
☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Creencias sobre prácticas de alimentación y obesidad de madres con hijos menores de 5 años del noroeste de México

Introducción: Existe una tendencia mundial de incremento en los índices de sobrepeso y obesidad en niños menores de 5 años. Las creencias, percepciones y actitudes de las madres hacia las prácticas de alimentación y la obesidad tienen implicaciones directas sobre la salud del hijo. Objetivo: Explorar creencias sobre prácticas de alimentación y obesidad infantil entre madres con hijos menores de cinco años del noroeste de México. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo de aproximación etnográfica. Mediante un muestreo propositivo se realizaron nueve entrevistas semiestructuradas a mujeres que contaban con un promedio de 12 años de educación. Resultados: Las creencias incluyeron inseguridad para asumir el rol de madre, una baja percepción de apoyo familiar y creencias que no se alineaban con las recomendaciones de la lactancia materna exclusiva e introducción de alimentos complementarios. Además, estas tenían la creencia de que la obesidad no es un problema debido a la corta edad de sus hijos. Conclusiones: Existe una ambivalencia entre las creencias de las participantes y sus prácticas con relación a la alimentación y la obesidad infantil. Es imperativo desarrollar estrategias de educación y comunicación que proporcionen información basada en evidencia, de fácil acceso y disponible para madres con la intención de prevenir problemas de nutrición durante la primera infancia.

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Reflexión sobre la Relevancia de la Investigación Cualitativa y/o Fenomenológica en la Diabetes

Objeto del presente ensayo reflexivo: Mostrar y reflexionar sobre la utilidad que tiene la investigación cualitativa y/o fenomenológica en la atención del paciente que presenta diabetes. Desarrollo: la atención integral de una forma biopsicosocial, cultural y espiritual tanto al paciente como a la familia del mismo por parte del profesional sanitario, juega un papel importante a la hora de tener calidad de vida en el nuevo estilo de vida. Conclusiones y reflexiones finales: La investigación cualitativa en enfermería, ayuda a interpretar el sufrimiento del paciente, su relación con su entorno social y cultural y sus sentimientos e inquietudes dentro de la diabetes.

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Pérdida significativa como factor del alcoholismo

La relación de la pérdida significativa de un ser querido y el alcoholismo ha minimizado las implicaciones sobre mecanismos de afrontamientos para generar conductas saludables. Este artículo se basa en entrevistas semiestructuradas a profundidad en hombres de entre 30 y 70 años, con más de 10 años en Alcohólicos Anónimos del Estado de Tamaulipas, México. El objetivo fue reflexionar sobre los significados de la pérdida significativa de un ser querido y el alcoholismo. En la búsqueda del significado, se explica que un factor que lleva al alcoholismo no es una sola pérdida significativa de personas queridas, sino un cúmulo también de pérdidas materiales y no materiales, se reflejaron recursos limitados para afrontar las pérdidas, la relación entre la pérdida significativa con el alcoholismo fue mediado por dos principales aspectos, las creencias sobre los efectos que produce el consumo de alcohol como formas de escapar de la realidad y las influencia de la familia al inicio del consumo de alcohol. Por otra parte, la presencia de lo espiritual, la conciencia y las emociones que experimentan durante su proceso de duelo y alcoholismo, los llevó a identificar el problema de la adicción, que permitió influir en el proceso de rehabilitación.

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

Significados y prácticas de salud como ausencia de enfermedad en universitarios

Por: Lilia Johana Mejía Corredor · Jacqueline Hernández Sánchez — Abril 10th 2024 at 00:00

Introducción: Los jóvenes universitarios están expuestos a cambios y transiciones que marcarán su salud en la adultez. Sus decisiones se traducen en comportamientos que pueden ser saludables o no, y dependen del significado de salud que se construye de conocimientos adquiridos, tradiciones o costumbres culturales. Objetivo: Comprender la influencia que tiene la cultura universitaria en la construcción del significado y prácticas de salud en estudiantes de pregrado de una sede, en una universidad privada en Colombia. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo, tipo etnografía. Participaron 15 estudiantes, 11 profesores y profesionales de Bienestar Universitario. Se aplicó una entrevista semiestructurada virtual, se procesaron los datos, y se sometieron a auditoría. Resultados: El significado de salud responde a una perspectiva individual y biopsicosocial; existe una fuerte influencia del entorno cercano y universitario en la significación y las prácticas de salud. Los hallazgos tienen similitud con otros estudios del ámbito internacional. Conclusiones: Se logró comprender la alta importancia que se da a la salud, entendiéndola principalmente como ausencia de enfermedad, reflejada en creencias, valores y prácticas. Se proponen unos retos, necesarios enfrentar, para hacer a las universidades promotoras del concepto amplio y renovado de la salud.

☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Advanced Nursing

Impact of the COVID‐19‐pandemic and perception of self‐efficacy on the mental health of out‐of‐hospital emergency healthcare professionals by modality of care



To analyse the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the perception of self-efficacy on the health professionals of the Spanish out-of-hospital emergency services.


Observational, cross-sectional and descriptive with a survey methodology of 1710 participants from Spain (1 February–30 April, 2021).


The mental health of healthcare workers was assesed in terms of stress, anxiety and depression, as well as their self-efficacy. Linear and logistic regression models were fitted to predict these variables. A moderation analysis was conducted to determine the effect of self-efficacy on mental health.


The means of the sample for stress, anxiety, depression and self-efficacy were 20.60, 15.74, 13.07 and 70.87, respectively. In the regression models, being a woman was the most significant factor for severe mental health impairment. Female gender was also a relevant factor for self-efficacy. Self-efficacy had a direct effect on the mental health for working in patient care.


Healthcare workers showed moderate stress, severe anxiety, mild depression and good self-efficacy. Direct patient care was associated with more stress and severe anxiety. Age, female gender, job changes and job adjustment were associated with levels of stress, anxiety and depression. Self-efficacy is a determining factor of mental health in the direct care modality.


The mental health of healthcare workers has been of great importance in the aftermath of the pandemic, but out-of-hospital emergency workers have been neglected in research. The levels of stress, anxiety and depression during the pandemic justify the creation of prevention and early diagnosis programmes, as they are essential in a health disaster. Surprisingly, their high level of perceived self-efficacy directly impact on the mental health of patient helthcare workers, so improving it will reduce the psychological risk.

Reporting Method

We have followed the STROBE guidelines. It has been partially funded by the Asistencia Sanitanitaria Interprovincial de Seguros - ASISA Foundation (Spain).

Patient or Public Contribution

‘No patient or public involvement’.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Attrition from longitudinal ageing studies and performance across domains of cognitive functioning: an individual participant data meta-analysis

Por: Hernandez · R. · Jin · H. · Lee · P.-J. · Schneider · S. · Junghaenel · D. U. · Stone · A. A. · Meijer · E. · Gao · H. · Maupin · D. · Zelinski · E. M. — Marzo 7th 2024 at 10:14

This paper examined the magnitude of differences in performance across domains of cognitive functioning between participants who attrited from studies and those who did not, using data from longitudinal ageing studies where multiple cognitive tests were administered.


Individual participant data meta-analysis.


Data are from 10 epidemiological longitudinal studies on ageing (total n=209 518) from several Western countries (UK, USA, Mexico, etc). Each study had multiple waves of data (range of 2–17 waves), with multiple cognitive tests administered at each wave (range of 4–17 tests). Only waves with cognitive tests and information on participant dropout at the immediate next wave for adults aged 50 years or older were used in the meta-analysis.


For each pair of consecutive study waves, we compared the difference in cognitive scores (Cohen’s d) between participants who dropped out at the next study wave and those who remained. Note that our operationalisation of dropout was inclusive of all causes (eg, mortality). The proportion of participant dropout at each wave was also computed.


The average proportion of dropouts between consecutive study waves was 0.26 (0.18 to 0.34). People who attrited were found to have significantly lower levels of cognitive functioning in all domains (at the wave 2–3 years before attrition) compared with those who did not attrit, with small-to-medium effect sizes (overall d=0.37 (0.30 to 0.43)).


Older adults who attrited from longitudinal ageing studies had lower cognitive functioning (assessed at the timepoint before attrition) across all domains as compared with individuals who remained. Cognitive functioning differences may contribute to selection bias in longitudinal ageing studies, impeding accurate conclusions in developmental research. In addition, examining the functional capabilities of attriters may be valuable for determining whether attriters experience functional limitations requiring healthcare attention.

☐ ☆ ✇ NURE Investigación

Eficacia de una intervención educativa escolar para la prevención de la obesidad infantil

Introducción. La prevalencia de obesidad infantil se ha incrementado de forma considerable desde el año 2000 adquiriendo la dimensión de epidemia, al presentar el 5,9% de los niños menores de 5 años sobrepeso. Entre los factores causantes modificable se encuentran el estilo de vida, sueño, dieta y actividad física. El objetivo es evaluar la eficacia de una intervención educativa en entorno escolar para la modificación de hábitos de niños de 6-12 años en 3 áreas, dieta, actividad física y tiempo de pantalla. Metodología. La muestra es de 540 niños, en etapa de educación primaria distribuida, en tres grupos: a) intervención dieta y tiempo de pantalla, b) actividad física y tiempo de pantalla y, c) dieta, actividad física y tiempo de pantalla. La intervención educativa incluye contenidos del método plato, pirámide de alimentación y ejercicio basados en la guía canadiense de actividad física para niños de 5-11 años. Se recopilan variables de edad y medidas antropométricas. En instrumentación se considera el Test KIDMED (adherencia a dieta), Cuestionario “IPAQ-A” (actividad física), cuestionario tiempo de pantalla (uso dispositivos electrónicos). La recopilación de datos se realiza pre-intervención, post-intervención y al mes de finalización de la intervención. El análisis considera estadística descriptiva para la distribución y valores de las variable cuantitativas y cualitativas y, estadística analítica para el análisis de la eficacia la intervención según corresponda al tipo de variable tales como la prueba de t de Student, ANOVA, Chi cuadrado, prueba de Correlación de Pearson. Los datos serán analizados con el sistema estadístico SPSS.


Introduction. The prevalence of childhood obesity has increased considerably since 2000, acquiring the dimension of an epidemic, with 5.9% of children under 5 years of age being overweight. Modifiable causative factors include lifestyle, sleep, diet and physical activity. The objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention in a school environment to modify the habits of children aged 6-12 years in 3 areas, diet, physical activity and screen time. Methodology. The sample is 540 children, in primary education stage distributed, in three groups: a) diet and screen time intervention, b) physical activity and screen time and c) diet, physical activity and screen time. The educational intervention includes contents of the plate method, food pyramid and exercise based on the Canadian physical activity guide for children aged 5 to 11 years. Age variables and anthropometric measurements are collected. In instrumentation, the KIDMED Test (diet adherence), “IPAQ-A” Questionnaire (physical activity), and screen time questionnaire (use of electronic devices) are considered. Data collection is carried out pre-intervention, post-intervention and one month after the end of the intervention. The analysis considers descriptive statistics for the distribution and values ​​of the quantitative and qualitative variables and analytical statistics for the analysis of the effectiveness of the intervention as appropriate to the type of variables such as Student's t test, ANOVA, Chi square, Pearson correlation. The data will be analyzed with the SPSS statistical system.

☐ ☆ ✇ Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing

Evidence‐based approach to mitigate cumulative stress in pediatric nurses through the development of respite rooms



The cumulative stress toll on nurses increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. An evidence-based practice (EBP) project was conducted to understand what is known about the impacts of cumulative stress within nursing and if there are ways to mitigate stress during a nurse's shift.


A project team from three clinical units completed an extensive literature review and identified the need to promote detachment while supporting parasympathetic recovery. Based on this review, leaders from three pediatric clinical units (neonatal intensive care unit, cardiovascular intensive care unit, and acute pulmonary floor) implemented respite rooms.


Follow-up outcomes showed a statistically significant stress reduction. For all shifts combined, the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test revealed that perceived stress scores from an 11-point Likert scale (0 = no stress and 10 = maximum perceived stress) were significantly lower in the post-respite room (Md = 3, n = 68) compared to in the pre-respite room (Md = 6, n = 68), Z = −7.059, p < .001, with a large effect size, r = .605. Nurses and other staff frequently utilized respite rooms during shifts.

Implications for Practice

Clinical inquiry and evidence-based practice processes can mitigate cumulative stress and support staff wellbeing. Respite rooms within the hospital can promote a healthy work environment among nurses and promote a self-care culture change. Evidence-based strategies to mitigate cumulative stress using respite rooms are a best practice to promote nurse wellbeing and mitigate cumulative stress.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Amantadine and/or transcranial magnetic stimulation for fatigue associated with multiple sclerosis (FETEM): study protocol for a phase 3 randomised, double-blind, cross-over, controlled clinical trial

Por: Matias-Guiu · J. A. · Gonzalez-Rosa · J. · Hernandez · M. A. · Martinez-Gines · M. L. · Portoles · A. · Perez-Macias · N. · Benito-Leon · J. · Padron · I. · Prieto · J. · Matias-Guiu · J. — Enero 4th 2024 at 17:13

Fatigue is one of the most disabling symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS), and effective treatments are lacking. Amantadine is one of the most used treatments, although its efficacy is under debate. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a promising intervention that has shown positive effects in some preliminary investigations. We aim to investigate the effect of 6 weeks of amantadine and/or TMS in fatigue due to MS.

Methods and analysis

The study is a national, multicentre, phase 3, randomised, double-blind, cross-over, placebo-controlled and sham-controlled clinical trial. Adult patients with relapsing-remitting MS, Expanded Disability Status Scale score of 1.5–4.5 and Fatigue Severity Score>4 are eligible for the trial. Participants will be randomised to one of the sequences of the study. Each sequence consists of four periods of 6 weeks of treatment and three washout periods of 12–18 weeks. All patients will receive all the combinations of therapies. The primary outcome is the Modified Fatigue Impact Scale. The secondary outcomes are the Symbol Digit Modalities Test (cognition), Beck Depression Inventory-II (depressive symptoms) and Short-Survey 12 (quality of life). Safety and cost-effectiveness will also be evaluated. An exploratory substudy including MRI and blood biomarkers will be conducted.

Ethics and dissemination

The study is approved by the Ethics Committee of the Hospital Clinico San Carlos and the Spanish Agency of Medications and Medical Devices. All study findings will be published in scientific peer-reviewed journals and presented at relevant scientific conferences.

Trial registration number

EudraCT 2021-004868-95; NCT05809414.

☐ ☆ ✇ PLOS ONE Medicine&Health

Quantitative changes in the corneal endothelium and central corneal thickness during anterior chamber inflammation: A systematic review and meta-analysis

by Germán Mejía-Salgado, Paula Tatiana Muñoz-Vargas, Carlos Cifuentes-González, Gabriela Flórez-Esparza, Rebeca Paquentín-Jiménez, Miguel Ángel Castro-Monreal, Naomi Medina-Galindo, Gilma Norella Hernández-Herrera, Luz Elena Concha-del-Río, Alejandra de-la-Torre


To establish the effects of anterior chamber inflammation (ACI) on the corneal endothelium parameters and central corneal thickness (CCT).


We conducted a comprehensive literature review using medical databases (PubMed, EMBASE, VHL, and medRxiv) on March 8, 2023, for studies that included patients with ACI who had undergone specular microscopy or pachymetry. Case series with >10 patients, cross-sectional, case-control, and cohort studies were included. The risk of bias was assessed using CLARITY tools and validated scales such as those by Hassan Murad et al. and Hoy et al. A narrative synthesis and a quantitative standardized mean difference meta-analysis, I2 heterogeneity assessment, and publication bias tests were conducted. The study was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42023420148) and approved by the Universidad del Rosario ethical committee (DVO005 2277- CV1712).


Thirty-four studies, encompassing 1,388 eyes with ACI, were included. Compared with healthy controls, overall, ACI eyes show significant mean differences in endothelial parameters (endothelial cell density (ECD), coefficient of variation (CV), and hexagonality (HEX)) (P Conclusion

ACI leads to significant alterations in endothelial parameters and CCT. The primary contributors to these changes are increased IOP, uveitis duration, and intraocular surgeries. Further studies are needed to explore the impact of ACI etiology on the endothelium, potential biases in IOP measurements during acute ACI episodes, and the potential necessity for monitoring the endothelial parameters and CCT in patients with chronic ACI.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Analysis of cardiovascular risk factors for the viability of cornea donors: a case-control study

Por: Montero-Salinas · A. · Martinez-Isasi · S. · Fieira-Costa · E. · Suanzes-Hernandez · J. · Fernandez-Garcia · D. · Gomez-Salgado · J. · Rendal-Vazquez · E. — Diciembre 28th 2023 at 16:47

The main objective of the study was to evaluate the influence of arterial hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidaemia, smoking, alcoholism and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) on the viability of the extracted tissue as well as the donor.


Observational case–control study.


Regional hospital in Northern Spain.


1517 corneas were registered.


Patients’ medical history was reviewed after corneal donation and evaluation. Previous medical information (age, sex and cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs)) and data related to the donor (type of donor), the corneal tissue and its evaluation, and the viability of the implant were collected.


A total of 1517 corneas were registered and 81.5% of the donors presented at least one CVRF. In relation to the viability of the donor, it was observed that having suffered from COPD reduced the viability of the donor (no COPD: 93.8% vs COPD: 88%; OR=0.49; 95% CI: 0.28 to 0.84) while alcohol consumption increased it (drinker or ex-drinker: 95.8% vs non-drinker: 92.5%; OR=1.84; 95% CI: 1.01 to 3.33). Regarding tissue viability, decreased viability was observed in the presence of COPD (no COPD: 72.5% vs COPD: 64; OR=0.67; 95% CI: 0.47 to 0.96) and diabetes mellitus (no diabetes: 72.9% vs diabetes: 67.2%; OR=0.76; 95% CI: 0.58 to 0.99). As regards the viability of the implant, a total of 1039 corneas (68.9%) were suitable, observing decreased viability when suffering from COPD (no COPD: 69.8% vs COPD: 60.7%; OR=0.67; 95% CI: 0.47 to 0.94) and increased when having an active smoking habit (no habit: 65.3% vs habit: 74.1%; OR=1.52; 95% CI: 1.21 to 1.91).


Through this study, it can be concluded that in the absence of absolute exclusion criteria for donors, the assessment of how CVRF, alcoholism and COPD may affect the donor provides details about the quality of the tissue to be obtained.

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

El modelo Precede-Procede: un marco contextual para la salud comunitaria en entornos educativos

Las comunidades educativas tienen el potencial de proyectarse como nichos transformadores de las condiciones de vida a partir de la integración de sus actores en torno a la identificación de las necesidades en salud y la búsqueda de alternativas para resolverlas. En el marco de la maestría en Salud Pública de la Universidad de La Sabana se ha avanzado en estrategias para generar este vínculo, a través del acompañamiento en la formulación de un programa de salud comunitaria en un entorno educativo, basados en la adaptación del modelo Precede-Procede, un método para planear, conducir y evaluar intervenciones de educación para la salud. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, el objetivo es reflexionar sobre los aportes del modelo para la formulación de programas de salud comunitaria en entornos educativos, a propósito de la Atención Primaria en Salud (APS) y las políticas de entornos educativos saludables, considerando que son referentes normativos en el territorio colombiano. En síntesis, el modelo Precede-Procede se considera una opción favorable para la formulación de programas de salud en el contexto educativo porque privilegia el enganche y la participación comunitaria; aborda problemáticas contextualizadas y da la posibilidad para que desde edades tempranas se integren estudiantes, además de sus docentes, padres de familia y autoridades administrativas, para consolidar comunidades educativas transformadas en gestoras sociales de su propia salud.

☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

El consumo colectivo de alcohol en jóvenes: un estudio cualitativo con perspectiva de género

Los jóvenes entre 15-24 años son el grupo de edad que más participa del binge drinking, conocido como botellón en España. Son escasos los estudios de esta problemática con perspectiva de género. Por ello, exploramos los discursos y opiniones acerca del consumo colectivo de alcohol con perspectiva de género en jóvenes universitarios. Estudio cualitativo descriptivo. La recogida de información se realizó mediante grupos de discusión en Sevilla en febrero y marzo de 2019. Participaron 32 estudiantes de enfermería de primer curso. Para el análisis de los datos se siguieron los pasos de Taylor-Bogdan. Se hicieron cuatro grupos, de edad entre 18-24 años. Se obtuvieron las siguientes categorías: tipología y forma de consumo, roles sociales y conductas. Las conclusiones fueron que las diferencias de género quedan plasmadas en el discurso del alumnado, destacando las disimilitudes de conducta entre géneros y la mayor culpabilidad que sufren las mujeres. El género femenino es el más señalado al exceder los límites y el más vulnerable en el ocio nocturno. Esto sugiere la necesidad de generar intervenciones orientadas a resignificar los estereotipos del modelo patriarcal asociados al género y al consumo de alcohol, para minimizar conductas de riesgo en el ocio juvenil.

☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Advanced Nursing

Compassion in health professionals: Development and validation of the Capacity for Compassion Scale



Health professionals witness pain and suffering when they care for sick people and their families. Compassion is a necessary quality in their work as it combines the will to help, alleviate suffering and promote the well-being of both the people they are attending and the professionals themselves. The aim of the study was to design and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Capacity for Compassion Scale (CCS).


A quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out to evaluate the psychometric properties of the scale (reliability, temporal stability, content validity, criterion validity and construct validity).


The study was carried out in two phases: pilot study and final validation. The data were collected between April and May 2022. The sample was selected by convenience sampling and was made up of a total of 264 participants, 59 in the pilot phase and 205 in the final validation.


The Capacity for Compassion Scale has been shown to have good psychometric properties in relation to reliability, temporal stability, and content, criterion, and construct validity. Factor analysis showed that there were four subdimensions of the scale: motivation/commitment, presence, shared humanity and self-compassion. The results also indicate that compassionate ability is significantly correlated with age and work experience.


The Capacity for Compassion Scale shows adequate psychometric properties. This instrument measures the compassion capacity of health professionals, which is a valuable discovery for new lines of research in this field.


Through this scale, low levels of capacity for compassion can be detected that negatively influence the quality of care provided by health professionals. The Capacity for Compassion Scale can therefore contribute to the identification of needs and promote training around compassion for health professionals.

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public contribution.

What Problem did the Study Address?

Compassion in health professionals has positive effects on improving the quality of care, the satisfaction of professionals and the work environment. There are compassion cultivation programmes whose validity has been proven for the development of the dimensions of compassion. There is no specific instrument that measures capacity for compassion in healthcare professionals.

What were the Main Findings?

A scale is designed to measure capacity for compassion in health professionals. This is the only such scale available up until now. The scale measures four dimensions of compassion: motivation/commitment, presence, shared humanity and self-compassion.

Where and on Whom will the Research Have an Impact?

The development of specific programmes that can increase the compassion of health professionals with all the benefits that this can bring to health care is encouraged. It will be possible to analyse the effects of training programmes on the cultivation of compassion.

☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

Evaluation of ALBA device for upper extremity motor function in adults with subacute and chronic acquired brain injury: a randomised controlled trial protocol in a tertiary clinic of the metropolitan region of Chile

Por: Salazar-Cifuentes · P. · Contreras · T. · Hernandez · E. · Leiva-Abarca · E. · Castro-Flores · P. · San Juan · D. · Araneda · R. · Ebner-Karestinos · D. — Noviembre 22nd 2023 at 17:12

Stroke is a significant worldwide cause of death and a prevalent contributor to long-term disability among adults. Survivors commonly encounter a wide array of motor, sensory and cognitive impairments. Rehabilitation interventions, mainly targeting the upper extremities, include a wide array of components, although the evidence indicates that the intensity of practice and task-specific training play crucial roles in facilitating effective results. Assisted therapy with electronic devices designed for the affected upper extremity could be employed to enable partial or total control of this limb, while simultaneously incorporating the aforementioned characteristics in the rehabilitation process.

Methods and analysis

32 adults who had a subacute or chronic stroke, aged over 18 years old, will be included for this randomised controlled trial aiming to determine the non-inferiority effect of the inclusion of a robotic device (ALBA) to regular treatment against only regular rehabilitation. Participants will be assessed before and after 4 weeks of intervention and at 3 months of follow-up. The primary outcome will be the Fugl-Meyer assessment for upper extremities; secondary outcomes will include the questionnaires Functional Independence Measure, Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form Health Survey as well as the System Usability Scale.

Ethics and dissemination

Full ethical approval was obtained for this study from the scientific and ethical review board Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Oriente of Santiago (approval number: SSMOriente030522), and the recommendations of the Chilean law no 20120 of 7 September 2006, concerning scientific research in the human being, its genome and human cloning, will be followed. Ahead of inclusion, potential participants will read and sign a written informed consent form. Future findings will be presented and published in conferences and peer-reviewed journals.

Trial registration number

International Registry (NCT05824416;

☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Nursing Scholarship

Randomized controlled trials in nursing conducted by Latin American research teams: A scoping review



Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are the cornerstone of systematic reviews and other evidence synthesis. RCT identification remains challenging because of limitations in their indexation in major databases and potential language bias. Scientific production in Latin American nursing is steadily increasing, but little is known about its design or main features. We aimed to identify the extent of evidence from RCTs in nursing conducted by Latin American research teams and evaluate their main characteristics, including potential risk of bias.


Scoping review with risk of bias assessment.


We conducted a scoping review including a comprehensive electronic search in five relevant databases. We completed a descriptive data analysis and a risk of bias assessment of eligible studies using Cochrane's guidance.


We identified 1784 references of which 47 were RCTs published in 40 journals. Twenty (42.6%) RCTs were published in journals in English. Chronic diseases were the most common health conditions studied (29.7%). Fifteen (31.9%) RCTs had a high risk of bias. Thirty (75%) journals were included in the Journal Citation Report (JCR) catalog and 5 (16.7%) were journals classified under nursing category. Twenty-one (52.5%) journals explicitly required CONSORT checklist recommendations for RCTs reporting.


Publication of RCTs in nursing by Latin American authors has increased. Most journals where RCTs are published are in English and not specific to nursing. Searches in journals of other disciplines may be necessary to facilitate identification of RCTs in nursing. CONSORT statements need to be actively promoted to facilitate rigorous methodology and reporting of RCTs.

Clinical Relevance Statement

This study highlights the need for an increased research focus on RCTs in nursing in Latin America, and the importance of enhancing the reporting quality of these studies to support evidence-based nursing practice.

☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

Subestructuración teórica: Miedo, ansiedad y estrés postraumático durante la transición del cuidado a pacientes Covid-19

Objetivo: Generar una teoría de situación específica para explicar el control de miedo, ansiedad y estrés postraumático en personal de enfermería que atendió a pacientes Covid. Desarrollo: La teoría de las transiciones, fue base para la teoría de situación específica con los cuatro pasos de Dulock y Holzemer: (1) identificar y aislar principales conceptos, (2) especificar relaciones entre conceptos, (3) ordenar jerárquicamente los conceptos según nivel de abstracción, y (4) ilustrar relaciones actuales entre variables. Conclusión principal: La teoría de situación específica para explicar el control de miedo, ansiedad y estrés postraumático basada en la Teoría de las Transiciones es útil para explicar las condiciones de transición personales que facilitan e inhiben el paso hacia un nuevo rol de cuidado y explicar indicadores que intervienen en el proceso y resultado en el personal de enfermería.

☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Advanced Nursing

Spanish version of the Self‐Care of Chronic Illness Inventory: A validation study amongst community‐dwelling older adults with chronic multimorbidity



To psychometrically assess the Spanish version of the Self-Care of Chronic Illness Inventory (SC-CII-Sp) in community-dwelling older adults with chronic multimorbidity.


A methodological study.


A total of 1260 older adults participated in the study between May 2020 and February 2022. The data were analysed using SPSS Statistics® 26 and AMOS® 24. The items' content validity index and the Fleiss' kappa were calculated to assess the SC-CII-Sp's content validity. Convergent validity was assessed by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient between the participants' scores on the SC-CII-Sp and their scores on the Spanish Chronic Disease Self-Efficacy scale (SCD-SE). Construct validity was tested by performing a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The SC-CII-Sp's reliability was tested by computing the Cronbach's alpha.


The SC-CII-Sp showed good content and convergent validity. The CFA showed that the SC-CII-Sp has three sub-scales. The 8-item Self-Care Maintenance sub-scale has good internal consistency and is comprised of two dimensions: illness-related and health-promoting behaviour. The Self-Care Monitoring sub-scale had excellent internal consistency and its five loaded items belonged to a single dimension. The 6-item Self-Care Management sub-scale has adequate internal consistency and two dimensions: autonomous and consulting behaviour.


The Spanish version of SC-CII is a valid and reliable instrument to be used in the assessment of self-care behaviours amongst Spanish-speaking, community-dwelling older adults with chronic multimorbidity.

Implications for the Profession

Nurses need valid and reliable tools to assess self-care behaviours in Spanish-speaking community-dwelling older adults with chronic multimorbidity. This study provides a 19-item tool that allows for the comprehensive evaluation of self-care behaviours in healthy and ill states.


Using the SC-CII-Sp in clinical or research settings could help nurses to examine the effects of different interventions on self-care behaviours amongst Spanish-speaking, community-dwelling older adults with chronic multimorbidity.

Patient or Public Contribution

None to be reported.

☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

Efecto de la dieta libre de gluten en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes con enfermedad celíaca: una revisión sistemática

Objetivo principal: analizar de manera sistemática la evidencia disponible sobre el efecto de la dieta libre de gluten en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes con enfermedad celíaca. Metodología: Para la elaboración de esta revisión sistemática se siguió con la formulación de una pregunta, establecimiento de criterios de inclusión y exclusión, desarrollo de estrategias de búsqueda, la selección de artículos para ser incluidos en la revisión, extracción de datos y síntesis de los datos. Resultados principales: Se observó en todos los estudios incluidos que los síntomas, así como la presencia de anticuerpos específicos, disminuyeron en las personas con Enfermedad Celiaca que se adhirieron a la dieta libre de gluten. Conclusión principal: Respecto al efecto de la dieta libre de gluten en la enfermedad celíaca, se puede decir que los pacientes celíacos tienden a mejorar en los síntomas de esta patología. Sin embargo, algunos pacientes pueden no mostrar una mejoría significativa.
