
☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Advanced Nursing

Beliefs and practices of the nursing team related to pressure injury preventive measures: A analysis of social representations


Aims and Objectives

To analyse the process of elaborating social representations about pressure injury preventive measures by the nursing team (nurses and nurse technicians) and how this process relates to preventive practices for hospitalized patients.


Qualitative study, with the application of the theory of social representations in its procedural methodological approach.


The study was carried out in an inpatient clinic of a public hospital in the state of Rondônia, Brazil. Totally, 28 nursing professionals in the medical clinic sectors who had worked directly with patient care for more than 6 months participated. The data were collected between July and September 2021 via in-depth interviews with the application of a semi-structured instrument. Analysis was carried out with the help of ALCESTE software, which performed a lexicographic analysis, and also via thematic analysis. The COREQ guided the presentation of the research report.


The social representations were developed based on the professionals' symbolic beliefs about the visibility/invisibility of the results of applying preventive care. These symbolic constructions mobilized positive and negative feelings among the nursing team, which guided the classification of prevention practices as being of greater or lesser priority among other care activities. There were favourable attitudes among professionals, which included applying prevention measures in their daily routines, and unfavourable attitudes of non-adherence to the institution's protocol for preventing pressure injuries.


The nursing team's perception of pressure injury prevention is influenced by symbolic, affective, values, and social dimensions. Non-adherence behaviours are attributed to the belief in the invisibility of prevention outcomes, resulting in a reluctance to implement preventive measures.

Relevance to Clinical Practice

Understanding the subjective logic that explains the thinking and actions of the nursing team suggests the need to incorporate discussions on beliefs, values, sentiments, and attitudes of nursing professionals into educational programs on pressure injury prevention.

Patient or Public Contribution

No public contribution.

☐ ☆ ✇ PLOS ONE Medicine&Health

Prevalence and impact of sarcopenia in individuals with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (the SARC-HF study): A prospective observational study protocol

by Pablo Marino Corrêa Nascimento, Luiz Fernando Rodrigues Junior, Mauro Felippe Felix Mediano, Valéria Gonçalves da Silva, Bernardo Rangel Tura, Fabio César Sousa Nogueira, Gilberto Domont, Adriana Bastos Carvalho, Antônio Carlos Campos de Carvalho, Taís Hanae Kasai-Brunswick, Claudio Tinoco Mesquita, Humberto Villacorta Junior, Helena Cramer Veiga Rey

Sarcopenia, a clinical syndrome primarily associated with reduced muscle mass in the elderly, has a negative impact on quality of life and survival. It can occur secondarily to other diseases such as heart failure (HF), a complex clinical syndrome with high morbidity and mortality. The simultaneous occurrence of these two conditions can worsen the prognosis of their carriers, especially in the most severe cases of HF, as in patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). However, due to the heterogeneous diagnostic criteria for sarcopenia, estimates of its prevalence present a wide variation, leading to new criteria having been recently proposed for its diagnosis, emphasizing muscle strength and function rather than skeletal muscle mass. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of sarcopenia and/or dynapenia in individuals with HF with reduced LVEF according to the most recent criteria, and compare the gene and protein expression of those patients with and without sarcopenia. The secondary objectives are to evaluate the association of sarcopenia and/or dynapenia with the risk of clinical events and death, quality of life, cardiorespiratory capacity, ventilatory efficiency, and respiratory muscle strength. The participants will answer questionnaires to evaluate sarcopenia and quality of life, and will undergo the following tests: handgrip strength, gait speed, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, respiratory muscle strength, cardiopulmonary exercise, as well as genomic and proteomic analysis, and dosage of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide and growth differentiation factor-15. An association between sarcopenia and/or dynapenia with unfavorable clinical evolution is expected to be found, in addition to reduced quality of life, cardiorespiratory capacity, ventilatory efficiency, and respiratory muscle strength.
☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Association between individual-level socioeconomic factors and intimate partner violence victimisation in women: a systematic review protocol

Por: Reyal · H. P. · Dissanayake · N. · Gunarathna · H. · Soysa · D. · Fernando · M. S. · Senarathna · L. — Marzo 19th 2024 at 04:02

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a global public health problem. Although both men and women experience IPV, the burden is more on women. To address IPV effectively, it is important to understand the factors that cause IPV including the socioeconomic factors. However, there is an inadequacy of knowledge on how socioeconomic factors at different levels affect IPV. Hence, the objective is to review the individual-level socioeconomic factors associated with IPV victimisation of women and girls.

Methods and analysis

The search strategy was developed to identify publications from January 2010 to 30 June 2024. The selected electronic databases of PubMed/MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Scopus and Science Direct will be searched. The eligibility criteria for data collection are based on participants/population (women and girls), exposure (socioeconomic factors) and outcome (IPV). In primary search, the title and abstracts will be screened and reference lists of selected articles will be screened for additional studies. Two researchers will independently screen the articles, and in any disagreements, a third researcher will be consulted. The data will be tabulated to present the study and participant characteristics, comparison descriptors between victims and non-victims, inclusion and exclusion criteria, primary and secondary outcomes data, results, limitations and implications. A quality assessment will be performed on the selected studies to avoid bias. A narrative synthesis will summarise the findings.

Ethics and dissemination

Ethical approval was waived because only secondary data are used. The protocol will be published, and the findings will be disseminated via publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

PROSPERO registration number


☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Clinical Nursing

Professional quality of life and fear of COVID‐19 among Spanish nurses: A longitudinal repeated cross‐sectional study


Aim and Objectives

To evaluate changes in compassion fatigue (CF), burnout (BO), compassion satisfaction (CS) and fear of COVID-19 among Spanish nurses by comparing two assessment points: before and after the COVID-19 vaccination campaign.


The COVID-19 pandemic has produced a great impact in healthcare worker's professional quality of life, especially among nurses. CF, BO and fear of COVID-19 decisively affect the care provided by nurses and put them at risk for mental health problems, so longitudinal studies are essential.


A repeated cross-sectional design was carried out with a time-lapse of 12 months.


A total of 439 registered nurses in December 2020 and 410 in December 2021 participated in this study through an online survey. Data were collected using the Professional Quality of Life Questionnaire and the Fear of COVID-19 Scale. Occupational and sociodemographic variables were also analysed. This article adheres to the STROBE guidelines for the reporting of observational studies.


The fear of COVID-19 has not been reduced among nurses. The levels of BO remain stable and continue to be high in half of the professionals. CF has been reduced with a small effect size (d = 0.30), while CS has also decreased (d = 0.30). Positive correlations were found in both assessment points between fear of COVID-19 and BO (r = .44, p ≤ .001; r = .41, p ≤ .001) and also between fear of COVID and CF (r = .57, p ≤ .001; r = .50, p ≤ .001). Negative correlations between fear and CS were also found (r = − .16, p = .001; r = − .22, p ≤ .001).

Relevance to Clinical Practice

Programmes to reduce fear of COVID-19, BO and CF are needed to improve mental health and to prevent psychological distress among nurses, as well as to increase CS and preserve the productivity and quality of nursing care.

Patient or Public Contribution

The nurses collaborated by participating in the present study anonymously and disinterestedly.

☐ ☆ ✇ PLOS ONE Medicine&Health

Could <i>Cratylia argentea</i> replace Tifton 85 hay on growing and finishing lamb diets in tropical areas?

by Elaine Cristina Teixeira, Lucas Freires Abreu, Fernando Antônio de Souza, Walter José Rodrigues Matrangolo, Karina Toledo da Silva, Luciano Soares de Lima, Hemilly Cristina Menezes de Sa, Ângela Maria Quintão Lana

Legumes shrubs such as Cratylia argentea have an ability to thrive in environments with low water availability and poor soil. On the other hand, forage grasses such as Tifton 85 have a greater demand for inputs to be productive. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of growing and finishing Lacaune lambs fed Cratylia argentea hay as an alternative to Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp). Twenty-four Lacaune lambs aged between five and six months (average body weight [BW] 21.50 ± 3.38 kg) were arranged in a split-plot randomized block design. The plots consisted of different Cratylia to Tifton 85 hay proportions (0, 20%, 40%, or 100%, dry matter [DM] basis) as a roughage replacement in the total diet. The subplots represented two evaluation times, entitled “initial period” and “final period”, which consisted of the early seven days of total feces and urine collection, and the last seven days of the experiment, respectively. The lambs were blocked by weight with six replicates per treatment. The results show that the level of Tifton 85 replacement for Cratylia hay in the roughage portion of the lamb diet did not influence (P > 0.05) weight gain (WG), dry matter intake or dry matter digestibility; feed conversion, feed efficiency; and the evaluated nitrogen balance variables. The digestibility coefficient of neutral detergent fiber decreased linearly as Tifton 85 replacement for Cratylia level was increased, which probably happened due to the presence of highly lignified material within the Cratylia hay. However, the alternative legume maintained animal performance of Tifton 85. In conclusion, Cratylia hay can be recommended as a potential substitute for Tifton 85 hay, which requires greater inputs for the production. Cratylia may be considered a feeding strategy for livestock production, especially for smallholder livestock systems and regions with unfavorable soil and climate.
☐ ☆ ✇ Archivos de la Memoria

Significado del cuidado humanizado de las enfermeras hacia el adulto mayor en asilos

Objetivo principal: Describir el significado del cuidado humanizado de enfermeras hacia el adulto mayor en asilos. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo, descriptivo realizado con enfermeras de tres asilos de Guanajuato de agosto a octubre de 2021. Selección de participantes por disponibilidad y voluntariedad (n= 9), se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas telefónicas, análisis de datos con análisis de contenido temático, cuidando los principios éticos con consentimiento informado. Resultados principales: Emergieron cinco temas que construyen el cuidado humanizado: 1. Favorecer la plenitud física, emocional y espiritual, 2.Cuidar es recreación, 3.Acompañamiento en la soledad, 4.Brindar confianza, atención y disposición y 5.Cuidando en valores. Conclusión principal: El cuidado humanizado es hacer sentir al adulto mayor confianza, brindándole apoyo, respeto, atendiendo sus necesidades básicas, el cuidar de forma humanizada refleja un acto de acompañamiento en la última etapa de la vida donde se da el valor de ser humano.

☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

Significado de no abandono en el adulto mayor de entornos comunitarios

Objetivo: comprender el significado del no abandono en el adulto mayor de la comunidad.  Metodología: estudio cualitativo descriptivo realizado en un municipio de Guanajuato, México de febrero-diciembre 2022. Se eligieron personas mayores de 60 años sin distinción de género; tipo de muestreo por conveniencia con saturación de información con 8 participantes; los datos fueron recolectados mediante entrevistas presenciales semi-estructuradas que fueron audio grabadas. Todos los participantes firmaron un consentimiento informado. Resultados: emergieron cuatro temas: 1. Necesidad de apoyo familiar, 2. Necesidad de sentirse integrado, 3. Necesidad de sentirse funcional y activo y 4. El abandono es soledad. Conclusión: el no abandono está construido a partir de la dinámica familiar y la funcionalidad, cada persona mayor le otorga un significado basado en la comunicación con sus familias, incluso a distancia, siendo reconfortante. Algunos viven solos y eso representa un espacio de satisfacción personal. La integración familiar es imperante, así mismo el mantenerse activos.

☐ ☆ ✇ Index de Enfermería

Mujer cisgénero en situación de trabajo sexual: “nos ven como el foco infeccioso o como el virus andante”

Por: Luis Albeiro Perdomo Sandoval · Diego Fernando Villamil Camacho — Septiembre 8th 2022 at 12:20

Objetivo principal: Explorar las barreras percibidas para el autocuidado de la salud sexual de una mujer cisgénero de 57 años en situación de trabajadora sexual. Metodología: Se abordó un relato biográfico de naturaleza cualitativa, constructivista y fenomenológica. Resultados principales: Del análisis sistemático y de contenido, emergieron los temas: el trabajo sexual como una alternativa de vida; el estigma y la discriminación por la identidad ocupacional; la falta de una atención en salud preventiva, humanizada e incluyente; la necesaria autoestima para autocuidarse; la psicología informal como método de cribaje del cliente; el saber profesional en prácticas protectoras y de cuidado; las brechas y dificultades para el uso del condón masculino; y la necesidad de una política pública con mirada de género e inclusiva. Conclusión: La narrativa refleja la necesidad de afrontar las barreras para el autocuidado de la salud sexual, mediante metodologías participativas e inclusivas que promuevan la cooperación de políticas, estrategias e intervenciones en salud preventiva congruentes con las necesidades de las mujeres trabajadoras sexuales.

☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

Análisis de la Calidad de Vida de los pacientes en tratamiento de hemodiálisis del Hospital San Juan de Dios de Zaragoza

Las fases avanzadas de insuficiencia renal crónica adquieren criterios de enfermedad terminal, siendo necesario tratamiento sustitutivo renal.
Objetivo: Analizar el impacto de la hemodiálisis en la calidad de vida de los pacientes con Insuficiencia Renal Crónica. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo transversal de calidad de vida en 102 pacientes del servicio de hemodiálisis del Hospital San Juan de Dios de Zaragoza a través de los cuestionarios SF-36 y KDQOL. Resultados: Existe un detrimento de calidad vida en las dimensiones de rol físico, salud general, rol emocional, función cognitiva, relaciones sociales y situación laboral. Conclusión: Los pacientes en tratamiento de hemodiálisis ven modificada su calidad de vida en relación a las variables sociodemográficas (sexo, edad, situación laboral y estado civil) y clínicas (tipo de acceso vascular, duración del tratamiento, tiempo con el tratamiento y presencia de comorbilidades).
