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Project 20: Midwives’ insight into continuity of care models for women with social risk factors: What works, for whom, in what circumstances, and how

Women with social risk factors such as those living in poverty and social isolation, seeking asylum or refugee status, experiencing domestic abuse, mental illness, learning difficulties, and substance abuse problems, have significantly higher rates of poor birth outcomes compared to their more advantaged counterparts (Draper, 2019, Biro, 2017, Lindquist, 2015, Blumenshine, 2010, Smith 2009). In both the UK and the US women from black and minority ethnic backgrounds [BME] also experience unacceptably high rates of morbidity and mortality compared to their white counterparts, regardless of their socio-economic status (Knight et al, 2018).

Methamphetamine use in pregnancy, child protection, and removal of infants: Tertiary centre experience from Western Australia

The Women and Newborn Drug and Alcohol Service (WANDAS) is a specialist antenatal service at King Edward Memorial Hospital, Perth Western Australia, that provides multidisciplinary care to pregnant women who use or have a history of alcohol and other drugs (AOD) misuse. Illicit methamphetamine use along with polysubstance use is a significant health problem in Australia and within the WANDAS population.

Improvisation and harm avoidance: An ethnographic study of adherence to postnatal care protocols in two hospitals in Southern Ghana

Postnatal care (PNC) is the skilled care given to mothers and babies immediately after delivery and for six weeks thereafter (WHO, 2013). The aim is to detect, manage or refer maternal and newborn health problems and life-threatening complications. (Ronsmans and Graham, 2006; Nadisauskiene et al., 2014; Singh et al., 2014; WHO and UNICEF, 2014). Protocols and guidelines are “statements to assist healthcare practitioners to make appropriate decisions about the right care in specific conditions and circumstances” (Woolf et al., 1999:527).

Recently graduated midwives in Uganda: Self-perceived achievement, wellbeing and work prospects

to investigate how recent graduates from a combined work/study midwifery degree programme in Uganda viewed its effects on their wellbeing and work prospects.

Acceptability of dietary or nutritional supplementation in pregnancy (ADONS) – Exploring the consumer's perspective on introducing creatine monohydrate as a pregnancy supplement

Pre-clinical studies suggest maternal dietary creatine supplementation during pregnancy could protect babies against hypoxic intrapartum events, however creatine has not been used as a supplement in pregnancy. The aim of this study was to explore pregnant women and healthcare professional's general knowledge, behaviours, and attitudes toward nutritional supplements, and their thoughts on introducing creatine as a pregnancy supplement.

Effect of stay in a postpartum care institution on postpartum depression in women

Childbirth is a major life experience for women. From conception to arrival of the newborn, the physical and mental experience has a great impact and influence on mothers (Swanson et al., 2011), which may lead to emotional or mental disorders post partum (Dolatian et al., 2013; Roy-Byrne et al., 2016). Postpartum depression is a common problem in women (Motzfeldt et al., 2013). In the 6 weeks after birth, serious intentions or behaviours that can harm the mother or baby may have adverse effects on child growth and development (O'Hara and McCabe, 2013; Bennett et al., 2016).

Incidence of maternal near miss among women in labour admitted to hospitals in Ethiopia

To assess the incidence of maternal near miss and contributing factors among hospitals in Ethiopia. The study also assessed the ability of hospitals to provide signal functions of emergency obstetric care and its regional distribution.

The characteristics and prevalence of phobias in pregnancy

The primary objective was to estimate the population prevalence of specific phobias (including pregnancy related specific phobias) and associated mental disorders. The secondary objective was to investigate the effectiveness of routinely collected screening tools (depression and anxiety screens, Whooley and GAD-2 respectively) in identifying specific phobias. Specific phobias are the most common anxiety disorder to occur during pregnancy, but studies on prevalence and clinical correlates of specific phobias, including pregnancy related specific phobias are lacking.

De nuevo el Cáncer. Vivencias personales de la recidiva del Cáncer de mama

El cáncer es una enfermedad emergente en nuestra sociedad. Existen multitud de estudios en los cuales se quiere conocer datos de forma cuantitativa sobre la epidemiologia, sintomatología y afectación de la enfermedad en la población. Pero pocos son los estudios en los que el propósito es conocer cuáles son las emociones, sentimientos y vivencias de las personas que están pasando o han pasado por la enfermedad. En este estudio se quiere ir más allá y ahondar en la situación en la cual esta persona vuelve a tener que enfrentarse al Cáncer una vez que ya pensaba que estaba curada. Se trata de abordar el tema desde un punto de vista fenomenológico, tomando de referencia el relato biográfico de una mujer con antecedentes previos de Cáncer de mama y que ahora, 5 años más tarde, se tiene que enfrentar a una recaída de la enfermedad. Estudio cualitativo de un solo caso, desde un punto de vista fenomenológico, usando el méto-do descriptivo. Eva (nombre ficticio) nos relata cómo es enfrentarse a esta dura noticia desde el primer momento donde se da cuenta de que algo no va bien hasta que le diagnostican de nuevo el Cáncer. Nos cuenta cómo es el impacto en su vida y en la de las personas que le rodean. Y de qué manera, el haber pasado por todo el proceso en la primera ocasión, le ha ayudado o por el contrario le ha cau-sado más inconvenientes que beneficios.

Enfriamiento del cuero cabelludo para la prevención de la alopecia inducida por quimioterapia

Introducción. La quimioterapia produce el efecto secundario más temido por los pacientes con cáncer, la alopecia, que podría evitarse con gorros de crioterapia del cuero cabelludo. Objetivo principal. Evaluar la crioterapia del cuero cabelludo como método preventivo para la alopecia inducida por quimioterapia. Metodología. Se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica narrativa, seleccionándose 22 artículos, introduciendo ecuaciones de búsqueda en varias bases de datos. Desarrollo. Su eficacia es difícil de determinar y la efectividad es muy variable, aprobándose en pacientes con cánceres sólidos. Sin embargo, existen ciertos efectos secundarios, requiriéndose de cuidados de enfermería independientemente de la técnica utilizada. Conclusiones. Estudios han demostrado que el uso de este método es eficaz y efectivo, y que su uso no aumenta el riesgo de metástasis en el cuero cabelludo, contraindicándose en pacientes con tumores hematoló-gicos.

Aplicación web como estrategia para la enseñanza de la presión arterial en enfermería

Objetivo: analizar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la medición de la presión arterial, a través de una aplicación web, desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes de enfermería. Método: estudio cualitativo con 19 estudiantes de enfermería. Los datos se recopilaron en 2017, en dos etapas: presentación y uso de la aplicación web y realización del grupo focal. Se utilizó el análisis del benchmark de Análisis Temático. Resultados: a partir del análisis de los datos, se elaboró un tema central: la construcción del conocimiento sobre la medición de la presión arterial a través de una aplicación web y dos subtemas, La mirada en la tecnología y La mirada en diferentes formas de aprendizaje. Conclusión: la educación mediada por el uso de la aplicación web contribuyó al proceso de enseñanza del aprendizaje, tanto en relación con el contenido teórico como práctico sobre la medición de la presión arterial. La aplicación web se consideró dinámica, innovadora y favoreció la incautación del conocimiento y la actualización a una práctica clínica más segura.

En la calle por ellas y por ellos: relato de experiencia en zonas de prostitución de un municipio del sur de Brasil

Objetivo principal: relatar a experiência das práticas de educação em saúde, por um grupo de profissionais, integrantes da Atenção Primária em Saúde, em zonas de prostituição de Rio Grande/RS. Metodologia: Trata-se de um relato de experiência, realizado em 2016, por um grupo de profissionais (Enfermeira, Assistente Social, Educador Social e motorista), vinculados a secretaria de saúde de um município do extremo sul do Brasil. Em uma unidade móvel de saúde, o grupo percorreu as zonas de prostituição (postos de gasolina, ruas e boates). De abril a agosto de 2016, os profissionais de saúde desenvolveram ações de conscientização sobre a importância dos riscos inerentes a profissão, sobre o cuidado de si, através da oferta de testes rápidos, distribuição de preservativos masculinos e femininos e lubrificantes íntimos. Resultados: Vinte zonas de prostituição foram encontradas pela equipe, concentrados em ruas, boates e postos de combustíveis espalhados pela cidade. Cerca de 200 profis-sionais do sexo, foram atendidas pelo grupo, sendo ofertados mensalmente 40 exames de testes rápidos e 40 carteiras sociais. Quanto a pre-venção as ISTs, foram distribuídos 1500 preservativos masculinos, 200 preservativos femininos e 500 lubrificantes íntimos. Conclusão: A equipe, de forma itinerante, atuou de forma exitosa na busca, não somente de orientá-las quanto aos riscos inerentes a profissão, mas também de conhecer um pouco da sua história, do resgate a cidadania e da autoestima, a uma população que tem seus direitos frequentemente violados. Percebe-se nessa vivência a importância da educação em saúde como um instrumento de promoção e prevenção, na busca pela valorização dessas pessoas.

The role and outcomes of music listening for women in childbirth: An integrative review

To synthesise primary research on the role and use of music listening for women in childbirth.

Women's information needs, decision-making and experiences of membrane sweeping to promote spontaneous labour

UK policy currently recommends membrane sweeping to avoid prolonged pregnancy and reduce the need for formal induction. Guidance from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE, 2008) on induction of labour recommends that at 40- and 41-week antenatal visits, nulliparous women should be offered membrane sweeping prior to formal induction and additional membrane sweeping may be offered if labour does not start spontaneously. Updates to the guideline are expected in July 2020. NICE Quality Standard [QS22] (NICE, 2016) for antenatal care additionally recommends that women having their second or later baby are offered membrane sweeping.

The lived experience of women with a high-risk pregnancy: A phenomenology investigation

Pregnancy is a time of transformation, hope, expectation, and worry for women and their families – none more so than when the pregnancy is at-risk. The objective of this study was to describe the lived experience of women during high-risk pregnancy.

Patterns of delivery assistance among adolescent mothers in Nigeria

This study examined the sociodemographic and sociocultural factors associated with the pattern of birth assistance used among adolescent mothers aged 15–19 in Nigeria.

Evaluation of women's worries in different strategies for the prevention of early onset group B streptococcal disease in neonates

: Early onset group B streptococcal (EOGBS) disease is an important cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. EOGBS preventive strategies aim to reduce the risk of neonatal complications. Two new strategies to prevent EOGBS were implemented in two regions in the Netherlands: a risk-based and a combination strategy and were compared to the Dutch strategy in a third region. Little is known how women feel about preventive EOGBS strategies, the consequences for management during labour, side effects such as harm caused by over prescribing of antibiotics or anxiety caused by screening.

Exploring the validity of allostatic load in pregnant women

The theory of allostatic load has gained momentum in perinatal research to understand the biological pathways of the impact of maternal chronic stress on adverse perinatal outcomes. However, due to physiological changes of pregnancy, including large variations across gestation, the extent to which allostatic load measured in pregnancy is valid has not been queried in depth.