A. K. · Martinez Pineda · W. J. · Nunez Cerrillo · J. G. · Silva Bravo · F. · Zalapa Velazquez · R. · Gutierrez De la Barrera · M. · Leslie · H. H. — Noviembre 6th 2023 at 15:57

Nearly 30 000 Mexican women develop breast cancer annually, frequently presenting unmet supportive care needs. In high-income countries, incorporating electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePROs) into cancer care has demonstrated potential for increasing patient-centred care and reducing unmet needs. No such ePRO interventions have been implemented in Mexico. This paper presents the study protocol for designing and evaluating an ePRO digital health application combined with proactive follow-up by nurses.

Methods and analysis

We designed a two-component intervention for women receiving breast cancer treatment: a responsive web application for monitoring ePROs and clinical algorithms guiding proactive follow-up by nurses. We will conduct a pilot test of the intervention with 50 patients with breast cancer for 6 weeks to assess feasibility and adjust the application. We will conduct a parallel arm randomised controlled trial assigning 205 patients each to intervention and control in one of Mexico’s largest public oncology hospitals. The intervention will be provided for 6 months, with additional 3 months of post-intervention observation. The control group will receive usual healthcare and a list of breast cancer information sources. Women diagnosed with stages I, II or III breast cancer who initiate chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy will be invited to participate. The primary study outcome will be supportive care needs; secondary outcomes include global quality of life and breast symptoms. Information on the outcomes will be obtained through web-based self-administered questionnaires collected at baseline, 1, 3, 6 and 9 months.

Ethics and dissemination

The National Research and Ethics Committees of the Mexican Institute of Social Security approved the study (R-2021-785-059). Participants will sign an informed consent form prior to their inclusion. Findings will be disseminated through a policy brief to the local authorities, a webinar for patients, publications in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at national and international conferences.

Trial registration number


☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Clinical Nursing

The choice for colostomy following spinal cord injury: A grounded theory study

Por: Michelle Louise Boucher · Leslie Gelling · Desiree Tait — Septiembre 22nd 2023 at 14:38



Explore experiences and choices related to bowel management following spinal cord injury.


In one UK spinal centre, more are choosing a colostomy soon after injury in contravention of professional guidelines. Reasons for this were unknown.


Grounded theory study using semi-structured interviews with 12 individuals living with spinal cord injury.


All ‘Experienced Loss’ related to bowel function. Those who chose colostomy later ‘Progressed into Suffering’. Colostomy transformed lives and was likened to ‘Being Alive Again’. ‘Failures of Care’ contributed to experiences and decision-making.


Possessing information and choice emerge as key in transforming lives following spinal cord injury. They allow individuals to make choices from a lifeworld perspective, which may differ from those professionals assume. Present neurogenic bowel management guidelines fail to account for the wider lifeworlds of those they are designed for.

Implications for the Profession and Patient Care

An imperative emerges to make information and choice available and involve patients in the reconstruction of guidelines.


Unique knowledge emerges about patient experiences and motivations, and points to a patient-led revolution in how bowel management following spinal cord injury is understood and managed. The imperative for adequate access to information and choice is demonstrated.

Reporting Method

EQUATOR Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research (SRQR) were adhered to.

Patient or Public Contribution

The methodology facilitated discussion of areas important to patients and made them co-constructors of theory.

☐ ☆ ✇ Index de Enfermería

Riesgo suicida e Inteligencia emocional de rasgo en el retorno presencial estudiantil

Objetivo: Describir la relación de la Inteligencia Emocional de rasgo con el Riesgo Suicida en los estudiantes de Enfermería luego del retorno estudiantil a la presencialidad en una universidad pública de Chile. Metodología: Enfoque cuantitativo, correlacional, transversal, no experimental. Resultados principales: Se presentó una prevalencia de 19,3% de la muestra con riesgo suicida, y ambas variables se correlacionaron negativamente a nivel estadísticamente significativo (r= -,502; p<,000). Conclusión principal: Existe una relación fuerte y de dirección negativa entre la inteligencia emocional de rasgo y el riesgo suicida en estudiantes de enfermería luego del retorno a la presencialidad. Se observa un aumento del riesgo suicida en comparación con la referencia prepandémica. Además, los estudiantes de primeros años presentaron niveles más altos de riesgo suicida. La inteligencia emocional se considera un factor protector, por lo que las universidades deben ser fuente de formación en la gestión emocional, dado que el riesgo suicida suele estar presente en este estudiantado.
