
☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

La percepción del cuidador informal sobre la hospitalización de familiares con cáncer

Introducción: Los pacientes oncológicos con necesidad de cuidados paliativos continúan internados en servicios quirúrgicos, donde las enfermeras están preparadas para cuidar al paciente quirúrgico y no para atender sus necesidades paliativas y las de su familia. Surge la necesidad de cambio, en el cual la familia debe involucrarse en el cuidado. Objetivos: Comprender la percepción de los cuidadores familiares sobre las intervenciones de enfermería en el cuidado de pacientes oncológicos con necesidades de cuidados paliativos; describir las percepciones de los familiares sobre el apoyo y la disponibilidad de los enfermeros. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo, mediante entrevista semiestructurada, aplicada a 10 familiares de pacientes oncológicos con necesidad de cuidados paliativos, internados en un servicio de cirugía, cuyos resultados fueron analizados mediante análisis de contenido. Resultados: Los familiares entrevistados consideran que la dinámica hospitalaria está centrada en la curación y que no fueron atendidos por las enfermeras, por lo que no hay interés en su proceso vivencial y vivencial. Conclusión: Identificamos factores facilitadores y obstaculizadores percibidos por los familiares cuando su pariente fue hospitalizado. Creemos que los resultados de este estudio indican que es necesario un cambio en la práctica de enfermería, tanto en la relación de ayuda como en el propio cuidado de enfermería, siempre teniendo en cuenta que también se debe cuidar a la familia.

☐ ☆ ✇ International Wound Journal

Integrating factors associated with complex wound healing into a mobile application: Findings from a cohort study


Complex, chronic or hard-to-heal wounds are a prevalent health problem worldwide, with significant physical, psychological and social consequences. This study aims to identify factors associated with the healing process of these wounds and develop a mobile application for wound care that incorporates these factors. A prospective multicentre cohort study was conducted in nine health units in Portugal, involving data collection through a mobile application by nurses from April to October 2022. The study followed 46 patients with 57 wounds for up to 5 weeks, conducting six evaluations. Healing time was the main outcome measure, analysed using the Mann–Whitney test and three Cox regression models to calculate risk ratios. The study sample comprised various wound types, with pressure ulcers being the most common (61.4%), followed by venous leg ulcers (17.5%) and diabetic foot ulcers (8.8%). Factors that were found to impair the wound healing process included chronic kidney disease (U = 13.50; p = 0.046), obesity (U = 18.0; p = 0.021), non-adherence to treatment (U = 1.0; p = 0.029) and interference of the wound with daily routines (U = 11.0; p = 0.028). Risk factors for delayed healing over time were identified as bone involvement (RR 3.91; p < 0.001), presence of odour (RR 3.36; p = 0.007), presence of neuropathy (RR 2.49; p = 0.002), use of anti-inflammatory drugs (RR 2.45; p = 0.011), stalled wound (RR 2.26; p = 0.022), greater width (RR 2.03; p = 0.002), greater depth (RR 1.72; p = 0.036) and a high score on the healing scale (RR 1.21; p = 0.001). Integrating the identified risk factors for delayed healing into the assessment of patients and incorporating them into a mobile application can enhance decision-making in wound care.

☐ ☆ ✇ PLOS ONE Medicine&Health

Influence of scanbody design and intraoral scanner on the trueness of complete arch implant digital impressions: An <i>in vitro</i> study

by Priscila Ceolin Meneghetti, Junying Li, Paulo Sérgio Borella, Gustavo Mendonça, Luiz Henrique Burnett Jr

This study aimed to compare the accuracy of full-arch digital implant impressions using seven different scanbodies and four intraoral scanners. A 3D-printed maxillary model with six implants and their respective multi-unit abutments was used for this study. Seven scanbodies (SB1, SB2, SB3, SB4, SB5, SB6, and SB7) and four intraoral scanners (Primescan®, Omnican®, Trios 3®, and Trios 4®) were assessed. Each combination group was scanned ten times and a dental lab scanner (D2000, 3Shape) was used as a reference. All scans were exported as STL files, imported into Convince software (3Shape) for alignment, and later into Blender software, where their 3D positions were analyzed using a Python script. The 3D deviation, angular deviation, and linear distance between implants #3 and #14 were also measured. Accuracy was measured in terms of “trueness” (scanbody 3D deviation between intraoral scan and desktop scan). Kruskal-Wallis followed by the Bonferroni correction was used to analyze the data (⍺ = .05). The study found statistically significant differences in digital impression accuracy among the scanners and scanbodies (p
☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Historia y epistemología en un matrimonio feliz

Por: Paulo Joaquim Pina Queirós — Diciembre 11th 2023 at 00:00

Resumen: El análisis de la evolución de las teorías de enfermería considerando los contextos y la secuencia evolutiva lleva a considerar la construcción disciplinar de la enfermería como una ciencia resultante de un recorrido histórico.



☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Prácticas de enfermería en la reeducación profesional de los soldados en la Casa Pía de Lisboa durante la Primera Guerra Mundial

Resumen: En el período de la Primera República en Portugal, durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, se implantó la reeducación profesional, basada en la experiencia pedagógica de la Casa Pia de Lisboa, y fue particularmente importante en la recuperación de soldados mutilados. Objetivo: Interpretar y analizar las prácticas de las enfermeras en la reeducación profesional de los soldados portugueses en el Instituto Santa Izabel de Reeducación de Mutilados de Guerra de la Casa Pia de Lisboa durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. Metodología: Utilización del método histórico para sintetizar el relato histórico. Resultados: Se encuentran importantes referencias en los Anuarios de la Casa Pia de Lisboa a las funciones desempeñadas por las enfermeras, a saber: "la propaganda que las enfermeras hacían a los heridos sobre las ventajas de la reeducación"; el "tratamiento de masoterapia"; "los tratamientos de masaje" y también al "importantísimo papel" de las señoras (enfermeras) en la "pequeña enfermería" dirigida por el Dr. V. Pontes, donde había un pequeño servicio de "masoterapia", un taller de "prótesis provisionales" y un laboratorio de examen de aptitudes. Conclusión: Esto confirma que las enfermeras desempeñaron un papel importante en los servicios de "reeducación preparatoria" del Instituto de Reeducación de Mutilados Santa Izabel, de la Casa Pia de Lisboa, interviniendo de forma diferenciada y eficaz, mereciendo un buen reconocimiento.

☐ ☆ ✇ International Wound Journal

The effectiveness of nursing interventions in adherence to self‐care for preventing venous ulcer recurrence: A systematic literature review


Venous ulcers affect up to 3% of the global population, with a high impact on economies and quality of life. This is exacerbated by its recurrence rates, which reach 70% at 12 months after healing. The perpetuation of these cycles of healing and recurrence is not interrupted or even attenuated by the self-care activities recommended and directed toward their prevention. In this context, we sought to identify the effectiveness of interventions that promote adherence to self-care to prevent venous ulcer recurrence. In August 2022, we conducted a literature search via EBSCO in the following databases: CINAHL Complete, MEDLINE Complete, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Scopus, and Web of Science. The inclusion criteria were researched in the form of randomised controlled trials or systematic literature reviews, and 99 studies were identified. During the different times of selection, four studies met the defined inclusion criteria and were included. As the main conclusions, the emphasis goes to the importance of the use of compression and the greater effectiveness of higher compression classes for the prevention of recurrence. Different educational methodologies seem to be important to increase knowledge about prevention, specifically regarding the aetiology of recurrence and the implementation of prevention measures.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Protocol for a cluster randomised trial of a goal-oriented care approach for multimorbidity patients supported by a digital platform

Por: Gil Conde · M. · Peyroteo · M. · Maria · A. · Maia · M. R. · Gregorio · J. · Paulo · M. S. · Alves · M. · Papoila · A. L. · Lapao · L. V. · Heleno · B. — Noviembre 18th 2023 at 02:44

Health information systems represent an opportunity to improve the care provided to people with multimorbidity. There is a pressing need to assess their impact on clinical outcomes to validate this intervention. Our study will determine whether using a digital platform (Multimorbidity Management Health Information System, METHIS) to manage multimorbidity improves health-related quality of life (HR-QoL).

Methods and analysis

A superiority, cluster randomised trial will be conducted at primary healthcare practices (1:1 allocation ratio). All public practices in the Lisbon and Tagus Valley (LVT) Region, Portugal, not involved in a previous pilot trial, will be eligible. At the participant level, eligible patients will be people with complex multimorbidity, aged 50 years or older, with access to an internet connection and a communication technology device. Participants who cannot sign/read/write and who do not have access to an email account will not be included in the study. The intervention combines a training programme and a customised information system (METHIS). Both are designed to help clinicians adopt a goal-oriented care model approach and to encourage patients and carers to play a more active role in autonomous healthcare. The primary outcome is HR-QoL, measured at 12 months with the physical component scale of the 12-item Short Form questionnaire (SF-12). Secondary outcomes will also be measured at 12 months and include mental health (mental component Scale SF-12, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale). We will also assess serious adverse events during the trial, including hospitalisation and emergency services. Finally, at 18 months, we will ask the general practitioners for any potentially missed diagnoses.

Ethics and dissemination

The Research and Ethics Committee (LVT Region) approved the trial protocol. Clinicians and patients will sign an informed consent. A data management officer will handle all data, and the publication of several scientific papers and presentations at relevant conferences/workshops is envisaged.

Trial registration number

