
☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Clinical Nursing

Nurses' knowledge and beliefs on pain management practices with hospitalised persons living with dementia: A qualitative descriptive study

Por: Beverly Ingelson · Sherry Dahlke · Hannah O'Rourke · Kathleen F. Hunter — Abril 9th 2024 at 06:59



To understand nurses' knowledge, beliefs and experiences affect pain management practices in hospitalised persons living with dementia (PLWD).


Naturalistic inquiry using qualitative descriptive design.


Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 registered nurses who worked in one acute care hospital in Southern California from October to November 2022. Data were analysed using content analysis to identify themes.


Two themes were developed: improvising pain assessment, which included how pain was documented, and administration hesitancy referring to nurse's concerns about PLWD's confusion. Nurses described the challenges of assessing pain in hospitalised PLWD particularly if they were non-verbal and/or demonstrating responsive behaviours. Nurse's years of experience, dementia stigma, and their unconscious biases affected nurses' pain management practices.


The study findings highlight the complex challenges of pain management in hospitalised PLWD that are exacerbated by nurses' knowledge deficits, negative stereotypical beliefs, dementia stigma and unconscious biases towards older people that contributes to undermanaged pain in hospitalised PLWD.


A comprehensive strategy using an implementation framework is needed to address nurse's knowledge gaps, unconscious bias, dementia stigma and techniques that enhance communication skills is suggested. Building a foundation in these areas would improve pain management in hospitalised PLWD.


Improving pain management in hospitalised PLWD would improve the quality of life, decrease hospital length of stay, prevent readmissions, and improve nurse satisfaction.

Reporting Method

The study adhered to the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ).

Patient Contributions

Improving pain management in hospitalised PLWD would prevent long term confusion, episodes of delirium and improve quality of life as they recover from their acute illness for which they required hospital care.

☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Advanced Nursing

Remote visits to address loneliness for people living with dementia in care homes: A descriptive qualitative study of visitors' perceptions



To assess visitors' perceptions of the benefits and challenges related to engaging in a remote visit intervention, which was designed to address the loneliness of people living with moderate to severe dementia in care homes.


A qualitative descriptive study.


Twenty-four people living with dementia in care homes in Canada and their family and friends (i.e., remote visitors) took part in facilitated remote visits in 2021. Each person living with dementia received scheduled visits for 30–60 min per week for 6 weeks. Participants chose to complete one longer visit, or multiple shorter visits, per week. Twenty remote visitors participated in semi-structured interviews after six weeks to discuss their perspectives on the effectiveness, benefits and challenges of the program in relation to addressing experiences of loneliness of the person living with dementia. Conventional content analysis was used to analyze the data.


We describe three themes and several sub-themes. Themes support the use of remote visits to enhance, rather than replace, in-person visits; the benefits of remote visits for the person living with dementia and their remote visitors; and the conditions that lead to a successful remote visit.


Remote visitors reported that facilitated visits had positive effects for both visitors and people living with dementia with respect to loneliness, communication, relationships, and social connection.

Implications for Patient Care

Clinicians can consider the factors that contributed to positive experiences of remote visits. The factors include individualized, facilitated visits that were flexible, and the use of reliable technology in a supportive, distraction-free environment.


Loneliness and social isolation are growing health concerns. When experienced by people living with dementia residing in long-term care homes, loneliness and social isolation can result in lower levels of quality of life and well-being, and higher levels of anxiety and responsive behaviours. Remote visitors perceived that facilitated remote visits have the potential to address loneliness and improve quality of life for people living with dementia and also offer social support to remote visitors. The findings can impact clinician practice by guiding the use of remote visits in care homes, and inform future intervention research to evaluate the effectiveness of remote visits for people living with dementia and their remote visitors.

Reporting Method

This manuscript adheres to the relevant EQUATOR guidelines (the Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research or COREQ).

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public contribution.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

IMPAACT: IMproving the PArticipAtion of older people in policy decision-making on common health CondiTions - a study protocol

Por: Ambagtsheer · R. C. · Hurley · C. J. · Lawless · M. · Braunack-Mayer · A. · Visvanathan · R. · Beilby · J. · Stewart · S. · Cornell · V. · Leach · M. J. · Taylor · D. · Thompson · M. · Dent · E. · Whiteway · L. · Archibald · M. · O'Rourke · H. M. · Williams · K. · Chudecka · A. — Enero 12th 2024 at 16:58

Rapid population ageing is a demographic trend being experienced and documented worldwide. While increased health screening and assessment may help mitigate the burden of illness in older people, issues such as misdiagnosis may affect access to interventions. This study aims to elicit the values and preferences of evidence-informed older people living in the community on early screening for common health conditions (cardiovascular disease, diabetes, dementia and frailty). The study will proceed in three Phases: (1) generating recommendations of older people through a series of Citizens’ Juries; (2) obtaining feedback from a diverse range of stakeholder groups on the jury findings; and (3) co-designing a set of Knowledge Translation resources to facilitate implementation into research, policy and practice. Conditions were chosen to reflect common health conditions characterised by increasing prevalence with age, but which have been underexamined through a Citizens’ Jury methodology.

Methods and analysis

This study will be conducted in three Phases—(1) Citizens’ Juries, (2) Policy Roundtables and (3) Production of Knowledge Translation resources. First, older people aged 50+ (n=80), including those from traditionally hard-to-reach and diverse groups, will be purposively recruited to four Citizen Juries. Second, representatives from a range of key stakeholder groups, including consumers and carers, health and aged care policymakers, general practitioners, practice nurses, geriatricians, allied health practitioners, pharmaceutical companies, private health insurers and community and aged care providers (n=40) will be purposively recruited for two Policy Roundtables. Finally, two researchers and six purposively recruited consumers will co-design Knowledge Translation resources. Thematic analysis will be performed on documentation and transcripts.

Ethics and dissemination

Ethical approval has been obtained through the Torrens University Human Research Ethics Committee. Participants will give written informed consent. Findings will be disseminated through development of a policy brief and lay summary, peer-reviewed publications, conference presentations and seminars.

☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Advanced Nursing

The meaning of preparedness for informal caregivers of older adults: A concept analysis



To examine the concept of preparedness over time in research with informal caregivers of older adults.


Concept analysis.


Rodgers' evolutionary method of concept analysis was used to guide this theoretical paper due to the dynamic nature of preparedness, which is influenced by both context and time. Using Rodgers' inductive approach, concept elements were derived from a content analysis of included studies. In the final step, to generate hypotheses and implications regarding the concept, the conceptual structure of preparedness of informal caregivers of older adults was connected to a theoretical problem in the nursing discipline using the Caregiving Stress Process Framework.

Data Sources

Four databases (EBSCO CINAHL, Ovid MEDLINE, Ovid PsycINFO and Scopus) were searched in November 2022 and updated in September 2023. No date limits were set for searching, as the intent was to analyse possible variations of the concept over time.


The attributes of preparedness include self-confidence, having knowledge, skills and abilities to perform daily tasks, handling emotions and developed over time. These attributes can be compared with the stressors outlined in the Caregiving Stress Process Framework (i.e., the moment the caregiver identifies some ‘stressor’; something that prevents them from feeling confident in their preparedness).


The concept of preparedness of informal caregivers of older adults is defined as caregiver's self-confidence about their current competence related to the knowledge, skills and abilities to perform daily tasks, and to handle emotions over time. To link the concept to a theoretical perspective, we propose adaptations to a well-known theory, the Caregiving Stress Process Framework. Future research on caregiving preparedness needs to avoid circular definitions and work with the attributes of preparedness to support caregivers.

Implications for the Profession and/or Patient Care

This paper contributes to the development of interventions that focus on the health and preparedness of informal caregivers of older adults. Clarifying the concept of preparedness helps nurses to support caregivers since it is then known which aspects are included in the preparedness of caregivers (e.g., daily tasks and handling emotions). A more fulsome understanding of preparedness supports us to see beyond stressors of caregiving.


This study addresses informal caregivers of older adults' preparedness to provide care. We synthesized existing definitions that have been used in research with this population to propose a robust conceptualization of the concept of preparedness, which contributes to better understanding of how preparedness can be supported.

Reporting Method

We were unable to locate a reporting method related to this kind of work (concept analysis).

Patient or Public Contribution

Not applicable as no new data generated.
