
☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Clinical Nursing

Health communication and shared decision‐making between nurses and older adults in community setting: An integrative review



To explore the role of health communication in Shared Decision-Making (SDM) between nursing staff and older people in the community setting.


Society and healthcare services are marked by an exponentially ageing population, leading to a significant proportion of patients being older adults with highly demanding care needs. Scientific literature supports shared decision-making as a process that engages patients in their care. However, the increasing use of technology and the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have influenced how nurses communicate with older patients. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how to develop health communication to reach effective, shared decision-making processes.


Whittemore and Knafl's integrative review method, the literature search comprised five databases: PubMed, CINALH, Web of Science, Scopus and PsycINFO.


The 12 included studies were synthesised into three study patterns: (1) nurse–older patient health communication relationship, (2) older patients' perspectives and (3) nontherapeutic communication in end-of-life care.


This review underscored the crucial role of effective health communication in shaping SDM dynamics between nursing staff and older people in the community setting. Key elements included transparent information exchange, establishing trust and maintaining communication channels with informal caregiving networks. SDM actions were aligned with preserving older people's autonomy, but communication challenges persisted, particularly in end-of-life situations. Advanced care planning was recommended to address these shortcomings and improve communication among older people, healthcare professionals and families.


Implementing educational measures based on verbal and nonverbal health communication in nursing training could be beneficial. Nursing research could continue to develop and refine specific communication strategies adapted to the social determinants of health for diverse clinical situations regarding older adults in the community setting.

Reporting Method

The authors have adhered to relevant EQUATOR guidelines through the PRISMA 2020 checklist.

No Patient or Public Contribution.

☐ ☆ ✇ NURE Investigación

Efectividad del cianocrilato en la reparación de heridas en cuero cabelludo, región ciliar y zona mentoniana en pediatría


Introducción. El uso en pediatría de adhesivos tisulares como el cianocrilato para el cierre de heridas ofrece ventajas significativas. Es un procedimiento sencillo rápido e indoloro, conformándose como una alternativa en la población pediátrica debido a las características específicas de estos pacientes. Objetivo. Evaluar la efectividad del adhesivo tisular con cianocrilato en el cierre de heridas en zonas pilosas y mentón. Metodología. Se diseñó un estudio observacional prospectivo conformado por pacientes pediátricos que acudieron a urgencias con heridas que requerían sutura en zona mentoniana, ceja y cuero cabelludo. Se valoraron variables demográficas y clínicas, así como la colaboración del menor y grado de satisfacción de padres y profesionales tras la aplicación de cianocrilato. A los 3 meses se valoró la cicatrización. Los datos se analizaron mediante el programa estadístico SSPS. Resultados. Las heridas en zonas pilosas presentaron una correcta epitelización con un índice ≤ 2 según escala de Vancouver. Se establecieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la localización de la herida y su cicatrización (p<0.05). Se objetivó un grado de concordancia moderado entre la satisfacción de los padres y los profesionales con un p-valor < 0.001. Discusión. Los adhesivos tisulares con base de cianocrilato parecen una alternativa válida y segura para la reparación de heridas en zonas con folículo piloso. Cuenta con la aprobación de pacientes, familiares y profesionales que realizaron el procedimiento. Los resultados respecto a la cicatrización evaluados a los 3 meses son más satisfactorios en áreas pilosas.


Introduction. The use of tissue adhesives like cyanoacrylate for wound closure in pediatrics offers significant advantages. It is a simple, fast, and painless procedure, making it an alternative in the pediatric population due to the specific characteristics of these patients. Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of tissue adhesive with cyanoacrylate in closing wounds on the scalp or hairy areas and the chin region. Methodology. A prospective observational study was designed, consisting of pediatric patients who presented to the emergency department with wounds requiring sutures in the chin, eyebrow, and scalp areas. Demographic and clinical variables were assessed, as well as the cooperation of the child and the satisfaction level of parents and healthcare professionals after the application of cyanoacrylate. Scar healing was assessed at 3 months. Data were analyzed using the statistical software SPSS. Results. Wounds in hairy areas showed proper epithelialization with an index ≤2 according to the Vancouver scale. Statistically significant differences were found in the relationship between wound location and its healing (p<0.05). Additionally, a moderate level of agreement was observed between parent and professional satisfaction, with a p-value <0.001. Discusión. Cyanoacrylate-based tissue adhesives appear to be a valid and safe alternative for wound repair in areas with hair follicles. They are well-received by patients, their families, and the professionals who performed the procedure. The results regarding scar healing evaluated at 3 months are more satisfactory on the scalp and eyebrow compared to the chin region.

☐ ☆ ✇ PLOS ONE Medicine&Health

Nasopharyngeal carriage of <i>Streptococcus pneumoniae</i> among children <5 years of age in Indonesia prior to pneumococcal conjugate vaccine introduction

by Dodi Safari, Wa Ode Dwi Daningrat, Jennifer L. Milucky, Miftahuddin Majid Khoeri, Wisiva Tofriska Paramaiswari, Wisnu Tafroji, Korrie Salsabila, Yayah Winarti, Amin Soebandrio, Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro, Ari Prayitno, Lana Childs, Fabiana C. Pimenta, Maria da Gloria Carvalho, Tamara Pilishvili

Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs) prevent nasopharyngeal colonization with vaccine serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae, leading to reduced transmission of pneumococci and stronger population-level impact of PCVs. In 2017 we conducted a cross-sectional pneumococcal carriage study in Indonesia among children aged
☐ ☆ ✇ PLOS ONE Medicine&Health

Gait analysis: An effective tool to mechanically monitor the bone regeneration of critical-sized defects in tissue engineering applications

by Pablo Blázquez-Carmona, Juan Mora-Macías, Juan Morgaz, María del Mar Granados, Jaime Domínguez, Esther Reina-Romo


Tissue engineering has emerged as an innovative approach to treat critical-size bone defects using biocompatible scaffolds, thus avoiding complex distraction surgeries or limited stock grafts. Continuous regeneration monitoring is essential in critical-size cases due to the frequent appearance of non-unions. This work evaluates the potential clinical use of gait analysis for the mechanical assessment of a tissue engineering regeneration as an alternative to the traditional and hardly conclusive manual or radiological follow-up.

Materials and methods

The 15-mm metatarsal fragment of eight female merino sheep was surgically replaced by a bioceramic scaffold stabilized with an external fixator. Gait tests were performed weekly by making the sheep walk on an instrumented gangway. The evolution of different kinematic and dynamic parameters was analyzed for all the animal’s limbs, as well as asymmetries between limbs. Finally, potential correlation in the recovery of the gait parameters was evaluated through the linear regression models.


After surgery, the operated limb has an altered way of carrying body weight while walking. Its loading capacity was significantly reduced as the stance phases were shorter and less impulsive. The non-operated limbs compensated for this mobility deficit. All parameters were normalizing during the consolidation phase while the bone callus was simultaneously mineralizing. The results also showed high levels of asymmetry between the operated limb and its contralateral, which exceeded 150% when analyzing the impulse after surgery. Gait recovery significantly correlated between symmetrical limbs.


Gait analysis was presented as an effective, low-cost tool capable of mechanically predicting the regeneration of critical-size defects treated by tissue engineering, as comparing regeneration processes or novel scaffolds. Despite the progressive normalization as the callus mineralized, the bearing capacity reduction and the asymmetry of the operated limb were more significant than in other orthopedic alternatives.

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Reportes de casos clínicos de pacientes tras revascularización miocárdica basado en la Teoría de Enfermería de Medio Rango para la Rehabilitación Cardiovascular

El objetivo es describir los planes de atención domiciliaria del paciente después de la revascularización miocárdica (RM) basados en la Teoría de Enfermería de Rango Medio para la Rehabilitación Cardiovascular (TMA Enf-RCV). Se trata de un estudio de caso múltiple en el que la recogida de datos se realizó en el domicilio de siete pacientes en el postoperatorio de RM, en Sobral-Ceará, entre junio y diciembre de 2019. La información recogida se organizó en informes individuales y luego, se realizó la síntesis analítica conjunta. La evaluación de la conducta rehabilitadora y el estímulo para la rehabilitación cardiovascular (RCV) involucró problemas fisiológicos adaptativos, autoconcepto, desempeño de roles e interdependencia, con un 50% de los diagnósticos de enfermería centrados en problemas y asociados con el modo fisiológico y un 57% de los diagnósticos de promoción de la salud se relacionaron con el modo de autoconcepto. La intervención de rehabilitación de enfermería incluyó la promoción de ejercicios físicos, el estímulo del paciente y la familia en el cuidado, educación sobre estrategias adaptativas, apoyo psicosocial, entre otros. Este estudio respalda la aplicabilidad de TMA Enf-RCV como una intervención eficaz para el RCV con un enfoque en la calidad de vida.

☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Advanced Nursing

Safety culture in maternity hospital: Perception of nurse‐midwives



To explore nurse-midwives' perceptions of safety culture in maternity hospitals.


A descriptive phenomenological study was conducted using focus groups and reported following the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research.


Data were obtained through two online focus group sessions in June 2022 with 13 nurse-midwives from two maternity hospitals in the central region of Portugal. The first focus group comprised 6 nurse-midwives, and the second comprised 7 nurse-midwives. Qualitative data were analysed using content analysis.


Two main themes emerged from the data: (i) barriers to promoting a safety culture; (ii) safety culture promotion strategies. The first theme is supported by four categories: ineffective communication, unproductive management, instability in teams and the problem of errors in care delivery. The second theme is supported by two categories: managers' commitment to safety and the promotion of effective communication.


The study results show that the safety culture in maternity hospitals is compromised by ineffective communication, team instability, insufficient allocation of nurse-midwives, a prevailing punitive culture and underreporting of adverse events. These highlight the need for managers to commit to providing better working conditions, encourage training with the development of a fairer safety culture and encourage reporting and learning from mistakes. There is also a need to invest in team leaders who allow better conflict management and optimization of communication skills is essential.


Disseminating these results will provide relevance to the safety culture problem, allowing greater awareness of nurse-midwives and managers about vulnerable areas, and lead to the implementation of effective changes for safe maternal and neonatal care.

Patient or Public Contribution

There was no patient or public contribution as the study only concerned service providers, that is, nurse-midwives themselves.

☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Advanced Nursing

Compassion in health professionals: Development and validation of the Capacity for Compassion Scale



Health professionals witness pain and suffering when they care for sick people and their families. Compassion is a necessary quality in their work as it combines the will to help, alleviate suffering and promote the well-being of both the people they are attending and the professionals themselves. The aim of the study was to design and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Capacity for Compassion Scale (CCS).


A quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out to evaluate the psychometric properties of the scale (reliability, temporal stability, content validity, criterion validity and construct validity).


The study was carried out in two phases: pilot study and final validation. The data were collected between April and May 2022. The sample was selected by convenience sampling and was made up of a total of 264 participants, 59 in the pilot phase and 205 in the final validation.


The Capacity for Compassion Scale has been shown to have good psychometric properties in relation to reliability, temporal stability, and content, criterion, and construct validity. Factor analysis showed that there were four subdimensions of the scale: motivation/commitment, presence, shared humanity and self-compassion. The results also indicate that compassionate ability is significantly correlated with age and work experience.


The Capacity for Compassion Scale shows adequate psychometric properties. This instrument measures the compassion capacity of health professionals, which is a valuable discovery for new lines of research in this field.


Through this scale, low levels of capacity for compassion can be detected that negatively influence the quality of care provided by health professionals. The Capacity for Compassion Scale can therefore contribute to the identification of needs and promote training around compassion for health professionals.

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public contribution.

What Problem did the Study Address?

Compassion in health professionals has positive effects on improving the quality of care, the satisfaction of professionals and the work environment. There are compassion cultivation programmes whose validity has been proven for the development of the dimensions of compassion. There is no specific instrument that measures capacity for compassion in healthcare professionals.

What were the Main Findings?

A scale is designed to measure capacity for compassion in health professionals. This is the only such scale available up until now. The scale measures four dimensions of compassion: motivation/commitment, presence, shared humanity and self-compassion.

Where and on Whom will the Research Have an Impact?

The development of specific programmes that can increase the compassion of health professionals with all the benefits that this can bring to health care is encouraged. It will be possible to analyse the effects of training programmes on the cultivation of compassion.

☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Advanced Nursing

Nurses’ experiences of moral distress and how it affects daily work in surgical care—a qualitative study

Por: Maria Demir · Elin Håkansson · Jenny Drott — Noviembre 17th 2023 at 12:29



To describe nurses’ and specialist nurses’ experiences of moral distress and how it affects daily work in surgical care.


A qualitative descriptive study design was used.


A qualitative study with 12 interviews with nurses and specialist nurses working in surgical care. All interviews were conducted during October and November 2022 in two hospitals in southeastern Sweden. Data were analysed using conventional qualitative content analysis.


Three categories and seven subcategories generated from the data analysis. The three categories generated from the analysis were Experiences that lead to moral distress, Perceived consequences of moral distress and Strategies in case of moral distress. The results show that a lack of personnel in combination with people with complex surgical needs is the main source of moral distress. Both high demands on nurses as individuals and the teamwork are factors that generate moral distress and can have severe consequences for the safety of patients, individual nurses and future care.


The results show that moral distress is a problem for today's nurses and specialist nurses in surgical care. Action is necessary to prevent nurses from leaving surgical care. Prioritizing tasks is perceived as challenging for the profession, and moral distress can pose a patient safety risk.


Surgical care departments should design support structures for nurses, give nurses an authentic voice to express ethical concerns and allow them to practice surgical nursing in a way that does not violate their core professional values. Healthcare organizations should take this seriously and work strategically to make the nursing profession more attractive.

Patient or Public Contribution

There was no patient or public contribution.

☐ ☆ ✇ NURE Investigación

Impacto de la enfermera de práctica avanzada en el proceso asistencial del paciente laringectomizado

Por: María del Pilar Tapia Bermejo — Octubre 1st 2023 at 00:00

Los pacientes con cáncer de laringe sometidos a laringectomía total deben estar acompañados por un profesional de enfermería experto, con capacidad de adoptar decisiones complejas y que proporcione una atención de calidad. En España la figura de la enfermera de práctica avanzada (EPA) es poco reconocida y no tiene regulación normativa, aunque es importante incluirla dentro del equipo asistencial para mejorar los cuidados del paciente oncológico complejo debido a su liderazgo clínico y transformacional. Objetivo principal. Evaluar el impacto de la enfermera de práctica avanzada en el proceso asistencial del paciente con cáncer de laringe y tratamiento quirúrgico de laringectomía total. Diseño y ámbito de estudio. Estudio cuasiexperimental pre-post longitudinal prospectivo a un solo grupo de pacientes no aleatorizado, en el servicio de Otorrinolaringología del Hospital Universitario la Paz, desde el año 2021 hasta el 2023. Variables del estudio. Se recogerán variables relacionadas con indicadores clínicos, además de variables como la ansiedad, calidad de vida, grado de satisfacción entre otras. Intervención. La EPA realizará 13 sesiones individuales de forma coordinada con el equipo asistencial desde el diagnóstico hasta el alta hospitalaria, estas abordarán aspectos tanto a nivel educativo como asistencial del paciente. La aparición de la figura de la EPA responde a la cambiante demanda de los servicios sanitarios, al aumento del coste asistencial y al continuo desarrollo profesional, por tanto, es necesario valorar la posibilidad de introducir nuevos modelos profesionales dentro de la práctica clínica, para adaptar el sistema de salud a los cuidados que la sociedad necesita.


Patients with laryngeal cancer undergoing total laryngectomy must be accompanied by an expert nursing professional, who must be able to take complex decisions and to provide quality care. In Spain, the advanced practice nurse (APN) figure is little recognized and it has not a formal regulation; although it is important to include it within the care team to improve the care of complex cancer patients due to its clinical and transformational leadership. Main objective: to evaluate the impact of the advanced practice nurse in the care process of patients with laryngeal cancer and total laryngectomy surgical treatment. Study design and scope: a prospective longitudinal pre-post quasi-experimental study of a single non-randomized group of patients, in the Otorhinolaryngology service of the la Paz University Hospital, from 2021 to 2023. Study variables: variables related to clinical indicators, in addition to variables such as anxiety, quality of life, degree of satisfaction, among others. Intervention: the EPA will carry out 13 individual sessions in coordination with the care team from diagnosis to hospital discharge, these will address both educational and patient care aspects.

The appearance of the figure of the EPA responds to the changing demand for health services, the increase in the cost of care and the continuous professional development, therefore, it is necessary to assess the possibility of introducing new professional models within clinical practice, to adapt the health system to the care that society needs.

☐ ☆ ✇ Index de Enfermería

Experiencias de madres con accidentes domésticos infantiles: consideraciones a la luz del Modelo de Adaptación de Roy

Objetivo principal: Describir las experiencias de las madres que vivieron accidentes domésticos que involucraron a sus hijos, a la luz del Modelo de Adaptación de Roy.  Método: Estudio cualitativo. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas y sometidos a la técnica de análisis de contenido. Se utilizó como marco teórico el Modelo de Adaptación de Roy. Resultados principales: Participaron 17 madres, cuyos discursos fueron agrupados en tres categorías: enfrentar el desafío de salvar la vida de su hijo; reconocer el momento de (falta de) cuidado de su hijo; y aprender de sus errores. Conclusión principal: Se identificaron madres con dificultades para reconocer sus errores y posibles negligencias, que les atribuyeron la responsabilidad del accidente al hijo. Los enfermeros, cuando basan su práctica clínica en el Modelo de Adaptación de Roy, deben prestarles atención a las necesidades emocionales de los sistemas adaptativos de los involucrados.

☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Advanced Nursing

Spanish version of the Self‐Care of Chronic Illness Inventory: A validation study amongst community‐dwelling older adults with chronic multimorbidity



To psychometrically assess the Spanish version of the Self-Care of Chronic Illness Inventory (SC-CII-Sp) in community-dwelling older adults with chronic multimorbidity.


A methodological study.


A total of 1260 older adults participated in the study between May 2020 and February 2022. The data were analysed using SPSS Statistics® 26 and AMOS® 24. The items' content validity index and the Fleiss' kappa were calculated to assess the SC-CII-Sp's content validity. Convergent validity was assessed by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient between the participants' scores on the SC-CII-Sp and their scores on the Spanish Chronic Disease Self-Efficacy scale (SCD-SE). Construct validity was tested by performing a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The SC-CII-Sp's reliability was tested by computing the Cronbach's alpha.


The SC-CII-Sp showed good content and convergent validity. The CFA showed that the SC-CII-Sp has three sub-scales. The 8-item Self-Care Maintenance sub-scale has good internal consistency and is comprised of two dimensions: illness-related and health-promoting behaviour. The Self-Care Monitoring sub-scale had excellent internal consistency and its five loaded items belonged to a single dimension. The 6-item Self-Care Management sub-scale has adequate internal consistency and two dimensions: autonomous and consulting behaviour.


The Spanish version of SC-CII is a valid and reliable instrument to be used in the assessment of self-care behaviours amongst Spanish-speaking, community-dwelling older adults with chronic multimorbidity.

Implications for the Profession

Nurses need valid and reliable tools to assess self-care behaviours in Spanish-speaking community-dwelling older adults with chronic multimorbidity. This study provides a 19-item tool that allows for the comprehensive evaluation of self-care behaviours in healthy and ill states.


Using the SC-CII-Sp in clinical or research settings could help nurses to examine the effects of different interventions on self-care behaviours amongst Spanish-speaking, community-dwelling older adults with chronic multimorbidity.

Patient or Public Contribution

None to be reported.

☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Clinical Nursing

The paradoxical position of nurses regarding euthanasia and its legalisation: A descriptive quantitative study


Aims and Objectives

To learn about the attitudes of nurses working in the Andalusian Public Health System regarding euthanasia and its legalisation.


Euthanasia often finds itself in the crosshairs of ethical and political debate on an international scale. Currently, the Spanish Organic Law 3/2021 of 24 March, 2021, recognises euthanasia as a fundamental right in Spain. It is of particular interest to know about the views, attitudes and stances that Andalusian nurses have of euthanasia as they are key players within the framework of euthanasia and administration of life-ending drugs. They play a central role in guiding patients through the euthanasia application process.


Observational descriptive study.


A study of Andalusian Public Health System nurses was carried out using non-probability convenience sampling. 518 nurses with an average age of 44.75 years answered in a questionnaire that was distributed on an online platform. Socio-demographic and occupational variables were assessed, together with the Death Anxiety Scale and the Euthanasia Attitude Scale. A bivariate analysis and a multivariate linear regression model were performed. The STROBE checklist was used.


The mean score obtained on the Euthanasia Attitude Scale was 75.95 (SD = 16.53). The mean score obtained on the Death Anxiety Scale was 7.56 (SD = 3.05). The variables age and work experience were negatively correlated with the total scores of the Euthanasia Attitude Scale and the categories ‘Ethical considerations’, ‘Practical considerations’ and ‘Treasuring life’. On the other hand, there was a significant positive correlation between age and work experience and ‘Spiritual beliefs’ category.


The current situation shows a worrying paradox. There is a stark difference between positive professional attitudes towards euthanasia and the desire to participate in its application.

Relevance to Clinical Practice

It is vital that educational and healthcare institutions make the necessary efforts to ensure that nurses develop sound moral judgement, displaying the moral conscience and ethical commitment required of this established profession.

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public contribution.

☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

Efecto de la dieta libre de gluten en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes con enfermedad celíaca: una revisión sistemática

Objetivo principal: analizar de manera sistemática la evidencia disponible sobre el efecto de la dieta libre de gluten en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes con enfermedad celíaca. Metodología: Para la elaboración de esta revisión sistemática se siguió con la formulación de una pregunta, establecimiento de criterios de inclusión y exclusión, desarrollo de estrategias de búsqueda, la selección de artículos para ser incluidos en la revisión, extracción de datos y síntesis de los datos. Resultados principales: Se observó en todos los estudios incluidos que los síntomas, así como la presencia de anticuerpos específicos, disminuyeron en las personas con Enfermedad Celiaca que se adhirieron a la dieta libre de gluten. Conclusión principal: Respecto al efecto de la dieta libre de gluten en la enfermedad celíaca, se puede decir que los pacientes celíacos tienden a mejorar en los síntomas de esta patología. Sin embargo, algunos pacientes pueden no mostrar una mejoría significativa.

☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

Instrumentos para la identificación temprana del deterioro clínico en pacientes hospitalizados: revisión integrativa

Objetivo: recopilar evidencia científica sobre la implementación y evaluación del uso de instrumentos para la identificación temprana del deterioro clínico en pacientes no infectados por SARS-COV-2 en unidades de hospitalización de adultos. Método: revisión integradora realizada en las bases de datos Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, Web Of Science y SCOPUS, utilizando la siguiente estrategia de búsqueda: (“Early Medical Intervention” OR “Early Warning Systems” O “Puntuación de alerta temprana”) Y (“Deterioro clínico”). Resultados: se seleccionaron ocho artículos que abordaron la implementación de herramientas para la identificación temprana de deterioro clínico en unidades de hospitalización y evaluaron sus resultados a través de indicadores de incidencia de paro cardiorrespiratorio, incidencia de ingreso no planificado en UTI, incidencia de cirugía de emergencia, mortalidad e incidencia de enfermedad renal. lesión. Conclusión: la implementación de herramientas que permiten la identificación temprana del deterioro clínico en las unidades de hospitalización tuvo un impacto positivo en los indicadores institucionales.

☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

Intervenciones para restablecer la vida sexual en pacientes ostomizados

Caso: ejemplo mujer de 52 años de edad, que vive en zona rural que, a raíz de la realización de una estoma digestivo definitivo, manifiesta rechazo afectivo-sexual. Objetivo: identificar intervenciones basadas en evidencias destinadas restablecer la vida sexual en la persona ostomizada, garantizando su seguridad, aceptación de su nueva realidad corporal y motivación hacia la práctica erótica. Metodología: búsqueda de evidencias siguiendo el modelo PRAXIS. Recomendaciones de buena práctica: (a) Orientar al paciente ostomizado en todos aquellos aspectos relacionados con su estoma para recuperar la autosuficiencia, (b) Ayudar a la persona ostomizada a mejorar su imagen corporal durante el contacto sexual, (c) Implementar aquellas estrategias que la ayuden a retomar la práctica erótica- sexual, (d) Trabajar con su entorno familiar las habilidades positivas de comunicación para favorecer la aceptación de su nueva realidad corporal, (e) Estimular el contacto y visitas con personas que ha pasado por idéntica experiencia. Prácticas de autocuidado: apoyo profesional, compartir temores y experiencia con entorno social y grupos de apoyo, superar la vergüenza, actitud positiva.

☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

Efecto del ejercicio cardiovascular sobre las emociones de los adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad: ensayo clínico

Objetivo principal: describir el efecto de una dosis de ejercicio cardiovascular sobre los afectos del adolescente con sobrepeso y obesidad (SOB). Metodología: ensayo clínico controlado, paralelo y simple ciego. Población: Adolescentes de 15-19 años, Grupo Experimental (GE=10) y Grupo Control (GC= 8).  La intervención de ejercicio para el GE fue 5 veces por semana, 20-40 minutos, durante 8 semanas; mientras que para el GC fue menor dosis. Resultados principales: al comparar test vs. re-test, los afectos en general no tuvieron diferencia significativa (p>.05). Al analizar los afectos de manera específica, se observó diferencia significativa (p<.05) en motivado (test=3.10±.73 vs. re-test=3.90±1.44), activo (test=3.10±.56 vs. re-test=3.70±.82), entusiasmado (test=2.90±.87 vs. re-test=3.50±1.17) y estimulado (test=3±1.05 vs. re-test=3.80±1.03). Conclusión principal: la dosis propuesta de ejercicio en adolescentes con SOB, no representó cambios de manera general sobre los afectos, únicamente refleja significancia estadística en algunos de ellos por separado en el GE.

☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

La musicoterapia y el dolor pacientes adultos durante el postoperatorio: revisión integrativa de la literatura

Objetivo principal: Identificar la evidencia disponible en la literatura sobre el efecto de la musicoterapia en el dolor de pacientes adultos durante el postoperatorio. Metodología: Revisión integradora de literatura realizada en las bases de datos CUIDEN, CINAHL, PubMed, LILACS, SCIELO, EBSCO, SCOPUS, Web of Science y Google Scholar considerando artículos desde 2019, al 2022, utilizando los descriptores “musicoterapia”, “dolor postoperatorio” y “adulto”. Los datos se presentan de forma descriptiva. Resultados principales: Se encontraron 314 artículos, una vez filtrados se analizaron 18. Todos los pacientes presentaron algún nivel de dolor durante su periodo postoperatorio, algunos además, experimentaron depresión, temor y ansiedad y la musicoterapia demostró disminuir todos estos síntomas, ningún estudio reportó la presencia de alguna complicación durante su implementación. Conclusión principal: La música bien utilizada produce efectos positivos en los pacientes con cáncer, dolor, depresión, estrés, temor durante el periodo postoperatorio y en pacientes sometidos a procesos invasivos, es una intervención económica, inocua. Se puede utilizar por los enfermeros como parte del cuidado holístico y como tratamiento complementario de la farmacología analgésica.

☐ ☆ ✇ Index de Enfermería

El juicio clínico de las enfermeras sobre el empoderamiento del cuidador

Objetivo principal: Identificar los factores que subyacen al juicio clínico de las enfermeras sobre el empoderamiento del cuidador. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo y exploratorio. Los participantes fueron 10 enfermeras expertas que pertenecían a un grupo que apoya a sus colegas en el diseño de los cuidados apoyados en modelos teóricos y enfermeras expertas en el empoderamiento de los cuidadores, en un hospital universitario. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas con grabación de audio. Los datos se analizaron mediante la técnica de análisis de contenido. Resultados principales: Emergieron tres temas, las enfermeras, los cuidadores y las dificultades y limitaciones, que se subdividieron en ocho subtemas. Se identificaron factores facilitadores, así como limitaciones y dificultades asociadas a la asunción y gestión del rol de cuidador. Conclusión principal: El empoderamiento del cuidador es un proceso complejo, en el que los cuidados de enfermería se centran más en la persona dependiente y menos en el cuidador, lo que demuestra que es un área que requiere mayor atención y conceptualización por parte de las enfermeras.
