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Building CapaCITY/E for sustainable transportation: protocol for an implementation science research program in healthy cities

Por: Winters · M. · Fuller · D. · Cloutier · M.-S. · Harris · M. A. · Howard · A. · Kestens · Y. · Kirk · S. · Macpherson · A. · Moore · S. · Rothman · L. · Shareck · M. · Tomasone · J. R. · Laberee · K. · Stephens · Z. P. · Sones · M. · Ayton · D. · Batomen · B. · Bell · S. · Collins · P. · Diab

Improving sustainable transportation options will help cities tackle growing challenges related to population health, congestion, climate change and inequity. Interventions supporting active transportation face many practical and political hurdles. Implementation science aims to understand how interventions or policies arise, how they can be translated to new contexts or scales and who benefits. Sustainable transportation interventions are complex, and existing implementation science frameworks may not be suitable. To apply and adapt implementation science for healthy cities, we have launched our mixed-methods research programme, CapaCITY/É. We aim to understand how, why and for whom sustainable transportation interventions are successful and when they are not.

Methods and analysis

Across nine Canadian municipalities and the State of Victoria (Australia), our research will focus on two types of sustainable transportation interventions: all ages and abilities bicycle networks and motor vehicle speed management interventions. We will (1) document the implementation process and outcomes of both types of sustainable transportation interventions; (2) examine equity, health and mobility impacts of these interventions; (3) advance implementation science by developing a novel sustainable transportation implementation science framework and (4) develop tools for scaling up and scaling out sustainable transportation interventions. Training activities will develop interdisciplinary scholars and practitioners able to work at the nexus of academia and sustainable cities.

Ethics and dissemination

This study received approval from the Simon Fraser University Office of Ethics Research (H22-03469). A Knowledge Mobilization Hub will coordinate dissemination of findings via a website; presentations to academic, community organisations and practitioner audiences; and through peer-reviewed articles.

Sala azul: espacio de aprendizaje vivencial

O objetivo foi analisar as contribuições do processo de aprendizagem vivencial para o desenvolvimento do cuidado sensível no estudante de enfermagem. Pesquisa descritiva, qualitativa, desenvolvida a partir dos registros do formulário de avaliação preenchido por estudantes do terceiro, oitavo e novo período. Foram obtidas amostras não intencionais, dos anos de 2013, 2014 e 2015, totalizando 298 participantes. O campo de estudo foi a Sala Azul, situado na Faculdade de Enfermagem da Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro. Buscou-se respeitar os procedimentos ético-legais que envolvem pesquisas com seres humanos. Emergiram três categorias: Espaço de reflexão para o cuidado de si e do outro; Espaço de aprendizagem da empatia multidimensional e Espaço que promove redução do estresse através do relaxamento. Os resultados sugerem que o processo de aprendizagem vivencial possibilita o desenvolvimento do autoconhecimento, o cuidado de si e do outro, as habilidades empáticas e estratégias de gerenciamento do estresse.
