
☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

'It was a joint plan we worked out together. How the I-WOTCH programme enabled people with chronic non-malignant pain to taper their opioids: a process evaluation

Por: Nichols · V. P. · Abraham · C. · Eldabe · S. · Sandhu · H. K. · Underwood · M. · Seers · K. · On behalf of the I-WOTCH team · Sharisse · Shyam · Lauren · Katie · Dawn · Furlan Andrea · Kirstie · C Paola · Ranjit · Andrea · Dipesh · Jennifer · Anisur · Jane · Tang Nicole · Stephanie — Diciembre 6th 2023 at 17:27

The Improving the Wellbeing of people with Opioid Treated CHronic pain (I-WOTCH) randomised controlled trial found that a group-based educational intervention to support people using strong opioids for chronic non-malignant pain helped a significant proportion of people to stop or decrease opioid use with no increase in pain-related disability. We report a linked process evaluation of the group-based intervention evaluated in comparison to a usual-care control group that received a self-help booklet and relaxation CD.


We interviewed 18 intervention facilitators, and 20 intervention and 20 control participants who had chronic non-malignant pain and were recruited from general (family) practices in the UK. Quantitative data included change mechanism questions on the trial questionnaires which explored motivation, expectations and self-efficacy. Fidelity was assessed by listening to a sample of audio-recorded group sessions and nurse consultations. Quantitative and qualitative data were integrated using ‘follow a thread’ and a mixed-methods matrix.


Four overarching themes emerged: (1) the right time to taper, (2) the backdrop of a life with chronic pain, (3) needing support and (4) the benefits of being in a group. Delivery fidelity was good, adherence (83%) and competence (79%) across a range of intervention groups. Staff delivering the intervention found three typical responses to the intervention: resistance, open to trying and feeling it was not the right time. The group experience was important to those in the intervention arm. It provided people with a forum in which to learn about the current thinking about opioid usage and its effects. It also gave them examples of how feasible or personally relevant coming off opioids might be.


The process evaluation data showed that the I-WOTCH intervention was well delivered, well received and useful for most interviewees. Being ‘the right time’ to taper and having support throughout tapering, emerged as important factors within the context of living with chronic pain.

Trial registration number


☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Advanced Nursing

Phenomenography: A useful methodology for midwifery research

Por: Kirstie Jayne Balding · Sadie Geraghty · Amanda Timler · Sally Pezaro · Sheena McChlery — Noviembre 23rd 2023 at 08:50



To outline the theoretical, philosophical, and major assumptions associated with phenomenography and then address the application of a phenomenographical approach within the context of midwifery research.


Phenemonography is a little-known qualitative research approach amongst the main design traditions of phenomenology, grounded theory, case study, and ethnography more typically used within midwifery research. Phenomenography aims to describe the qualitatively different ways that people perceive, conceptualize, or experience a phenomenon. Phenemonography has a distinctly different approach from other qualitative methods as it places emphasis on the ‘collective’ meaning over individual experience.


Phenomenography, as an approach, rests within the interpretivist paradigm recognizing that there are multiple interpretations of reality. Phenomenography emphasizes the various ways that people experience the same phenomenon, including both the similarities and differences. The second-order perspective embraced by phenomenography suggests that the researcher directs themselves towards people's understanding of the world; essentially the world is described as it is understood rather than as it is. It is the reporting about how these different realities appear at a collective level that is the output of phenomenographic research.


A framework for conducting phenomenographic research is illustrated by outlining the steps within the methodological approach required to undertake a research study using phenemonography.


Phenomenography is a qualitative research approach that can usefully be applied in many midwifery contexts where a collective understanding of a phenomena is required. Using a phenomenographic approach can provide the midwifery profession with knowledge about variations in how women and midwives think, and how aspects of different phenomena are experienced in within a midwifery setting.

☐ ☆ ✇ Midwifery

Assessing mental health during pregnancy: an exploratory qualitative study of midwives’ perceptions

Por: Miss Natasha Baker · Mrs Lindsay Gillman · Dr Kirstie Coxon — Marzo 19th 2020 at 01:00
: Mental health disorders are estimated to affect between 10% and 20% of women who access maternity services and can be defined as a public health issue due to the potential consequences for women, children and families. Detecting problems early in pregnancy can significantly improve outcomes for women and their families. However, mental health problems are not being consistently identified in routine midwifery practice and little is known from current literature about midwives’ practice in relation to current national guidelines or the impact models of care have on assessing maternal mental health.