
☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Clinical Nursing

“You don't want to know just about my lungs, you…want to know more about me”. Patients and their caregivers' evaluation of a nurse‐led COPD supportive care service

Por: Linda Ora · Lesley Wilkes · Judy Mannix · Linda Gregory · Lauretta Luck — Enero 25th 2024 at 07:36



To evaluate a nurse-led model of supportive care in a COPD outpatient service from patient and caregiver perspectives.


Case study methodology.


Data were collected from semi-structured interviews with patients (n = 12) and caregivers (n = 7) conducted between April 2020 and September 2022. A purposive sampling strategy was used. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed using content analysis with an inductive approach. COREQ guidelines informed reporting of this study.


Eight categories were identified from the data evaluating of the model of care relating to the most helpful aspects of COPD supportive care and suggested improvements to the model of care. The categories were: guidance with managing symptoms; participating in advance care planning; home visiting; expert advice; continuity and trust; caring; caregiver support and improvements to the model of care.


In a nurse-led model of COPD supportive care, what patients and caregivers valued most was expert advice and guidance with symptom management, flexible home visiting, participation in advance care planning, caring and continuity within an ongoing trusted therapeutic relationship. Understanding what patients and caregivers value most is essential in designing and delivering models of care that meet the needs of patients living with chronic, life-limiting illness.

Implications for the profession and/or patient care

Nurses can lead effective models of supportive care that offer valuable support to patients living with COPD and their caregivers.

☐ ☆ ✇ PLOS ONE Medicine&Health

Challenges with pediatric antiretroviral therapy administration: Qualitative perspectives from caregivers and HIV providers in Kenya

by Michala Sliefert, May Maloba, Catherine Wexler, Frederick Were, Yvonne Mbithi, George Mugendi, Edward Maliski, Zachary Nicolay, Gregory Thomas, Shadrack Kale, Nicodemus Maosa, Sarah Finocchario-Kessler


Current formulations of pediatric antiretroviral therapy (ART) for children with HIV present significant barriers to adherence, leading to drug resistance, ART ineffectiveness, and preventable child morbidity and mortality. Understanding these challenges and how they contribute to suboptimal adherence is an important step in improving outcomes. This qualitative study describes how regimen-related challenges create barriers to adherence and impact families.


We conducted key informant interviews (KIIs) with 30 healthcare providers and 9 focus group discussions (FGDs) with a total of 72 caregivers, across three public hospitals in Siaya and Mombasa Kenya. The KIIs and FGDs were audio recorded, translated, and transcribed verbatim. The transcripts were hand coded based on emergent and a-priori themes.


Caregivers discussed major regimen-related challenges to adherence included poor palatability of current formulations, complex preparation, and administration (including measuring, crushing, dissolving, mixing), complex drug storage, and frequent refill appointments and how these regimen-related challenges contributed to individual and intrapersonal barriers to adherence. Caregivers discussed how poor taste led to child anxiety, refusal of medications, and the need for caregivers to use bribes or threats during administration. Complex preparation led to concerns and challenges about maintaining privacy and confidentiality, especially during times of travel. Providers corroborated this patient experience and described how these challenges with administration led to poor infant outcomes, including high viral load and preventable morbidity. Providers discussed how the frequency of refills could range from every 2 weeks to every 3 months, depending on the patient. Caregivers discussed how these refill frequencies interrupted work and school schedules, risked unwanted disclosure to peers, required use of financial resources for travel, and ultimately were a challenge to adherence.


These findings highlight the need for improved formulations for pediatric ART to ease the daily burden on caregivers and children to increase adherence, improve child health, and overall quality of life of families.

☐ ☆ ✇ PLOS ONE Medicine&Health

A high-fat and fructose diet in dogs mirrors insulin resistance and β-cell dysfunction characteristic of impaired glucose tolerance in humans

by Justin M. Gregory, Guillaume Kraft, Chiara Dalla Man, James C. Slaughter, Melanie F. Scott, Jon R. Hastings, Dale S. Edgerton, Mary C. Moore, Alan D. Cherrington

This study examined the impact of a hypercaloric high-fat high-fructose diet (HFFD) in dogs as a potential model for human impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The HFFD not only led to weight gain but also triggered metabolic alterations akin to the precursors of human T2DM, notably insulin resistance and β-cell dysfunction. Following the HFFD intervention, the dogs exhibited a 50% decrease in insulin sensitivity within the first four weeks, paralleling observations in the progression from normal to IGT in humans. Calculations of the insulinogenic index using both insulin and C-peptide measurements during oral glucose tolerance tests revealed a significant and sustained decrease in early-phase insulin release, with partial compensation in the later phase, predominantly stemming from reduced hepatic insulin clearance. In addition, the Disposition Index, representing the β-cell’s capacity to compensate for diminished insulin sensitivity, fell dramatically. These results confirm that a HFFD can instigate metabolic changes in dogs akin to the early stages of progression to T2DM in humans. The study underscores the potential of using dogs subjected to a HFFD as a model organism for studying human IGT and T2DM.
☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Randomised controlled trial of the effects of kefir on behaviour, sleep and the microbiome in children with ADHD: a study protocol

Por: Lawrence · K. · Fibert · P. · Hobbs · J. · Myrissa · K. · Toribio-Mateas · M. A. · Quadt · F. · Cotter · P. D. · Gregory · A. M. — Diciembre 7th 2023 at 23:50

Current interventions for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are primarily medication, behavioural therapy and parent training. However, research suggests dietary manipulations may provide therapeutic benefit for some. There is accumulating evidence that the gut microbiome may be atypical in ADHD, and therefore, manipulating gut bacteria in such individuals may help alleviate some of the symptoms of this condition. The aim of this study is to explore the effects of supplementation with kefir (a fermented dairy drink) on ADHD symptomatology, sleep, attention and the gut microbiome in children diagnosed with ADHD.

Methods and analysis

A 6-week randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in 70 children aged 8–13 years diagnosed with ADHD. Participants will be recruited throughout the UK, through support groups, community groups, schools, social media and word of mouth. Children will be randomised to consume daily either dairy kefir or a placebo dairy drink for 6 weeks. The primary outcome, ADHD symptomatology, will be measured by The Strengths and Weakness of ADHD-symptoms and Normal-behaviour scale. Secondary outcomes will include gut microbiota composition (using shotgun metagenomic microbiome sequencing), gut symptomatology (The Gastrointestinal Severity Index questionnaire), sleep (using 7-day actigraphy recordings, The Child’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire and Sleep Self Report questionnaire), inattention and impulsivity (with a computerised Go/NoGo test). Assessments will be conducted prior to the intervention and at the end of the intervention. Interaction between time (preintervention/postintervention) and group (probiotic/placebo) is to be analysed using a Mixed Model Analysis of Variances.

Ethics and dissemination

Ethical approval for the study was granted by St Mary’s University Ethics Committee. Results will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications, presentations to the scientific community and support groups.

Trial registration number


☐ ☆ ✇ PLOS ONE Medicine&Health

Involvement of an IgE/Mast cell/B cell amplification loop in abdominal aortic aneurysm progression

by Alexia Loste, Marc Clément, Sandrine Delbosc, Kevin Guedj, Jean Sénémaud, Anh-Thu Gaston, Marion Morvan, Guillaume Even, Grégory Gautier, Alexander Eggel, Michel Arock, Emanuele Procopio, Catherine Deschildre, Liliane Louedec, Jean-Baptiste Michel, Lydia Deschamps, Yves Castier, Raphaël Coscas, Jean-Marc Alsac, Pierre Launay, Giuseppina Caligiuri, Antonino Nicoletti, Marie Le Borgne


IgE type immunoglobulins and their specific effector cells, mast cells (MCs), are associated with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) progression. In parallel, immunoglobulin-producing B cells, organised in tertiary lymphoid organs (TLOs) within the aortic wall, have also been linked to aneurysmal progression. We aimed at investigating the potential role and mechanism linking local MCs, TLO B cells, and IgE production in aneurysmal progression.

Methods and results

Through histological assays conducted on human surgical samples from AAA patients, we uncovered that activated MCs were enriched at sites of unhealed haematomas, due to subclinical aortic wall fissuring, in close proximity to adventitial IgE+ TLO B cells. Remarkably, in vitro the IgEs deriving from these samples enhanced MC production of IL-4, a cytokine which favors IgE class-switching and production by B cells. Finally, the role of MCs in aneurysmal progression was further analysed in vivo in ApoE-/- mice subjected to angiotensin II infusion aneurysm model, through MC-specific depletion after the establishment of dissecting aneurysms. MC-specific depletion improved intramural haematoma healing and reduced aneurysmal progression.


Our data suggest that MC located close to aortic wall fissures are activated by adventitial TLO B cell-produced IgEs and participate to their own activation by providing support for further IgE synthesis through IL-4 production. By preventing prompt repair of aortic subclinical fissures, such a runaway MC activation loop could precipitate aneurysmal progression, suggesting that MC-targeting treatments may represent an interesting adjunctive therapy for reducing AAA progression.

☐ ☆ ✇ PLOS ONE Medicine&Health

Cumulative violence exposures among men who have sex with men living with HIV in India: Psychosocial correlates of HIV care continuum outcomes

by Bushra Sabri, Chakra Budhathoki, Allison M. McFall, Shruti H. Mehta, David D. Celentano, Sunil S. Solomon, Aylur K. Srikrishnan, Santhanam Anand, Canjeevaram K. Vasudevan, Gregory M. Lucas

Lifetime exposures to violence among men who have sex with men (MSM) are associated with multiple psychosocial health risks and can affect engagement and outcomes of HIV treatment. This study a) explored relationships between levels of exposures to violence and HIV care continuum outcomes among MSM living with HIV in India, and b) identified psychosocial correlates of HIV care continuum outcomes among MSM living with HIV and those with lifetime cumulative exposures to violence (CVE). CVE referred to exposures to violence in both childhood and adulthood. This cross-sectional analysis used survey data collected between August 2016 and May 2017 from 1763 men who have sex with men living with HIV across 10 cities in India, using respondent-driven sampling. We found that higher levels of violence exposure were significantly associated with lower awareness of HIV positive status, and lower likelihood of initiating antiretroviral therapy. Compared with MSM living with HIV that had no CVE, those with CVE were more likely to report perpetration of interpersonal violence, alcohol misuse, depressive symptoms, and HIV transmission risk behaviors and to have two to four co-occurring psychosocial problems. In multivariable analysis with the subset of MSM with CVE, psychosocial correlates significantly associated with at least one HIV care continuum outcome were HIV transmission risk behaviors, perpetration of interpersonal violence, depression, and alcohol misuse. The findings highlight the need for integrating care for lifetime violence exposures and associated behavioral problems in HIV care settings for men who have sex with men living with HIV in India.
☐ ☆ ✇ Nursing Research

Interindividual Variability in Self-Monitoring of Blood Pressure Using Consumer-Purchased Wireless Devices

imageBackground Engagement with self-monitoring of blood pressure (BP) declines, on average, over time but may vary substantially by individual. Objectives We aimed to describe different 1-year patterns (groups) of self-monitoring of BP behaviors, identify predictors of those groups, and examine the association of self-monitoring of BP groups with BP levels over time. Methods We analyzed device-recorded BP measurements collected by the Health eHeart Study—an ongoing prospective eCohort study—from participants with a wireless consumer-purchased device that transmitted date- and time-stamped BP data to the study through a full 12 months of observation starting from the first day they used the device. Participants received no instruction on device use. We applied clustering analysis to identify 1-year self-monitoring, of BP patterns. Results Participants had a mean age of 52 years and were male and White. Using clustering algorithms, we found that a model with three groups fit the data well: persistent daily use (9.1% of participants), persistent weekly use (21.2%), and sporadic use only (69.7%). Persistent daily use was more common among older participants who had higher Week 1 self-monitoring of BP frequency and was associated with lower BP levels than the persistent weekly use or sporadic use groups throughout the year. Conclusion We identified three distinct self-monitoring of BP groups, with nearly 10% sustaining a daily use pattern associated with lower BP levels.