
☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Protocol for the Adolescent Menstrual Experiences and Health Cohort (AMEHC) Study in Khulna, Bangladesh: A Prospective cohort to quantify the influence of menstrual health on adolescent girls health and education outcomes.

Por: Hennegan · J. · Hasan · M. T. · Jabbar · A. · Jalil · T. · Kennedy · E. · Hunter · E. · Kaiser · A. · Akter · S. · Zaman · A. · Rahman · M.-u. · Dunstan · L. · Head · A. · Scott · N. · Weiss · H. A. · Win · T. M. · Melendez-Torres · G. J. · Than · K. K. · Hughes · C. L. · Grover · S. · Hasan — Abril 11th 2024 at 04:41

Menstrual health is essential for gender equity and the well-being of women and girls. Qualitative research has described the burden of poor menstrual health on health and education; however, these impacts have not been quantified, curtailing investment. The Adolescent Menstrual Experiences and Health Cohort (AMEHC) Study aims to describe menstrual health and its trajectories across adolescence, and quantify the relationships between menstrual health and girls’ health and education in Khulna, Bangladesh.

Methods and analysis

AMEHC is a prospective longitudinal cohort of 2016 adolescent girls recruited at the commencement of class 6 (secondary school, mean age=12) across 101 schools selected through a proportional random sampling approach. Each year, the cohort will be asked to complete a survey capturing (1) girls’ menstrual health and experiences, (2) support for menstrual health, and (3) health and education outcomes. Survey questions were refined through qualitative research, cognitive interviews and pilot survey in the year preceding the cohort. Girls’ guardians will be surveyed at baseline and wave 2 to capture their perspectives and household demographics. Annual assessments will capture schools’ water, sanitation and hygiene, and support for menstruation and collect data on participants’ education, including school attendance and performance (in maths, literacy). Cohort enrolment and baseline survey commenced in February 2023. Follow-up waves are scheduled for 2024, 2025 and 2026, with plans for extension. A nested subcohort will follow 406 post-menarche girls at 2-month intervals throughout 2023 (May, August, October) to describe changes across menstrual periods. This protocol outlines a priori hypotheses regarding the impacts of menstrual health to be tested through the cohort.

Ethics and dissemination

AMEHC has ethical approval from the Alfred Hospital Ethics Committee (369/22) and BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health Institutional Review Board (IRB-06 July 22-024). Study materials and outputs will be available open access through peer-reviewed publication and study web pages.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Side effects of COVID-19 vaccines in paediatric patients: a review systematic and meta-analysis protocol

Por: Freitas · C. L. · Sarmento · A. C. A. · Serquiz · N. · Nobre · M. L. · Costa · A. P. F. · Medeiros · K. S. · Goncalves · A. K. — Abril 10th 2024 at 03:18

The paediatric population represents a quarter of the world’s population, and like adult patients, they have also suffered immeasurably from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Immunisation is an effective strategy for reducing the number of COVID-19 cases. With the advancements in vaccination for younger age groups, parents or guardians have raised doubts and questions about adverse effects and the number of doses required. Therefore, systematic reviews focusing on this population are needed to consolidate evidence that can help in decision-making and clinical practice. This protocol aims to assess the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in paediatric patients and evaluate the correlation between the number of vaccine doses and side effects.

Methods and analysis

We will search the PubMed,, Web of Science, Embase, CINAHL, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, Scopus and Cochrane databases for randomised and quasi-randomised clinical trials that list the adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccine and assess its correlation with the number of doses, without any language restrictions. Two reviewers will select the studies according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, extract data and asses for risk of bias using the Cochrane risk-of-bias tool. The Review Software Manager (RevMan V.5.4.1) will be used to synthesise the data. We will use the Working Group’s Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluations to grade the strength of the evidence of the results.

Ethics and dissemination

Formal ethical approval is not required as no primary data are collected. This systematic review will be disseminated through a peer-reviewed publication.

PROSPERO registration number


☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

El arte gráfico como medio de comunicación y cuidados en personas con demencia temprana y Alzhéimer

El presente trabajo analiza la repercusión de la técnica de grabado no tóxica Collagraph, en personas con Demencia temprana tipo Alzhéimer, en el programa de educación artística “Retales de una vida”. El objetivo es conectar a los participantes con programas de carácter cultural para fomentar la comunicación e interacción entre participantes. La experiencia se llevó a cabo en el Centro de Referencia Estatal para personas con Alzheimer y otras Demencias de Salamanca (CREA). Una vez adaptada la metodología del taller a las características personales y de salud de las personas enfermas de Alzheimer, se considera la utilización del grabado genera importantes beneficios en los participantes, relacionados con el incremento de la inteligencia cristalizada, la conducta prosocial y la valoración positiva de sí mismos, favoreciendo la inclusión social y familiar. Asimismo, el empleo del grabado puede ofrecer un soporte de ayuda terapéutica individual y cooperativa a los participantes, desarrollar habilidades funcionales, sociales y cognitivas, ampliando sus recursos emocionales y disfrutar de la experiencia. A su vez fortalecen su autoestima y seguridad ante su capacidad y valía. Por último, planteamos una serie de pautas para la planificación e implementación de este proceso artístico para que sirva de referente a profesionales de la salud.

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Comunidad compasiva para la inclusión social y calidad de vida de las personas con esclerosis múltiple y sus cuidadores familiares

Objetivo: Evaluar cualitativamente la experiencia de pacientes con esclerosis múltiple (PEM) y cuidadores familiares (CFPEM) vinculados al programa de esclerosis múltiple del Hospital Universitario Nacional de Colombia (PrEM-HUNC), durante la formación y consolidación de una comunidad compasiva (CC), para la inclusión social y promoción de calidad de vida. Materiales y Método: estudio cualitativo interpretativo, con entrevistas a profundidad a nueve colaboradores. Con el método de análisis de espiral de Creswell y Poth, emergieron cuatro categorías y un tema. Resultados: el tema “Un nido comunitario de crecimiento y transformación” señala el proceso de conformación de la CC como una experiencia que posibilitó cambios de significados en torno a la enfermedad, la situación personal y familiar; revela un proceso de descubrimiento y aprendizaje de conformación de diferentes relaciones y roles. Conclusiones: La CC es una opción para construcción de redes de apoyo, fortalecimiento de las capacidades personales y familiares, una forma para hacer frente a los diferentes impactos y retos que implica vivir con esclerosis múltiple, se constituye en una alternativa para la promoción de la calidad de vida y la inclusión social.

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Cronicidad: significado construido por los cuidadores y las personas cuidadas

Introducción: Las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles van en aumento, ocasionando discapacidad y dependencia en quien la padece, así como la necesidad de un cuidador. La cronicidad es un concepto que se ha analizado desde la mirada de la persona que la padece, dejando un vacío en la comprensión del significado para el cuidador. Objetivo: Comprender el significado de la cronicidad para las personas con Enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles y sus cuidadores informales. Materiales y métodos: Investigación cualitativa fenomenológica-hermenéutica según la propuesta de Van Manen, muestreo casual orientado por criterio, participaron 10 personas enfermas y 9 cuidadores. Los criterios de rigor de credibilidad y confirmabilidad, confiabilidad y la transferibilidad, garantizaron la calidad del estudio. Resultados: emergieron los siguientes temas: brindar y recibir cuidado como un acto de amor; unión de la familia; enfrentarse a la dureza; recibir, brindar y buscar apoyo; estar pendiente; cambio de vida; proceso de aprendizaje; una compañía para toda la vida; imponer restricciones, limitaciones y pérdidas. Conclusiones: el significado de la cronicidad para los cuidadores y las personas enfermas es complejo, dinámico y multidimensional; por lo tanto, es necesario realizar intervenciones que ayuden a mitigar el impacto que esta produce en la vida de este binomio.

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Necesidades humanas básicas en gestantes con alto riesgo obstétrico analizado bajo la Teoría de Wanda Horta

Objetivo: identificar las necesidades humanas básicas de las embarazadas de alto riesgo hospitalizadas con base en la Teoría de Wanda Horta. Método: investigación asistencial realizada con dieciséis gestantes de alto riesgo hospitalizadas en una maternidad de referencia en Ceará entre septiembre y noviembre de 2019. Se recolectó información a través de diario de campo y ficha de caracterización de las gestantes y registros de necesidades humanas básicas. Los resultados se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva simple y un enfoque integral a la luz del marco de Wanda Horta. Resultados: las gestantes presentaron necesidades psicobiológicas, psicosociales y psicoespirituales, siendo prevalentes: ausencia de actividades de ocio, inseguridad emocional, escaso conocimiento, sueño y descanso perjudicados, y actividades físicas restringidas por indicación de descanso. Consideraciones finales: se cree que el razonamiento crítico y el juicio clínico de los enfermeros se centraron en la individualidad de las gestantes, identificando necesidades en los tres niveles propuestos por la teoría, apuntando caminos para cualificar el cuidado de enfermería a las gestantes de alto riesgo.

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Reflexión sobre la Relevancia de la Investigación Cualitativa y/o Fenomenológica en la Diabetes

Objeto del presente ensayo reflexivo: Mostrar y reflexionar sobre la utilidad que tiene la investigación cualitativa y/o fenomenológica en la atención del paciente que presenta diabetes. Desarrollo: la atención integral de una forma biopsicosocial, cultural y espiritual tanto al paciente como a la familia del mismo por parte del profesional sanitario, juega un papel importante a la hora de tener calidad de vida en el nuevo estilo de vida. Conclusiones y reflexiones finales: La investigación cualitativa en enfermería, ayuda a interpretar el sufrimiento del paciente, su relación con su entorno social y cultural y sus sentimientos e inquietudes dentro de la diabetes.

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Pérdida significativa como factor del alcoholismo

La relación de la pérdida significativa de un ser querido y el alcoholismo ha minimizado las implicaciones sobre mecanismos de afrontamientos para generar conductas saludables. Este artículo se basa en entrevistas semiestructuradas a profundidad en hombres de entre 30 y 70 años, con más de 10 años en Alcohólicos Anónimos del Estado de Tamaulipas, México. El objetivo fue reflexionar sobre los significados de la pérdida significativa de un ser querido y el alcoholismo. En la búsqueda del significado, se explica que un factor que lleva al alcoholismo no es una sola pérdida significativa de personas queridas, sino un cúmulo también de pérdidas materiales y no materiales, se reflejaron recursos limitados para afrontar las pérdidas, la relación entre la pérdida significativa con el alcoholismo fue mediado por dos principales aspectos, las creencias sobre los efectos que produce el consumo de alcohol como formas de escapar de la realidad y las influencia de la familia al inicio del consumo de alcohol. Por otra parte, la presencia de lo espiritual, la conciencia y las emociones que experimentan durante su proceso de duelo y alcoholismo, los llevó a identificar el problema de la adicción, que permitió influir en el proceso de rehabilitación.

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

La percepción del cuidador informal sobre la hospitalización de familiares con cáncer

Introducción: Los pacientes oncológicos con necesidad de cuidados paliativos continúan internados en servicios quirúrgicos, donde las enfermeras están preparadas para cuidar al paciente quirúrgico y no para atender sus necesidades paliativas y las de su familia. Surge la necesidad de cambio, en el cual la familia debe involucrarse en el cuidado. Objetivos: Comprender la percepción de los cuidadores familiares sobre las intervenciones de enfermería en el cuidado de pacientes oncológicos con necesidades de cuidados paliativos; describir las percepciones de los familiares sobre el apoyo y la disponibilidad de los enfermeros. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo, mediante entrevista semiestructurada, aplicada a 10 familiares de pacientes oncológicos con necesidad de cuidados paliativos, internados en un servicio de cirugía, cuyos resultados fueron analizados mediante análisis de contenido. Resultados: Los familiares entrevistados consideran que la dinámica hospitalaria está centrada en la curación y que no fueron atendidos por las enfermeras, por lo que no hay interés en su proceso vivencial y vivencial. Conclusión: Identificamos factores facilitadores y obstaculizadores percibidos por los familiares cuando su pariente fue hospitalizado. Creemos que los resultados de este estudio indican que es necesario un cambio en la práctica de enfermería, tanto en la relación de ayuda como en el propio cuidado de enfermería, siempre teniendo en cuenta que también se debe cuidar a la familia.

☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Advanced Nursing

The impact of a climate of perceived organizational support on nurses' well‐being and healthcare‐unit performance: A longitudinal questionnaire study

Por: Pernilla Larsman · Anders Pousette · Marianne Törner — Abril 9th 2024 at 14:30



To investigate the relationship between nurses' climate of perceived organizational support, and their well-being and healthcare-unit performance.


A two-wave cohort questionnaire study among nurses within six hospitals in Sweden.


Hypotheses were tested using cross-lagged path models on the individual (organizational support, job satisfaction, burnout, intention to stay) and aggregate levels (care-unit organizational support, team effectiveness, patient safety climate and patient safety). Analyses were based on 1.817 nurses in 228 care-units (T1), 1.362 nurses in 213 care-units (T2) and longitudinal samples of 711 nurses and 140 care-units.


Organizational support (T1) positively influenced job satisfaction (T2) and tended to decrease burnout (T2) but did not affect turnover intent. Reversed relationships were also found. No statistically significant prospective effects were found on the aggregate level.


The results indicated a prospective reciprocally reinforcing relationship between organizational support and job satisfaction. Burnout and intention to stay were predictors rather than outcomes of the organizational support climate.

Implications for the Profession and/or Patient Care

A climate where nurses perceive that their organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being is beneficial for their job satisfaction and health, which, according to previous research, may influence nurse retention.


The study addressed perceived organizational support as a potential predictor of nurses' well-being and healthcare-unit performance. A mutually reinforcing relation was indicated between organizational support and nurses' job satisfaction and health. Job dissatisfaction, burnout symptoms and turnover intentions were prospectively negatively related to the organizational support. Identifying and implementing a variety of practical measures to support perceptions of organizational support may be an effective way for healthcare management to start and sustain the development of a healthier work environment for healthcare professionals.

Reporting Method

STROBE statement for cohort studies.

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public contribution.

☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Clinical Nursing

Patients' experiences of cancer immunotherapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors: A systematic review and thematic synthesis

Por: Tessa Watts · Dominic Roche · Judit Csontos — Abril 9th 2024 at 05:55



To obtain a deeper understanding of peoples' experiences of cancer treatments with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs).


ICIs are transforming survival outcomes for many with certain advanced cancers. Given the possibility of unique immune-related adverse events (irAEs), understanding treatment experiences is crucial to identify support needs and provide safe and effective person-centred care.


A systematic review of qualitative research and thematic synthesis. To report this review, the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Analysis and Meta Analysis (PRISMA) checklist and Enhancing Transparency in Reporting the Synthesis of Qualitative Research (ENTREQ) guidance have been used.

Data Sources

MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL and Web of Science databases were searched in January 2022 for eligible studies published in English from database inception.

Review Methods

Two reviewers independently screened records, identified papers for inclusion and appraised methodological quality using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme checklist. Themes were developed using thematic synthesis.


Eighteen papers were included and three analytical themes developed: immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment decision-making; the experience and impact of immune checkpoint inhibitor treatments; and appraising and responding to irAEs.


The synthesis renders visible individuals' unmet information, psychological and practical support needs. It identifies shortcomings in immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment decision-making processes and highlights the need for healthcare professionals to recognise and sensitively handle individuals' treatment expectations. Individuals' understandings of and responses to irAEs are also illustrated, and attention drawn to patients' concerns about healthcare professionals' checkpoint inhibitor and irAEs knowledge.

Implications for Patient Care

To sensitively manage treatment expectations and uncertainties, and optimise health outcomes, there are distinct points in treatment trajectories where care and support might require adapting and enhancing.


This review addresses people's experiences of immune checkpoint inhibitor treatments. The core findings reveal unmet information, psychological and practical support needs. Insights derived from this review will enhance individuals' experiences and outcomes and healthcare professionals' practice.

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public involvement.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Undiagnosed and uncontrolled hypertension in rural African adults: a scoping review protocol of primary health care interventions

Por: Peniston · S. · Sivaramakrishnan · D. · Holloway · A. — Abril 9th 2024 at 02:08

Non-communicable diseases cause 74% of global deaths, with cardiovascular diseases as the major contributor. Hypertension, a primary risk factor for cardiovascular disease, is highly prevalent in Africa. Diagnosis, treatment and control rates are notably limited in rural areas. This limitation results in increased risks of premature mortality and complications such as stroke due to socioeconomic, cultural and geographical challenges. Progress in African countries enhancing hypertension services through primary health care interventions exists. However, a comprehensive review of all primary health care interventions addressing undiagnosed and uncontrolled hypertension in rural African settings is lacking. This scoping review aims to categorise primary health care interventions targeting undiagnosed and uncontrolled hypertension in rural African adults. Intervention components will be mapped to the four stages outlined in the hypertension care cascade to develop a pilot intervention logic model for rural African adults with hypertension.

Method and analysis

The scoping review protocol will adhere to the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews. Studies considered for inclusion will include any intervention delivered by any healthcare provider in a rural African primary care setting targeting any stage of hypertension care. Eight databases will be searched without date restrictions, supplemented by grey literature and reference list searches. A two-stage screening process (title/abstract and full text) will determine evidence source eligibility. All eligible sources of evidence will be extracted, charted and evaluated using the Template for Intervention Description and Replication checklist. A pilot logic model categorising and mapping interventions to the four stages of the hypertension care cascade will be visually presented and analysed using narrative synthesis.

Ethics and dissemination

No primary data will be collected; therefore, ethics approval is not required. Findings will be disseminated to local health authorities in Ghana and other African Regions and through national and international conferences and publications in peer-reviewed journals.

☐ ☆ ✇ International Wound Journal

The effects of systemic diseases, genetic disorders and lifestyle on keloids

Por: Guangpeng Xia · Teruyuki Dohi · Mohamed Abdelhakim · Mamiko Tosa · Rei Ogawa — Abril 8th 2024 at 06:19


Keloid are a fibroproliferative disorder caused by abnormal healing of skin, specifically reticular dermis, when subjected to pathological or inflammatory scars demonstrating redness, elevation above the skin surface, extension beyond the original wound margins and resulting in an unappealing cosmetic appearance. The severity of keloids and risk of developing keloids scars are subjected to elevation by other contributing factors such as systemic diseases, general health conditions, genetic disorders, lifestyle and natural environment. In particular, recently, daily physical work interpreted into mechanical force as well as the interplay between mechanical factors such as stress, strain and stiffness have been reported to strongly modulate the cellular behaviour of keloid formation, affect their location and shape in keloids. Herein, we review the extensive literature on the effects of these factors on keloids and the contributing predisposing mechanisms. Early understanding of these participating factors and their effects in developing keloids may raise the patient awareness in preventing keloids incidence and controlling its severity. Moreover, further studies into their association with keloids as well as considering strategies to control such factors may help clinicians to prevent keloids and widen the therapeutic options.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Literature review and protocol for a prospective multicentre cohort study on multimodal prediction of seizure recurrence after unprovoked first seizure

Por: Beattie · B. C. · Batista Garcia-Ramo · K. · Biggs · K. · Boisse Lomax · L. · Brien · D. C. · Gallivan · J. P. · Ikeda · K. · Schmidt · M. · Shukla · G. · Whatley · B. · Woodroffe · S. · Omisade · A. · Winston · G. P. — Abril 6th 2024 at 03:44

Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder characterised by recurrent seizures. Almost half of patients who have an unprovoked first seizure (UFS) have additional seizures and develop epilepsy. No current predictive models exist to determine who has a higher risk of recurrence to guide treatment. Emerging evidence suggests alterations in cognition, mood and brain connectivity exist in the population with UFS. Baseline evaluations of these factors following a UFS will enable the development of the first multimodal biomarker-based predictive model of seizure recurrence in adults with UFS.

Methods and analysis

200 patients and 75 matched healthy controls (aged 18–65) from the Kingston and Halifax First Seizure Clinics will undergo neuropsychological assessments, structural and functional MRI, and electroencephalography. Seizure recurrence will be assessed prospectively. Regular follow-ups will occur at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months to monitor recurrence. Comparisons will be made between patients with UFS and healthy control groups, as well as between patients with and without seizure recurrence at follow-up. A multimodal machine-learning model will be trained to predict seizure recurrence at 12 months.

Ethics and dissemination

This study was approved by the Health Sciences and Affiliated Teaching Hospitals Research Ethics Board at Queen’s University (DMED-2681-22) and the Nova Scotia Research Ethics Board (1028519). It is supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (PJT-183906). Findings will be presented at national and international conferences, published in peer-reviewed journals and presented to the public via patient support organisation newsletters and talks.

Trial registration number


☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Study protocol for a type-II hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial to reach teenagers using mobile money shops to reduce unintended pregnancies in Uganda

Por: Komasawa · M. · Sato · M. · Ssekitoleko · R. · Waiswa · P. · Gitta · S. · Nabugoomu · J. · Honda · S. · Saito · K. · Aung · M. N. — Abril 6th 2024 at 03:44

Unintended teenage pregnancies have become a global public health challenge, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. There is a notably high prevalence of unintended pregnancies among unmarried teenagers in Uganda. This study will develop an intervention programme using mobile money shops (vendors) as a platform to deliver sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) services to teenagers and assess its effectiveness and scalability in Uganda.

Methods and analyses

This hybrid study comprises two integral components: an intervention study to assess the effectiveness of vendor-mediated intervention and implementation research to evaluate the implementation process. 30 vendors will be recruited for both intervention and control arms in 2 municipalities in Eastern Uganda, which have a high unintended pregnancy prevalence rate among unmarried teens aged 15–19 years. A preintervention and postintervention repeated survey involving 600 participants for each arm will be conducted over 4 months. The primary outcome is the rate of condom users among teenage vendor users. The secondary outcomes include the rate of preference for receiving SRHR services at vendors and knowledge regarding SRHR. A difference-in-differences analysis will be used to determine the effectiveness of the intervention. The Bowen model will be employed to evaluate the implementation design.

Ethics and dissemination

Ethical approval was obtained from the Ethics Review Committee of Uganda Christen University and JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development in Japan. The findings will be widely disseminated. This study was registered with the University Hospital Medical Information Network in Japan (UMIN000053332) on 12 January 2024.

Trial registration number


☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Cost-effectiveness of behavioural counselling intervention compared with non-intervention for adult patients with metabolic syndrome to prevent cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes in Japan: a microsimulation modelling study

Por: Akune · Y. · Anezaki · H. · Nakao · Y. M. · Goto · R. — Abril 5th 2024 at 09:09

Nationwide lifestyle intervention—specific health guidance (SHG) in Japan—employs counselling and education to change unhealthy behaviours that contribute to metabolic syndrome, especially obesity or abdominal obesity. We aimed to perform a model-based economic evaluation of SHG in a low participation rate setting.


A hypothetical population, comprised 50 000 Japanese aged 40 years who met the criteria of the SHG, used a microsimulation using the Markov model to evaluate SHG’s cost-effectiveness compared with non-SHG. This hypothetical population was simulated over a 35-year time horizon.


SHG is conducted annually by all Japanese insurers.

Outcome measures

Model parameters, such as costs and health outcomes (including quality-adjusted life-years, QALYs), were based on existing literature. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were estimated from the healthcare payer’s perspective. Deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses (PSA) were conducted to evaluate the uncertainty around the model input parameters.


The simulation revealed that the total costs per person in the SHG group decreased by JPY53 014 (US$480) compared with that in the non-SHG group, and the QALYs increased by 0.044, wherein SHG was considered the dominant strategy despite the low participation rates. PSA indicated that the credibility intervals (2.5th–97.5th percentile) of the incremental costs and the incremental QALYs with the SHG group compared with the non-SHG group were –JPY687 376 to JPY85 197 (–US$6226 to US$772) and –0.009 to 0.350 QALYs, respectively. Each scenario analysis indicated that programmes for improving both blood pressure and blood glucose levels among other risk factors for metabolic syndrome are essential for improving cost-effectiveness.


This study suggests that even small effects of counselling and education on behavioural modification may lead to the prevention of acute life-threatening events and chronic diseases, in addition to the reduction of medication resulting from metabolic syndrome, which results in cost savings.
