
☐ ☆ ✇ CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing

Clinical Knowledge Model for the Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Venous Thromboembolism

imageKnowledge models inform organizational behavior through the logical association of documentation processes, definitions, data elements, and value sets. The development of a well-designed knowledge model allows for the reuse of electronic health record data to promote efficiency in practice, data interoperability, and the extensibility of data to new capabilities or functionality such as clinical decision support, quality improvement, and research. The purpose of this article is to describe the development and validation of a knowledge model for healthcare-associated venous thromboembolism prevention. The team used FloMap, an Internet-based survey resource, to compare metadata from six healthcare organizations to an initial draft model. The team used consensus decision-making over time to compare survey results. The resulting model included seven panels, 41 questions, and 231 values. A second validation step included completion of an Internet-based survey with 26 staff nurse respondents representing 15 healthcare organizations, two electronic health record vendors, and one academic institution. The final knowledge model contained nine Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes panels, 32 concepts, and 195 values representing an additional six panels (groupings), 15 concepts (questions), and the specification of 195 values (answers). The final model is useful for consistent documentation to demonstrate the contribution of nursing practice to the prevention of venous thromboembolism.
☐ ☆ ✇ CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing

Nursing Diagnosis Accuracy in Nursing Education: Clinical Decision Support System Compared With Paper-Based Documentation—A Before and After Study

imageComputer-based technologies have been widely used in nursing education, although the best educational modality to improve documentation and nursing diagnostic accuracy using electronic health records is still under investigation. It is important to address this gap and seek an effective way to address increased accuracy around nursing diagnoses identification. Nursing diagnoses are judgments that represent a synthesis of data collected by the nurse and used to guide interventions and to achieve desirable patients' outcomes. This current investigation is aimed at comparing the nursing diagnostic accuracy, satisfaction, and usability of a computerized system versus a traditional paper-based approach. A total of 66 nursing students solved three validated clinical scenarios using the NANDA-International terminologies traditional paper-based approach and then the computer-based Clinical Decision Support System. Study findings indicated a significantly higher nursing diagnostic accuracy (P
☐ ☆ ✇ CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing

Exploring the Documentation of Delirium in Patients After Cardiac Surgery: A Retrospective Patient Record Study

imageDelirium is a common disorder for patients after cardiac surgery. Its manifestation and care can be examined through EHRs. The aim of this retrospective, comparative, and descriptive patient record study was to describe the documentation of delirium symptoms in the EHRs of patients who have undergone cardiac surgery and to explore how the documentation evolved between two periods (2005-2009 and 2015-2020). Randomly selected care episodes were annotated with a template, including delirium symptoms, treatment methods, and adverse events. The patients were then manually classified into two groups: nondelirious (n = 257) and possibly delirious (n = 172). The data were analyzed quantitatively and descriptively. According to the data, the documentation of symptoms such as disorientation, memory problems, motoric behavior, and disorganized thinking improved between periods. Yet, the key symptoms of delirium, inattention, and awareness were seldom documented. The professionals did not systematically document the possibility of delirium. Particularly, the way nurses recorded structural information did not facilitate an overall understanding of a patient's condition with respect to delirium. Information about delirium or proposed care was seldom documented in the discharge summaries. Advanced machine learning techniques can augment instruments that facilitate early detection, care planning, and transferring information to follow-up care.
☐ ☆ ✇ CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing

Prototyping Process and Usability Testing of a Serious Game for Brazilian Children With Type 1 Diabetes

imageThis study aims to describe the prototype development and testing of a serious game designed for Brazilian children with diabetes. Following an approach of user-centered design, the researchers assessed game's preferences and diabetes learning needs to develop a Paper Prototype. The gameplay strategies included diabetes pathophysiology, self-care tasks, glycemic management, and food group learning. Diabetes and technology experts (n = 12) tested the prototype during audio-recorded sessions. Next, they answered a survey to evaluate the content, organization, presentation, and educational game aspects. The prototype showed a high content validity ratio (0.80), with three items not achieving the critical values (0.66). Experts recommended improving the game content and food illustrations. This evaluation contributed to the medium-fidelity prototype version, which after testing with diabetes experts (n = 12) achieved high content validity values (0.88). One item did not meet the critical values. Experts suggested increasing the options of outdoor activities and meals. Researchers also observed and video-recorded children with diabetes (n = 5) playing the game with satisfactory interaction. They considered the game enjoyable. The interdisciplinary team plays an important role guiding the designers in the use of theories and real needs of children. Prototypes are a low-cost usability and a successful method for evaluating games.
☐ ☆ ✇ CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing

Development, Validation, and Usability of the Chatbot ESTOMABOT to Promote Self-care of People With Intestinal Ostomy

imageThis study aimed to describe the process of construction, validation, and usability of the chatbot ESTOMABOT to assist in the self-care of patients with intestinal ostomies. Methodological research was conducted in three phases: construction, validation, and usability. The first stage corresponded to the elaboration of a script through a literature review, and the second stage corresponded to face and content validation through a panel of enterostomal therapy nurses. In the third phase, the usability of ESTOMABOT was assessed with the participation of surgical clinic nurses, patients with intestinal elimination ostomies, and information technology professionals, using the System Usability Scale. The ESTOMABOT content reached excellent criteria of adequacy, with percentages of agreement equal to or greater than 90%, which were considered adequate, relevant, and representative. The evaluation of the content validity of the script using the scale content validity index/average proportion method reached a result above 0.90, and the Fleiss κ was excellent (P
☐ ☆ ✇ CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing

Content Validation of a Questionnaire to Measure Digital Competence of Nurses in Clinical Practice

Por: Golz, Christoph · Hahn, Sabine · Zwakhalen, Sandra M.G. — Diciembre 1st 2023 at 01:00
imageClinical practice nurses need adequate digital competence to use technologies appropriately at work. Questionnaires measuring clinical practice nurses' digital competence lack content validity because attitude is not included as a measure of digital competence. The aim of the current study was to identify items for an item pool of a questionnaire to measure clinical practice nurses' digital competence and to evaluate the content validity. A normative Delphi study was conducted, and the content validity index on item and scale levels was calculated. In each round, 21 to 24 panelists (medical informatics specialists, nurse informatics specialists, digital managers, and researchers) were asked to rate the items on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from “not relevant” to “very relevant.” Within three rounds, the panelists reached high consensus and rated 26 items of the initial 37 items as relevant. The average content validity index of 0.95 (SD, 0.07) demonstrates that the item pool showed high content validity. The final item pool included items to measure knowledge, skills, and attitude. The items included represent the international recommendations of core competences for clinical nursing. Future research should conduct psychometric testing for construct validity and internal consistency of the generated item pool.
☐ ☆ ✇ CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing

Feasibility of Lantern Using WhatsApp to Improve Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence

imageThis pilot study tested the feasibility of Lantern program, an adherence program to HIV medications using WhatsApp, a secure social media messaging application from Meta, for a smartphone-based platform to enhance medication-taking adherence of antiretroviral therapy among people living with HIV in Indonesia. Thirty participants were recruited for this 8-week study. We recruited persons if they had taken antiretroviral therapy for at least 3 months prior to the study, had a smartphone, Internet access, and could use Lantern with WhatsApp. Here, we report the results from the focus group discussions, with the participants evaluating the qualitative aspects of the experiences. The WhatsApp platform was found to be safe, practical, and relatively inexpensive and provided confidentiality for the participants. Three themes emerged from the focus groups: the study motivated participants to take their antiretroviral therapy medications on time, they still set medication reminder alarms, and being in the study made them feel supported. The Lantern program indicated good feasibility and acceptability for adherence to antiretroviral therapies among people living with HIV. Future research should examine on how community organizations and healthcare providers can take advantage of the WhatsApp program to improve adherence to antiretroviral therapies.