
☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Randomised controlled trial of automated VR therapy to improve positive self-beliefs and psychological well-being in young people diagnosed with psychosis: a study protocol for the Phoenix VR self-confidence therapy trial

Por: Freeman · D. · Freeman · J. · Rovira · A. · Miguel · A. L. · Ward · R. · Bousfield · M. · Riffiod · L. · Leal · J. · Kabir · T. · Yu · L.-M. · Beckwith · H. · Waite · F. · Rosebrock · L. — Diciembre 7th 2023 at 23:50

The confidence of young people diagnosed with psychosis is often low. Positive self-beliefs may be few and negative self-beliefs many. A sense of defeat and failure is common. Young people often withdraw from many aspects of everyday life. Psychological well-being is lowered. Psychological techniques can improve self-confidence, but a shortage of therapists means that very few patients ever receive such help. Virtual reality (VR) offers a potential route out of this impasse. By including a virtual coach, treatment can be automated. As such, delivery of effective therapy is no longer reliant on the availability of therapists. With young people with lived experience, we have developed a staff-assisted automated VR therapy to improve positive self-beliefs (Phoenix). The treatment is based on established cognitive behavioural therapy and positive psychology techniques. A case series indicates that this approach may lead to large improvements in positive self-beliefs and psychological well-being. We now aim to conduct the first randomised controlled evaluation of Phoenix VR.

Methods and analysis

80 patients with psychosis, aged between 16 and 30 years old and with low levels of positive self-beliefs, will be recruited from National Health Service (NHS) secondary care services. They will be randomised (1:1) to the Phoenix VR self-confidence therapy added to treatment as usual or treatment as usual. Assessments will be conducted at 0, 6 (post-treatment) and 12 weeks by a researcher blind to allocation. The primary outcome is positive self-beliefs at 6 weeks rated with the Oxford Positive Self Scale. The secondary outcomes are psychiatric symptoms, activity levels and quality of life. All main analyses will be intention to treat.

Ethics and dissemination

The trial has received ethical approval from the NHS Health Research Authority (22/LO/0273). A key output will be a high-quality VR treatment for patients to improve self-confidence and psychological well-being.

Trial registration number


☐ ☆ ✇ Archivos de la Memoria

Llegada de un bebé prematuro e impacto sobre el hermano mayor: Reflexiones de una madre

Por: Marina Leal-Clavel — Febrero 3rd 2020 at 01:00

Este estudio centra su objetivo principal en describir las vivencias de una madre ante el nacimiento de un hijo prematuro; las repercusio-nes sobre el rol materno y paterno, y la conducta referida de su hijo mayor. Para ello se ha realizado una entrevista en profundidad a la madre sobre sus propias vivencias y reflexiones, pasados tres años desde el evento. Se describen las categorías extraídas de su relato, observando cuestiones relacionadas con sus sentimientos ante el embarazo y el parto prematuro, el rol materno, el apoyo familiar perci-bido, y las experiencias del marido y del hermano mayor desde la perspectiva de la madre. El apoyo de enfermería durante la hospitali-zación del niño prematuro sugiere un abordaje integral, familiar y humanizado para minimizar el impacto del nacimiento prematuro y propiciar un establecimiento adecuado del rol paterno en todos los hijos de la pareja.
