
☐ ☆ ✇ Evidence-Based Nursing

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on eating disorder-related hospital and programme admissions in youth

Por: Devoe · D. J. · Holland · K. M. G. — Diciembre 15th 2023 at 10:25

Commentary on: Hartman-Munick SM, Lin JA, Milliren CE, et al. Association of the COVID-19 pandemic with adolescent and young adult eating disorder care volume. JAMA Pediatr. 2022 Dec 1;176(12):1225-1232. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.4346.

Implications for practice and research

  • The current research demonstrates the need to increase staffing and programme capacity for those working with patients with eating disorders (EDs) to ensure adequate care.

  • Future research into how the relationship between ED-related hospitalisations and individual external factors, such as social isolation are needed.

  • Context

    Research has shown that the pandemic greatly impacted worldwide mental health1 and disproportionality impacted those with EDs.2 Those with EDs such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge ED have seen an increase in hospital admissions and programmes due to the COVID-19 pandemic.2 3 However, there is a lack of nationwide research investigating the increase...

    ☐ ☆ ✇ BMJ Open

    Taxonomy of advanced access practice profiles among family physicians, nurse practitioners and nurses in university-affiliated team-based primary healthcare clinics in Quebec

    Por: Breton · M. · Deville-Stoetzel · N. · Gaboury · I. · Duhoux · A. · Maillet · L. · Abou Malham · S. · Hudon · C. · Vedel · I. · Legare · F. · Berbiche · D. · Touati · N. — Diciembre 12th 2023 at 17:17

    The advanced access model is highly recommended to improve timely access to primary healthcare (PHC). However, its adoption varies among PHC providers. We aim to identify the advanced access profiles of PHC providers.


    A cross-sectional study was conducted between October 2019 and March 2020. Latent class analysis (LCA) measures were used to identify PHC provider profiles based on 14 variables, 2 organisational context characteristics (clinical size and geographical area) and 12 advanced access strategies.

    Setting and participants

    All family physicians, nurse practitioners and nurses working in the 49 university-affiliated team-based PHC clinics in Quebec, Canada, were invited, of which 35 participated.

    Primary outcome measure

    The LCA was based on 335 respondents. We determined the optimal number of profiles using statistical criteria (Akaike information criterion, Bayesian information criterion) and qualitatively named each of the six advanced access profiles.


    (1) Low supply and demand planification (25%) was characterised by the smallest proportion of strategies used to balance supply and demand. (2) Reactive interprofessional collaboration (25%) was characterised by high collaboration and long opening periods for appointment scheduling. (3) Structured interprofessional collaboration (19%) was characterised by high use of interprofessional team meetings. (4) Small urban delegating practices (13%) was exclusively composed of family physicians and characterised by task delegation to other PHC providers on the team. (5) Comprehensive practices in urban settings (13%) was characterised by including as many services as possible on each visit. (6) Rural agility (4%) was characterised by the highest uptake of advanced access strategies based on flexibility, including adjusting the schedule to demand and having a large number of open-slot appointments available in the next 48 hours.


    The different patterns of advanced access strategy adoption confirm the need for training to be tailored to individuals, categories of PHC providers and contexts.

    ☐ ☆ ✇ Cultura de los cuidados

    Los cuidados enfermeros de San Juan de Dios según el Modelo de las necesidades humanas de Henderson

    Por: Aarón Muñoz-Devesa — Diciembre 11th 2023 at 00:00

    Consultando manuales de Historia de la Enfermería, se puede apreciar cómo es a partir de Nightingale cuando se considera el nacimiento de la Enfermería moderna o profesional. Sin embargo, esta creencia podría ser leyenda negra, pues antes del S. XIX ya existía conciencia de Enfermería como profesión, siendo esta iniciada por Juan de Dios, el de Granada, en el S. XVI español. Por ello, en el presente artículo hemos marcado como objetivo el describir los cuidados de Juan de Dios siguiendo el modelo de necesidades humanas descritas por Henderson. Para ello, utilizamos la metodología historiográfica siguiendo la corriente de la historia de las mentalidades, de manera que podamos ir del pasado al presente, y viceversa. En el análisis documental hemos podido observar como lo que hoy encontramos sistematizado de manera teórica, ya se realizaba en el inicio de la reforma enfermera del S. XVI español, siendo un modelo válido para la Enfermería actual, pues se encuentra en su ser, saber, y hacer, los conceptos del metaparadigma enfermero actuales aunque no de manera explícita, puesto que su intención, más que teórica, era asistencial, aunque detrás de ella hubo un corpus doctrinal independiente a otras disciplinas socio-sanitarias.

    ☐ ☆ ✇ Nursing Research

    Experiences and Perceptions of E-Cigarette Cessation for Young Adults in Rural Communities

    Por: Gwon, Seok Hyun · Thongpriwan, Vipavee · Mobarki, Amani · Eyadat, Anwar · Noonan, Devon — Septiembre 25th 2023 at 02:00
    imageBackground Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), also known as e-cigarettes, are the most commonly used tobacco products among young adults in the United States. Young adults in rural areas have a higher prevalence of ENDS use compared to their urban counterparts, yet there is limited evidence regarding the in-depth understanding of experiences and perspectives directly from young adults. Objectives The aim of this study was to explore individual experiences and perspectives about use and cessation of ENDS from young adults in rural areas. Methods This was a qualitative study using interpretive description for analysis. Young adults (18–24 years) who used ENDS every day but not other tobacco products (cigarettes, smokeless, etc.) in the past month and had an address in a rural county of Wisconsin were eligible; there were nine participants interviewed using Zoom. Interview questions focused on initial use, maintenance of use, experiences of quitting, and social and rural environmental contexts regarding ENDS. Results Three themes emerged with eight categories: (a) addiction to ENDS and health, (b) cessation and resources, and (c) rural environment and culture in ENDS addiction. Discussion Findings have implications for ENDS cessation interventions targeting young adults in rural areas.
    ☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Clinical Nursing

    Thinking strategies used by registered nurses during drug administration in nursing homes—An observational study

    Por: Hege Solberg · Siri Andreassen Devik · Hege Therese Bell · Rose Mari Olsen — Diciembre 4th 2023 at 06:56



    To explore registered nurses' thinking strategies during the drug administration process in nursing homes.


    An exploratory qualitative design.


    Eight registered nurses, one male and seven female, in five nursing home wards in Mid-Norway were observed during 15 drug dispensing rounds (175 drug dispensing episodes). Think Aloud sessions with follow-up individual interviews were conducted. The Think Aloud data were analysed using deductive qualitative content analysis based on Marsha Fonteyn's description of 17 thinking strategies. Interview data were used to clarify missing information and validate the content of Think Aloud data.


    The registered nurses used all 17 thinking strategies described by Fonteyn, including several variants of each strategy. The three most frequent were ‘providing explanations’, ‘setting priorities’ and ‘drawing conclusions’. In addition, we found two novel thinking strategies that did not fit into Fonteyn's template, which were labelled ‘controlling’ and ‘interacting’. Among all strategies, ‘controlling’ was by far the most used, serving as a means for the registered nurses to stay on track and navigate through various interruptions, while also minimising errors during drug dispensing.


    The study highlights the diverse thinking strategies employed by registered nurses in nursing homes during medication administration. The findings emphasise the multifaceted nature of medication administration and underscore the importance of skilled personnel in ensuring medication safety. Recognising the significance of these findings is crucial for maintaining patient well-being and upholding medication safety standards in healthcare settings.

    Relevance to Clinical Practice

    Understanding the thinking strategies employed by registered nurses can inform training programmes and enhance the clinical judgements of health care professionals involved in medication administration, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes and reduced medication errors in practice.

    Patient or Public Contribution

    Patients were involved in this study as recipients of drugs which the nurses distributed during the observations. The patients were involved as a third party and consent to the observations was either given by the patients themselves or relatives in cases where the patient was not competent to consent. No personal information was collected about the patients.

    Reporting Method

    The reporting of this study adhered to the COREQ checklist.

    ☐ ☆ ✇ PLOS ONE Medicine&Health

    Cumulative violence exposures among men who have sex with men living with HIV in India: Psychosocial correlates of HIV care continuum outcomes

    by Bushra Sabri, Chakra Budhathoki, Allison M. McFall, Shruti H. Mehta, David D. Celentano, Sunil S. Solomon, Aylur K. Srikrishnan, Santhanam Anand, Canjeevaram K. Vasudevan, Gregory M. Lucas

    Lifetime exposures to violence among men who have sex with men (MSM) are associated with multiple psychosocial health risks and can affect engagement and outcomes of HIV treatment. This study a) explored relationships between levels of exposures to violence and HIV care continuum outcomes among MSM living with HIV in India, and b) identified psychosocial correlates of HIV care continuum outcomes among MSM living with HIV and those with lifetime cumulative exposures to violence (CVE). CVE referred to exposures to violence in both childhood and adulthood. This cross-sectional analysis used survey data collected between August 2016 and May 2017 from 1763 men who have sex with men living with HIV across 10 cities in India, using respondent-driven sampling. We found that higher levels of violence exposure were significantly associated with lower awareness of HIV positive status, and lower likelihood of initiating antiretroviral therapy. Compared with MSM living with HIV that had no CVE, those with CVE were more likely to report perpetration of interpersonal violence, alcohol misuse, depressive symptoms, and HIV transmission risk behaviors and to have two to four co-occurring psychosocial problems. In multivariable analysis with the subset of MSM with CVE, psychosocial correlates significantly associated with at least one HIV care continuum outcome were HIV transmission risk behaviors, perpetration of interpersonal violence, depression, and alcohol misuse. The findings highlight the need for integrating care for lifetime violence exposures and associated behavioral problems in HIV care settings for men who have sex with men living with HIV in India.
    ☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Advanced Nursing

    A survey of Indonesian nurses' educational experiences and self‐perceived capability to care for people with intellectual disability and/or autism spectrum disorder

    Por: Roxsana Devi Tumanggor · Amy Pracilio · Cholina Trisa Siregar · Nathan J. Wilson · Andrew Cashin — Noviembre 11th 2023 at 05:54



    To describe Indonesian nurses' educational experience regarding care for people with intellectual disability and/or autism and to explore if these educational experiences are associated with their self-perceived confidence, comfort, knowledge and preparedness to care for these cohorts.


    Cross-sectional descriptive survey.


    A descriptive survey tool utilized in a study of Australian registered nurses was replicated and adapted for this study. Following descriptive analysis, chi-square analyses were undertaken to explore associations between educational experiences, and self-rated measures of confidence, comfort and knowledge to work with people with intellectual disability and/or autism. Although there was no end-user involvement in the design of the study, the concepts explored have all been raised by those with lived insights of intellectual disability and/or autism as being critical to their healthcare experiences.


    There were 544 complete responses, and 51.7% were not exposed to any educational or clinical content relevant to caring for people with intellectual disability and/or autism. Moderate to low levels of self-perceived confidence, comfort, knowledge and preparedness to address healthcare needs of these cohorts were reported. Significant associations were identified between educational and clinical experiences during undergraduate training, and higher levels of self-perceived confidence, comfort and knowledge.


    Mirroring international literature, the findings of this study highlight a large proportion of Indonesian nurses had little educational experience relevant to caring for people with intellectual disability and/or autism, and have relatively low levels of self-reported capability.


    This study highlights gaps in the educational experiences, and self-perceived confidence, comfort, knowledge and preparedness of Indonesian nurses regarding caring for people with intellectual disability and/or autism. Given that internationally, people with intellectual disability and/or autism have disproportionately negative health outcomes and experiences, these findings have substantial implications for nursing curriculum, policy and professional development.

    ☐ ☆ ✇ Journal of Clinical Nursing

    The global prevalence of overweight and obesity among nurses: A systematic review and meta‐analyses



    Several studies have reported the prevalence of overweight and obesity in various countries but the global prevalence of nurses with overweight and obesity remains unclear. A consolidation of figures globally can help stakeholders worldwide improve workforce development and healthcare service delivery.


    To investigate the global prevalence of overweight and obesity among nurses.


    Systematic review with meta-analysis.


    29 different countries across the WHO-classified geographical region.




    Eight electronic databases were searched for articles published from inception to January 2023. Two independent reviewers performed the article screening, methodological appraisal and data extraction. Methodological appraisal was conducted using Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS). Inter-rater agreement was measured using Cohen's Kappa. Meta-analyses were conducted to pool the effect sizes on overweight, obesity and waist circumference using random effects model and adjusted using generalised linear mixed models and Hartung–Knapp method. Logit transformation was employed to stabilise the prevalence variance. Subgroup analyses were performed based on methodological quality and geographical regions. Heterogeneity was assessed using the I 2 statistic.


    Among 10,587 studies, 83 studies representing 158,775 nurses across 29 countries were included. Based on BMI, the global prevalence of overweight and obesity were 31.2% (n = 55, 95% CI: 29%–33.5%; p < .01) and 16.3% (n = 76, 95% CI: 13.7%–19.3%, p < .01), respectively. Subgroup analyses indicated that the highest prevalence of overweight was in Eastern Mediterranean (n = 9, 37.2%, 95% CI: 33.1%–41.4%) and that of obesity was in South-East Asia (n = 5, 26.4%, 95% CI: 5.3%–69.9%). NOS classification, NOS scores, sample size and the year of data collected were not significant moderators.


    This review indicated the global prevalence of overweight and obesity among nurses along with the differences between regions. Healthcare organisations and policymakers should appreciate this increased risk and improve working conditions and environments for nurses to better maintain their metabolic health.

    Patient or Public Contribution

    Not applicable as this is a systematic review.


    PROSPERO (ref: CRD42023403785)

    Tweetable Abstract

    High prevalence of overweight and obesity among nurses worldwide.

    ☐ ☆ ✇ Evidentia

    Valoración de la seguridad de los nuevos tipos de administración de inmunoglobulinas

    Objetivo: identificar y cuantificar los efectos secundarios del tratamiento con Ig (Inmunoglobulinas) al 10% y 5% así como los factores de riesgo asociados a su administración, influencia del catéter utilizado y la existencia de asociación entre las reacciones adversas y factores de riesgo del paciente. Metodología: Se cumplimento un cuestionario ad-hoc con los pacientes receptivos de tratamiento con Ig en la unidad. Resultados: La flebitis fue de un 22,5 %, siendo mayor en Ig al 10% (25,6%), frente al de Ig al 5% (9,5%) Al analizar el catéter en relación con flebitis, el calibre 22 tuvo una incidencia del 41,9% frente 16% del calibre 20. Conclusiones: Uno de los efectos adverso destacados es la flebitis en la cual el sexo femenino, el ritmo de infusión elevado y el catéter influye como factor de riesgo.

    ☐ ☆ ✇ Midwifery

    Neonatal outcomes and its association among gestational diabetes mellitus with and without depression, anxiety and stress symptoms in Malaysia: A cross-sectional study

    Prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress symptoms in gestational diabetes mellitus ranges from 10.2% to 39.9% based on previous studies in Malaysia. Presence of depression, anxiety or stress in pregnancy may increase the risk of neonatal morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of neonatal outcomes and its association among mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus with and without the presence of depression, anxiety and stress symptoms in Malaysia.