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Safety culture in maternity hospital: Perception of nurse‐midwives



To explore nurse-midwives' perceptions of safety culture in maternity hospitals.


A descriptive phenomenological study was conducted using focus groups and reported following the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research.


Data were obtained through two online focus group sessions in June 2022 with 13 nurse-midwives from two maternity hospitals in the central region of Portugal. The first focus group comprised 6 nurse-midwives, and the second comprised 7 nurse-midwives. Qualitative data were analysed using content analysis.


Two main themes emerged from the data: (i) barriers to promoting a safety culture; (ii) safety culture promotion strategies. The first theme is supported by four categories: ineffective communication, unproductive management, instability in teams and the problem of errors in care delivery. The second theme is supported by two categories: managers' commitment to safety and the promotion of effective communication.


The study results show that the safety culture in maternity hospitals is compromised by ineffective communication, team instability, insufficient allocation of nurse-midwives, a prevailing punitive culture and underreporting of adverse events. These highlight the need for managers to commit to providing better working conditions, encourage training with the development of a fairer safety culture and encourage reporting and learning from mistakes. There is also a need to invest in team leaders who allow better conflict management and optimization of communication skills is essential.


Disseminating these results will provide relevance to the safety culture problem, allowing greater awareness of nurse-midwives and managers about vulnerable areas, and lead to the implementation of effective changes for safe maternal and neonatal care.

Patient or Public Contribution

There was no patient or public contribution as the study only concerned service providers, that is, nurse-midwives themselves.

Deficiencies in reporting inclusion/exclusion criteria and characteristics of patients in randomized controlled trials of therapeutic interventions in pressure injuries: a systematic methodological review


Wound care is a complex procedure and the related research may include many variables. Deficiencies in the sample inclusion and exclusion criteria may limit the generalizability of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) for wound patients in the real world. This study aimed to evaluate deficiencies in reporting the inclusion and exclusion criteria and the characteristics of patients in RCTs of pressure injuries (PI) therapeutic interventions. We conducted a systematic methodological review in which 40 full text RCTs of PI treatment interventions published in English, from 2008 to 2020, were identified. Data on the general characteristics of the included RCTs and data about inclusion/exclusion criteria and characteristics of patients were collected. The inclusion/exclusion criteria were categorized into five domains (definition of disease, precision, safety, ethical/legal and administrative). Study duration (in weeks) was 8.0 (quartile 1: 2.0; quartile 3: 48.0); only 5.0% of the trials mentioned race, skin colour or ethnicity, and 37.5% reported the duration of the wound. Only 9 (22.5%) studies reported the drugs that the included patients were using and 10 (25.0%) RCTs reported adverse events. The presence of the five domains was observed only in 12.5% of RCTs and only 12 (30.0%) had the precision domain. Much more research is required in systematic assessments of the external validity of trials because there is substantial disparity between the information that is provided by RCTs and the information that is required by clinicians. We concluded that there are deficiencies in reporting of data related to inclusion/exclusion criteria and characteristics of patients of RCTs assessing PI therapeutic interventions.

Indicadores de morbilidad y caracterización epidemiológica de la tuberculosis en Imperatriz-MA, Brasil

Objetivos: determinar los indicadores de morbilidad de la tuberculosis en una ciudad del nordeste brasileño prioritaria para el control de la enfermedad y describir características sociodemográficas y clínicas-epidemiológicas de los casos notificados. Método: se trata de un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo con enfoque cuantitativo, considerando todos los casos notificados mediante el Sistema Nacional de Información y Agravios de Notificación en 2015 y expresando los coeficientes de incidencia y prevalencia. Las variables relacionadas con la caracterización sociodemográfica tales como género, edad, raza/color, nivel de educación y zona de residencia, así como las de investigación clínica-epidemiológica, tipo de ingreso, forma clínica, realización de baciloscopía, cultivo, realización de tratamiento supervisado y desenlace de tratamiento fueron analizadas por medio de la estadística descriptiva. Resultados: las tasas de prevalencia e incidencia fueron respectivamente 26,0 y 24,5 casos/100.000 habitantes, donde la mayoría de los casos notificados pertenecían a la zona urbana (98,48%), haciendo hincapié en hombres (68,18%), con edades ≤ 40 años (60%), raza/color pardo (78,79%) y con el predominio de la enseñanza primaria completa (34,85%). En lo que atañe a las características clínicas y epidemiológicas, la mayoría presentaba la forma clínica pulmonar (89,39%), resaltando la baciloscopía de esputo positivo (40,91%), cultivo de esputo no realizada (92,42%), rayos-x torácicos sospechosos para tuberculosis (54,55%), enfermedades y agravios – SIDA (10,61%), y la situación de desenlace predominante fue la cura (86,36%). Conclusiones: a pesar del panorama epidemiológico evidenciado con indicadores de morbilidad por debajo del promedio nacional, la identificación del perfil clínico-epidemiológico de la población afectada señaló aspectos importantes que deben ser observados relacionados con la organización de los sistemas y servicios sanitarios para el control y vigilancia de esta enfermedad.
