
☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Frontline health workers experiences of providing care for people living with non-communicable diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ghana: a qualitative study

Por: Baatiema · L. · de-Graft Aikins · A. · Koram · K. K. · Kunfah · S. M. P. · Allen · L. N. · Abimbola · S. · Kruk · M. — Mayo 7th 2024 at 18:05

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted frontline health workers. However, a neglected dimension of this discourse was the extent to which the pandemic impacted frontline healthcare workers providing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) care. This study aims to understand the experiences of healthcare workers with no prior exposure to pandemics who provided care to people living with NCDs (PLWNCDs).


A qualitative study design was employed, using a face-to-face in-depth interviews. Interviews were conducted in primary healthcare facilities in three administrative regions of Ghana, representing the Northern, Southern and Middle Belts. Only frontline health workers with roles in providing care for PLWNCDs were included. Purposive snowballing and convenience sampling methods were employed to select frontline health workers. An open-ended interview guide was used to facilitate data collection, and thematic content analysis was used to analyse the data.


A total of 47 frontline health workers were interviewed. Overall, these workers experienced diverse patient-driven and organisational challenges. Patient-level challenges included a decline in healthcare utilisation, non-adherence to treatment, a lack of continuity, fear and stigma. At the organisational levels, there was a lack of medical logistics, increased infection of workers and absenteeism, increased workload and burnout, limited motivational packages and inadequate guidelines and protocols. Workers coped and responded to the pandemic by postponing reviews and consultations, reducing inpatient and outpatient visits, changing their prescription practices, using teleconsultation and moving to long-shift systems.


This study has brought to the fore the experiences that adversely affected frontline health workers and, in many ways, affected the care provided to PLWNCDs. Policymakers and health managers should take these experiences into account in plans to mitigate the impact of future pandemics.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

What are the determinants of variation in caretaker satisfaction with sick child consultations? A cross-sectional analysis in five low-income and middle-income countries

Por: Turcotte-Tremblay · A.-M. · Lee · H.-Y. · Kruk · M. E. — Diciembre 19th 2023 at 16:46

The objective of this study was to explore determinants of variation in overall caretaker satisfaction with curative care for sick children under the age of 5 in five low-income and middle-income countries.


A pooled cross-sectional analysis was conducted using data from the Service Provision Assessment.


We used data collected in five countries (Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haiti, Malawi and Tanzania) between 2013 and 2018.


Respondents were 13 149 caretakers of children under the age of 5 who consulted for a sick child visit.

Primary outcomes measured

The outcome variable was whether the child’s caretaker was very satisfied versus more or less satisfied or not satisfied overall. Predictors pertained to child and caretaker characteristics, health system foundations and process of care (eg, care competence, user experience). Two-level logistic regression models were used to assess the extent to which these categories of variables explained variation in satisfaction. The main analyses used pooled data; country-level analyses were also performed.


Process of care, including user experience, explained the largest proportion of variance in caretaker satisfaction (13.8%), compared with child and caretaker characteristics (0.9%) and health system foundations (3.8%). The odds of being very satisfied were lower for caretakers who were not given adequate explanation (OR: 0.56, 95% CI 0.46 to 0.67), who had a problem with medication availability (OR: 0.31, 95% CI 0.27 to 0.35) or who encountered a problem with the cost of services (OR: 0.57, 95% CI 0.48 to 0.66). The final model explained only 21.8% of the total variance. Country-level analyses showed differences in variance explained and in associations with predictors.


Better process of care, especially user experience, should be prioritised for its benefit regarding caretaker satisfaction. Unmeasured factors explained the majority of variation in caretaker satisfaction and should be explored in future studies.
