
☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Cohort profile: Worldwide Collaboration on OsteoArthritis prediCtion for the Hip (World COACH) - an international consortium of prospective cohort studies with individual participant data on hip osteoarthritis

Por: van Buuren · M. M. A. · Riedstra · N. S. · van den Berg · M. A. · Boel · F. D. E. M. · Ahedi · H. · Arbabi · V. · Arden · N. K. · Bierma-Zeinstra · S. M. A. · Boer · C. G. · Cicuttini · F. · Cootes · T. F. · Crossley · K. · Felson · D. · Gielis · W. P. · Heerey · J. · Jones · G. · Kluz — Abril 18th 2024 at 17:47

Hip osteoarthritis (OA) is a major cause of pain and disability worldwide. Lack of effective therapies may reflect poor knowledge on its aetiology and risk factors, and result in the management of end-stage hip OA with costly joint replacement. The Worldwide Collaboration on OsteoArthritis prediCtion for the Hip (World COACH) consortium was established to pool and harmonise individual participant data from prospective cohort studies. The consortium aims to better understand determinants and risk factors for the development and progression of hip OA, to optimise and automate methods for (imaging) analysis, and to develop a personalised prediction model for hip OA.


World COACH aimed to include participants of prospective cohort studies with ≥200 participants, that have hip imaging data available from at least 2 time points at least 4 years apart. All individual participant data, including clinical data, imaging (data), biochemical markers, questionnaires and genetic data, were collected and pooled into a single, individual-level database.

Findings to date

World COACH currently consists of 9 cohorts, with 38 021 participants aged 18–80 years at baseline. Overall, 71% of the participants were women and mean baseline age was 65.3±8.6 years. Over 34 000 participants had baseline pelvic radiographs available, and over 22 000 had an additional pelvic radiograph after 8–12 years of follow-up. Even longer radiographic follow-up (15–25 years) is available for over 6000 of these participants.

Future plans

The World COACH consortium offers unique opportunities for studies on the relationship between determinants/risk factors and the development or progression of hip OA, by using harmonised data on clinical findings, imaging, biomarkers, genetics and lifestyle. This provides a unique opportunity to develop a personalised hip OA risk prediction model and to optimise methods for imaging analysis of the hip.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Improving leadership skills of infection prevention and control teams by psychological empowerment: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial (IP-POWER)

Por: Keil · V. · Schaumburg · T. · Buchta · F. · Luz · J. K. · Kolbe-Busch · S. · Chaberny · I. F. · von Lengerke · T. — Febrero 13th 2024 at 01:46

Infection prevention and control (IPC) teams are routinely confronted with intense emotions in their daily work, as they are involved in many change processes with front-line medical staff, for example, when promoting compliance with basic IPC measures. In addition, they are confronted with challenges due to their role as intermediaries. Based on former research, this study aims to empower IPC teams to promote clinicians’ compliance through interventions focusing on the IPC teams’ leadership skills.

Methods and analysis

The IP-POWER study (Infection Prevention with head and heart: Psychological empowerment of IPC teams), a multicentre, two-arm, non-blinded, cluster-randomised controlled trial with a parallel waiting control group, is planned to be conducted in Germany as of February to November 2024. A group of 10 voluntary hospitals is going to participate in a multistage intervention programme, including 2 days of intense psychological training; 5 hospitals will be randomly assigned to the waiting control group. After the workshops, there will be a 12-week follow-up period during which the contents learnt within the workshops can be applied and internalised into IPC practice. The proposed outcomes (both self-assessed and other-assessed leadership competencies of IPC team members and their task profiles, perceived workload, motivation to act in order to implement IP measures and goal attainment) are going to be collected with an online questionnaire, followed by an analysis with IBM SPSS (Statistics 29 (or later)) using descriptive analyses and multiple linear regressions. Additionally, as external data sources, hand hygiene compliance rates from the study hospitals’ monitoring systems will be analysed using ² tests.

Ethics and dissemination

This study was reviewed and approved by the ethics committee of the University of Leipzig (184/23-ek; vote from 4 July 2023). Findings will be disseminated via peer-review publications, and national and international conference presentations.

Trial registration number


☐ ☆ ✇ PLOS ONE Medicine&Health

Quantitative changes in the corneal endothelium and central corneal thickness during anterior chamber inflammation: A systematic review and meta-analysis

by Germán Mejía-Salgado, Paula Tatiana Muñoz-Vargas, Carlos Cifuentes-González, Gabriela Flórez-Esparza, Rebeca Paquentín-Jiménez, Miguel Ángel Castro-Monreal, Naomi Medina-Galindo, Gilma Norella Hernández-Herrera, Luz Elena Concha-del-Río, Alejandra de-la-Torre


To establish the effects of anterior chamber inflammation (ACI) on the corneal endothelium parameters and central corneal thickness (CCT).


We conducted a comprehensive literature review using medical databases (PubMed, EMBASE, VHL, and medRxiv) on March 8, 2023, for studies that included patients with ACI who had undergone specular microscopy or pachymetry. Case series with >10 patients, cross-sectional, case-control, and cohort studies were included. The risk of bias was assessed using CLARITY tools and validated scales such as those by Hassan Murad et al. and Hoy et al. A narrative synthesis and a quantitative standardized mean difference meta-analysis, I2 heterogeneity assessment, and publication bias tests were conducted. The study was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42023420148) and approved by the Universidad del Rosario ethical committee (DVO005 2277- CV1712).


Thirty-four studies, encompassing 1,388 eyes with ACI, were included. Compared with healthy controls, overall, ACI eyes show significant mean differences in endothelial parameters (endothelial cell density (ECD), coefficient of variation (CV), and hexagonality (HEX)) (P Conclusion

ACI leads to significant alterations in endothelial parameters and CCT. The primary contributors to these changes are increased IOP, uveitis duration, and intraocular surgeries. Further studies are needed to explore the impact of ACI etiology on the endothelium, potential biases in IOP measurements during acute ACI episodes, and the potential necessity for monitoring the endothelial parameters and CCT in patients with chronic ACI.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Methodological guidelines and publications of benefit-risk assessment for health technology assessment: a scoping review protocol

Por: De Oliveira Ascef · B. · Gabriel · F. C. · Suzumura · E. A. · Maia · F. H. d. A. · Bortoluzzi · A. F. R. · Farias · N. S. · Jahn · B. · Siebert · U. · De Soarez · P. C. — Diciembre 10th 2023 at 15:59

Benefit–risk assessment (BRA) is used in multiple phases along the health technology’s life-cycle to evaluate the balance between the benefits and risks, as it is fundamental to all stakeholders. BRA and its methodological approaches have been applied primarily in the context of regulatory agencies. However, BRA’s application and extent in the context of health technology assessment (HTA) bodies remain less clear. Our goal is to perform a scoping review to identify and map methodological guidelines and publications on methods of BRA. This will be done considering the different phases of the life-cycle of health technologies to underline both the depth and extent of research concerning BRA, especially in the context of HTA.

Methods and analysis

This scoping review protocol was developed following the framework proposed by Arksey and O’Malley, and the updated guidelines by the Joanna Briggs Institute. We will include methodological publications that provide recommendations or guidelines on methods for BRA. We will conduct electronic searches on Medline (PubMed) and EMBASE (Ovid) databases; manual searches on the main websites of HTA bodies and drug regulatory organisations; and contact experts in the field. Systematic extraction forms will be used to screen and assess the identified publications by independent assessors. We will provide a qualitative synthesis using descriptive statistics and visual tools. Results will be summarised in systematic evidence tables and comparative evidence scoping charts.

Ethics and dissemination

This review will use data publicly available and does not require ethics approval. The results of this scoping review will contribute to scientific knowledge and act as a basis for methodologists, guideline developers and researchers for the development of BRA to inform regulatory decisions, reimbursement and coverage decision making. The results will be disseminated through peer-reviewed articles, conferences, policy briefs and workshops.

Trial registration number

Open Science Framework (

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Factores de riesgo y estilos de vida en adolescentes asociados al cáncer en la adultez: una revisión de alcance

Objetivo: Identificar la evidencia científica relacionada con los factores de riesgo y los estilos de vida en adolescentes asociados a la ocurrencia de cáncer pulmonar, cervicouterino, gastrointestinal, de piel y de mama en la adultez. Metodología: Revisión de alcance basada en la metodología del Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI), se exploraron cuatro bases de datos, a los artículos seleccionados se les realizó análisis, extracción y síntesis de datos. Resultados: Se incluyeron 33 artículos, los factores de riesgo identificados fueron antecedentes familiares, sexo, tabaco, alcohol, sobrepeso, bajo peso, exposición al sol, infección por virus del papiloma humano (VPH), desconocimiento sobre medidas de autocuidado, bajo consumo de frutas y verduras, consumo de carnes rojas y de grasas, bajo nivel socioeconómico, bajo nivel de escolaridad y sedentarismo; y, como estilos de vida: actividad física, uso del condón, seguimiento y detección de su situación de salud, vacuna contra el virus del papiloma humano (VPH), alimentación saludable y protección solar. Conclusión: Los factores de riesgos encontrados en la revisión de alcance son numerosos, según cada tipo de cáncer, existen factores modificables que desde la adolescencia se pueden poner en práctica como estilos de vida en sentido individual, familiar y escolar.

☐ ☆ ✇ Index de Enfermería

Proceso de construcción y validación del instrumento Percepción de Comportamientos de Cuidado Humanizado de Enfermería (PCHE-III)

Por: Luz Nelly Rivera Alvarez · Álvaro Triana — Marzo 22nd 2023 at 11:05

El Cuidado Humanizado de Enfermería, como expresión del arte de cuidar, se caracteriza por entablar una relación eminentemente ética y de confianza en su interacción con el Otro. Medir este constructo ha sido el objetivo del instrumento Percepción de Comportamientos de Cuidado Humanizado de Enfermería (PCHE). El presente artículo muestra el proceso de construcción y de validación del instrumento, y su correlación teórica con los planteamientos filosóficos del cuidado humano de Jean Watson. El instrumento PCHE, en sus tres versiones, ha contado con la medición de validez facial y de contenido. En su tercera versión contó, además, con la validez de constructo y la medición de la confiabilidad, permitiendo concluir que el instrumento PCHE-III es confiable y mide las características asociadas al fenómeno del Cuidado humanizado en enfermería.

☐ ☆ ✇ Archivos de la Memoria

Estrenando la maternidad

Por: Cristina Torres Luzón — Diciembre 13th 2021 at 00:00

La maternidad es un momento decisivo que se puede presentar en la vida de las mujeres. Éste es el relato biográfico de María, una mujer de 35 años y en paro que vive junto a su marido en un pueblo de Granada. El objetivo ha sido conocer la vivencia de la maternidad a través de las palabras de la informante, visibilizando como un mismo proceso biológico y social, es vivido y sentido de forma particular por cada mujer en base a sus circunstancias personales, laborales y socio-familiares. Para construir el relato he realizado una entrevista semiestructurada, con preguntas abiertas abordando los temas principales que surgen al ser madre. Este tipo de relatos permite visibilizar las diferentes realidades y poder entender y empatizar con aquellas circunstancias que son ajenas a una persona pero que cobran significado cuando se conoce el contexto donde se desarrollan.

☐ ☆ ✇ Archivos de la Memoria

Vivir aquí y ahora con un síndrome autoinmune. Relato biográfico

El Síndrome de Sjögren es una enfermedad autoinmune sistémica que conduce al Síndrome Sicca, combinación de sequedad en ojos, cavidad oral, faringe, laringe y vagina. Se presenta frecuentemente asociado a otros trastornos autoinmunes, como artritis reumatoide y lupus eritematoso. Afecta generalmente a mujeres caucásicas entre 40-50 años. La patogénesis es desconocida, pudiendo ser desencadenada por factores genéticos, ambientales e infecciones víricas. La sintomatología, difusa, dificulta el diagnóstico. El objetivo del estudio es describir y comprender la experiencia vivida por una joven ante el diagnóstico y evolución de su enfermedad. En el texto se describen las manifestaciones clínicas, la calidad de vida, la actividad profesional, y las perspectivas de futuro. El relato biográfico aportó a nuestro trabajo una visión integradora del cuidado centrada en lo que la paciente considera importante.

☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

Prevención de infecciones nosocomiales mediante impregnación antimicrobiana del catéter venoso central

Objetivo principal: Evaluar si el uso de catéter venoso central (CVC) impregnado en antimicrobiano es útil para la reducción de la bacteriemia relacionada con el catéter en  pacientes ingresados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI), e identificar el antimicrobiano más efectivo. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática en Bases Datos (CINAHL, PUBMED, CUIDEN, EMBASE, LILACS y SCIELO). Incluidos artículos de 2009 a 2017, inglés y español, que fuesen ensayos clínicos aleatorizados e incluyeran pacientes de UCI con CVC impregnado comparado con CVC convencional. Se evaluó la calidad metodológica de los artículos mediante la herramienta CASPE. Resultados principales: De los 8 estudios, 4 mostraron significancia en cuanto al uso de CVC impregnados para la reducción de infecciones relacionadas con el catéter. Dentro de los antimicrobianos usados, la minociclina-rifampicina muestra la mayor efectividad. Conclusión principal: El uso de CVC impregnado, puede ser efectivo en la reducción de infecciones en UCI. Dentro de las limitaciones de este tipo de catéter, a mayor número de luces y tiempo de mantenimiento de CVC, menor efectividad antimicrobiana.
