
☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Clinical Nursing

Ageism directed at older nurses in their workplace: A systematic review

Por: Chunxu Chen · Kay Shannon · Sara Napier · Stephen Neville · Jed Montayre — Marzo 4th 2024 at 06:13



To identify and synthesise evidence related to ageism in older regulated nurses' practice settings.


A systematic review following Joanna Briggs Institute methodology.


The review included empirical studies that involved older nurses as the primary study population and studies that focused on ageism in older nurses' work environments, including strategies or interventions to address ageism within the workplace. Following the initial screening, all relevant studies were critically appraised by two reviewers to ensure they were appropriate to include in the review. A synthesis without meta-analysis reporting (SWiM) guideline was employed in the review.

Data Sources

Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval Systems Online, Scopus, Psychological Information Database and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature and Google Scholar were searched to identify empirical studies and a range of academic institutional websites were accessed for master's and doctoral dissertations and theses. The search covered the period from January 2022 to May 2022, and only publications in English from 2000 onwards were considered.


Nineteen studies were included, ten qualitative studies, seven quantitative studies and two mixed methods secondary analyses. Our results revealed that negative perceptions and beliefs about older nurses' competencies and skills prevail in their practice settings, which influences older nurses' health and well-being as well as their continuation of practice. Further, older nurses' continuation of practice can be facilitated by having a positive personal outlook on ageing, meaningful relationships in their practice settings and working in an environment that is age-inclusive.


To combat ageism in older nurses' practice settings and support their continuation of practice, effective interventions should be organisational-led. The interventions should focus on fostering meaningful relationships between older nurses and their colleagues and managers. Further, healthcare institutions should implement initiatives to promote an age-inclusive work environment that supports an age-diverse nursing workforce.

Implications for the profession and/or patient care

The review findings offer insights for healthcare managers, policymakers and researchers, emphasising the need for anti-ageism policies in healthcare organisations. According to WHO (2021), educational activities such as role-playing and simulation during in-service training may also be effective interventions. Additionally, incorporating anti-ageism initiatives into staff meetings and mandating anti-ageism training could support the continuation of practice for older nurses while fostering a more age-diverse nursing workforce.


We found evidence on the presence of ageism in older nurses' workplace and the detrimental effects of ageism on older nurses' well-being and continuation of practice. Importantly, we identified a lack of organisational initiatives to address ageism and support older nurses. These findings should encourage healthcare organisations to address ageism in older nurses' practice settings and prompt policymakers to develop age-inclusive policies that support older nurses' continuation of practice.

Reporting method

The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses and Synthesis Without Meta-analysis checklists were used to report the screening process.

Trial and Protocol Registration

The PROSPERO registration number for the review was CRD42022320214 (

No Patient or Public Contribution.

☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Advanced Nursing

Development and psychometric evaluation of an expanded urinary catheter self‐management scale: A cross‐sectional study

Por: Joby Alex · Caleb Ferguson · Lucie M. Ramjan · Della Maneze · Jed Montayre · Yenna Salamonson — Febrero 1st 2024 at 07:29



To develop and test the psychometric properties of an expanded catheter self-management scale for patients with in-dwelling urinary catheters.


A cross-sectional validation study. Despite the utility of the original 13-item catheter self-management scale, this instrument did not include bowel management, general hygiene and drainage bag care, which are fundamental skills in urinary catheter self-management to prevent common problems resulting in unnecessary hospital presentations. The expanded catheter self-management scale was developed with 10 additional items to comprehensively assess all five essential aspects of urinary catheter self-management.


A total of 101 adult community-dwelling patients living with indwelling urinary catheters were recruited from Western Sydney, Australia. Using exploratory factor analysis with Varimax rotation, the number of factors to be extracted from the expanded 23-item expanded catheter self-management scale was determined using a scree plot. The reliability of the overall scale and subscales was measured using Cronbach's alpha. Convergent validity was assessed using Spearman's correlations between clinical characteristics, overall scale and subscales.


The 23-item expanded catheter self-management scale yielded a 5-factor solution, labelled as: (i) self-monitoring of catheter function, (ii) proactive, help-seeking behaviour function, (iii) bowel self-care function, (iv) hygiene-related catheter site function and (v) drainage bag care function. Cronbach's alpha of the expanded catheter self-management scale indicating all 23 items contributed to the overall alpha value. Convergent validity results showed a negative correlation between the overall expanded catheter self-management scale and catheter-related problems.


The 5-factor structure provided a comprehensive assessment of key aspects of urinary catheter self-management essential to reduce the likelihood of catheter-related hospital presentations.


The expanded catheter self-management scale can be used to assess and monitor effective patient-centred interventions for optimal self-management to prevent catheter-related problems and improve the quality of life of patients.


Many patients start their journey of living with a urinary catheter unexpectedly and are not supported with quality information to care for their catheter. The findings of this study show the correlation between catheter self-management skills and catheter-related problems. The expanded catheter self-management scale (E-CSM) assists with analysing the self-management skills of patients living with a catheter and developing tailored interventions to prevent problems and improve their quality of life. In addition, this screening tool can be included in policies, guidelines, and care plans as a standard for improving catheter management and developing educational resources for patients.

Reporting Method

STROBE checklist was used to report all aspects of this study comprehensively and accurately.

Patient or Public Contribution

Patients living with indwelling urinary catheter and their carers have participated in surveys, interviews and co-designing interventions. This paper reports the psychometric analysis of the expanded catheter self-management scale (E-CSM) used in the patient survey as part of the main study ‘Improving Quality of Life of Patients Living with Indwelling Urinary Catheters: IQ-IDC Study’ (Alex et al. in Collegian, 29:405–413, 2021). We greatly value our consumers' contributions and continue to communicate the progress of the study to them. Their contributions will be acknowledged in all publications and presentations. In addition, all participants will be provided the option of receiving the interventions and publications generated from this study.

☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Advanced Nursing

Undergraduate nursing students challenge misconceptions towards men in nursing: A mixed‐method study

Por: Lucie M. Ramjan · Della Maneze · Yenna Salamonson · Joel Zugai · Kasia Bail · Xian‐Liang Liu · Jed Montayre — Octubre 30th 2023 at 12:31



To examine misconceptions towards men in nursing from the perspective of undergraduate nursing students. Specifically, this study sought to explore contributing factors of misconceptions and attributions of the success of men in nursing.


A convergent parallel mixed-method study.


A national survey was conducted (July–September 2021). The quantitative data included demographics and responses to the Gender Misconceptions of Men in Nursing (GEMINI) scale. The qualitative data included responses to a provocative statement related to characteristics of men and their career in nursing. The GRAMMS guideline was used in reporting.


Undergraduate nursing students (n = 1245) from 16 Australian schools of nursing responded to the survey. Quantitative analysis demonstrated that most students (96%) did not have misconceptions about men in nursing. Those who did were more likely to be men, born overseas, not in health-related employment and did not have nursing as their first choice. Four broad overarching main themes were generated in response to the statement that suggested men do not have the right attributes for nursing: (1) ‘This is a very misandristic viewpoint’; (2) ‘Compassion and intelligence are distributed in men and women equally’; (3) ‘Men bring a different quality to nursing’ (4) ‘Anyone can be whatever they want to be’.


Overall, nursing students did not have misconceptions about men in nursing, despite experiencing ongoing social stigma regarding archaic gender norms. The findings from this study indicate that the next-generation nurses were championing to challenge the gender stereotype and support the needs of a gender diverse society.


Attitudes and misconceptions that elicit gender inequalities must be addressed with comprehensive strategies and de-gendered language and imagery within the profession, schools, workplaces and the media. Shifting culture and attitudes towards inclusion, values the diversity in the workforce and supports healthy workplace environments.

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public contribution.
