
☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Clinical Nursing

Barriers and facilitators in self‐care and management of chronic kidney disease in dialysis patients: A systematic review of qualitative studies



To identify and synthesise qualitative studies on barriers and facilitators perceived by dialysis patients in relation to self-care and disease management.


Systematic review of qualitative studies.

Data Sources

Qualitative study articles were extracted from PUBMED, MEDLINE, COCHRANE, WEB OF SCIENCE (WOS), CINAHL PsycINFO and EMBASE and electronic journals of the Spanish Society of Nephrology and Spanish Society of Nephrological Nursing until May 2022. Studies on barriers and/or facilitators affecting self-care and disease management expressed by people undergoing haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis were included.

Review Methods

The SPICE (Setting, Perspective, Intervention, Comparison and Evaluation) strategy was used to develop issues and subissues through the thematic synthesis of the qualitative findings. GRADE-CERQual was used to evaluate the articles.


From 172 articles, 15 qualitative articles about barriers and facilitators perceived by patients concerning self-care and disease management were finally included. Identified eight facilitators and four barriers.


Patients perceived a significant number of barriers and facilitators. It is possible to identify which aspects facilitate self-management of their disease and to understand that the processes are individualised. This is why therapeutic strategies should be designed to foster the participation and empowerment of the person in the management of the disease.

Implications for the profession and/or patient care

Identifying the barriers and facilitators concerning the management of chronic kidney disease furnishes us with knowledge for individualised clinical practice and improved care processes.


This review is the first to synthesise barriers and facilitators in haemodialysis patients about the management of their disease and treatment. The results enable the proposal of improvements in the training of healthcare personnel, clinical practice guidelines and action protocols to improve the daily life and management of the disease by patients.

No patient or public contribution due to this is a systematic review.

☐ ☆ ✇ PLOS ONE Medicine&Health

Using explainable AI to investigate electrocardiogram changes during healthy aging—From expert features to raw signals

by Gabriel Ott, Yannik Schaubelt, Juan Miguel Lopez Alcaraz, Wilhelm Haverkamp, Nils Strodthoff

Cardiovascular diseases remain the leading global cause of mortality. Age is an important covariate whose effect is most easily investigated in a healthy cohort to properly distinguish the former from disease-related changes. Traditionally, most of such insights have been drawn from the analysis of electrocardiogram (ECG) feature changes in individuals as they age. However, these features, while informative, may potentially obscure underlying data relationships. In this paper we present the following contributions: (1) We employ a deep-learning model and a tree-based model to analyze ECG data from a robust dataset of healthy individuals across varying ages in both raw signals and ECG feature format. (2) We use explainable AI methods to identify the most discriminative ECG features across age groups.(3) Our analysis with tree-based classifiers reveals age-related declines in inferred breathing rates and identifies notably high SDANN values as indicative of elderly individuals, distinguishing them from younger adults. (4) Furthermore, the deep-learning model underscores the pivotal role of the P-wave in age predictions across all age groups, suggesting potential changes in the distribution of different P-wave types with age. These findings shed new light on age-related ECG changes, offering insights that transcend traditional feature-based approaches.
☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Clinical Nursing

Using interoperable nursing care data to improve outcomes for multiple traumas patients with Impaired Physical Mobility



To demonstrate how interoperable nursing care data can be used by nurses to create a more holistic understanding of the healthcare needs of multiple traumas patients with Impaired Physical Mobility. By proposing and validating linkages for the nursing diagnosis of Impaired Physical Mobility in multiple trauma patients by mapping to the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) and Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) equivalent terms using free-text nursing documentation.


A descriptive cross-sectional design, combining quantitative analysis of interoperable data sets and the Kappa's coefficient score with qualitative insights from cross-mapping methodology and nursing professionals' consensus.


Cross-mapping methodology was conducted in a Brazilian Level 1 Trauma Center using de-identified records of adult patients with a confirmed medical diagnosis of multiple traumas and Impaired Physical Mobility (a nursing diagnosis). The hospital nursing free-text records were mapped to NANDA-I, NIC, NOC and NNN linkages were identified. The data records were retrieved for admissions from September to October 2020 and involved medical and nursing records. Three expert nurses evaluated the cross-mapping and linkage results using a 4-point Likert-type scale and Kappa's coefficient.


The de-identified records of 44 patients were evaluated and then were mapped to three NOCs related to nurses care planning: (0001) Endurance; (0204) Immobility Consequences: Physiological, and (0208) Mobility and 13 interventions and 32 interrelated activities: (6486) Environmental Management: Safety; (0840) Positioning; (3200) Aspiration Precautions; (1400) Pain Management; (0940) Traction/Immobilization Care; (3540) Pressure Ulcer Prevention; (3584) Skincare: Topical Treatment; (1100) Nutrition Management; (3660) Wound Care; (1804) Self-Care Assistance: Toileting; (1801) Self-Care Assistance: Bathing/Hygiene; (4130) Fluid Monitoring; and (4200) Intravenous Therapy. The final version of the constructed NNN Linkages identified 37 NOCs and 41 NICs.


These valid NNN linkages for patients with multiple traumas can serve as a valuable resource that enables nurses, who face multiple time constraints, to make informed decisions efficiently. This approach of using evidence-based linkages like the one developed in this research holds high potential for improving patient's safety and outcomes.

No Patient or Public Contribution

In this study, there was no direct involvement of patients, service users, caregivers or public members in the design, conduct, analysis and interpretation of data or preparation of the manuscript. The study focused solely on analysing existing de-identified medical and nursing records to propose and validate linkages for nursing diagnoses.

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

El arte gráfico como medio de comunicación y cuidados en personas con demencia temprana y Alzhéimer

El presente trabajo analiza la repercusión de la técnica de grabado no tóxica Collagraph, en personas con Demencia temprana tipo Alzhéimer, en el programa de educación artística “Retales de una vida”. El objetivo es conectar a los participantes con programas de carácter cultural para fomentar la comunicación e interacción entre participantes. La experiencia se llevó a cabo en el Centro de Referencia Estatal para personas con Alzheimer y otras Demencias de Salamanca (CREA). Una vez adaptada la metodología del taller a las características personales y de salud de las personas enfermas de Alzheimer, se considera la utilización del grabado genera importantes beneficios en los participantes, relacionados con el incremento de la inteligencia cristalizada, la conducta prosocial y la valoración positiva de sí mismos, favoreciendo la inclusión social y familiar. Asimismo, el empleo del grabado puede ofrecer un soporte de ayuda terapéutica individual y cooperativa a los participantes, desarrollar habilidades funcionales, sociales y cognitivas, ampliando sus recursos emocionales y disfrutar de la experiencia. A su vez fortalecen su autoestima y seguridad ante su capacidad y valía. Por último, planteamos una serie de pautas para la planificación e implementación de este proceso artístico para que sirva de referente a profesionales de la salud.

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Comunidad compasiva para la inclusión social y calidad de vida de las personas con esclerosis múltiple y sus cuidadores familiares

Objetivo: Evaluar cualitativamente la experiencia de pacientes con esclerosis múltiple (PEM) y cuidadores familiares (CFPEM) vinculados al programa de esclerosis múltiple del Hospital Universitario Nacional de Colombia (PrEM-HUNC), durante la formación y consolidación de una comunidad compasiva (CC), para la inclusión social y promoción de calidad de vida. Materiales y Método: estudio cualitativo interpretativo, con entrevistas a profundidad a nueve colaboradores. Con el método de análisis de espiral de Creswell y Poth, emergieron cuatro categorías y un tema. Resultados: el tema “Un nido comunitario de crecimiento y transformación” señala el proceso de conformación de la CC como una experiencia que posibilitó cambios de significados en torno a la enfermedad, la situación personal y familiar; revela un proceso de descubrimiento y aprendizaje de conformación de diferentes relaciones y roles. Conclusiones: La CC es una opción para construcción de redes de apoyo, fortalecimiento de las capacidades personales y familiares, una forma para hacer frente a los diferentes impactos y retos que implica vivir con esclerosis múltiple, se constituye en una alternativa para la promoción de la calidad de vida y la inclusión social.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Comparing nurses attending a specialised mental health programme with and without substance use disorder: a retrospective, observational study in Spain

Por: Braquehais · M. D. · Mozo · X. · Llavayol · E. · Gausachs · E. · Santiago · R. · Nieva · G. · Valero · S. · Grau-Lopez · L. · Ramos-Quiroga · J. A. · Bruguera · E. — Abril 6th 2024 at 03:44

To analyse the differences between nurses with and without substance use disorders (SUDs) admitted to a specialised mental health programme.


Retrospective, observational study.


Specialised mental health treatment programme for nurses in Catalonia, Spain.


1091 nurses admitted to the programme from 2000 to 2021.



Primary and secondary outcomes

Sociodemographic, occupational and clinical variables were analysed. Diagnoses followed Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, Text Revision criteria.


Most nurses admitted to the programme were women (88%, n=960) and came voluntarily (92.1%, n=1005). The mean age at admission was 45 (SD=10.4) years. The most common diagnoses were adjustment disorders (36.6%, n=399), unipolar mood disorders (25.8%, n=282), anxiety disorders (16.4%, n=179) and SUDs (13.8%, n=151). Only 19.2% (n=209) of the sample were hospitalised during their first treatment episode. After multivariate analysis, suffering from a SUD was significantly associated with being a man (OR=4.12; 95% CI 2.49 to 6.82), coming after a directed referral (OR=4.55; 95% CI 2.5 to 7.69), being on sick leave at admission (OR=2.21; 95% CI 1.42 to 3.45) and needing hospitalisation at the beginning of their treatment (OR=12.5; 95% CI 8.3 to 20).


Nurses with SUDs have greater resistance to voluntarily asking for help from specialised mental health treatment programmes and have greater clinical severity compared with those without addictions. SUDs are also more frequent among men. More actions are needed to help prevent and promote earlier help-seeking behaviours among nurses with this type of mental disorder.

☐ ☆ ✇ Evidence-Based Nursing

Better cardiovascular health for a longer life without major diseases

Por: Lopez-Bueno · R. — Marzo 28th 2024 at 14:43

Commentary on: Wang X, Ma H, Li X, et al. Association of Cardiovascular Health With Life Expectancy Free of Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Cancer, and Dementia in UK Adults. JAMA Intern Med. 2023 Apr 1;183(4):340-9. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2023.0015. Erratum in: JAMA Intern Med. 2023 Apr 1;183(4):394. Erratum in: JAMA Intern Med. 2023 May 15.

Implications for practice and research

  • Improving cardiovascular health may contribute to a higher and healthier life expectancy.

  • Healthcare professionals may prioritise cardiovascular health promotion and support patients in adopting healthy behaviours.

  • Context

    The problem addressed in this study is the contribution of cardiovascular risk factors to a healthier life expectancy.1 Life expectancy has been boosted in recent decades in developed countries, but not all of the increased life expectancy elapses in good health.2 This study aims to investigate the associations between levels of cardiovascular health through Life’s Essential...

    ☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Advanced Nursing

    Mapping health promotion practices across key sectors and its intersectoral approach at the local level: Study protocol



    This study outlines a protocol aimed at identifying and mapping health promotion practices in need of development from the perspectives of key sectors responsible for it at the local level and from an intersectoral perspective across four Spanish regions.


    A complementary multi-method study combining survey methods and qualitative interviews will be adopted.


    Purposive snowball sampling will be employed to select potentially rich informants from city councils, primary care centres, primary and secondary schools, and public health and civil society organizations in 12 municipalities sensitive to local health. Data on the degree of execution of health promotion activities, the level of intersectorality in their implementation, and their origins will be collected using PromoACTIVA questionnaires, an intersectoral typology model and an interview protocol. A parallel mixed analysis encompassing descriptive statistics and a ‘framework analysis’ will be performed.


    This study is expected to yield thorough and reliable insights into health promotion practices and omissions at the local level by focusing on key stakeholders, both individually and collaboratively. This information can enhance health promotion planning and improve its effectiveness, efficiency and contextual relevance. The development and testing of a methodology for the integration and interpretation of these data will ensure sustainable capacity building.


    Managers and practitioners interested in health promotion planning in the researched settings can benefit from a comprehensive map of the current state of their practices and insights into the starting points of collaboration. In addition, planners from other local settings will gain access to tools and methodologies to replicate and expand these maps to their own contexts.

    Stakeholder Engagement

    Engaging key stakeholders with experience working in or with primary care centres, public health organizations, primary and secondary schools, civil society organizations, and city councils was vital to ensure the study's relevance and feasibility.

    ☐ ☆ ✇ CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing

    Nurse and Physician Perceptions and Decision Making During Interdisciplinary Communication: Factors That Influence Communication Channel Selection

    imageErrors in decision making and communication play a key role in poor patient outcomes. Safe patient care requires effective decision making during interdisciplinary communication through communication channels. Research on factors that influence nurse and physician decision making during interdisciplinary communication is limited. Understanding influences on nurse and physician decision making during communication channel selection is needed to support effective communication and improved patient outcomes. The purpose of the study was to explore nurse and physician perceptions of and decision-making processes for selecting interruptive or noninterruptive interdisciplinary communication channels in medical-surgical and intermediate acute care settings. Twenty-six participants (10 RNs, 10 resident physicians, and six attending physicians) participated in semistructured interviews in two acute care metropolitan hospitals for this qualitative descriptive study. The Practice Primed Decision Model guided interview question development and early data analysis. Findings include a core category, Development of Trust in the Communication Process, supported by three main themes: (1) Understanding of Patient Status Drives Communication Decision Making; (2) Previous Interdisciplinary Communication Experience Guides Channel Selection; and (3) Perceived Usefulness Influences Communication Channel Selection. Findings from this study provide support for future design and research of communication channels within the EHR and clinical decision support systems.
    ☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

    Effectiveness of a community-based multicomponent lifestyle intervention (the ADA programme) to improve the quality of life of French breast cancer survivors: protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomised trial and embedded qualitative study

    Por: El-Khoury · F. · Mino · J.-C. · Deschamps · N. · Lopez · C. · Menvielle · G. · Dargent-Molina · P. — Marzo 15th 2024 at 02:35

    Breast cancer survivors (BCSs) are often faced with multiple mental and physical sequelae and are at increased risk of emotional distress, degraded health-related quality of life (HRQoL), chronic pain and fatigue.

    Physical activity is strongly associated with improved HRQoL and survival rates; however, adherence rates to recommendations for a healthy lifestyle are seldom satisfactory among BCSs. Also, few studies have examined the effectiveness of multicomponent and personalised interventions that integrate physical activity and motivational techniques to improve the HRQoL of BCS.

    Method and analysis

    "Activité physique adaptée Doublée d’un Accompagnement d’après cancer" (ADA) is an integrated programme of physical activity enriched with a dietary and supportive care approach targeting BCS in the early post-treatment phase. The effectiveness of the ADA intervention will be evaluated using a cluster randomised controlled trial design with two arms (ADA programme vs usual care; 1:1 ratio).

    The ADA intervention aims to recruit 160 participants and will be implemented by Siel Bleu, a non-profit association specialised in health prevention via adapted physical activity. Measurements will be performed at baseline, 3, 6 and 12 months after the start of the intervention. The primary outcome will be participants’ HRQoL, at 12 months measured by the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue global score. Secondary outcome will include participants’ physical, social, emotional and functional well-being. The effect of the intervention on physical activity level, motivation for physical activity, relation to food and self-efficacy will also be evaluated.

    Ethics and dissemination

    The study was approved by the ‘CPP Paris XI’ Institutional Review Board on 5 May 2022 (Ref no.: 21.04512.000048-22004). The study’s findings will be shared through various channels, including academic publications, simplified reports for wider audiences and active engagement with medical and institutional organisations as well as patients’ associations.

    Trial registration number


    ☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

    Multicentre randomised trial of screening with sFlt1/PlGF and planned delivery to prevent pre-eclampsia at term: protocol of the PE37 study

    Por: Llurba · E. · Crispi · F. · Crovetto · F. · Youssef · L. · Delgado · J. L. · Puig · I. · Mora · J. · Krofta · L. · Mackova · K. · Martinez-Varea · A. · Tubau · A. · Ruiz · A. · Paya · A. · Prat · M. · Chantraine · F. · Comas · C. · Kajdy · A. · Lopez-Tinajero · M. F. · Figueras · F. · Gratac — Marzo 9th 2024 at 02:25

    Pre-eclampsia affects ~5%–7% of pregnancies. Although improved obstetric care has significantly diminished its associated maternal mortality, it remains a leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality in the world. Term pre-eclampsia accounts for 70% of all cases and a large proportion of maternal–fetal morbidity related to this condition. Unlike in preterm pre-eclampsia, the prediction and prevention of term pre-eclampsia remain unsolved. Previously proposed approaches are based on combined third-trimester screening and/or prophylactic drugs, but these policies are unlikely to be widely implementable in many world settings. Recent evidence shows that the soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (s-Flt-1) to placental growth factor (PlGF) ratio measured at 35–37 weeks’ gestation predicts term pre-eclampsia with an 80% detection rate. Likewise, recent studies demonstrate that induction of labour beyond 37 weeks is safe and well accepted by women. We hypothesise that a single-step universal screening for term pre-eclampsia based on sFlt1/PlGF ratio at 35–37 weeks followed by planned delivery beyond 37 weeks reduces the prevalence of term pre-eclampsia without increasing the caesarean section rates or worsening the neonatal outcomes.

    Methods and analysis

    We propose an open-label randomised clinical trial to evaluate the impact of a screening of term pre-eclampsia with the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio followed by planned delivery in asymptomatic nulliparous women at 35–37 weeks. Women will be assigned 1:1 to revealed (sFlt-1/PlGF known to clinicians) versus concealed (unknown) arms. A cut-off of >90th centile is used to define the high risk of subsequent pre-eclampsia and offer planned delivery from 37 weeks. The efficacy variables will be analysed and compared between groups primarily following an intention-to-treat approach, by ORs and their 95% CI. This value will be computed using a Generalised Linear Mixed Model for binary response (study group as fixed effect and the centre as intercept random effect).

    Ethics and dissemination

    The study is conducted under the principles of Good Clinical Practice. This study was accepted by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of Hospital Clinic Barcelona on 20 November 2020. Subsequent approval by individual ethical committees and competent authorities was granted. The study results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and disseminated at international conferences.

    Trial registration number


    ☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Nursing Scholarship

    Coping and anxiety symptoms in family carers of dependent older people: Mediation and moderation effects of subjective caregiver burden



    Coping responses influence anxiety symptoms experienced by informal carers. However, only a few studies have investigated the longitudinal association between coping responses and anxiety symptoms in family carers. We also currently have limited knowledge on the mediating or moderating influence of subjective caregiver burden on this relationship over time. The aim of the present study was to investigate the longitudinal relationship between coping and anxiety symptoms in family carers of dependent older people, and examine the mediating or moderating role of subjective caregiver burden over time.


    Prospective longitudinal study.


    We recruited and enrolled participants from a probability sample of 132 family carers of older dependent relatives. We measured coping strategies, anxiety symptoms, subjective caregiver burden, and several covariates (sex and intensity of care) at baseline and at 1-year follow-up. We used generalized estimating equations with multiple imputations to examine associations over time.


    Considering both direct and indirect effects through subjective burden, anxiety symptoms were positively associated with proactive coping (B = 0.13), planning (B = 0.15), self-distraction (B = 0.24), denial (B = 1.15), venting (B = 0.94) and self-blame (B = 0.90), and negatively associated with positive reframing (B = −0.83) and acceptance (B = −0.75). Subjective caregiver burden moderated the relationship between anxiety symptoms and planning, and the use of denial as a form of coping.


    Our results show that subjective caregiver burden is an important moderator and mediator of the longitudinal association between coping responses and anxiety symptoms in carers.

    Clinical Relevance

    Proactive coping and planning when subjective burden is low, self-distraction, denial, venting, and self-blame significantly increase levels of anxiety and caregiver burden in carers over time. Acceptance and positive reframing however as coping responses are associated with lower levels of anxiety and caregiver burden long-term. Our findings highlight the need for a multi-dimensional approach in future caregiving interventions.

    ☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Clinical Nursing

    Factors associated with satisfaction and depressed mood among nursing home workers during the covid‐19 pandemic


    Aims and Objectives

    This paper aims to examine the satisfaction and depressed mood experienced by nursing home workers during the COVID-19 pandemic and associated variables. Specifically, to analyse the factors that may contribute to nursing home workers developing adaptive behaviours that promote satisfaction or, on the contrary, show characteristics associated with a negative mood.


    Nursing homes have faced unprecedented pressures to provide appropriately skills to meet the demands of the coronavirus outbreak.


    A cross-sectional survey design using the STROBE checklist.


    Professionals working in nursing homes (n = 165) completed an online survey measuring sociodemographic and professional characteristics, burnout, resilience, experiential avoidance, satisfaction with life and depression. Data were collected online from April to July 2021, the time in which Spain was experiencing its fifth wave of COVID-19. Two multiple linear regression models were performed to identify salient variables associated with depressive mood and satisfaction.


    Resilience, personal accomplishment and satisfaction had a significant and negative relationship with depression and emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation and experiential avoidance had a positive relationship with depression. However, emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation and experiential avoidance had a negative and significant relationship with satisfaction and personal accomplishment, and resilience had a positive and significant relationship with satisfaction. In addition, it was found that accepting thoughts and emotions when they occur is beneficial for developing positive outcomes such as satisfaction.


    Experiential avoidance was an important predictor of the effects that the COVID-19 pandemic can have on nursing home workers.

    Relevance to Clinical Practice

    Interventions focusing on resources that represent personal strengths, such as acceptance, resilience and personal accomplishment, should be developed.

    No Patient or Public Contribution

    The complex and unpredictable circumstances of COVID's strict confinement in the nursing home prohibited access to the centres for external personnel and family members. Contact with the professionals involved could not be made in person but exclusively through online systems. However, professionals related to the work environment have subsequently valued this research positively as it analyses ‘How they felt during this complicated process’.

    ☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Clinical Nursing

    Longitudinal study of changes observed in quality of life, psychological state cognition and pulmonary and functional capacity after COVID‐19 infection: A six‐ to seven‐month prospective cohort



    To investigate the health-related quality of life (HRQoL), symptoms, psychological and cognitive state and pulmonary and physical function of nonhospitalised COVID-19 patients at long-term, and to identify factors to predict a poor HRQoL in this follow-up.


    Studies have focused on persistent symptoms of hospitalised COVID-19 patients in the medium term. Thus, long-term studies of nonhospitalised patients are urgently required.


    A longitudinal cohort study.


    In 102 nonhospitalised COVID-19 patients, we collected symptoms at 3 months (baseline) and at 6–7 months (follow-up) from diagnosis (dyspnoea, fatigue/muscle weakness and chest/joint pain), HRQoL, psychological state, cognitive function, pulmonary and physical function. This study adhered to the STROBE statement.


    HRQoL was impaired in almost 60% of the sample and remained impaired 6–7 months. At 3 months, more than 60% had impaired physical function (fatigue/muscle weakness and reduced leg and inspiratory muscle strength). About 40%–56% of the sample showed an altered psychological state (post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety/depression), cognitive function impairment and dyspnoea. At 6–7-months, only a slight improvement in dyspnoea and physical and cognitive function was observed, with a very high proportion of the sample (29%–55%) remained impaired. Impaired HRQoL at 6–7 months was predicted with 82.4% accuracy (86.7% sensitivity and 83.3% specificity) by the presence at 3 months of muscle fatigue/muscle weakness (OR = 5.7 (1.8–18.1)), PTSD (OR = 6.0 (1.7–20.7)) and impaired HRQoL (OR = 11.7 (3.7–36.8)).


    A high proportion of nonhospitalised patients with COVID-19 experience an impaired HRQoL, cognitive and psychological function at long-term. HRQoL, PTSD and dyspnoea at 3 months can identify the majority of patients with COVID-19 who will have impaired quality of life at long-term.

    Relevance to clinical practice

    Treatments aimed at improving psychological state and reducing the fatigue/muscle weakness of post-COVID-19 patients could be necessary to prevent the patients’ HRQoL from being impaired at 6–7 months after their reported recovery.

    ☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

    Lived experience codesign of self-harm interventions: a scoping review

    Por: Wright · L. C. · Lopez Chemas · N. · Cooper · C. — Diciembre 27th 2023 at 10:54

    This study aims to map existing literature describing how people with lived experience of self-harm have engaged in codesigning self-harm interventions, understand barriers and facilitators to this engagement, and how the meaningfulness of codesign has been evaluated.


    Scoping review by Joanna Briggs Institute methodology. A protocol was published online (

    Data sources

    PubMed, Embase, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, PROSPERO, and relevant websites were searched on 24 December 2022 (repeated 4 November 2023).

    Eligibility criteria

    We included studies where individuals with lived experience of self-harm (first-hand or caregiver) have codesigned self-harm interventions.

    Data extraction and synthesis

    Results were screened at title and abstract level, then full-text level by two researchers independently. Prespecified data were extracted, charted and sorted into themes.


    We included 22 codesigned interventions across mobile health, educational settings, prisons and emergency departments. Involvement varied from designing content to multistage involvement in planning, delivery and dissemination. Included papers described the contribution of 159 female, 39 male and 21 transgender or gender diverse codesigners. Few studies included contributors from a minoritised ethnic or LGBTQIA+ group. Six studies evaluated how meaningfully people with lived experience were engaged in codesign: by documenting the impact of contributions on intervention design or through postdesign reflections. Barriers included difficulties recruiting inclusively, making time for meaningful engagement in stretched services and safeguarding concerns for codesigners. Explicit processes for ensuring safety and well-being, flexible schedules, and adequate funding facilitated codesign.


    To realise the potential of codesign to improve self-harm interventions, people with lived experience must be representative of those who use services. This requires processes that reassure potential contributors and referrers that codesigners will be safeguarded, remunerated, and their contributions used and valued.

    ☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

    La configuración sociocultural de la enfermedad desde el lente de una comunidad rural en Colombia

    El propósito del estudio fue comprender las configuraciones socioculturales sobre las enfermedades construidas por un grupo de campesinos en el Departamento de Córdoba, Colombia, mediante un diseño micro etnográfico y la aplicación de entrevistas semiestructuradas, conversaciones y observaciones a 20 miembros de la comunidad, entre octubre de 2020 y marzo de 2021. Las entrevistas fueron transcritas, organizadas en matrices y procesadas para su posterior organización, categorización y análisis con apoyo de la técnica de Bardin. Se develan dos construcciones para concebir la enfermedad: estar enfermo es no poder trabajar y estar enfermo es intranquilidad y angustia; ambas configuraciones se construyen a partir del vínculo con las oportunidades para trabajar y realizar acciones de la vida cotidiana, pero están permeadas por el déficit en la prestación del servicio de salud y las dificultades para acceder a este. Se concluye que la configuración sociocultural de las enfermedades supera la visión de desequilibrio físico del individuo al enunciarse en el ámbito de las prácticas cotidianas, los modos de vivir y las redes de solidaridad tejidas por los campesinos como estrategia de resistencia ante el olvido estatal y la ineficacia de los abordajes del sector salud en zonas rurales colombianas.

    ☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

    El modelo Precede-Procede: un marco contextual para la salud comunitaria en entornos educativos

    Las comunidades educativas tienen el potencial de proyectarse como nichos transformadores de las condiciones de vida a partir de la integración de sus actores en torno a la identificación de las necesidades en salud y la búsqueda de alternativas para resolverlas. En el marco de la maestría en Salud Pública de la Universidad de La Sabana se ha avanzado en estrategias para generar este vínculo, a través del acompañamiento en la formulación de un programa de salud comunitaria en un entorno educativo, basados en la adaptación del modelo Precede-Procede, un método para planear, conducir y evaluar intervenciones de educación para la salud. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, el objetivo es reflexionar sobre los aportes del modelo para la formulación de programas de salud comunitaria en entornos educativos, a propósito de la Atención Primaria en Salud (APS) y las políticas de entornos educativos saludables, considerando que son referentes normativos en el territorio colombiano. En síntesis, el modelo Precede-Procede se considera una opción favorable para la formulación de programas de salud en el contexto educativo porque privilegia el enganche y la participación comunitaria; aborda problemáticas contextualizadas y da la posibilidad para que desde edades tempranas se integren estudiantes, además de sus docentes, padres de familia y autoridades administrativas, para consolidar comunidades educativas transformadas en gestoras sociales de su propia salud.

    ☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

    Vulnerabilidad en mujeres víctimas de trata desde un enfoque sociocrítico enfermero: Salud, Derechos Humanos y Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.

    La trata de mujeres supone una grave violación de los derechos humanos. Está relacionada con la vulnerabilidad, la pobreza, la desigualdad de género, la desescolarización y con los procesos migratorios. En este problema global destaca además el incumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Esta realidad acarrea graves problemas de salud a sus víctimas, punto de interés para la actuación de enfermería. Así, este trabajo realizado mediante el método de aprendizaje colaborativo Jigsaw, en el contexto de una asignatura optativa de cuarto curso del Grado en Enfermería, tiene como objetivo el análisis desde el paradigma socio crítico de las consecuencias que la trata supone para la salud de las mujeres, relacionándolo con la vulneración de sus derechos humanos y la incompatibilidad de esta práctica internacional con la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, para concluir con recomendaciones que puedan orientar a la enfermería a proporcionar cuidados más adecuados desde su competencia como activista en salud. Se han identificado múltiples acciones dirigidas a la prevención, protección y atención de las mujeres víctima de trata, el conflicto se genera a la hora de ejecutarlas, ya que se ha constatado la desatención de estas mujeres desde múltiples enfoques.

    ☐ ☆ ✇ PLOS ONE Medicine&Health

    COVID-19’s impact on worker stress in human service organizations: The mediating role of inclusion

    Por: Magdalena Calderón-Orellana · Andrés Aparicio · Nicolás López–Huenante — Diciembre 11th 2023 at 15:00

    by Magdalena Calderón-Orellana, Andrés Aparicio, Nicolás López–Huenante

    Human service organizations faced extraordinary challenges due to COVID-19. Despite the increasing interest and research in this new scenario, there has been limited discussion about the impact of COVID-19 on workers, the challenges they faced, and the resulting stress. This study aimed to analyze the impact of COVID-19 on work-related stress and the mediating role of inclusion among workers in human service organizations in Chile during the pandemic. The research design was quantitative and involved a sample of 173 workers from civil society organizations who were contacted during the pandemic. The study confirmed that individuals most affected by the pandemic experienced higher levels of work-related stress, and that inclusion played a negative mediating role in this relationship. This article highlights the importance of relationships, decision-making processes, and access to information in reducing stress in post-COVID scenarios for organizations that traditionally handle crises.