
☐ ☆ ✇ Evidence-Based Nursing

Impact of moral distress on early career nurses: an integrative review

Por: Finch · N. — Marzo 28th 2024 at 14:43

This is a summary of Loyd et al.1

Background and purpose

  • ‘Moral distress’ is described by Jameton as ‘...aris[ing] when one knows the right thing to do, but institutional constraints make it nearly impossible to pursue the right course of action’ (p. 6).2

  • Moral distress may cause nurses to question their career choice, and to feel disempowered and unhappy in their work. This may have a negative impact on the physical and mental well-being of nursing staff, leading to burnout and high staff turnover.

  • Nurses in the first 5 years of their career (early career nurses) may be particularly at risk of experiencing moral distress as they make the stressful and challenging transition from student to qualified practice.

  • The purpose of the review is to synthesise the literature regarding moral distress in the first 5 years of qualified practice.

  • ...
    ☐ ☆ ✇ Evidence-Based Nursing

    Strategies to improve and enhance satisfaction with learning among nursing students

    Por: Tabari-Khomeiran · R. — Diciembre 15th 2023 at 10:25
    Background and purpose

  • This is a summary of Cant R, Gazula S, and Ryan C.1

  • Student satisfaction is important as it positively influences both student retention and institutional rankings.

  • The concept of student satisfaction with education is poorly understood, although some studies suggested its related elements such as learning environments; student motivation to learn; student and teacher accountability; classroom diversity, and assessment approaches.

  • By identifying factors that influence nursing students’ satisfaction, nurse educators will have the opportunity to further improve the curriculum and student education experiences.

  • This integrative review aims to discover basic conceptual elements that affect higher education students’ satisfaction, focusing on nursing education.

  • Methods

    Results and areas for future research

  • Twenty-two studies were included: 19 with an experimental, quasi-experimental design and three systematic reviews from 15 countries.

  • Service quality, institutional image and...

  • ☐ ☆ ✇ Evidence-Based Nursing

    Experiences of newly registered nurses transitioning from nursing student to registered nurse: a qualitative systematic review

    Por: Brady · J. · Tatterton · M. J. — Septiembre 26th 2023 at 16:14
    Background and purpose

  • This is a summary of See et al.1

  • Newly registered nurses experience high levels of emotional exhaustion, stress and burnout, with high attrition rates in the first-year post-qualification.

  • The purpose of this review was to consolidate the available evidence on the experiences of newly registered nurses transitioning from the role of student nurse to that of registered nurse.

  • Methods

    Results and areas for future research

  • Thirty-one studies were included in the review, comprising thirty qualitative and one mixed-method study.

  • A total of 452 newly registered nurses were enrolled across the studies from Australia, Canada, Singapore, England, Nepal, Netherlands, Pakistan and Taiwan.

  • Four themes were identified: knowledge deficit, overwhelming clinical practice, importance of workplace support and the meaning of ‘being a nurse’.

  • Twenty-four studies discussed how newly graduated registered nurses experienced anxiety,...
