
☐ ☆ ✇ Midwifery

The provision of midwife-led care in low-and middle-income countries: An integrative review

Por: Michaela Michel-Schuldt · Alison McFadden · Mary Renfrew · Caroline Homer — Febrero 3rd 2020 at 01:00
Addressing preventable maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity are major issues globally with low- and lower middle-income countries (LMICS) having the highest rates (Graham et al. 2016; UNFPA, WHO & ICM 2014; WHO, UNICEF & UNFPA 2014). Each day, approximately 830 women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth (Alkema et al. 2016). In addition, approximately 2.5 million newborn babies die each year (UN 2018) and a further 2.6 million are stillborn (Lawn et al. 2011). Most deaths are from LMICS which account for 95% of maternal and 90% of all child deaths globally (Boerma et al.
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Developing and introducing a post birth care plan (PBCP): An action research project

Por: Susan Crowther · Annie Lau · Emma MacIver — Diciembre 17th 2019 at 01:00
The concept of ‘postnatal’ is open to interpretation both in terminology and meaning and referred to in several ways such as ‘post-birth’ and ‘postpartum’ and in some contexts refers to ‘…the period from childbirth to the 42nd day following delivery…’ (World Health Organization, 2014), and elsewhere extending to 8 weeks post-birth. Generally greater emphasis is placed on pregnancy and less on women's postnatal individual needs and wishes (Kleppel et al., 2016). Post-birth care continues to receive the least focus (Declercq et al., 2013; Zadoroznyi et al., 2015).
☐ ☆ ✇ Midwifery

Womens’ experiences of living with obstetric fistula in Ghana–time for the establishment of a fistula centre of excellence

Por: Rose Mantey · Agnes M. Kotoh · Maebh Barry · Wynette Redington — Diciembre 13th 2019 at 01:00
To explore the experiences of women living with Obstetric Fistula in Ghana.
☐ ☆ ✇ Midwifery

Recently graduated midwives in Uganda: Self-perceived achievement, wellbeing and work prospects

Por: James Copestake · Marc Theuss · Sharon Brownie · Gabby Davies · Eva Burke · Moses Mukuru · Hellen Kyakuwaire · Grace Edwards — Diciembre 12th 2019 at 01:00
to investigate how recent graduates from a combined work/study midwifery degree programme in Uganda viewed its effects on their wellbeing and work prospects.
☐ ☆ ✇ Midwifery

Effect of stay in a postpartum care institution on postpartum depression in women

Por: Li-Hua Huang · Tsung-Hsien Lee · Jing-Yang Huang · Soo-Cheen Ng · Maw-Sheng Lee · Shu-Hsin Lee — Diciembre 10th 2019 at 01:00
Childbirth is a major life experience for women. From conception to arrival of the newborn, the physical and mental experience has a great impact and influence on mothers (Swanson et al., 2011), which may lead to emotional or mental disorders post partum (Dolatian et al., 2013; Roy-Byrne et al., 2016). Postpartum depression is a common problem in women (Motzfeldt et al., 2013). In the 6 weeks after birth, serious intentions or behaviours that can harm the mother or baby may have adverse effects on child growth and development (O'Hara and McCabe, 2013; Bennett et al., 2016).
☐ ☆ ✇ Midwifery

The characteristics and prevalence of phobias in pregnancy

Por: Selina Nath · Paula Busuulwa · Elizabeth G. Ryan · Fiona L. Challacombe · Louise M. Howard — Noviembre 28th 2019 at 01:00
The primary objective was to estimate the population prevalence of specific phobias (including pregnancy related specific phobias) and associated mental disorders. The secondary objective was to investigate the effectiveness of routinely collected screening tools (depression and anxiety screens, Whooley and GAD-2 respectively) in identifying specific phobias. Specific phobias are the most common anxiety disorder to occur during pregnancy, but studies on prevalence and clinical correlates of specific phobias, including pregnancy related specific phobias are lacking.
☐ ☆ ✇ Midwifery

Patterns of delivery assistance among adolescent mothers in Nigeria

Por: Christiana A. Alex-Ojei · Clifford O. Odimegwu · Joshua O. Akinyemi — Diciembre 28th 2019 at 01:00
This study examined the sociodemographic and sociocultural factors associated with the pattern of birth assistance used among adolescent mothers aged 15–19 in Nigeria.
☐ ☆ ✇ Midwifery

Evaluation of women's worries in different strategies for the prevention of early onset group B streptococcal disease in neonates

: Early onset group B streptococcal (EOGBS) disease is an important cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. EOGBS preventive strategies aim to reduce the risk of neonatal complications. Two new strategies to prevent EOGBS were implemented in two regions in the Netherlands: a risk-based and a combination strategy and were compared to the Dutch strategy in a third region. Little is known how women feel about preventive EOGBS strategies, the consequences for management during labour, side effects such as harm caused by over prescribing of antibiotics or anxiety caused by screening.
☐ ☆ ✇ Midwifery

Exploring the validity of allostatic load in pregnant women

Por: Yang Li · Vanessa K. Dalton · Shawna J. Lee · Marie-Anne S. Rosemberg · Julia S. Seng — Diciembre 28th 2019 at 01:00
The theory of allostatic load has gained momentum in perinatal research to understand the biological pathways of the impact of maternal chronic stress on adverse perinatal outcomes. However, due to physiological changes of pregnancy, including large variations across gestation, the extent to which allostatic load measured in pregnancy is valid has not been queried in depth.
☐ ☆ ✇ Midwifery

Breastfeeding support in low and middle-income countries: Secondary analysis of national survey data

Por: Kimberly Peven · Edward Purssell · Cath Taylor · Debra Bick · Velma K. Lopez — Diciembre 10th 2019 at 01:00
Early initiation of breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding can reduce infant mortality. Breastfeeding support interventions such as counselling may improve adherence to recommended practices. However, it is not known if these interventions work at the population level.
☐ ☆ ✇ Midwifery

Dimensions in women's experience of the perinatal period

Por: Maaike Vogels-Broeke · Raymond de Vries · Marianne Nieuwenhuijze — Diciembre 10th 2019 at 01:00
A positive experience of the perinatal period is significant for women in midwifery care. The literature on women's experiences of the care in this period is extensive. However, a clear overview of the dimensions important for women's experiences is lacking. Consequently, care providers and researchers may ignore aspects significant to women's experience. In this short communication, we present a framework identifying the dimensions relevant for women's experiences of the perinatal period.
☐ ☆ ✇ Midwifery

Conceptualising women's perinatal well-being: A systematic review of theoretical discussions

Por: Franziska Wadephul · Lesley Glover · Julie Jomeen — Diciembre 3rd 2019 at 01:00
Over the last two decades there has been an increasing interest in well-being as a focus of policy, practice and research. There is general agreement that well-being takes a more holistic approach and focuses not simply on the absence of illness. In its constitution, the World Health Organisation defines health as ‘a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’. However, the concept of well-being still remains poorly defined and frequently appears to be used at a superficial level as ‘health and well-being’ to cover a wide range of concepts.
☐ ☆ ✇ Midwifery

Health professionals’ views of newborn pulse oximetry screening in a midwifery-led maternity setting. “It's a good thing to do, but fund it!”

Congenital heart defects in infants are the commonest congenital abnormality but even critical lesions can be difficult to identify clinically in the first days after birth during the period of physiological transition and while the ductus arteriosus remains patent (Wren et al., 2008). Accordingly, clinical assessment of newborns with congenital heart disease (CHD) within the first 24 h often yields normal findings (Abu-Harb et al., 1994; Saxena et al., 2015). Failure to make an early diagnosis of critical CHD leads to clinical compromise prior to infants receiving major surgery and is associated with increased infant mortality (Eckersley et al., 2016; Franklin et al., 2002).
☐ ☆ ✇ Midwifery

Neonatal outcomes and its association among gestational diabetes mellitus with and without depression, anxiety and stress symptoms in Malaysia: A cross-sectional study

Prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress symptoms in gestational diabetes mellitus ranges from 10.2% to 39.9% based on previous studies in Malaysia. Presence of depression, anxiety or stress in pregnancy may increase the risk of neonatal morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of neonatal outcomes and its association among mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus with and without the presence of depression, anxiety and stress symptoms in Malaysia.
☐ ☆ ✇ Midwifery

Health care providers’ perception of facilitators and barriers for the practice of skin-to-skin contact in Saudi Arabia: A qualitative study

Por: Nawal Abdulghani · Kristina Edvardsson · Lisa H. Amir — Noviembre 18th 2019 at 01:00
To identify Health Care Providers’ (HCPs’) perceived facilitators, barriers and requirements for implementing the practice of Skin-to-Skin Contact (SSC) immediately after vaginal birth.
☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

Agravios por causas externas en Servicio de Atención Móvel de Urgencia

Objetivo principal: Identificar la prevalencia de los agravios por causas externas en Servicio de Atención Móvil de Urgencia y factores asociados. Metodología: Estudio de datos secundarios, desarrollado a partir de recolección de datos en 2845 boletines de atención. Se utilizó un análisis de modelo de regresión de Poisson. Resultados principales: Los individuos con edad entre 21 y 40 años presentan aumento de 75% en la probabili-dad de sufrieren agravios por causas externas, 54% mayor probabilidad de presentaren una respiración alterada en el examen clínico, 105% mayor riesgo de rechazo de atención y 233% mayor riesgo de no estar en el local. Conclusión principal: Accidentes de transporte y caídas fueron los agravios por causas externas más prevalentes. Los factores asociados fueron: edad entre 21 y 40 años y presentar respiración alterada. Otros factores, también, se mantuvieron asociados por el rechazo en la atención y no estar presente para recibir la atención.

☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

Análisis de los componentes de la Red de Atención Psicosocial en el cuidado al adolescente usuario de crack

Objetivo: analizar los componentes de la Red de Atención Psicosocial (RAPS) orientadas a la atención de adolescentes usuarios de crack. Método: estudio exploratorio y descriptivo con enfoque cualitativo de los datos, desarrollado en el Centro de Atención Psicosocial Alcohol y Drogas (CAPSad) y en el Centro de Atención Psicosocial Infanto-juvenil (CAPSi). Participaron 20 profesionales del CAPSad y 10 del CAPSi. Los datos se recopilaron mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas y se analizaron conforme al Análisis Temático. Resultados: se identificaron como componentes de la RAPS orientadas a la atención de los adolescentes usuarios de crack: Atención Psicosocial Especializada; Atención Residencial de Carácter Transitorio; Atención Hospitalaria – Hospital Psiquiátrico y Atención Primaria – Unidad de Atención Primaria. Conclusión: el desempeño del CAPSad se subrayó en la atención de los adolescentes usuarios de crack, con acciones dirigidas a rescatar los lazos escolares y en entornos más saludables, así como la atención a la familia de estos jóvenes.

☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

Atención extrahospitalaria en trauma grave: punto de encuentro de equipos intervinientes en fase control de escenario, daños y rescate con paciente y escenario complejo

En los accidentes, cuando hay una disrupción súbita en la relación estable entre el individuo y su medio, las fuerzas violentas que intervienen originan un trauma grave, definido como lesión orgánica por alteración del entorno del individuo. La coordinación y toma de decisiones en el tándem Rescate-Asistencia in situ condiciona toda la intervención y esfuerzo de la asistencia. El resultado depende del buen funcionamiento y coordinación del grupo en toda la cadena asistencial [Fragmento de texto].

☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

Indicadores de morbilidad y caracterización epidemiológica de la tuberculosis en Imperatriz-MA, Brasil

Objetivos: determinar los indicadores de morbilidad de la tuberculosis en una ciudad del nordeste brasileño prioritaria para el control de la enfermedad y describir características sociodemográficas y clínicas-epidemiológicas de los casos notificados. Método: se trata de un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo con enfoque cuantitativo, considerando todos los casos notificados mediante el Sistema Nacional de Información y Agravios de Notificación en 2015 y expresando los coeficientes de incidencia y prevalencia. Las variables relacionadas con la caracterización sociodemográfica tales como género, edad, raza/color, nivel de educación y zona de residencia, así como las de investigación clínica-epidemiológica, tipo de ingreso, forma clínica, realización de baciloscopía, cultivo, realización de tratamiento supervisado y desenlace de tratamiento fueron analizadas por medio de la estadística descriptiva. Resultados: las tasas de prevalencia e incidencia fueron respectivamente 26,0 y 24,5 casos/100.000 habitantes, donde la mayoría de los casos notificados pertenecían a la zona urbana (98,48%), haciendo hincapié en hombres (68,18%), con edades ≤ 40 años (60%), raza/color pardo (78,79%) y con el predominio de la enseñanza primaria completa (34,85%). En lo que atañe a las características clínicas y epidemiológicas, la mayoría presentaba la forma clínica pulmonar (89,39%), resaltando la baciloscopía de esputo positivo (40,91%), cultivo de esputo no realizada (92,42%), rayos-x torácicos sospechosos para tuberculosis (54,55%), enfermedades y agravios – SIDA (10,61%), y la situación de desenlace predominante fue la cura (86,36%). Conclusiones: a pesar del panorama epidemiológico evidenciado con indicadores de morbilidad por debajo del promedio nacional, la identificación del perfil clínico-epidemiológico de la población afectada señaló aspectos importantes que deben ser observados relacionados con la organización de los sistemas y servicios sanitarios para el control y vigilancia de esta enfermedad.
