
☐ ☆ ✇ PLOS ONE Medicine&Health

OptiBreech collaborative care versus standard care for women with a breech-presenting fetus at term: A pilot parallel group randomised trial to evaluate the feasibility of a randomised trial nested within a cohort

by Shawn Walker, Emma Spillane, Kate Stringer, Lauren Trepte, Siân M. Davies, Jacana Bresson, Jane Sandall, Andrew Shennan, the OptiBreech Collaborative

OptiBreech collaborative care is a multi-disciplinary care pathway for breech presentation at term, with continuity from a breech specialist midwife, including where chosen, for vaginal breech birth (VBB). Pilot randomised trial using unblinded 1:1 parallel group allocation to OptiBreech versus standard care, within a cohort. Participants were women with a breech-presenting fetus > 33 weeks, at four sites in England, January–June 2022. A two-stage consent process was used. Participants consented to undergo random selection to be offered a ‘new care process’, with a choice to accept it, or not. Primary objectives were to identify recruitment, acceptance, and attrition rates. Randomisation procedures and potential primary outcomes for a substantive study were also feasibility-tested. 68 women were randomised between January–June 2022. The consent process was acceptable to participants, but randomisation was unacceptable to women who specifically sought OptiBreech care. Two women withdrew due to concerns about sharing personal information. More women planned a VBB when randomised to OptiBreech Care (23.5% vs 0, p = .002, 95% CI = 9.3%,37.8%). Women randomised to OptiBreech care had: lower rates of cephalic presentation at birth (38.2% vs 54.5%), higher rates of vaginal birth (32.4% vs 24.2%), lower rates of in-labour caesarean birth (20.6% vs 36.4%), lower rates of neonatal intensive care (5.9% vs 9.1%), and lower rates of severe neonatal morbidity (2.9% vs 9.1%). Randomisation was stopped on the advice of the steering committee before the planned sample of 104, as lack of access to VBB within standard care prohibited comparison of outcomes. Demand for VBB is sufficient for a cohort study, but comparison of outcomes by 1:1 randomisation is not feasible. OptiBreech care would be best evaluated using stepped wedge cluster randomisation. Funded by the United Kingdom National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR300582). Clinical trial registration: ISRCTN 14521381.
☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Protocol for a longitudinal cohort study of Lyme disease with physical, mental and immunological assessment

Por: Loeb · M. · Brison · R. · Bramson · J. · Hatchette · T. · Sander · B. · Stringer · E. — Noviembre 2nd 2023 at 17:14

There are limited data on the longitudinal impact of Lyme disease. Predictors of recovery have not been fully established using validated data collection instruments. There are sparse data on the immunological response to infection over time.

Methods and analysis

This study is a longitudinal cohort study that will recruit 120 participants with Lyme disease in Ontario and Nova Scotia, Canada, with follow-up for up to 24 months. Data will be collected using the Short-Form 36 physical and mental component summaries, Depression and Anxiety Severity Scale Questionnaire, Fatigue Severity Scale and a battery of neuropsychological tests. Mononuclear cells, gene expression and cytokine profiling from blood samples will be used to assess immunological response. Analyses will include the use of non-linear mixed-effects modelling and proportional hazards models.

Ethics and dissemination

Ethics approval has been obtained from ethics boards at McMaster University (Hamilton Integrated Research Ethics Board) (7564), Queens University (EMD 315-20) and Nova Scotia Health Research Ethics Board (1027173), and the study is enrolling participants. Written informed consent is obtained from all participants. The results will be disseminated by publication in a peer-reviewed journal and presented at a relevant conference. A brief report will be provided to decision-makers and patient groups.
