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Nurses' views on the presence of family members during invasive procedures in hospitalised children: A questionnaire survey


Aims and Objectives

(I) To identify the opinion and practices of nursing professionals regarding the presence of family members during invasive procedures in hospitalised children; (II) to determine the knowledge of nursing professionals about the patient-and family-centred care model.


Family presence in invasive procedures benefits the patient and their relatives, but varied attitudes exist among healthcare personnel, with some being favourable and others unfavourable toward family presence.


Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study.


Study population: Nurses from paediatric critical care services, emergency services, hospital wards, day hospitals and outpatient clinics at a Catalan tertiary hospital who participated voluntarily between September 2021 and July 2022. Data collection instrument: A questionnaire prepared by the researchers, based on the literature and reviewed by experts. REDCap link with access to the questionnaire was sent out to potential respondents through the institutional email. Bivariate analysis was performed with the R 4.2 program. The study was approved by the hospital's Clinical Research Committee and participants gave informed consent before responding to the questionnaire.


A total of 172 nurses participated, and 155 valid responses were obtained. All respondents consider the family as a key element in paediatric care and report inviting family members to participate in the care given to their child. However, 12.0% of nurses do not invite the family to be present in invasive procedures. Almost all respondents note the need for training to acquire communication skills and improve the management of emotions.


The results show a favourable opinion towards the presence of family members and highlight the need to train nurses to develop communication skills.

Relevance to clinical practice

The data provided can favour the design of measures to improve and promote the presence of parents during invasive procedures, reinforcing the patient-and family-centred care model and improving the quality of care provided. One example is the creation of family care protocols where the inclusion of parents and the roles of each individual involved in the care process appears.

Efectividad del cianocrilato en la reparación de heridas en cuero cabelludo, región ciliar y zona mentoniana en pediatría


Introducción. El uso en pediatría de adhesivos tisulares como el cianocrilato para el cierre de heridas ofrece ventajas significativas. Es un procedimiento sencillo rápido e indoloro, conformándose como una alternativa en la población pediátrica debido a las características específicas de estos pacientes. Objetivo. Evaluar la efectividad del adhesivo tisular con cianocrilato en el cierre de heridas en zonas pilosas y mentón. Metodología. Se diseñó un estudio observacional prospectivo conformado por pacientes pediátricos que acudieron a urgencias con heridas que requerían sutura en zona mentoniana, ceja y cuero cabelludo. Se valoraron variables demográficas y clínicas, así como la colaboración del menor y grado de satisfacción de padres y profesionales tras la aplicación de cianocrilato. A los 3 meses se valoró la cicatrización. Los datos se analizaron mediante el programa estadístico SSPS. Resultados. Las heridas en zonas pilosas presentaron una correcta epitelización con un índice ≤ 2 según escala de Vancouver. Se establecieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la localización de la herida y su cicatrización (p<0.05). Se objetivó un grado de concordancia moderado entre la satisfacción de los padres y los profesionales con un p-valor < 0.001. Discusión. Los adhesivos tisulares con base de cianocrilato parecen una alternativa válida y segura para la reparación de heridas en zonas con folículo piloso. Cuenta con la aprobación de pacientes, familiares y profesionales que realizaron el procedimiento. Los resultados respecto a la cicatrización evaluados a los 3 meses son más satisfactorios en áreas pilosas.


Introduction. The use of tissue adhesives like cyanoacrylate for wound closure in pediatrics offers significant advantages. It is a simple, fast, and painless procedure, making it an alternative in the pediatric population due to the specific characteristics of these patients. Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of tissue adhesive with cyanoacrylate in closing wounds on the scalp or hairy areas and the chin region. Methodology. A prospective observational study was designed, consisting of pediatric patients who presented to the emergency department with wounds requiring sutures in the chin, eyebrow, and scalp areas. Demographic and clinical variables were assessed, as well as the cooperation of the child and the satisfaction level of parents and healthcare professionals after the application of cyanoacrylate. Scar healing was assessed at 3 months. Data were analyzed using the statistical software SPSS. Results. Wounds in hairy areas showed proper epithelialization with an index ≤2 according to the Vancouver scale. Statistically significant differences were found in the relationship between wound location and its healing (p<0.05). Additionally, a moderate level of agreement was observed between parent and professional satisfaction, with a p-value <0.001. Discusión. Cyanoacrylate-based tissue adhesives appear to be a valid and safe alternative for wound repair in areas with hair follicles. They are well-received by patients, their families, and the professionals who performed the procedure. The results regarding scar healing evaluated at 3 months are more satisfactory on the scalp and eyebrow compared to the chin region.

Effect of whole-body cryotherapy versus placebo cryotherapy on joint pain induced by aromatase inhibitors in women with early stage breast cancer: a randomised clinical trial

Por: Duraes · M. · Garbay · M. · Ferrer · C. · Duflos · C. · Rathat · G.

Hormone therapy (HT) is a major adjuvant treatment for breast cancer. Despite their effectiveness, aromatase inhibitors can cause several side effects, including arthralgia in 35%–50% of patients. These side effects frequently lead to the premature discontinuation of HT. Whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) can be used for managing arthritic pain. The primary objective of this study will be to evaluate the effect of WBC on aromatase-induced joint pain, compared with placebo cryotherapy, in patients with hormone-dependent breast cancer receiving adjuvant aromatase inhibitors. The secondary objectives will be to evaluate WBC safety and its effect on analgesic consumption, HT adherence and quality of life.

Methods and analysis

In this randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blinded clinical trial, 56 patients with aromatase inhibitor-induced joint pain and a Brief Pain Inventory-Short Form (BPI-SF) score ≥3 for the worst pain experienced in the previous week will be randomised into the WBC or placebo cryotherapy arm (10 sessions in each group). The primary outcome will be the BPI-SF score at week 6 post-treatment. The secondary outcomes will include the BPI-SF scores at months 3 and 6 post-treatment, the BPI-SF pain severity index and pain interference index, the Health Assessment Questionnaire score, the number of days of aromatase inhibitor treatment and analgesic consumption in the 15 days before the visits at week 6 and months 3 and 6 after cryotherapy. The incidence of adverse events will also be investigated.

Ethics and dissemination

Ethics approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee Est IV of Hospital Civil, Strasbourg, France. Protocol V.5 was approved in December 2022. The results will be disseminated in a peer-reviewed journal and presented at international congresses.

Trial registration number


Automated, high-throughput quantification of EGFP-expressing neutrophils in zebrafish by machine learning and a highly-parallelized microscope

by John Efromson, Giuliano Ferrero, Aurélien Bègue, Thomas Jedidiah Jenks Doman, Clay Dugo, Andi Barker, Veton Saliu, Paul Reamey, Kanghyun Kim, Mark Harfouche, Jeffrey A. Yoder

Normal development of the immune system is essential for overall health and disease resistance. Bony fish, such as the zebrafish (Danio rerio), possess all the major immune cell lineages as mammals and can be employed to model human host response to immune challenge. Zebrafish neutrophils, for example, are present in the transparent larvae as early as 48 hours post fertilization and have been examined in numerous infection and immunotoxicology reports. One significant advantage of the zebrafish model is the ability to affordably generate high numbers of individual larvae that can be arrayed in multi-well plates for high throughput genetic and chemical exposure screens. However, traditional workflows for imaging individual larvae have been limited to low-throughput studies using traditional microscopes and manual analyses. Using a newly developed, parallelized microscope, the Multi-Camera Array Microscope (MCAM™), we have optimized a rapid, high-resolution algorithmic method to count fluorescently labeled cells in zebrafish larvae in vivo. Using transgenic zebrafish larvae, in which neutrophils express EGFP, we captured 18 gigapixels of images across a full 96-well plate, in 75 seconds, and processed the resulting datastream, counting individual fluorescent neutrophils in all individual larvae in 5 minutes. This automation is facilitated by a machine learning segmentation algorithm that defines the most in-focus view of each larva in each well after which pixel intensity thresholding and blob detection are employed to locate and count fluorescent cells. We validated this method by comparing algorithmic neutrophil counts to manual counts in larvae subjected to changes in neutrophil numbers, demonstrating the utility of this approach for high-throughput genetic and chemical screens where a change in neutrophil number is an endpoint metric. Using the MCAM™ we have been able to, within minutes, acquire both enough data to create an automated algorithm and execute a biological experiment with statistical significance. Finally, we present this open-source software package which allows the user to train and evaluate a custom machine learning segmentation model and use it to localize zebrafish and analyze cell counts within the segmented region of interest. This software can be modified as needed for studies involving other zebrafish cell lineages using different transgenic reporter lines and can also be adapted for studies using other amenable model species.

Interaction among health workers and trans men: Findings from a qualitative study in Chile



To explore trans men's access and use of healthcare services in Chile, based on the experiences of the trans men themselves, as well as of healthcare professionals.


A qualitative study with an ethnographic approach was carried out with 30 participants: 14 trans men and 16 healthcare professionals. Semi-structured one-on-one interviews with open-ended questions were used to collect the data. A thematic analysis was carried out with the NVivo Software.


Three main themes were identified: (1) failures in the recognition of trans identity, (2) challenges with patient-centered care, and (3) use of other (“non-trans”) health services.


The results suggest that not all transition processes are the same, individuals seek different ways; therefore, it is necessary to consider different body types and identities when planning programs and care for men in transition. Moreover, the accompaniment provided during the gender transition process should contemplate emotional and mental support.

Clinical Relevance

The study outlines the need for all healthcare professionals to have training and knowledge about the transgender population, regardless of whether they are part of the teams supporting gender transition processes. The role of nurses and the contributions that can be made from nursing discipline in this research field are fundamental.

El cuidado humanizado de la enfermería

Un relato donde una paciente manifiesta su sentir ante la experiencia vivida durante la estancia en un centro sanitario, expresando su agradecimiento a la enfermera que le atendió. Resalta la importancia del cuidado emocional recibido, que influyó positivamente en su recuperación. El gesto humano de la enfermera a través de la escucha y su cercanía, hicieron que la paciente recuperara la esperanza en la mejora de su salud, recobrando el optimismo en su vida.

Paciente con Síndrome Dolor Regional Complejo Tipo I

Paciente varón, de 32 años de edad, que consulta por dolor en muñeca derecha. Tras meses en rehabilitación, se diagnostica “epicondilitis” y se indica tratamiento quirúrgico, se retira yeso a las 6 semanas, se observa color azulado de toda la piel del antebrazo y mano, con hiperhidrosis y mucho vello. Ante la sospecha, se solicita gammagrafía con Tc99 que confirma el diagnóstico de “Síndrome de Dolor Regional Complejo tipo I simpático dependiente en grado II-III”. Derivado a la Unidad del Dolor donde es sometido a múltiples tratamientos, se implantan electrodos corticales a nivel de duramadre en la Cisura de Rolando. Tras no obtener resultados y observarse fibrosis a nivel del cuello, se retiran los electrodos. Posteriormente, recibe tratamiento fisioterapeutico-osteópatico mejorando ostensiblemente. Al cabo de 3 meses, vuelve a hacer vida normal, reincorporándose a su puesto de trabajo habitual perdido hace 9 años.

Análisis de hábitos nutricionales y actividad física en la población escolarizada en Benicàssim

Introducción: En las últimas décadas, la población juvenil española, ha experimentado numerosos cambios en sus patrones de alimentación y ejercicio físico, destacando el alto porcentaje de adolescentes que acuden a su centro educativo sin haber desayunado. Diversos estudios muestran que la educación escolar puede producir efectos beneficiosos, promoviendo actividad física y alimentación saludable, hábitos que permanecen el resto de la vida. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de los hábitos nutricionales y de ejercicio físico en la población infantojuvenil de Benicassim, que durante el año lectivo 2015-2016 cursara de 6º primaria a 2º de bachillerato. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, observacional y transversal que muestra los hábitos nutricionales y de ejercicio físico mediante la Encuesta mundial de salud a escolares (módulos de alimentación y deporte). Participaron 143 alumnos que cursaban entre 6º de primaria y 2º de bachillerato en Benicàssim. Resultados principales: La mayoría de alumnos mantienen hábitos saludables (desayuno y almuerzo diario, consumo de lácteos y consumo moderado de alimentos salados y grasos), aunque persiste un 20% que no muestran estos hábitos. Los chicos realizan más ejercicio físico (3-4 días), que las chicas (2-3 días), que parece que pasan más horas sentadas. Conclusiones: La mayor parte de los encuestados presentan hábitos saludables, sin embargo, gran parte de los alumnos no desayunan a diario. Además cabe destacar el importante porcentaje de población con un IMC considerado como delgadez.

Cuidados en blanco y negro.

Rev Enferm;39(5): 6-7, 2016 May. . [Artículo]
